Enjoy your 6 hour long, environmentally non-interactive and gameplay linear EA™ Star Wars™ game, Yea Forums!
Enjoy your 6 hour long, environmentally non-interactive and gameplay linear EA™ Star Wars™ game, Yea Forums!
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>As players duck off into the corners of environments, Cal stumbles upon chests that reward him with a variety of upgrades. These chests hold items that can extend his Force and health meters, as well as skill points that he can cash in on a skill tree to unlock new abilities and move sets.
>Since Cal doesn’t heal over time during combat, he needs to rely on health canisters to get a boost on the fly. If his health is low, he can snap his fingers or ask BD for help (performed by pressing up on the d-pad). The canister pops out of a compartment in BD’s casing, and Cal catches it, and within just a second, applies it to himself for an immediate shot of health. These health canisters function exactly like Dark Souls’ Estus Flasks, and won’t replenish until the player finds a save point or returns to The Stinger Mantis. Retreating to a save point comes with a risk, however, as enemies will respawn. Determining when to burn health canisters is part of the strategy tied to exploration. BD periodically leaps off of Cal’s back to gather items he sees that can be used to synthesize new canisters. Asmussen says obtaining additional canisters is a significant reward, as BD starts the game with only two of them.
>Exploration also unearths other chest types that contain cosmetic items to change the way Cal, BD, and The Stinger Mantis look. And yes, lightsaber parts are a part of that equation. If a blue blade isn’t your style, you can find different colors, hilts, and other components that alter the saber’s overall design. Just don’t expect to get a red blade for a Jedi.
>Kashyyyk was an impressive first look that featured plenty of puzzles and reveals I don’t want to spoil for you. This gameplay slice takes place roughly a few hours into the game, and lasts for around 30 minutes, which Asmussen says gives us a look of just 15 to 20 percent of this planet, implying Jedi: Fallen Order may be somewhat lengthy.
EA, shouldn't be permitted to make non-sports games, they really are the shit Midas of the bunch.
I like how every fucking time they make a new Star Wars anything that isn't a mainline movie, there's OC donut steel vehicle and character designs that are there purely to mimic the OT and elict a sense of nostalgia and familiarity.
Wonder what we'll be able to unlock if we buy some Doritos™ and Totino's™ Pizza Rolls.
>In a way, the combat dance is reminiscent of From Software’s Souls games, but not in a punishing way. Respawn wants players to succeed, but not without a little effort. The Force is also used to augment combat, allowing the player to mess with enemies in satisfying, clever, and powerful ways.
>When the saber is sheathed, Respawn’s vision for the adventure has classic gaming roots and is inspired heavily by the Metroid series, pushing players to freely explore worlds, and come back to them later with new powers that can be used to reach different areas. Never once do players see a waypoint on the screen telling them where their next objective is. Respawn doesn’t want to hold your hand, and instead hopes you plot your own path through dangerous worlds that are teeming with just as much hostile wildlife as heavily armed Imperial Forces.
>Greez will fully transports this small group of characters to any planet at any time – both to progress the story and for freeform backtracking. We don’t know how many worlds there are yet, but the concept art and clips from the trailer hint at a good number of them. Asmussen says the ratio of established Star Wars planets and new planets original to Jedi: Fallen Order is about half and half.
>The player has complete freedom to chart their own course through the wilderness. Some areas feature multiple paths that can freely be explored, while other areas may have paths that are blocked or inaccessible, perhaps requiring an unlearned Force power or gadget to open them up. “We looked at the structure of Metroid Prime closely,” Asmussen says. “It’s not exactly like Metroidvania. We also looked at games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls that have the same types of methodology. We studied those games and they inspired us to find an experience that works well for our game.”
OP is a retard and Yea Forums was wrong AGAIN.
How many vader knock offs are we going to get in this fucking franchise goddamn
The first two Harry Potter games were great though.
Why the fuck are they marketing it like a Souls game? it's very clearly an arcadey dumb downed Arkham asylum a/b masher.
True. Some of these names are getting dumb.
Ebon Hawk
Raven’s Claw
Stinging Mantis
etc etc etc, adjective animal or animal’s noun
versus an LB / RB masher?
star wars peaked at the prequels
>he doesn't like masked women in tight clothes
yeah basically, Souls is at least slower with boss variety. I doubt this is going to reproduce that, they're just using that example because it's trending with Sekiro and they have to pretend that they're actually doing new stuff. Gameplay-wise it looks no different from Battlefront. Absolutely fucked that EA got this IP.
