Do people really get excited for these games?
They always looked like piles of shit to me
Do people really get excited for these games?
They always looked like piles of shit to me
i still like the single player but the multiplayer is kinda boring now because everyone is on party chat and saying bad words gets you banned now.
I don't understand why microsoft push these games so hard.
They are so bland
I still love Halo, I was never into Gears.
You should ask that fo Gears.
The new ones are good? A friend of mine, who is a big fan, say that the first three are "masterpieces" but the new ones are not so good.
I hate Gears art style,
Honestly i bought an x1s just to play these games and they were complete shit. Forza was ok but it didn't last long and i rather play racing games on my pc.
me too, i used to like gears of war, but after judgement, i jumped off the ship, and started playing halo, i'm a huge fan of it today.
I don't play racing games since Gran Turismo 2. Is Forza really the only good exclusive that MS has?
they are addicting when you get the hang of them
they don't play automatically if that's your cup of tea tho
Horizon 4 released as a buggy pos with shit online.
You mean Sony games?
They are more interesting, yes. Have a way better gameplay loop with great story set pieces.
I just don't get why someone that, for instance, can only have one console would choose to have a Xbox because of these games. They are so generic.. I'm pretty sure that there are multi plats better than then in the other consoles.
multiplats are objectively better in any console except nintendo
>They are more interesting, yes.
I heard that the new Forzas are just social hubs for bored adults. How accurate is this description?
I cant believe I have been here long enough that fucking Halo and Gears fans are bragging about their games having a skill barrier
>The new ones are good?
I say they're decent, I feel Halo Infinite will be 343's first true good Halo game.
I really like halo. The PS4 has Japanese stuff if your into that but the console lacks good shooters of any kind. Until Sony makes games like sly cooper and ratchet again or a good first party fps, Xbox and halo will be my go to.
gears 4 is great, and i'm not even a fan of the franchise. Halo 5 is trash though, the worst in the franchise.
The single player for 4 & 5 was okay but it can't compare with the first 3 + ODST. Multiplayer for 5 was pretty good.
>...and have a better gameplay loop
So, you agree that a multi plat can occupy the space of Halo and Gears. So, why would anyone choose a Xbox? How badly did MS fucked up in this generation?
I played a bit of the PC forge mode, it was good shit
Snoy fan calling any Xbox game generic
I'm wondering when Sony is finally dropping the third person movies and making video games again.
I see. What do you think about the CODS and Battlefields? Are they not as good as Halo on consoles?
why would anyone not choose an xbox?
the controller alone is a good reason
Microsoft did fuck up this gen, nobody is going to contest that fact. Doesn't mean it is a totally worthless platform though. I've never played gears so I can't comment on those, but halo MCC and the 5 mp is fantastic
Gears of War 4 was a solid game and stuck to the formula that made the series what it is. Halo 4 and 5 was just diarrhoea on a disk.
Xbox 360 was the last good console.
>Halo custom games, co-op, and making maps and screens/videos with friends
>Gears had multiplayer like no other game
>most populated and most hilarious CoD playerbase
>Xbox Arcade stuff like Battlefield 1943
Cod has lost its way in recent years. Black ops 2 was the last time they were really king. As for battlefield, it plays better on PC and has the issue of the most recent entry being very lukewarm. Halo is designed with consoles in mind and plays well on one, whereas those others have better gameplay on a PC
Here in Brazil there are a lot of people that defend Xbox. I mostly play jrpgs, but i do believe that PS4 had amazing games like Bloodborne that justifie the purchase of the console.
I don't see the same with Xbox. Maybe people like it so much in here because it is cheaper. PS4 was release here for 4000 reais, more than four times the minimum wage.
The first 3 Halo games are indeed master pieces. If you are talking about Gears tho, I would say maybe the first one could be considered one, but mainly because of its new approach to third person shooters, they are still fun tho, lots of creativity behind the locust design. I'd say the best one of the first three is 2 but i really enjoyed the third one as well.
Can't wait till we see Sprint and Spartan Abilities is the new Halo tomorrow so I can not get a new Halo game just like the last 7 years.
I'd take either one of these franchises over any exclusive that came out in the last 15 years, halo and gears SP and MP are enjoyable and fun as fuck. Me and friends squad up and a halo or gears game gives us a good year to a year and a half worth of gameplay.
