is xbox one x worth 200bucks? i just wanna play red dead 2 and witcher 3 with 4k
Is xbox one x worth 200bucks? i just wanna play red dead 2 and witcher 3 with 4k
I'd buy it for $200
probably t b h
I’d do it. But 4K model is not $200
200? Easily
Thats about what I bought mine for during a special sale. I think it's worth it at that price.
does it have gyro aiming
yes. buy it.
You can find it used pretty regularly around this price
you can get one for free if you do some paperwork. i got a xboxone x and a xboxone s for free by submitting a concept lololol
prob op ment secondhand
>be Bong
>can only find a used Xbox One X for £260
I'm jealous of America's secondhand economy
cant you just make a 4k gaming pc? people sell used pc's with similar prices that can work 4k nowadays
not for $200 you can't
I bought it while having a capable pc and slim ps4, and don't regret it.
Don't use it as much as i should, but I'm kinda glad I got it over the ps4 pro. I use it for console multiplats that I want to play in 4k and use the gamepass whenever its on sale. 4k bluray is kinda cool as well.
well how much do you need
no they don't, and most used PCs are usually made by tards so there's always one absolutely shit-tier part that you'll have to fork out on upgrading
isnt ps4 pro overpriced for a fact that it doesnt even play 4k quality but a fake4k?
only nintendies do that. and very very few piss4 games.
get a pc for motion controls lol
>reddit spacing
go back
Bro I bought my regular Xbone by 160. 200 for a 1X is a steal.
You can buy a used optiplex and stick a 580 8gb in it along with a new psu for something on par with xbone x but that'd cost 350 at least.
wonder if xbox one x will be supported when they release scarlet, concidering how powerfull it is
>>reddit spacing
go back
newfag please go. people have been typing like that since before you were born.
>tfw older brother bought a TV that only displays at 2.8k despite being advertised as 4K, because it's RGBW and not RGB
isnt that against consumer laws
RDR2 isn't on PC. Even if it was, you can't play it at 4k for $200. For as much as people love to shit on Microsoft and Xbox, a $200 Xbox One X is a pretty good deal.
i would say wait tmmrw to see microsoft e3. next gen is just around the corner and the next xbox is most defintely gonna be fully bc with xbone
LG have some bullshit excuse and just say the resolution is 4k (it's more like 3.8k resolution), even though it'll never achieve 4k through color depth
it's sad that you kids have embraced reddit and (((them)))
I bought mine last year for $480 cad (360usd) brand new and it was worth it
It's coming to PC after a significant delay
anyone who can't see they're double dipping it like GTA V is a brainlet
I'm pretty sure it will. That would give Microsoft a lot of respect
That base Xbone/S needs to die ASAP though, what a terrible underpowered console
Search more local. You can find good prices on the Facebook marketplace
ms shot themselves truly in the foot in 2013, what a shitshow that was, ps4 had already won before it was out and btfo ms by just saying that you can play used games
you need around 1k for 1080p 60fps. stable 4k is rtx 2080 territory.
I was thinking about building a pc a few months earlier and researching hardware and putting together builds. PC gaming is a meme, despite what mustards want you to believe. The hardware is overpriced as fuck for what you get.
did cryptomarket effect the prices?
the dilemma here is that you can probably build a "4k pc" for like $600 but it would be 4k 30 fps and at that point you may as well go for the cheaper console if you're playing at 30 fps. pc's are only better because of 60 fps capabilities mainly.
Never buy a console if you don't plan on spending as much as the console is worth in games or more
I have money and have honestly thought upgrading my XboneX to a 4K60fps PC, because while the game look gorgeous they mostly run at 25-30fps except very few exceptions such as Forza 7
However the price of a 4K60fps PC is absurd... I'd rather wait for Anaconda which should be 4K60 for everything (though I assume the resolution will sometimes drop from 2160p to 1500p or so to make sure framerates are steady)
If all games perform at REmake2 level or better (1600p60fps), I honestly feel next gen is gonna be great
a base ps4 is better than a bone x for one simple reason: games
you can get free games farming bing points or whatever they're called (I think they're called Microsoft rewards now)
Had over $100 in gift cards, got RE2, Metro Exodus and Sekiro for free
Wish Sony had something like that or Nintendo, I'd love a free copy of God of War or BOTW
they share 99% of all games wtf are you talking about? 1x plays most of them at higher resolutions too.
sony has dozens of exclusive games, even more if you include vr
bone has literally 0
580 can’t hit 4K on new games can it?
ah yes, all those amazing vita games
there's over 1500 games on xbox one why are exclusives suddenly the only things that matter? or are you just pretending to be retarded? technically there are exclusives on xbox if you're solely comparing which console to buy as a main platform between xbox, switch and nintendo.
bretty basado hombre
mobile tier shovelware games can be played on any device
if im buying a console i want to play the most games available, and that is not possible with bone
xbox one has half the 360 library, a bunch of og xbox games and 1500 xbox one games. it has more games than playstation 4 by an absolute mile.
it doesn't have the most current gen games, which is what people want to play
200 is an absolute steal. Get RDR2 and a gamepass sub and you'll be set for games for the rest of the year.
