Suggest video games for people who are lonely and miserable.
Suggest video games for people who are lonely and miserable
There are none. The best you can do is watching some retards on twitch for the illusion of company.
VR porn games
Journey, probably
Wow private servers
Real life
want a hug user ?
There is no video game that fixes existential angst from procrastination and moving on from your malaise my friend, the only cure is therapy or reassessing your life goals and remembering you can do it! Except for being an astronaut.
Relaxing games like Animal Crossing and Minecraft usually help me fill the void. Classic adventure games are nice too, you can go back as far as point and click titles or more action oriented Dragons Dogma type titles, anything that gives you that feeling of going on a big adventure that isn't just a korean grind simulator.
It seems paradoxical, but you want to avoid friendship/girlfriend simulators since they're only going to make you lonelier in the long run. Try to get lost in a bigger world or a big project.
only if you are 2D in which case it's impossible to hug you.
Senran Kagura Reflextions
Unironically Serial Experiments Lain on the PS1.
It's a completely different story than the anime (and actually was conceaved prior to the show) so you don't have to have watched it.
Undertale makes me feel less lonely a lot of the time. It kind of reminds me that you don't have to fully understand another person or dedicate all your life to them to have genuine love and connection. I actually wasn't able to run the game on my computer when it came out and this kid in my class who sat next to me wanted me to play it so bad that he let me borrow a laptop for a whole year just to play it. It wasn't even that he wanted someone to talk to about the game or anything, he just genuinely thought I would like playing it and was willing to make that happen. The game always makes me think of that nice thing he did for me which helps a lot.
Every single character in the game has something about them that isn't immediately apparent that makes them much more sympathetic and likable once you learn about it. It puts you in this mindset where you just want to be nice to everyone because they all probably have something they're dealing with.
Another game I would recommend is the first dark souls game. It's very dark and bleak but has this undercurrent of hope and humor to it that keeps it from feeling edgy. It's right in the Goldilocks zone of letting you indulge in negative feelings without being subsumed by them. The game is also designed to be very challenging but beatable in a reasonable amount of time for anyone who tries enough times. It's also gorgeous to look and can raise your mood with out you noticing.
I wish someone hugged me.
Animal crossing and minecraft are really great too. Good mention.
the persona series
but i warn you ...
you gonna feel empy and even lonier when you finish
Katawa Shoujo
large plastic bag and bottle of helium
>Tfw I have Adhd
>Have a hard time keeping up with friends. Nobody really talks to me
>Doing bad in college (Recently lost my scholarship that reduced the price of college by nearly 70%)
>Disappointment of my family for being a Anime watching NET instead of being a Anime Watching chad like my brother or anyone else in my family.
>Can't speak to others without being self conscious and thinking I'm creepy or annoying (a la Chris Chan)
>Don't enjoy videogames anymore
I hate this feel Yea Forums. I want a game like OP suggests too
multiplayer online games and you are in luck
barotrauma released just a few days ago and full to the brim with the same miserable fucks like you and myself included. For just 30 bucks you can be a worthless waste of place together with us!
There is a helium shortage at the moment. Can I substitute it for something else?
You right. Finishing Persona 5 left me in a slump.
I love Hanako!
Hey guys, my tranny detector is letting you know this thread will be filled with em soon.
Just doing my job
Visual novels and big adventure games like Elona fill the void for me. The only problem is you need a constant stream of games or you'll be left feeling even emptier. I read the muv luv trilogy, which kept me occupied for a good couple of weeks because it was very long. But afterwards I kinda just moped around for a week.
Go outside. Just don't become a degenerate normie
Persona 5
Someone camouflage a dragon didlo somewhere
unironically doom.
devote your entire life to demon slaying. find a new purpose.
also you'll never run out of content for doom, it's essentially endless fun.
kill yourself /r9k/
Actually this. Brutual doom especially is really good for mindless killing, with all it's powerful sounds and extra gore. I put podcasts or TV shows in the background and just mindlessly kill for a couple hours
I heard DOOM 16 has an arcade mode so I might go play that, I'm literally only excited for Doom as of late.
Because I always knew that no 3D girl was worth the investment of my heart. Nothing lasts. Yet each time I see my 2D waifus, I am truly young in spite of myself, and anything can happen in a world that holds such beauty.
>see this pic
>see those feet
Whoah mama
because i have a boyfriend and he's been better to me than the last 10 chicks i dated
>had friends irl while played persona 5 about an year ago
>had fun irl and then turned on persona 5 and had fun with friends there
>finished persona 5 felt sad
>in a month or so all my friends moved to another towns, we don't communicate anymore
Still haven't recovered
I want to suck her toes
I'm ugly.
Find an ugly gf
Not how it works anymore.
Me on the top right
What kind of shitty toaster computer can't run Undertale?
Romance visual novels, just get ready to feel bad afterwards.
So glad I grew up in the late 90's and early 00's when people still fucked. I would have been a permavirgin of the highest order if I was a zoomer.
>those extra lines
Nice try, incel
Persona 4.
splatoon 2. has 120-some weapon kits and endless gear combos. has the best application of gyro aiming on a console.there are tons of ways to play the game across 5 multiplayer modes. if you put the time to learn the meta and get gud it is so rewarding. 650 hours later and I still play it nearly every day.