Great. I might play them on PC to see if they are good.
Have fun!
Gears has a very steep learning curve
>year to a year and a half of gameplay
This is something that i can't understand. One of the most fun things to do with video games is playing a new one. And to play a game so much, seems kinda a job. Extremely repetitive and boring.
I play my favourites from time to time. But not like this.
Halo, yes. Gears I played a couple times, I think I borrowed it off a friend, and it was okay, but not as engrossing as Halo.
It doesn't feel repetitive or boring to me, I've got an attention span, I watch movies and tvs shows without falling asleep or looking at my phone. If i enjoy a game, 1 run on normal, then 2nd on hardest difficulty then online quth friends and constantly get better and better, its fun, the visuals and settings are enjoyable and familiar since we've followed them before the franchises were released.
Gears has an insane skill ceiling and floor, if you're willing to learn it then it's fun. Part of the reason the multiplayer community both lasts forever and dies instantly, all the people who can't git gud leave and all the people left are wallbouncing psychopaths.
>switch to gnasher
>get close
>shoot first
very hard
Not him, but whenever a new game comes out, I'll play it to death, but once I'm done with it, I completely drop it for an older game. No matter how great a games SP is, it will never be as fun as play a great game with your bros.
based retard
I'll try to play the single player of Gears and Halo. I don't really like online multiplayer.
While halo does have good multiplayer, it really excells in the campaign. Especially starting in halo 2, the characters are great and enemy ai is very smart on legendary
Always liked halo, even some parts of the shitty 343 ones. As for gears I never got big into it. I played a bit of the first one and never really got around to playing the rest.
Yeah if you don't like MP then theres not as much longevity to them. Being better than other plays as you learn the game is so satisfying though, gears especially, people either can't get better and stop playing or they reach some kinda godhood in the game and its actually insane.
You're about as smart as the console players saying that cross compatibility for gears 4 would show that aim doesn't matter in gears.
Only braindead amerimutts ever liked this shit
I wish you and the rest of your subhuman monkey friends would have been Sony fags during the 360 era. Literally nothing shittier than epic putting south American subhumans on western servers.
Yeah I forgot that these games don't have loli pedo shit or flashy androgynous twinks with katanas so the east just wouldnt understand them let alone have the skill or reflexes to get good.
and you are?
Beats being a FIFA faggot
they are last gens equivalents to this gens god of war and horizon zero dawn. sony cucks won't admit it but that's the reality. they were big games for their time and almost generation defining. if they like god of war and horizon zero dawn they can't say shit about gears and halo because the status of these games were the same status those sony games have now.
>hurr iff you don't like thing that means you like the extreme opposite
Shart in Mart
forza horizon 4 is the best racer i've played since underground 2. it's really, really good and really fun too.
Both franchises died when they started making prequels and sequels.
Both series are even better coop and make sure you don't play on anything lower than heroic. Halo has hundreds of hours of out of bounds, glitches and Easter eggs as well for just campaign across all the games specially with all the modifiers. Gears is just flat out designed for coop.
Halo was good back when Bungie was making it
Gears was always mediocre
Straight up not true.
Oh I'm sorry, I guess i should of known you were a retard.
For GoW3 West coast US servers they, decided to throw south Americans onto them. That user, like anyone else on the west coast, hates you and your countrymen for how much you ruined any match you were in. He's saying he wished Brazil had been full of ps3 owners.
If you're going around talking about "amermutts" it's safe to assume that you're a Eurotrash, therefore you're a FIFA faggot. Unless you're a third worlder, than your opinion means less than trash.
Because they sell you retard.
Halo 2's campaign is great. I'm not sure I thought of the AI as particularly "smart" on legendary though, they were just annoying and persistent, and of course the infamous jackal snipers could kill you in less than a second (I'm guessing but it probably is less than a second).
But yeah, it's a great campaign. I also played Halo 3 on legendary earlier this year and that's also great, although I think Halo 2's is more interesting as a story. Then I tried playing Halo CE on legendary after the other two (I completed it way back in 2002, but only on normal) and, I dunno, just couldn't get into it. Doesn't seem as fun. Maybe it's because I already know the story well, or maybe it's because I'm playing the shitty Anniversary version (because I want that gamer score). Also maybe it's because the AR isn't a very fun weapon on legendary. The BR is probably a better weapon for noob combos.