why are you claiming your opinion is fact? loads of people enjoy playing older games. sounds like you're damage controlling because you've shifted the goalposts multiple times now
>xbox has no games
>"b-but those 1500 games don't exist they're mobile shovelware"
>xbox doesn't have the most games
>"i d-didn't say most games i s-said new games"
what are you going to say next? only japanese games sell?
lol my point was clear from the start. xbone has no games. you're the one trying to damage control bringing up shovelware and old games no one cares about anymore
I own both
Let's not kid ourselves here; Sony does have more quality exclusives. But once you've beat em (they usually arent very long...), you go right back to multiplats
that's cool i guess, but i'd rather not waste space when i can have one box that plays it all
show me all these 1500 games are shovelware. red dead redemption 2 is shovelware?
old games apparently matter so much that sony went from claiming nobody likes old games to using ps4 back compat in their recent marketing. not even sony agrees with you about "old games".
and if you're talking about exclusives show me the halo infinite page on the psn store because i'll buy whichever console has it and use it as my main platform. take your time.
Sold mine to a friend for £180 before I was gonna list it for 200-220 on Facebook
Yeah well worth it. I'm gonna look for a good deal on one too because I heard xbox games will be ported to it till 2023 and why buy a new console when a 4k capable console already exists and is cheap? Looking forward to Halo for the first time in 10 years. Can't wait to see what Obsidian is making too.
Shit yeh
I'm hoping they support the X1X as the "base model" low-end unit for next gen.
theres some xbone fag that posts the same picture of his shit games all the time, its probably you. regardless no one cares about those games
the "exclusives" xbone has are halo, gears, sunset overdrive? that are not exclusive to the platform, do not have good reviews, and no one wants to play. meanwhile everyone stays talking about sony exclusives with good gameplay that they cant play
xbone x isnt that bad, it just has no games to justify it. base bone is simply pure stupidity
You must really hate gaming if you're trying this hard to paint your retarded opinion of a console as fact. The worst part is you're claiming nobody likes old games but probably own several remasters.
>no game attached
where can I find that, or it's probably only maple leaf land that gets that
I love watching movies too
>meanwhile everyone stays talking about sony exclusives
Paid shills
xbone lost this generation, that's a fact. why? because they have no games, also a fact. xbone just decided to add bc as an afterthought after getting crushed by sony, and still cant even add all games
Yes, if nothing else you could flip it for 200 bucks
>regardless no one cares about those games
>nobody cares about red dead redemption 2
imagine being this dense.
>that are not exclusive to the platform, do not have good reviews, and no one wants to play.
actually they are. you can't play these games on any other console. so yes, they are exclusive to the xbox platform.
and reviews dictate if a game is good or not? are we on reddit?
show me that not a single person purchased these games. lets use halo 5 as an example. you made the claim no one bought it (no one wanted to play it) so show this evidence.
>xbone x isnt that bad, it just has no games to justify it.
says who? you?
My OCed 8gb 480 is fine for 1080/60, there is no way a 580 can do 4k.
>because they have no games, also a fact.
can you show me that i can't go out right now and buy an xbox version of a game? i'll wait.
xbox one sold around 50m consoles. if there was anything which made it sell less than the 360 it was the pricing. it was less powerful and 25% more expensive than the competition in multiplats. the generation was defined before the big games even came out.
>add bc as an afterthought
no it was planned even before the console came out. you're seriously deluded or literally a paid shill. are you going to answer this question yet?
>and if you're talking about exclusives show me the halo infinite page on the psn store because i'll buy whichever console has it and use it as my main platform. take your time.
are you really using red dead as an argument? it is a (shit) game that is also available on ps4. stop being retarded
3 mediocre non-exclusives do not outweigh dozens of sony exclusives. critic reviews dont really mean anything, but user reviews do, and they have bad ones. no one cares about halo anymore, it's not 2007
op wants a bone x for red dead and witcher. one of which is a shit game. i already said itt for $200 its a good deal. that still doesn't mean it has any games
Nah I'd say wait because some leaks came out claiming Microsoft will announce a $250 console which will be using next gen hardware like ryzen. So wait it out for a bit and get that $250 console instead it'll be supported way longer. I'm in the process of selling off my PS4 and all its games myself to make money for the upcoming Xbox console because fucking hell MS are bringing all the games I've been asking for. Halo infinite will be the new Halo 3 mark my words.
>4k gaming pc
hope you like sli
MS sells the XBX for $500
you cant buy any xbox games that are only available on xbox, or are worth buying an xbox for
im not going to answer that question because no one cares about halo yet you're acting as if it is the holy grail of games. typical xshill with no games to play
>OP wants a console for these games and i said its good for those games but i said it still doesn't have games
i'm convinced you're trolling at this point. no one above the age of 10 can be this retarded in the head.
>All Next gen games will be 4K/60fps, just like PS4 was 1080/60fps for every game
it's really quite frustrating that people don't understand devs aim for 30fps for graphics, there is nothing stopping them from hitting 60
>i'm not going to answer that question because i know you can't get halo on psn and i don't want to tell you this because it kills me inside to admit there are exclusive games which aren't available on playstation and i'm a paid sony shill
at least you admit it. xbox 2 day one for me then.
