do I absolutely need play with the tank controls or is it acceptable to play with the alternative control scheme? It's just so clunky
Just got this
Yes unless you want to be ridiculed for the rest of your life
dont think there's an alternative
Tank controls are need for speed runs and juking enemies with any consistency
Do what you want. But honestly tank controls and fixed camera go hand in hand. Tank controls allow you to move continuously between different camera angles without interruptions, whereas the more conventional controls will have you stopping and starting a lot.
there is in the remake
>life without video games
>has sex
Whew, they were really on to something here.
The tank control audience is the autistic audience. Don't worry about it, OP. They added the improved control scheme for a reason.
>The most vile yet.
Yeah, they were.
>the controls are SUPPOSED to be awkward and clunky! It makes you feel vulnerable!
Imagine being a tankfag and actually believing this
zoom zoom
Play with whatever you like, nobody gives a shit. Tank controls take 5 minutes to learn and then it feels good. The game was designed arouond them too, new controls make avoiding zombies too easy.
You can use free run controls. It's a bit awkward with the fixed camera but it's good if you don't like tank controls
Only reason to use tank controls is if you played the old ones and prefer them. Don't use them just because some faggots on the internet think their cool for still using an outdated control scheme
How do I get gud and not get grabbed by every zombie I encounter?
Resident Evil Remake is like the Brawl of classic RE. Slow and shitty compared to the other games in the series. Just play the original RE1-3, they still hold up well.
FUCK tank controls
do you still play first person shooters with arrow keys?
WASD + mouse is for zoomers, after all
Play it how you want, there's no wrong way to play it, so long as you're enjoying it
The new controls do ruin the game though
Do an alt scheme Jill run if it's your first time playing Resident Evil
>Resident Evil Remake is like the Brawl of classic RE. Slow and shitty compared to the other games in the series.
If you unequip a weapon the game speeds up dramatically and becomes fun. It's a drag constantly going into the menu every time you need to shoot something, but a good player won't be doing much killing anyway.