Who's the "Poochie" of video games?

Who's the "Poochie" of video games?

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Trevor, GTA 5.


DmC Donte


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Who's the SNEED of video games?

"And whenever she's not on screen, all the other characters are asking, Where's Lillie?"

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Based. beat me to it

Yaiba from Ninja Gaiden

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the "Atlus Re-Release" Girl

> she even disappears to kanto forever at the end of SM
holy shit

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Toadette and Zavok.

Alucard from Castlevania and Leon from Resident Evil
Both characters were introduced in wonderful installments but when they had their own games (SotN and 4) they took the series in a completely different direction, telling the original fans to fuck off.

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>Kiddy Kong

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>annoying meme that has ruined any and all discussion about a subject
Yea Forums?

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why the fuck is that a thing again?
this is the main reason why i dont want a persona 3 remake

Marie was the worst it's ever been. I'm hoping that Kasumi is fun, since her trailer makes her look pretty okay.
The objectively correct answer

Yaiba is literally Ninja Gaiden’s DmC, but since NG3 already fucked up the franchise there was nothing else for it to ruin and everyone forgot about it

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A lot of people here who clearly don't understand what being Poochie is.
>unliked by everyone
>edgy, in-your-face attitude
>such a big fan backlash that they were forced to quickly remove the character and never speak of them again


>Wow Marie is one kawaii girl.
>She's totally the best girl!

beat me to it you fucking pile of dogshit. That was my low-hanging fruit to reap

oh so like Lightning
> she still hasnt gotten a single game in her trilogy released to current gen
> ff12 did

It's worse because Yaiba is canon, his game is just mashing when at least Donte had some basic depth, and Team Ninja will probably make DOA and Nioh forever now and never return to form with an NG4.

Is that last step really a requirement? It's what would be the correct course of action, sure, but you can be a Poochie without dying on the way back to your home planet

This is the canonically right answer. Only mentally ill urinialists disagree.

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2/3 ain't so bad.

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Axl from megaman X7/X8

sounds like /pol/


edgy and in your face isn't exactly what you need to be to be poochie, it's more like "wow this character is the new hotness WHOA," you need to include
>made to bring interest back into series
>creators REALLY tried to sell them
>nobody liked them
stuff like Donte and Other M Samus fit here, so do things like Marie in Persona 4

>Look Reimu! It's our new friend, Kasen!
>What's that name again? I forgot...

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Without them being swept under the rug like Poochie, they arent Poochie, they are just an annoying character.

Except Poochy is actually cool.

AFAIK no FF game from the PS360 gen got ported yet, only other tangential Square games like Star Ocean and Last Remnant


>implying P3 didn't do it

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Absolutely this, holy shit

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Diablo Immortal

Take that back, Theodore was based

This bitch ruined both SR4 and GooH

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Kasen actually has her own contingent of fans, and she even managed to get into one of the fighters. I wouldn't really say she counts.

no wonder he’s the exception

Kratos :]

He gayed himself off-screen

I don’t care how much of an annoying shit she is, I wanna make her cum with the force of a thousand suns

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These poor guys. They helped Sony get to where they were and in return, they were brutally murdered to cave way for realism.

Dark Pit for Smash Bros

Isabelle from ACNL.

I'm fucking retarded
>pic related for previous post

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but people actually like Isabelle

>sneed's shredder

i don't get it

Ashley from RE4, remove her and the game is infinitely better


>people hated Jack, Sly and Ratchet

Previously Chucks Cheddar

Far from it. Zavok is much more of a "Poochie".

Bomberman: Act Zero
Kiddy Kong

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I don't think the protagonists of the first games of franchises can count as Poochies

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>game is released
>10 years pass
>dev asspulls “oh btw he’s gay” in a casual interview to the press, despite not having a single mention in the source material
this JK Rowling meme can’t die soon enough

how was this not the first post

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Marie from Persona 4 Golden is the clear Poochie of video games. She's an annoying character that nobody likes who doesn't fit in the game, and yet isn't part of the original release. She's exclusive to the re-release and changes large parts of the story, and this changed story is now canon. I think the anime even has characters wondering where she is whenever she isn't on screen.

then why does he have wives and children at multiple points in his life?

wasn't even an interview it was a tweet in response to some fanart, the guy who said it said it was a joke, but he doesn't work there anymore... meanwhile the series lead responded with the rising fist emoji and a bunch of rainbow flags, along with retweeting only the part where he said he was gay....

Left: Soul
Right: Soul (and Based)

>yaiba is canon
Fuck KT

>was tolerable in SR3
>after you wipe out the Deckers she basically vanishes from the story anyway
>takes over as your second in command in SR4
>no explanation whatsoever how she escaped the simulation unaided or how she managed to get her own damn ship
>made a playable character in GooH
>both games showed she is completely insufferable under long term exposure
>also punches the Boss and doesn't get any retribution whatsoever

Probably the biggest example of creator's pet I can name off hand.

Hell no

Edgy is good. We need edgy these days.

You mean classic Sonic
Left: Soulless and ClassicPedo-Pilled
Right: Based and Soul-pilled

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Dark Pit for Smash Bros

Anybody have the pic where it's his bio and it's like "He's a mysterious character who wields a legendary weapon and has hidden potential" or some shit like that?

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Fucking Nero.

Nero started as an obnoxious JRPG hero and turned into a fixed Donte, mad respect for him

Lightning from the FF series

I came to Yea Forums in 2011 and remember people making this shit all the time lol that was awesome


The fact that eerily fits is really uncanny

Lightning is the quintessential example of how feminist icons work in fiction. they are so perfect it’s boring.

Came here to post this, surprised it took so long. To be fair it happened to me a while ago.

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> she starts as a soldier with a super special antigrav device and ends her trilogy as the literal creatrix of a new planet
I dont think anybody could possibly jerk off their waifu so hard but Toriyama did it

I think he's moreso
>cynical, hollow attempt to appeal to the current youth market
>no one falls for it
>character doesn't fit the established tone at all
>gets canned soon after



the original FF XIII’s opening sequence is a literal retelling of FF VII, you’re an ex-soldier coming out of a train, facing the antagonist’s army with the help of a funny nigga with guns. then your first boss turns out to be a scorpion mech. then the next person to join you is a hot brawler

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Correct answer is radical heights

>Comfy winter boots
>Strapped in properly
>Good posture

>Wearing barely strapped in sneakers made for Californians
>Snap city
>Looks like a guy who says BADDA BING BADDA BOOM
>Poles are bent too

He's going at like 700 mph, of course his poles are gonna be bent. Besides, Sonic was always intended to be more cool than cute, and the picture on the left makes him a boring ass Mickey clone

Marie and Miyako were awful, you're saying that the new one on DSJ is awful just like them?

No contest.

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>"friendly" as positive point
Fuck off, Sonic is better off being what it is rather than yet another government mascot for vaccination or anti-drug campaigns

>outstanding feature to make it different from a regular bobcat is a plain white shirt with a meaningless exclamation point
>catchphrase is "what could pawsibly go wrong?"
Feels like they intentionally designed it to fail

>Classic Sonic let's his friends freeze outside in the freezing winter night
Wow, what an asshole.

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Golden Sun


So much this

crash is just a poochie that lived.

>unliked by everyone
>edgy, in-your-face attitude
>such a big fan backlash that they were forced to quickly remove the character and never speak of them again
Yeah so it's literally Donte

surely you mean Dash Dingo, yes?

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Everyone likes Golden Sun and wants it to come back.

You poor little zoomer.

A cancerous newfag meme?