new info from Game Informer
>You can upgrade and customize your lightsaber with different parts and colors
>Levels are quite large
>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro
>Vehicles with guns confirmed
>Difficulty settings and there was plenty of challenge in the GI demo, harder than the EA Play demo
>There are combos but enemies are tough
>There's a ship-HUB, you use this to travel to various planets
>Many path locked behind gadgets and abilities to unlock
>Good variety in locations in old and brand new planets
>There's Photo mode
>Player customization and Skill tree with various upgrade circles
New info from Game Informer
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck gameinformer
>and it's close to Sekiro
at least they didn't call it a Soulslike, right?
Still. Fuck gameinformer and anybody thatnsupports those posers.
Too bad it will always look like a fucking popsicle
Looks like Tomb Raider with lightsabers
Souls is dead and now it's called Sekiro. 2019 was a mistake.
From what I saw this game looks generic as fuck.
>Sekiro Jedi Dies Twice
Its Nu Wars tripe. I wouldnt touch it.
>throw lightsaber at spider
>hit reduces its healthbar by 30%
>no visible damage
HARD PASS for me lads. It's 2019 and EA couldn't even make the game feel realistic.
>realistic meme
Go back to 2012. We're playing games here
yeah, but why is je so white?
lmao, enjoy your healthbars in a star wars game with light sabers. Jedi Knights did this so much better and that was over a decade ago. kys zoomer.
>looks like anthem
i think i will pass on this one
>flora means it looks like Anthem
What with the time stoping power? Also i think you cant chop enemies like in old games so its a hard pass
why the fuck do people expect dismemberment, when was the last time a Star Wars game actually did that apart from Jedi Academy and those games everyone won't shut the fuck up about
>not an RPG
>no force alignment
in to the trash etc
That's cool, why does the game look and seem to play like shit tho?
Fuck I wish 2012 games were realistic...
Because it is shit. And if it isn't ill just pretend i never said this.
>gameplay demo made it look genuinely even worse than Force Unleashed
I'm cautiously optimistic desu. Thank God for no meme open world shit.
>>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro
>close to Sekiro
kek not even fucking close. That gameplay looked so fucking clunky, and slow. the camera was a fucking disaster too, too zoomed in and super focused on the lock-on target.
>combat is close to Sekiro
The combat they were so incapable of understanding that they demanded an easy mode so they could ignore learning it?
I don't want sekiro combat. I want JK2 combat.
It's the most generic looking game I've seen shown in a while. It doesn't even look bad enough to be interesting in that way.
It's going to be shit
>enemies are braindead
>the difficulty settings only modify HP
Maybe the fact it wasn't in it since then is the reason people want it you dumb faggot cunt. It's 2019 and they still treat the lightsabers like fucking baseball bats.
Gameplay reasons No need to be an ass about it.
It would be a nice feature but its importance is overstated, it's pretty much purely aesthetic. I guess they could copy MGR but that would require a ton of extra work. MGR was pretty much entirely built around its cutting mechanic and had to make a lot of sacrifices.
all that sounds either shit or insignificant.
Well this seem promising. What a shame it's EA.
>You can upgrade and customize your lightsaber with different parts and colors
Just like Jedi Knight 2 released 17 years ago.
a man of culture.
So he even holds his lightsaber backwards like Starkiller
Jedi Knight had only preset hilts and colors.
Anons, would you play a character action SW game where you could change lightsaber combat styles like you can do with Dante in DMC?
Honestly I'm a bit disappointed.
I really, really hoped for something akin to Jedi Knight. And that the studios finally got the balls to add in dismemberment. This would add so much to a game where you fucking swing a lightsaber 99% of the time.
It's sad that these things are neglected upon and ignored. Videogames really has regressed since the good old days.
Anything Star Wars related post Disney acquisition goes directly into the trash.
>worrying about realism in a star wars game
you fucking cunt.
>can change lightsabre colour
>no red lightsaber for you
>enemies respawn when you save/rest
I dunno man
If you never give anything a chance again, nothing will ever be good either.
Sounds cool.
They should make a MMO out of this.
>What with the time stoping power?
Kylo Ren did it in TFA, so I they decided to give the player the option to do it as well.
EA might have been capable of selling Star Wars games if they had kept their name and involvement a secret, at this point people will avoid it just because it's EA
you mean neon-flashlight
>at this point people will avoid it just because it's EA
true some some people will buy it just because its starwars. Brand loyalty is truly a sad thing.
Fuck off.
user keep in mind that is releasing on the heels of the PS4's end,it's the most original game that has the star wars brand since the PS2 battlefield games that has nothing to do with the "new" movies featuring everybody's favorite desert scrapper I think that counts as a + doesn't it
looks better than force unleashed, but worse than JK2 or JA.
Meh, maybe will buy it when it hit -75% off
she's cute tho?
