Looking for some good turn-based JRPGs to try out.
I've played a few SMT games (pic related being my favorite) and that's essentially it.

What would you guys recommend?
Something I could play on PC is ideal.

Attached: shin-megami-tensei-devil-survivor-overclocked-640-x-360.jpg (640x360, 205K)

There are no good turn-based games.
Only games that are mediocre despite being turn-based.

Grandia 2

Devil Survivor 2

Dragon quest 11. Great sense of adventure, amazing artstyle, and traditional turn based combat.

good taste op

play strange journey if you haven't. on steam, you could try ff3. i don't actually know many good jrpg's on steam, sry

As far as other Megami Tensei games go, play Persona 5, Digital Devil Saga, Nocturne, and SMT IV.
Also this

Forgot to mention all of these can be emulated.

Alright lads, I think I'll keep going with SMT.
Forgot to mention I've played IV and Soul Hackers as well.

>lumping persona trash with SMT

Shadow Hearts has a similar dark theme and real world setting. Although they are historical and goofier.

Turn based games are the only good games, fuck off knuckle dragger.

Persona 5 is better than all of those games. Don't kid yourself.

>Looking for some good turn-based JRPGs to try out.

retarded weeb

SMT is more weeb because if you're a real SMT fan you'd play SMT I and II and the original Megami Tensei games which are obscure shit that only turboweebs play, weeb.

>implying that playing literal visual novel persona games isn't aggressively more weebshit than any SMT games

>calling anything visual novel when the MegaTen series includes games such as the two Devil Survivors, two Raidous, two Digital Devil Sagas, SMTIV and SMTIVA, and Strange Journey

I don’t think any of you guys know what visual novels mean.

The original Megami Tensei games are Wizardry tier dungeon crawlers, which is hardly what I would call weebshit


Based and turn-base pilled.

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