Is it a top resident evil game?

is it a top resident evil game?

Attached: Resident_Evil_2_Remake.jpg (293x340, 24K)

4 > REmake 2 > 7 > Rev > REmake 1 > 6
Haven't played the others

its the best one

Its great, just wish they could have done something more with the B scenario.

If the sewers and lab were as good as the police station then it would of been.

This game is shorter than my last relationship


Remake > 2 (98) > 3 > CV > 0 > dog shit > 4/5/6/7/Remake2

B scenario was so lame, was expecting something cool like Leon and Claire exchanging some equipment or items or even ammo midgame. But still good game overall.

>Old Good
>New Bad

Attached: 1550347109604.jpg (411x412, 17K)

My personal GOTY. Wish it were longer though. What exists is all fantastic.

Shut the hell up faggot

4>REmake 2>5>7>Remake(GameCube)>3>0>6

It's very very good

1. RE1/REmake
2. RE4
3. RE2
5. RE6
6. RE5
7. RE2make
8. RE7
9. Revelations 2
10. RE0
11. RE3
12. Revelations

Attached: 1513922885221.jpg (736x1028, 82K)


I like it but the quality drops big time after the police station

Its too soon to tell imo, i need a couple of years and a few dozen more playthroughs to say for sure, but yeah i think it can be

hard to decide whether this or dmc5 is goty

got this image in Hi res user? id like to print a poster out of it

is it too early for even a teaser for RE8 or R3MAKE this E3?

I was just thinking the same thing and went looking for a larger version

Attached: ecea0fe6e548c6db6c1aace99f868569.jpg (1280x1789, 235K)

yeah its too soon
I still think we will get some RE tho, maybe revelations3, but most likely some sort of remaster of something


thanks bro

*Wins the electoral college*
heh, nothing personnel, nigger

Attached: Albert_Wesker_Resident_Evil.png (300x708, 256K)