It can if you lower the settings
I'm going to buy the next xbox just to give them a sale because fuck Sony and their censorship I'm hearing all sorts about cyberpunk being censored on PS5 and GTA6 too apparently. I'll do my best to spread this information. Fuck Sony.
bone x is a good multiplat machine, but it doesn't have any sony-quality exclusive games, making a ps4 a better choice. is that what you wanted to hear? because thats been my argument the whole time
no one cares about halo. plus it will be on pc soon. if you want to buy another shit console go ahead. im just trying to inform people of better decisions. an educated populace is better for society than retards
>sony-quality exclusive games
>equating two products which aren't even competing at massively different price ranges and pretending to "inform" people is making society better
confirmed you're retarded.
>sony-quality exclusives
Bloodborne, Horizon Zero, Spiderman, God of War. Those are all great titles from this generation. Then what?
Gravity Rush 2 is cool
Wipeout Omega is solid
That's pretty much it though
>200 bucks
yes, 14 high quality games, not to mention their dozens of indie and vr exclusives
xdrone cope
I don't see Gravity Rush 2 here at all.
If you have a slieu of X360 games, it's a decent pickup for its back-compat and overall upgrade on several things
I wager in 10-ish years the console for playing 360 games will be the Xbone with the 360 as a backup for things that don't work on it
Honestly though, PS4 has more exclusives on top of Ps+ being pretty ok for the most part. Used to be god-tier but it slowed down a bit, traction's gaining though
Also PS4 has Gravity Rush 1+2 which are the best exclusive games for the system
who's coping here? you and your wild attempts to shill playstation or everyone else trying to educate you that owning any platform doesn't matter as long as you care about the games you want? you're the only one here telling everyone they're wrong to not like old games or 1500 games which aren't the 5 sony exclusives.
>14 high quality games
You mean 14 identical over the shoulder movies
>sony-quality exclusive games
That sure is a high bar you set there, son.
Xbox One X is the best console this generation.
PS4 Pro is a waste of money. The exclusives are terrible
>I don't see Gravity Rush 2 here at all.
Because it flopped
>sony-quality exclusive games
you do realize that microsoft and nintendo have reached heights sony have never reached, right? microsoft and nintendo have released 97+ metacritic exclusive games meanwhile sony hasn't ever in their whole history. saying sony quality is literally saying the most inferior quality.
a bone is objectively a retarded thing to buy. you are not only supporting microsoft, you are buying something with less games and shit games. something tells me you don't have an x, which would at least be very slightly respectable. instead you are on a shit base bone
btw, i have friends irl with bones, they're literally fine. BUT we're on Yea Forums and ps4s are just better
>based on my opinion
based retard. and i'd rather support microsoft who are actually and objectively making pro consumer moves right now compared to the company you're shilling for, sony, who are censoring games or blocking cross-play at a time when we're one step away from every major platform being completely cross-play capable. that's not even including shit they pulled with other products recently like the $100 psclassic running pcsx they literally downloaded off the internet.
I like how Yea Forums pretends that sony has ever made a good game
censoring weeb porn games i dont play
blocking cross play doesnt bother me, im fine playing with other sony chads only
never cared about psclassic because it is shit and i didnt want one
so it's suddenly ok because you don't care about it but when other people say they enjoy their xbox because of the games it has like halo it's a bad thing and they're retarded? literally dropped on your head as a baby. cope harder.
the x can't actually play those games properly at 4k.
because there are no xbone games that arent on ps4
Honestly worth it just for 4k Blu-ray. I can't think of a single Xbone exclusive (unless you don't do PC gaming) that makes buying one just for games make sense if you already have a PS4, though.
Is it worth buying an xbone S or X if I'd mostly be using it for old backwards compatible games and the 4k blu-ray player?
show me fh4 on ps4
Actually there are. In fact, every single game plays better on XB1x
I don't really like any PS4 exclusive. So this machine works well. The pass and online are good, too.
you will now be called retarded for having a different taste in games than him.
forza is trash
gt sport is better
>console war this hard
>with 4k
You mean 1080p upscaled to 4k?
you are retarded for coping. sony exclusives are basically the big budget AAA multiplats you all play (because its all you have), but are exclusive to the ps4. you are desperate to play them, but for some reason your retardation made you only get a xbone, so now you seethe and cope and pretend you dont want them
like clockwork
>Yes, who could resist watch-, I mean playing Uncharted 4!
If you can get it for 200, it's a great deal.
Sony really isn't sending their best shills today. I mean, no wojaks this time? C'mon man.
>he buys consoles for single player movies
Xbone S is basically just the normal Xbone but in a smaller white chassis, I'd say go for the X since theres hardly a difference in pricing right now
>buying a console at the very end of the gen
Stop falling for the 4k meme idiots. You will still need to buy an actual 4k monitor which will cost more than the game console itself
A lot of 360 and OG Xbox games are X1X enhanced, and it's awesome. Highly recommend the X, especially for backwards compatibility.