These games are fine i guess, not for me but still fine
What i don't get is Microsoft thinking that Crackdown was good enough to spend so much time creating hype
Phil Spencer is even worst than Don Mattrick
So each of them should have just stopped after one game? You're a fucking dumbass.
crackdown right from the beginning was nothing but fanservice for crackdown fans they admitted this. phil has single handedly saved the xbox brand, made it profitable and has turned around their 1st party fortunes with major acquisitions.
GoW was the shit, the sequels were shit.
Halo was great before 4.
CE was my first FPS that I played.
I remember playing the legendary H2 campaign with my brother when we finally got a 360.
I loved many nights LAN connected XBOX playing some custom games with my friends.
Cowboys vs Indians was the toppest shit.
>Phil Spencer is even worst than Don Mattrick
>mediocre games are worse than kinect
>I have tastes that dont align with these games
>guys, here's my OPINION
>please take it as fact
based retard
Halo was kino. First you're up against aliens and then space zombies show up and you feel like you're in real deep shit. Like most games that keep having sequels I stopped caring after the first few iterations though.
I am guessing Crackdown 3 is shit?
I assumed as much after maxing my character in the original and then getting 2 and being so disappointed.
The whole superhuman aspect was amazing to me but the 2nd just didn't have the same juice to it.
I guess kinda the same with Mass Effect; I loved the first one but after buying the second I had no interest in continuing.
Is something wrong with me?
Basically this, not even bait, only mexicans and low IQ amerimutt like generic dudebro trash like Halo and Gears.
I rather like Metroid and Halo over that FIFA shit.
what do you think about god of war?
I really wanted to like FPS games so i could play and see Halos story.
Super Metroid is one my favourite games and i couldn't play Prime for more than a hour
Halo 1-2 were great, Halo 3 was shit. Gears always were shit, only got big because it made cover mechanics popular
The Jackel snipers make legendary easier since the most common weapon in the game one shots them and they drop weapons that let you drop everything in 1-2 shots. They arent really a problem outside the start of level 2 unless you are slow and let them get into position
people actually like JRPGS
never underestimate what some losers think are "good games"
Please don’t associate Metroid with worthless garbage like Halo or Gears, thanks.
I wonder what Master Chef next adventure will be? Gotta have a few cans of Mountain Dew and some dorito bags to pew pew zombies in the face with generic first person shooting mechanics.
Halo 6 will release just in time for the birth of my baby girl Laquisha Gonzales too!!!
*Gets up and starts clapping*
>Halo 5 is trash though, the worst in the franchise.
Imagine actually fucking thinking this. If nothing else, it's better then 4, given
>loadouts are gone,
>perks are gone
>ordinance/killstreaks are gone
>even starts are back
>you can pickup grenades again
>on map weapon pickups are back after 4 removed it
>descope is back after 4 removed it
>high base movement speed
>individual aiming sensitivity per axis per stick, inner and outer deadzone adjuistment for each stick, seperate per axis accelleration options, etc
>No random spread on precision weapons
>Automatics can hit shit past 5 feet, are actually worth using
>Unique weapons like the plasma caster, needler, railgun, etc are all also solid without being OP
>Thrusters, hove, and slide add a ton of new skilljumps
>Map design is the most vertical it's been since CE and 2
>New movement systems in general make up for Halo's lack of movement complexity compared to other arena shooters
>Forge mode has 5+ forge world sized canvases
>Limited texture editing and programming tools
>prefabs and object grouping, browser for prefabs, group and object duplicating
>Time of day and weather effects
>placable sound and weather effects
>Custom game browser
Yeah, I bought it the first day and the game and the online were fine the games actually fantastic
I'd love for them to do a whole halo themed expansion.
Please dont imply that all JRPGs are FF6 tier garbage
absolutely destroyed
The US is Metroid's biggest market. Metroid is an America franchise
Go back to your shitty mobile studio Don we all know you actively tried to destroy the gaming division.
>Please don’t associate Metroid with the only country that actually supporting the series
People only get excited for halo.