>Slower discount Sekiro
>I don't support certain companies
no one:
you: I dOn'T SUPpert cErtAIn Companies!!! XD
>kylo did it
That wasnt force thought. It was from his suit he did stop the other guy. But what they showed in the game looks like almost stoping time
>Star J Wars
lmao imagine thinking anyone cares enough about this franchise to actually pay money for a game. Plus fucking EA el oh el
Because it would be nice and it will finally show lightsabers like weapons that can chop anyone easily instead of sticks to bonk people with
>Videogames really has regressed since the good old days.
so has the English language, apparently
We already saw the gameplay, and it's trash and being part of Nu Wars and being helped with Lucasarts you only can expect the worst kind of story
are we talking about the same thing?
Kylo uses the force to stop a blaster bolt in the beginning of TFA, user.
So bad they have to use a fake thumbnail
i keep sensing a lot of apathy towards this game. I think its because battlefront 2 was such a franchise damaging game that anything EA has to do with star wars will always get met with "meh" now
who cares it looked like trash during the conference, you subhuman EA shill
They even did it in both Force Unleashed games you colossal faggot.
>no force aligment
Please tell me you pull that one out of your ass cause it will be very dissaponting otherwise.
J J make stoping blaster a power so now no force user can't die from a shoot
People really aren't getting that that looked generic af they think we just hate ea or something like open your eyes people please
muh alpha
This isn't an ex-girlfriend wanting to try again. Lucas is gone. A giant, soulless corporation owns Star Wars now and they will milk it until it is fucking dead. Then they will reboot it and start again.
The game is made for retards. It moves so fucking slow. It's like a dumbed down dark souls with lightsabers.
She isn't
I miss when Force powers were more or less unique to their user, like Sheev's lightning or Vader's choke
people gave it a chance. It had episode 7 and 8 plus pointless dull spin-offs in rogue one and solo. Some people just dont like the direction its going in.
7 brought me back into starwars hype but 8 was so bad I don't think I'm even going bother watching 9 in theaters.
>customize lightsaber with parts and colors
What could the parts add to thw lighsaber? A second blade i guess?
What extent is the player customization?
Is it just reskins or can I choose to not be a ginger dick sucking bitch boy?
So, literally just the Original Trilogy? mean like KOTOR?
but she is, you silly billy
Nah it won't have g_sabermorerealistic 2 so why bother
Yeah bro it's like that Japanese game you like, Sudoku or whatever, it's going to be tight. You're going to hit an enemy and they'll be all, "Ouch!" and you'll be all "That's hot."
force unleashed 2
I have to post all the retarded shit in Nu Wars? they made the EU looks like a masterpiece in comparison and Disney only have doing this for 7 years
Why does the saber look so bad?
Why is the main character's stance so awful and ugly?
Ship customization, droid customization and lightsaber hilt skins from what I can tell from the preorder bonuses, probably skins as well but more like outfit 1,2,3 and 4 nothing fun like TFU did.
not even, literally just ANH and ESB, considering Luke uses choke in ROTJ
Jesus user, that's fucking disgusting
>preset colors
nigga do you want a fucking color wheel for your lightsaber
>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro
>looks more boring than Force Unleashed
I miss when Han Solo was the only pilot in the galaxy
Apparently you'll be able to change your lightsaber
TFU was literally just outfits though, you were still Sam Witwer the entire time
But can i be a black woman that has sex with trans aliens? I mean... if the games doesn´t let me express my desire to oppose the white patriarchy empire there is no point in playing.
>Luke uses choke in ROTJ
I'll admit I forgot about that one. Then again, I guess it always depends on the user's creativity
>Force Choke is simply a form of Push
>Ren's Pull into choke
I guess I just want to see more unique shit. I've heard there's time travel now, btw.
user you had skins of characters from the EU ,previous videogames and even a TCW style Sam Witwer, aside of the different Starkiller outfits
The ps2 version let you play as Vader, Luke, Obi Wan, Anakin, Windu, Maul, etc
nigger they said it's light side only right after the gameplay demo like 5 hours ago
there is time travel, and it's fucking dumb
so THAT'S how he got record time on the Kessel run...
Lucas was already bad. He was bad by episode 6
The Prequels were actually a mixed bag, Phantom Menace was a disaster, Episodes 2 and 3 were great in some ways (read: fight choreography) and terrible in others (read: all the fucking CGI shit)
Luke choked a gamorean.
>(read: fight choreography)
are you 13 years old? those fights are the most overdone, nonsensical bullshit
It looked like fucking shit
Fuck off marketer
>Comparing this garbage to sekiro
I watched the 3 new films and it was absolute fucking cancer. your literally arguing
>just consume until you like it again!
>all the fucking CGI shit
That's why they're good.
but does he have to choke a bitch?
PT fight choreography made everyone into the same flippy acrobatic nonsense. OT was "clunkier," but being considerably weightier and measured allowed for fights to be actual scenes with character development rather than the stuntmen showing off.
