Let's take the time to discuss and appreciate the greatest video game genre of all time - The 3D Platformer.
Discuss and share 3D Platformers in this thread and share any obscure ones that others might not know of.
Let's take the time to discuss and appreciate the greatest video game genre of all time - The 3D Platformer.
Discuss and share 3D Platformers in this thread and share any obscure ones that others might not know of.
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Prince of Persia, Conker, Crash and Mirror’s Edge are all quite good. But Mario is just pure garbage- The gameplay isn't challenging or creative. Each iteration is the same game as before, with maybe a few mechanics added that you do repetitively. The gameplay never goes beyond extremely simple, whacky platform challenges with regard to depth and scope.
Ape Escape 4 when?
I bought Dreams for PS4 just to fuck around with platformers. Since nobody's making them anymore I may as well make some myself, right?
>Mirror's Edge
Am I the only one who struggled so fucking much to learn the controls. I swear I had to redo some sequences like 20 times before getting them down
>nes difficulty meme
Zoomer pls
PSX medium difficulty games are harder than dark souls.
Dying Light
Yeah right.
>Mario isn't challenging or creative
>Ubishit PoP on rails platforming is good
Congrats on having the absolute worst taste on this board.
>3D platformers
>greatest video game genre of all time
You misspelled 2D platformers, OP.
Snake Pass is really good if you want to master a weird control scheme. Unbox is good if you want to explore every nook and cranny of huge levels.
I want a 3d platformer with classic 2d gameplay and difficulty.
Either that or a huge 50vs50 mario 64 where there is 2 sides where both sides need to work together and it gets to near pannen keok gameplay to finish a level.
Also i want to have bruisers where they can stop people by attacking them and with pickups
Why not a 3D Platformer Battle Royale?
THPS is the best 3D platformer
That's stupid because im talking about making a game where jt takes a few people to do exact platformer things and if everyone dies then it fucks up the whole idea
the only game worth seeing on shit3 this year
No croc is
I liked Mario Odyssey.. I've not played any platformers, never had games when I was small :(
Please play this
Can someone redpill me on Yooka Laylee? I loved Spyro, Ape Escape, and all the other "collectathon" platformers offered by the Sony consoles. Is it a fun/large 3D platformer?
>Grass, cave, desert, underwater, beach ice, mountain, castle, volcano
Don't even pretend that Mario has ever been creative. The secret stages in Sunshine were the closest we got to creativity in a Mario game.
Get fucked Mariofaggot. Die in a series of fires.
What is that?
You lost all credibility when you said Ubisoft PoP was good. Don't even pretend you have a leg to stand on when you like casual cinematic trash like that.
Yes, yes it is.
It's level design is more akin to Banjo-Tooie (where the levels are really large), but there's enough tasks to keep the variety fresh and good.
Some of its flaws I will include is lack of enemy variety, and some flawed reptition (kart challenges and mini-game arcade challenges)
It's a 7/10 for me. It's on GOG, so that means it's very easy to pirate.
Please don't, Gex is total garbage and always has been.
Gexs aesthetics gameplay and music are superior to odyssesys
It does have good music
Awesome. Thanks.
This music like changes 6 different times and its perfect sounds like a wrestlers theme from the 90s
Wild 9
How do you not know
looks pretty fun ngl
This is a 2D platformer, but watching some gameplay videos of it makes it look nice. And its music is nice and sounds like Unreal Tournament.
based croc
Cause I don't, idk, I've never seen that character or game before
No 2019 n64 remake of goemon
Maybe is a young person. Remember that we share this board with people that were born after 9/11 happened.
Not the same guy but you'd call your own ass cinematic. Get fucked.
I would like you user's opinions on if my theory that sunshine would be better liked if it had a scoring system
I explain myself here
I think youd enjoy it his voice is annoying though