>user makes a long well researched post about the declining state of vidya
>hit him with a "have sex"
>close thread
>see another thread about an old game with civil level-headed on-topic discussion
>hit them with "OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD" along with a sóyjack reaction image
>close thread
>notice a video game culture thread
>derail it with political and/or racial and/or social justice discussion
>watch it get pruned in a couple of minutes
>close thread and move on to Yea Forums to shitpost
User makes a long well researched post about the declining state of vidya
You think you did but you didn't
ironically based
>come to shitposting thread
>get a 5 before it 404s
>user makes a valid point
>defend universally hated game/developer hoping it'll rile a (you) out of him
>derail thread in the process
>nobody ever points out my hypocrisy
>user makes a long well researched post about the declining state of vidya
never happens, more like "old game good new game bad" thread.
>see another thread about an old game with civil level-headed on-topic discussion
This actually happens, but rarely and they 404 by themselves anyway
>notice a video game culture thread
>derail it with political and/or racial and/or social justice discussion
I mean at this point isn't it the same thing?
>watch it get pruned in a couple of minutes
I fucking wish, instead it stays up for 2 days until it reaches hundreds of replies because the mods intentionally use those threads for clicks.
Partially our own fault. We could learn from Yea Forums; instead of falling for bait we should be having on-topic discussion and posting cunny intead
>make a level-headed post about my unpopular opinion
>"3/10 I'm sure you'll get a few bites" or "contrarian faggot [posts that one reddit-ass kirby image]"
Yea Forums only works because they've got autistic mods that rule the board with an iron fucking fist.
We don't have a single mod that's even 1/4th as good as any of the mods Yea Forums has.
>shitpost thread lingers for hours until I reply to it and hit post then it's immediately deleted
>hit the incel thread with a dick size pic
>watch as all the dicklets take the bait and not realize that they're revealing their own insecurity to the world
But even before the shitposts get pruned, it seems like people there are less likely to replies to OPs that feature wojak/pepe edits, that are clearly meant to provoke political discourse, etc
>think some mod tagged you in order to quickly find shitpost threads because of how often you frequent them
>tfw have never been autistic enough to actually measure my penis
who cares
I aint having sex anyways
I mean, just being a dictatorship in general works really well for imageboards.
Mostly because if i ban you, you're just off the site (until you reset your IP), not getting shot in the back of the head or sent to a gulag or concentration camp.
Obviously there's a pretty huge difference in gravity of the consequences.
You mean to tell me I'm doing their job for free?
Have sex
hmmm... yep, this one's going into my BASED BASED BASED compilation.
actually based and redpilled
what kind of disorder is it when you think you're influencing things that you aren't?
No, this doesn't happen.
I will tell you a secret tho:
mods keep track of the threads you (your ip) report
if you keep bothering them to do their job and prune specific threads, ESPECIALLY threads that have been designated as "click farms" to get the site views, they'll delete the thread but keep you in their shit list for making them work for free -and- for reminding them they should actually be doing their job and not abusing the board for visits
next time you happen to post in a shitpost thread such as these, you're more likely to get banned for no reason, even if you keep it SFW or stay polite
It's true, it happens very consistently, they've got a real "shit list" going on based off this mechanic.
Electionfag syndrome.
Funny thing is mods think a random post quoting everyone else in the thread and saying something like "have sex" or "cringe" doesn't classify as a post of extremely low quality.
>thread talking about video games
>make post about trump
>reply to my own post pretending to be a butthurt liberal
>thread derails
>I'm not even american
What a sad life you lead.
▲ ▲
I'm skeptical but I choose to believe it's true
but chinese pasta does
based tbqh
>acts like le epic trole
>is so upset with different opinions he bends over backwards to get them removed
ok zoomy
It's just being a dumb teenager. I, on the other hand, am more adept to the nature of OC and have influenced several artists from the ideas I have perpetuated here.
>Making a long thoughtful post to address some of user's points
>get tired half way through and erase it all
>type cringe
based, AND redpilled
Most mods are 18 and all hang out in private little clubs where they brag about banning people