I unironically love the stupid twirling
>combat close to sekiro
so its going to be a boring slog where the lightsaber is more of a nerfbat than a lightsaber.
Yeah, the practical stuff was fantastic. I wish they never used any 3DCGI.
stop talking about this shitty game and go play outcast and academy
they look like shit
now post the big greenscreen hallway the actors actually walked down so they could be composited in to the miniatures because lucas was too lazy and cheap to have full size cheap looking sets made
you understand your picture still counts, right?
Like father like son.
Havent seen it. It sucks then part of the fun is being able to use the dark side of the force
So its a shittier force unleashed but with open world? Whats the fun supposed to be if i cant throw stormtroopers and random garbage around using the force?
You had a million outfits, unfortunately none of them let you play differently per se (using the Maul skin you'd still only have one blade, although they gave enough of a shit for that blade to be half of his double hilt) but they went really far with it though
those are two different things. Light side only meant there isn't a story path that let's you go dark side, doesn't mean you can't use the dark side powers (I'm not saying said powers have been confirmed to be in the game though)
the PSP version had lasers and skins, it was the best version of the game by far
Didn't look open world. Looked like a linear corridor.
Open world looks extremely linear.
I really hate how the people that made the awesome technology used in GTA4 and TFU never got it in more games. I heard it was expensive as fuck.
>all the fucking CGI shit
>fight choreography
Hello my fella RedditorMediaBro
>using dark side powers but cant become an asshole and doesnt change the story
It sucks even more then. I doubt it will even make your character look like a drug addict
It's literally Dark Force 2 and Jedi Outcast remade.
Did you all remember the Outpost level from Jedi Outcast when watching the gameplay?
It sucks that EA had to get this desperate to finally wake up and produce something "decent" because it's not even good desu.
>I doubt it will even make your character look like a drug addict
that only ever happens in these fanfiction-tier games
Yeah, it must be like dragon age inquisition or monster hunter world open world, and not real open world like witcher 3
>>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro
Why do people fall for this buzzword bait? Does it have the sekiro poise system? No? Then what does this statement even mean? Just "if you liked sekiro please pay attention because we want to rope in everyone that we can"
The lightsaber fights pretty much never looked serious, even in the Obi Wan vs Anakin one.
Lol no.
I never really understood why Sheev got fucked by his own lightning.
how the fuck?
You mean to assume we start on nar shadaa as well? Story isn't literally like Dark Forces 2, but it's pretty close I agree. Only thing is the protag is forced to escape the empire while Kyle actively hunted down Sithniggers and stormtroopers whenever he had the chance.
>Why does the saber look so bad?
It's like the inside is blue instead of white with a blue edge like how it usually is. It looks like a kid's toy buildable saber.
>CGI bad
That mentality brought us the shitfest of VFX that was TFA in first place, and even after filling his mouth with that bullshit about practical effects JJ STILL used CGI. Bad effects are bad, it doesn't matter if they were made with a PC or in a workshop.
Better yet, have a pic of a full size set made for a scene that didn't even make it into Attack of the clones.
Also, let's forget that awful painting in the Home One's hangar in ROTJ or the fact that despite using more CGI than the prequels the sequels have barely made any original planets that weren't unambitious remakes of the old ones.
Well I haven't played the game obviously but unless there's a pretty strong plot twist, yeah that's what I was saying. I can see them letting us use dark force powers for fun (kind of like you could in jedi outcast and academy) without making the main character become evil.
I feel you though, going dark side in the games that allow it is delicious.
You mean the very first level in JK 2 ? Because no it really didn't ring that bell for me.
because George was obsessed with explaining everything in the prequels, to the detriment of everything else
I only know that it was used to save pic related
Looks average, but will stay cautiously optimistic since I like Respawn
If there are no Dark Side powers and alignment what is the fucking point of an original blank slate character? Why can't Disney get even the basics of the franchise right
Because Dindu reflected that shit at him? Being that Sheev got grilled hard by the currents he was probably unable to stop channeling that shit until he was spent.
Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy lets you move while attacking.
>We either have too many explanations or none at all
It's a cursed world we live in
>padawan hunting down and slaughtering hundreds of stormtroopers
Yeah that makes sense.
>Jedi Outcast isn't good
Holy fucking the amount of zoomers in this thread. I'm actually excited for this game. It won't have as good of a story, but I miss those old linear level games. If this game sucked your cock you kids would complain that the game doesn't have a cock. I hope somebody puts me in the fucking ground when I start pining for arbitrary shit like open-world and "muh specific choice of weapon".
go back and play good star wars games
it mutilated his face
not that the movie really explains this and makes it seem like it was like his glamor being removed or something, but canonically it just melted him
the dark side in the movies just gives you yellow eyes, people "looking evil" beyond that is due to like anakin not sleeping well or whatever
nigger you understand the complaints about the CGI is that Lucas lacked any foresight in regard to how poorly it would age, on top of all the actors having to act opposite nothing or big blue rooms of nothing, right? it's the same shit that made gandalf have a mental breakdown on the set of the hobbit
real sets are better than big blue walls and a tennis ball on a stick that represents grievous
I guess. I mean, other people got grilled by lightning but he got it the worst.