Gears has been the butt of jokes since day one.
The mutts who play Halo don’t even know what Metroid is, nice try though.
You holding this opinion makes you more retarded than the people you're trying to feel superior to.
As opposed to the japs and Eurotrash that don't even know that Metroid exist.
Halo > Metroid
Get over it, your opinions are shit.
What else do they have to push first party wise? Guess there's the Rare stuff they can revive, not sure how much weight they would hold after this long.
Gears 5 unironically looks pretty good. Hope we full gameplay at E3.
I'm Hyped for MCC on PC, but I don't care as I won't buy them.
But the 3 GOW and every Halo until the 4 are super good
halo is good.
Unlike you Europoors us Americans actually support and love the series, we're the reason it's getting games. You can go back to your gay ass Soccer sport now. Can't wait to play Halo Infinite either while you fags seethe about it.
Holy shit, are you telling me people actually play games outside of what Yea Forums tells them to?
This, the campaign was terrible but I even found enjoyment out of that.
I started with Metroid before becoming a Halo fan.
Mattrick was the biggest fucking moron on this planet, and I'm not joking. Every single decision he made about the X1 was wrong.
Meanwhile, Spencer is saving Xbox. The Xbox One S and X are both fantastic consoles which are VAST, VAST improvements over the shitty original X1.
Also under Spencer's watch, MS have been buying up more first-party studios, which can only be a good thing. They even got Obsidian, who made one of Yea Forums's favourite games, KOTOR 2.
>made it profitable
Did he? I haven't read anything about Xbox's profit or loss. Do you have a source for this? But I agree that Spencer has proven to be ten billion times better than that TWAT Mattrick.
I would thoroughly recommend playing Halo, I think they're way more accessible (and enjoyable) than Metroid Prime. Just play Halo on normal if you just want to see the story, normal is a very enjoyable way to play. Legendary requires commitment and can be frustrating, so for a beginner, normal is definitely the right difficulty to play it on.
Yeah I didn't find the jackal snipers very difficult after Outskirts or whatever that level was, but yeah I just thought I'd mention them.
You're a fucking idiot, Halo is very popular here in the UK as well, in fact I'm pretty sure I read some sales stats that would indicate that Halo has sold more units per head in the UK than in the US.
Even though they're not first party studios they still have Sunset Overdrive, ReCore, Quantum Break, Alan Wake, Lost Odyssey, I think Cuphead is owned or fully funded by them, I know Blue Dragon is also their IP, and Super Lucky's Tale to work with right now. They also have Fable, Crackdown, Gears, Halo, Forza, State of Decay, Blinx, Phantom Dust, and everything Rare made which includes Sea of Thieves.
It also looks like they're pushing heavily for new IPs with E3 considering they bought up all those companies. Whether or not these IPs are good or not is entirely up to your preferences, not all are great and not all live up to the hype Microsoft gave them, but it's something at least. Their problem is that their only real big names are Halo, Gears, and Forza. People did believe in Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 but I'm sure that was due more to the hype and wait from Microsoft than anything else. They have the money, and considering Phil they also have the creative freedom and Microsoft's fun money to do what they want, but Microsoft really needs to get some good new IPs. I know that's what they were trying with the Xbone but it seems like the ones they did invest in mostly fell flat due to various issues.
How can you say that when we know nothing about Halo Infinite?
I don't know what it is about Microsoft and Nintendo that keeps me coming back to their games and franchises.
Also, why does Master Chief and Samus Aran make the best couple?
Halo was good; but, it popularized lots of dumb stuff. Gears is, and was, complete shit.
From what I've been hearing
>Master Chief is only playable
>open-ended levels
>split screen and lan
>simple story
>all multiplayer content at launch
This makes me excited. Seems like this is the first time 343 is hitting all cylinders.
>in fact I'm pretty sure I read some sales stats that would indicate that Halo has sold more units per head in the UK than in the US.
imagine believing this
He is the main character of the series, don't blame me for liking over the other characters, it's Bungie's and 343's poor execution of other characters in Halo that kills them.
>power suit
>no parents
>super human
>savoir of their galaxy
>destined to be alone
>enemies are like the same( elite = space pirates, parasite X = flood)