What is this game?

What is this game?

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Witcher's Creed: Arkham of the Wild

well for starters, its definitely a ps2 game

middle earth shadow of war

Middle earth: Shadow of war

Shadow of War

lord of the rings of mordor featuring dante from the animal cross series

BOOO this man


middle earth: shadows of its former self

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a ps2 game with that draw distance? i think we played different consoles my friend

OP here, BOOOO

OP here, nice catch anons

I see where you're coming from, but its still has more content than the original without sacrificing any gameplay elements from the 1st except for the color pallet.

Don't let the orc live, Nagataro.


but half the game is literal filler, more content isn't always good

the whole fucking story is trash and filler, the game is all about that nemesis system, same as the first game.

Wasn't this the game you were literally Invincible if you just mashed keys without even looking at the screen ?

Judge Kruk: Wild Hunt

you gotta be specific, thats a lot of games. but any game with arkham combat is pretty much that yeah.