We don't really know which way the story is going to go yet though, the character could go through heaps of shit, there could be flash forwards, we don't know.
Wouldn't it be weirder if they let you make your own character 100% original but then forced a story you don't chose upon it ? It's about playing through a story here
>0,6 mouseshekels have been added to your total balance
McKellen did alright acting opposite a tennis ball for the Balrog, at least
>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro
>Wouldn't it be weirder if they let you make your own character 100% original but then forced a story you don't chose upon it ?
It worked fine in Jedi Academy where your character creation was purely cosmetic and just effected if your voice was male or female, and an alternate ending for if you went dark side at the midway point or a mostly understandable reason and still killed the same final boss
but in the LOTR movies when he was acting against hobbits he was acting against the actors and they shrunk them down later using perspective
Dexter Jettster should've been Danny Devito in a suit or something
Fuck off this was Kino
haha yeah right
>not Jedies Twice
You had one job
> player customization
Fucking where?
JA had a different final boss depending on your choice, though
Outfits probably
I thought you still fought tavion possessed by marka ragnos either way
go have a look at kotor again,it looks ten times better than this shit.Sparks flying,sabers connect,battles look pretty intense. And all that considering kotor is an rpg.
LS is Marka Ragnos, DS is Kyle
i hope they at least looked back at jedi academy or jedi outcast for tips on what to do but they probably didnt did they
>nigger you understand the complaints about the CGI is that Lucas lacked any foresight in regard to how poorly it would age
Jurassic Park has aged way better than most if not all dinosaur movies that used stop motion for their creatures.
>it's the same shit that made gandalf have a mental breakdown on the set of the hobbit
>real sets are better than big blue walls and a tennis ball on a stick that represents grievous
Your comparison is fucking shit, specially because Jackson could have easily get what they were striving for in that scene as he did that already in the previous movies, meanwhile good luck trying to make something like Grievous or moving battle droids with practical effects. And even with that you have things like miniatures and 1:1 starfighters made by hand.
At least you could have used the example of Temuera being dressed in a mocap suit to play Commander Cody to prove your point about Lucas going too far on CGI.
>I-I don't buy anything because it's all run by Jews
Why are you even here?
No Rey
No buy
There is time travel but they effectively cut off the source of it immediately after it was introduced.
> that wasn't the force
You dumb?
this is how i know you were a child when the prequels came out. episode 6 was far from bad, 4 and 5 were just clearly better.
TPM is decent, and Revenge of the Sith was generally great, but AotC is absolute shit and easily the worst in the series, even including the Disney films. fuck outta' here with that.
I thought you might say that, but then again, you then got to chose your alignment, which this game apparently won't let us do.
i'd save her with my dick, if ya know what i mean
>pic related
Was I the only one who thought that rebels in rogue one looked strange, like some kind of multicultural al qaeda?
>even including the Disney films
this->post = &trueAF;
TPM and RotS were stellar, and the original trilogy even better. AotC was absolute dogshit.
imagine actually liking this soulless mary sue
Jurassic Park also used a mix of practical and CGI for the dinosaurs, and was careful to hide most of the CGI behind darkness and rain.
The trick to making CGI age well is using a mix of practical effects and CGI for everything, not just making some miniatures and greenscreening actors in.
>liking hideous trash
Your fallacy assumes that Grievous in the film was a good character who needed to be present, rather than giving his role to Dooku who the audience already knows and doesn't need to be introduced through awkward lite exposition before actually showing up. Or that Grievous needed to be a 9 foot tall skeletal robot with four arms and four lightsabers in another attempt to up the ante for children who want to see "new lightsaber stuff". Or that Lucas mysteriously wouldn't have ha the budget for intense animatronics for RotS.
Grievous as a half-puppet torso on top of a stunt guy with people operating his arms via animatronics and puppetry would've been possible and it's how they did the T-800 exoskeletons in Terminator 15+ years earlier.
But of course this would've required craft and care and Lucas had none when he made the prequels.
I wish we got a jedi action game during a time when force users were actually plentiful. The last we had was jedi outcast/academy, and that was
new jedi order vs reborn.
If only we had a modernised jedi academy set during old republic or even new sith wars era...
nice counter-argument user, and i suppose it's right if you don't mind trash-tier romance, an overabundance of PS2 level CGI and battles that are more style over substance. only saving grace of that film is fucking Kamino
It looked like a less fun and way slower Force Unleashed.
AotC is bad, I would still watch it over the new movies.
>TPM was stellar
in the literal sense maybe
which part of kamino? the aliens are kinda cool looking but the clone facility looked like trash by the time ROTS came out and the fight between Obi-Wan and Jango is awkward and hilarious
i think that's a testament to your poor judgment more than anything else.