I'm just sad they didn't give Jedi Academy the same treatment they gave KotOR2, EaW, and Battlefront 2 a couple of years back with a huge update that made the game playable and with workshop support. Mods like MBII, MDR, and KotF all have a huge amount of potential, and if JA got workshop support they'd probably gain huge traction.
>made the game playable
made the multiplayer playable normally, sorry
I hope EA loses it soon. Wasn't there headlines about them not liking owning it?
>circular spinsaber confirmed
How in the fuck is it like Arkham Asylum specifically?
All the comparisons you retards are making are so off the mark it's incredible.
Source for this?
If there's actual exploration/backtracking that's surprising.
Star Wars Kino incoming. 5 more months.
>6 hours
That is almost twice as long as Titanfall 2, and Yea Forums considers the Titanfall 2 campaign one of the best in recent history.
Sounds good, souce please
you're right, it was a poor comparison. It was the first casual arcade shit i could think of. My point is it's just playing it safe and not offering anything worthwhile.
the gameplay they showed looked pretty bad but I have faith in respawn.
bamham means combat i don't like, thats it, really
asylum was made a decade ago and since then we only have few games that actually use that combat system
shadow of mordor/war
sleeping dogs
mad max
ryse son of rome
assassin's creed up to iv are similar but not the same
thats all i can think of
Insomniac's Spider-Man is similar at a base level but adds some extra mechanics on top.
which it is
but why? their record is pretty bad
Didn't play it mate, can't be that good
absolutely based
I probably will. I mean hey, I like SW movies so that's just it, right?
Watched first 5 mins of gameplay, its a dead game fucking Uncharted with a lightsaber and worse animations + environment
It's annoying how little they showed of this in the demo. To the point where you could mistake this as a purely linear game. I mean there was the map briefly shown at the start, but it was hard to know how much that actually mattered.
I guess it's just EA being EA. Maybe the Microsoft conference will show more.
>Quick, Cal! Perform a Jedi Deathblow™ while the enemy is stunned from your Jedi Deflect™!
>it's okay when MGR does it
>it's okay when Sekiro does it
>Enjoy your 6 hour long, environmentally non-interactive and gameplay linear EA™ Star Wars™
Thank you, I will.
it unironically is
if you watch the video he fails a button mash event, breaks out of the webs (another button mash event), and does one "deflect/parry" thing and jumps on it and kills it
It's truly bizarre
the dash move seems kinda pointless
So all you're telling me is that you haven't played MGR.
I watched this gameplay demo at x2 speed and it still seemed slow as fuck
I haven't, but I don't understand what your point is
to be fair, the dude playing was literally paid to make it look """cinematic"""
we'll just have to wait how the game looks like in the hands of anyone else
MGR has button-mash QTEs and parries that can lead into insta-kills.
Sounds annoying. I can't really comment on it since I haven't played it, funnily enough I own the game but I wanted to play the MGS games first
it looks like they are taking the posture system from sekiro as well as the deflection/deathblow features so we have linear Uncharted "platforming", one-note "puzzles", an incredibly slow version of sekiro's combat, and button mash events and insta kill parries a la MGR so far
People still read video game magazines?
Nigga looks like Jimmy from Scary godmother
They’re the same people that quote top 10s so yeah
yet everyone shit on them now we're stuck with this disney bullshit.
>No dismemberment
I won't buy it just on that basis alone. It's a 0/10 from me and I'll be telling every one of my friends what a shit game it is.
Tell them to buy Jedi Outcast and Academy.
>pre alpha
>wow this looks like shit
what about force unleashed?
This legit looked like trash.
this sounds so boring im surprised they announced it for E3. its literally Dark Souls on easy with a star wars skin. lightsabers aren't working like they're supposed to so its just a sword. fuck this place.
none of them have any imagination and they know the majority of their newer fans haven't seen any of the original movies anyways so they reuse old stuff hoping it feels new for new fans and is nostalgic for any old fans still buying their bullshit.
>Asking for source when you could have googled it yourself
Use your brain
Not sure you understand what peaked means.
It looks like Uncharted but with Star Wars
Thanks OP I will enjoy it!
They released the source code or something I'm pretty sure.
>have one of the best studios for fps games
>Make them work on a tps
Is EA doing this on purpose?