Kaminoans, and i love the atmosphere of the planet overall. i don't mind the Obi-Wan/Jango fight either, honestly.. though you're right about it being awkward and hilarious, it's better than just awkward, as is the case with the rest of the movie.
Even F2P shit like warframe has figured out dismemberment by now lads...
>i think that's a testament to your poor judgment more than anything else.
>defending DisneyWars
No, fuck off shill
>Council of Mothers
those tears sure are delicious, you fucking manbaby.
Get the fuck off my board, zeldashitter.
>Does it have the sekiro poise system? No?
It literally does, the white bar under the health on enemies.
>defends DisneyWars
>calls others manbaby
open world star wars would be incredible
this game looks claustrophobic as fuck and feels like a shitty reskin of uncharted 4 with horrific voice acting
isn't that exactly what they are?
I dont understand the hate for Phantom Menace.
Naboo looked great. Qui-Gonn was bad ass. Darth Maul was bad ass. Universe felt lived in. Spawned two of the greatest Star Wars games of all time.
>people like something I don't like
Get a load of this virgin
I hate this so fucking much
bad child actor
filler villain
bland "protagonists"
unfocused plot
nostalgia pandering
continuity destruction
based on Apex and now this, we can safely say they're shit.
qui-gon was nothing, his character is nonexistant aside from him sometimes being slightly renegade compared to how sedate all the other jedi are
darth maul was nothing, just a cool image and he looked gay as fuck when he actually started fighting with both blades
He said Phantom Menace not the new movies.
I remember them being pretty white with a few aliens mixed in, idk maybe it's just my memory.
That demo looked so bad holy shit. The little hype I had was incinerated
>it's close to Sekiro
haha i thought it was just a meme to compare every slow melee combat game to souls but it's real haha fuck videogames
all are bad
the new ones don't make the prequels "better" no matter how hard you reddit about it
>not just making some miniatures and greenscreening actors in.
That just happens in really big places that would otherwise be impossible to make, and in Palpatine's office in Episode II for no apparent reason.See: The droid factory,the halls of the Jedi Temple...
>Other post talks uses Grievous as an example
>"Your fallacy assumes that Grievous was needed..."
Fuck off
>half-puppet torso on top of a stunt guy with people operating his arms via animatronics and puppetry would've been possible and it's how they did the T-800 exoskeletons in Terminator 15+ years earlier.
If you mean this:
Grievous CGI is one of the best CGI in the movie btw.
Might be cool. But I have no expectations.
>twitter meme
I support your message but you type like a fag
>Grievous CGI is one of the best CGI in the movie btw.
the actors don't even react realistic to his presence at any point, the assertion that that's in any way good is ridiculous, it's amateurish and immersion ruining
The Great Heap is better than anything from Disneywars
>but I can't really find
first result for "t-800 puppet" on google images you fucking prequel apologist scum
Marvel tier "jokes", subpar special effects both practical and digital, fights choreographed by people with absolutely no clue,blatant copying of the old movies,embarrassing "references",aliens that look like Doctor Who rejects,scripts filled with so many plotholes and so big that dwarf the ones of the prequels, subverted expectations and a pinch of liberal ecofeminist propaganda are way better, of course.
It's the stasis from Dead Space, the same shit.
God the fucking hamfisted capeshit humor really twisted my tits when I watched 7 and 8
>Marvel tier "jokes", subpar special effects both practical and digital, fights choreographed by people with absolutely no clue,blatant copying of the old movies,embarrassing "references",aliens that look like Doctor Who rejects,scripts filled with so many plotholes and so big
all of this has literally been a thing since the prequels, user. why is it acceptable there, but not in Disney's hands? beyond that, you can stop with this "subverted expectations" meme and the non-existent liberal agenda. SW has always had a political agenda, maybe you were just too young and naive to see it before.
why have so many of you retards bought into prequel nostalgia? it's all bad, your hatred the new movies is undone the moment you start thinking "actually darth maul was KINDA cool"
the reason they've barely done anything with the prequels is because they intend on making the obi-wan film, they will dig into some clone wars shit eventually
right now they use everything from the OT so they can pervert it and drive away the people who took that shit seriously, meanwhile all the sóy prequel fans will be ripe for the picking when they go to kamino in the Mandalorian show
you're all fucking rats in a maze
>who talk first? you talk first?
>and the non-existent liberal agenda
>Nu Wars
>non-existent liberal agenda
>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro
Yeah I bet thats true. Journos also loved to spout that GOW 2018 was the first action game ever that made you thing about what you were doing in combat. These people are braindead.
oh boy that surely convinced me
Its simple, the prequels came out almost 20 years ago. It looks cool when you're a kid.
Considering how few of the kids I teach know about the new star wars character, I'm not sure if we will reach a point in 20 years where people will have nuStarWars nostalgia.
Can I create my own character or do I have to play as a soulless ginger?
Based Katarn nigga
Someone get a screenshot of the lightsaber in the movies and put it next to this one
you're stuck as him and you can't even move off the path of the light side, since the game is ~canon~ and that somehow forced them to not let him turn dark.
This was so stupid. All they have to say is the light side playthrough is canon and dark side is alternative universe or some bullshit
I wanted jedi knight again and while it does look like it, the whole "souls" inspiration shines more than the "unreal tournament with lightsabers" .
M8 they are literally payed to play pretend, I don't mind that they need some kind of reference or guidance of what the fuck are they doing or who they talking to but if they can't react realistically to that it's not the animator's or modeller's fault, but the actor's or the director's. Or would you blame the actors of The Hobbit for the shitty CGI models?
So, a puppet just for the head and eye movement in the vid that I linked, isn't it? Doubt that it would help too much in Grievous case, then again the gorilla from George of the Jungle had a remote controlled face iirc which could have been usefull for his eye movements
every star wars game is called "canon" to drum up hype, they did the same thing with the force unleashed 1 when they had lucas walking around looking at their concept art, it's an irrelevant descriptor
Did I say Jedi Outcast isn't good?
Try harder shill.
What do you think this will be retard
>all of this has literally been a thing since the prequels
None of the prequels started with a literal phone prank
Not the story, I mean the game flow and level design.
It's still too automated so you kinda get the EA style
>Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father’s exotic teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the galaxy; barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatsaber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you’d get a glimpse of her orange pussy mid fight as she’d do a flip while slicing a B2 Super Battledroid in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. She was a good friend.
>'nother Jedi game
I-I just want to be a Bounty Hunter...
Nigger, Jabba the Hutt had a remote controlled face.
>that it's not the animator's or modeller's fault
Who fucking cares? I'm not arguing if the animators did a good job or not, I'm saying the movies are garbage and Ewan MacGregor not acting properly against a tennis ball that will be turned into a CGI cyborg lizard general in post is a major reason why.
>SW has always had a political agenda
No, SW had political elements to it, but it never had a political agenda, or did you fall for the "Bush administration criticism" meme?
Hell the OT was so noticeable at the time of its release precisely because it veered of all the murky politics and grey morality that were happening in the US at the time with the Vietnam war and aftermath of civil rights movement.
I'm sorry you're so out of the loop because of your hatred for Disney, user.
Everything is canon now when the Story Group says it is. EVen more so when they get their dirty hands deep within the dev teams to force them to change things to make them more canon-coherent. That's why EABF2 doesn't have alternate skins for heroes all over the place; they don't fit the planets the heroes are used on, so they aren't the "canon" ones and can't be used. This was spoken directly from one of the devs' mouths.
We already got told multiple times that the Story Group was working with Respawn on this game. Why the fuck else do you think Saw Gerrera is in it when most people would ignore him?
"Canon" under Lucas was spurious at best and no one was in charge of making sure it was all coherent and matched each other. Under Disney that is not the case, no matter how much you want to meme about it.
Apex is fucking awesome. They just can't pump content as much as other developers. Crunching motherfuckers.
>right now they use everything from the OT so they can pervert it and drive away the people who took that shit seriously
It's not the fact that the OT was easiest cow to milk to appeal to the widest demographic possible, specially after reinforcing the "Prequels BAD" idea to push them out in favour of their "Original" Trilogy that was "just like the old Star Wars" which ironically were because they are at higher or lesser degree remakes.
jar jar binks is better than all the new characters combined. it's not that they're the best movies, it's because they're way better than the jew shit they're making now
>No, SW had political elements to it, but it never had a political agenda,
ah, so good to see the intellectual depths the fanbase has fallen to.
That's not a repudiation of anons statement. Cite evidence and present your opinion or GTFO.
>Who fucking cares? I'm not arguing if the animators did a good job or not
They are the ones responsible of the shit CGI and PS2 tier graphics which was one of the main complaints about the 3d in the prequels and one of the things that were being discussed now.
> I'm saying the movies are garbage
Compared to OT? Probably but that's just opinion which can range from fucking bad to they are good but not as great. Compared to capeshit and modern SW they are absolutely not.
This is the same shit as with the politics in videogames. Even in his infinite autism George could
If your idea about talking politics is just regurgitating nu-commie college shit about the patriarchy and racism or how the cast of your xenophobic Empire should be as diverse as London you are the one whose intellectual depth is even lower than the Mariana Trench
>Even in his infinite autism George was more subtle and offered better political themes
>why the fuck do people expect dismemberment
Because it's one of the main feature of lightsabers you dumdum. Half of the characters in SW got their hand chopped off by a lightsaber. Hell, it's literally the first thing you learn: the very first on scene fight with a lightsaber is Ben Kenobi very graphically chopping an arm off in the cantina. Why the fuck wouldn't people expect that in the games?
or you can eat my whole ass instead, seems right up your alley.
that's bullshit and you know it. nothing about Lucas comes with subtlety. it's fine if you're biased against Disneywars, but the least you could do is own up to that instead of pretending that bias doesn't exist.
And it was only on the "beefed up" mode
This game is going to be GOTY, it looks fucking fantastic
>that's bullshit and you know it. nothing about Lucas comes with subtlety.
That was the point
then how about addressing the last part of that post as well? because if you agree with the first statement without the latter you're just feigning ignorance.
>Empire should be as diverse as London
What I mean is that if even if someone who was no notion of subtlety can be more subtle then something is going very fucking wrong, holy shit are you retarded or something?
Publishing a book full of typos?!
I agree with what you're saying but the Mariana Trench has the greatest depth of any other spot on the planet. If someone's intellectual depth were that great they'd be the smartest. Should've said something like their IQ is buried I
the ground lower than the Mariana Trench.
no but apparently you are. one has just as much subtlety (or lack thereof) as the other, but you refuse to acknowledge that because for whatever reason (probably being just as politically-fueled as you claim the sequels are, thus making you a total hypocrite), you're biased against Disneywars. you can dance around that fact all you like, but at the end of the day that's what it comes down to.
also, save us both the trouble and keep Cuck Wendig out of it. he's a problem whether he's attached to anything SW or not, and i was under the impression we were discussing the movies here.
>Levels are quite large
>Nothing but linear QTE tier levels
Who gives a fuck?
The First Order is arguably one of the more diverse dictatorships of all seeing how they fill the diversity quotas.
And let's not forget the celebration of journos as EA announced that the first Battlefront was going to have the option to be female stormtroopers as a customizable choice, because that was one the most important things of the game.
>just let them keep fucking you!
>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro
Yeah, haha
>one has just as much subtlety (or lack thereof) as the other
The fact that the battle of Endor may or may not be a reference to Vietnam shows already more subtlety than having all female characters always bossing around and being the only ones who save the day and are always in the right, or that Rose Tico conversation with Finn about how the rich people are literally evil. And when the fucking selling point of the movies is literally the slogan "The Force is Female" or how they won't be catering to white males anymore you might as well put in the credits of RotS "THIS WAS A CRITICISM TO BUSH" to outcompete them.
so you're doing nothing but offering exaggerated points to help your case? you're just as clueless as i though, user. the sooner you pull your head from your ass and step away from your dualistic outlook, the better.
Jesus Christ this fucking website has changed. Please stop coming here
You first faggot, this isn't your safe space.
>but offering exaggerated points
How are they exaggerated points when I am mentioning both words from the producer of these movies and events that occur in the movies themselves?
>he doesn't know
This guy is legit insane holy shit. Also it's very ironic how leftists see themselves as rebels when in reality they act exactly like fascists
With so many shitty star wars games being made in the last decade, this one actually feels decent
I'll play, I'll enjoy it and i'll forget about it after i'm done with it
who fucking cares about nuwars that franchise is disgusting desu
which jedi knight is the best i was gonna try and get my friends to try them with me
You honestly think the prequels were good, don't ya?
i don't care for words of producers or what have you, i'm speaking on the movies themselves. remind me, where does anyone in any of the Disneywars films state that the force is female, or a paraphrased "fuck white males'? "rich people are literally evil" was done in the series well before Rose and Finn. Endor "may or may not be" shit notwithstanding, i'm speaking on the political climate of the OT at large, the Rebels vs. Empire conflict in and of itself.
all this really comes down to is, again, your dualistic approach to life. you'll criticize something for taking a political approach you disagree with, while shutting it out for that very reason. it's circular reasoning, all because you're a weak willed faggot that can't think for himself and/or hear opposing viewpoints. anything from the opposition reads as propaganda or brainwashing to you precisely because you can't think for yourself, and merely parrot what your fucking echo chambers drill into your head. fuck outta here..
>the north african "french"
I guess that's why crime and rape rates skyrocketed in the past few years. This is wrong
Can't believe I'm saying this for an EA game but this looks like actual fun.
Still not getting origin so, a pirate's life for me.
>Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive
>close to Sekiro
gotta love people going "who cares" in 300+ reply threads
Of which 250+ are shitting on it
if you hate something, it means you care about it.
>"rich people are literally evil" was done in the series well before Rose and Finn.
Padme was rich af, Leia was rich af, Lando was rich af, yet none of them were evil just because. Even Lando betrayed Han only for the sake of his people.
Meanwhile Rose just hates being in casino planet because it got overexploited by rich or some preachy shit like that. In the grand scheme of things even what she described was really tame compared to what the CIS or the Trade Federation did (and again, they weren't evil because they were rich, they were evil because they were overtly ambitious and would do anything for profit).
> i'm speaking on the political climate of the OT at large, the Rebels vs. Empire conflict in and of itself.
You mean the political climate of oppresive dominant force vs freedom fighting underdogs that has been told in History and in many stories for centuries and that is literally being reused once again for the new trilogy?
>all because you're a weak willed faggot that can't think for himself and/or hear opposing viewpoints.
What viewpoint do I need to hear, the "Fuck white men, lol" one?
Good or decent, but not great (except maybe Revenge of the Sith)
>What viewpoint do I need to hear, the "Fuck white men, lol" one?
again, what character ever says such a thing user? is it really there, in the films, or can you not separate art and artists, because (again) you're a weak willed faggot? do you need a safe space away from all of these hateful feminists, you special fucking snowflake?
>When was the last time this happened
>Except in that game series universally loved
Fucking kill yourself
It's in the art, not the artist. Why do you need everything in art to be spoken out to you in specific dialogue lines? There's a whole term called "subtext" that is defined by being underlying the surface of a piece of art, not on it directly. Look at how Luke, Kylo Ren, and Hux act in the films, and how Han Solo couldn't be a proper father or husband. Name ONE strong, non-minority male in the movies. Just because Rose didn't say "Fuck you white males" doesn't mean the subtext isn't there.
Wtf I like nuwars now
I'm not talking about the movies in that part of the post, I'm talking in general.
>or can you not separate art and artists
Even if I separate them the result in this case is shit art and shit artist. Oddly enough a shit artist will try to smear his shit into his art which will either ruin a good piece or just making a bit worse.
Chernobyl's director is a dumb fuck specially for linking it with Trump somehow, yet the series was great.
>Silk smooth
Literally beat em up "pause" between each attack.
Not him but my bias against disneywars comes from that abomination Rian Johnson made
god I wanted to pound bariss so bad
>> The only way they could make me care about Wars now is if I can be a Sith/Bad Guy
I'm soooo sick of being Jedi in every game its so predictable and you always knows whats going to happen and how it plays out.
We expect a good game always but with EA their games are just un budget glitchy trash.
Considering the first gameplay a company shows off is usually the most exciting part of the game & something to get people's money. They failed pretty hard.
It was boring as fuck. Looked slow & clunky. AI was on a new level of bad. Graphics, especially characters, looked last gen.
This was meant to wow people & most people I've seen thought it looked pretty mediocre.
>EA Nu Wars
Who gives a shit
>and it's close to Sekiro
kek, no it fucking isn't
>Levels are quite large
If they're anything like the demo they're literal corridors
>pay $210 for what is essentially a slightly gussied up build your own saber toy and a cringey role-play sequence
Galaxy's Edge is such an embarrassment.
Oh no, Barris posting is back
Wooowww HOOOOYYYPE!!!!
Sam Witwer is a treasure. How do we steal the rights to Star Wars and give them to him?
Yeah I noticed to problems watching that gameplay.
1. It made me realize how The Force Unleashed being focused on a Sith rather than a Jedi makes much more sense. With a Jedi like this, it was weird watching him slaughter his way through helpless screaming horrified Stormtroopers. It feels like watching Superman punch his fist through the chests of some bank robbers.
2. Watching him clobber the staff wielding mini-boss with his lightsaber like its a luminescent baseball bat shows how shit lightsabers are for videogames. Lightsabers are inherently one-hit kill overpowered weapons, and putting that into the players' hands from the start is like giving them a God tier BFG from the start. Shitty devs like this then just decide to disregard that and take away that property, making it feel like swinging around a pool noodle. It would be too difficult for them to make the game challenging while still having your OHKO weapon, so they just nerf it instead of getting creative.
I hate that you can do the Force Freeze thing like in Force Awakens. But I do like their explanation of the ability. They said it is essentially using the force pull and push like a glue. So using both simultaneously to slow/stop objects is kinda cool. Just think its stupid a padawan can use it. But apparently Kylo was supposed to be only a little above that.
Lucas lost his soul in the mid 80s, everything Star Wars related from the nineties through 2008 were fucking soulles cashgrabs by Lucas in an attempt to get toy and vidya money.
>If you never give anything a chance again
>never give anything a chance
Motherfucker, Disney Star Wars made 4 shitty movies and 2 shitty mainline video games. People gave them plenty of chances already.
You can't even have a red saber crystal user
>2005 star wars game
>lightsabers are fast and hard hitting
>can take down a regular enemy in 2 hits at most, based on quickness and timing
>2019 star wars game
>lightsabers are slow and cinematic
>a regular enemy takes about 3 hits no matter how the player attacks
Kylo had great telekinesis, not time stop. For the Fallen Order it seems to be stasis or force speed, which have existed in Kotor and stuff
It really still baffles me how BF2 has been the only game to get Jedi/Sith vs Enemies combat perfect. It doesn't even have dismemberment yet still feels exactly right even with such a simple control scheme.
>>You can upgrade and customize your lightsaber with different parts and colors
literally not Star Wars