Which one got it right?

Which one got it right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


looks the same

He should have started as the 2015 model and grew into the 2019 model as the game went on.

Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero. He's an abomination of science. The sickly appearance fit him perfectly.

I want to fuck right Cloud.

The one on the right they learned how to use a sculpting program and rented textures from an asset library like every other western studio.

2019 looks good.
2015 is emo depressing shit, made by people who didn't understand FF7 and think FF7 and the other FF7 extended universe material is what FF7 really is.

Attached: no-way-fag.jpg (896x518, 294K)

He's literally a soldier though. Not a SOLDIER, but he got lots of training before game began, why would he be a lanklet?

2015 model still looks like it came straight out of the Advent Children/Crisis Core period, glad it's over.

Because he was unconscious in a test tube for an undetermined amount of time and wandering around aimlessly in the alleys of Midgar like a hobo for weeks before the start of the game.

Hair, eyebrows, and jaw are all different user

not this sickly nonsense again

I prefer how left looks but I think right is more accurate to how FF7 cloud actually looks.

Because he spent years in a tank and being dragged across the world in a comatose state?

Both look like fags, why do japs think that what's considered to be a fucking homofaggot in literally the rest of the world resembles something that is cool

omg this game was announced in 2015 and it's not out yet?! God damn. Gives you some perspective.

Didn't they make a big deal about it when they said they were redesigning him? That they wanted it to be more faithful to the original design? It looks like all they did was make him a little more muscular and make his face a little softer.


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Are you suggesting that it really makes you think?

Because he was stewing, immobile in a tube of planet juice before Zack broke them both out. 7 starts only a little while after a mind broken Cloud returns to midgar thinking he's someone he isn't. He only has super strength at this point because of the mako.

>Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero
>literally parkour flips off a train and kills giant robots with ease while surviving a lethal drop and walking it off like nothing happened

sicklyfags already got BTFO in the previous thread

You're the one who didn't understand FFVII.

The entire point of Cloud's character is that he's not the hero you think he is. He's a mentally unstable nutjob.

Right's body and hair, but let's facial structure.

>when somebody plays with his AC model

Attached: Sheriff_SSB4.png (368x466, 41K)

The mako sickness thing was a cool idea (if that was ever the intention) but the new model looks significantly better in almost every way, particularly the face and hair. Best looking 3D Cloud since KH1.

I utterly forgot it's been FOUR years. FOUR YEARS. This is FF15 all over again.

Why did they announce it so early?

>Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero.

As far as anime logic goes tanks with liquids in them don't make your muscles atrohpy. Wasn't Zack in the tube as well? How did he not lose muscle? And if Cloud really lost it all, you're saying that by the time game started he got exactly the amount of muscles to wield bigass sword but not enough to not look like he's about to die?

When will Square Enix abandon all non FF7 Final Fantasy endeavours? FF7 is the only good FF. All future FF games should be set in the world of FF7.

Jehova cells roided him up eventually, retards.

This really. Left' face is a bit too gaunt, but the Mako eyes are great. The one on the right doesn't look like his eyes are different at all.

Not him but while Cloud isn't the "hero" for most of the game, he's still not the brooding sack of shit that he is in stuff like Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts. At least, not long enough for it to encompass like every fucking appearance he's made since the original game ended.

I thought Hojo was testing on them to make them super soldiers? I always thought that's why Cloud got stronger.

Are you any better off now in life than you were 4 years ago? I'm not

>Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero
That's exactly how he starts tough.

Yes that's exactly what happened, he wasn't just floating in so random tube filled with kool-aid for several years straight.

2015, 2019 looks so japanese twink charai femboy shit.

obviously the new one.
I like the eyes, look more lively

Pretty much this. He just needs lighter eyes since the "Mako eyes" thing is a recurring plot element.

I think it was mentioned in an interview with either Nomura or Kitase that rumours were staring to spread about the games existence, so they just decided to make it public. Actually lines up too, there was a claim about its existence in 2014.

According to timeline, Zack dies in late Sep, Tifa finds Cloud in Midgar in early Oct, and the bombing mission is in early/mid Dec. Cloud was basically looked after for two months before the bombing.

The sickly bullshit is Crisis Core secondary retardation.

Both got shit right, Tee bee haitch.

2015 Cloud looks sickly, as he should, given that not too long ago he was stewing in Planet cum before Zack busted him out and died for him.

2019 makes him look younger, baby-faced even. Which makes sense seeing as Cloud is just 21 years old. A few of those years having been spent, again, stewing in planet cum.

also the new hair is better

2019's model is significantly more muscular. 2015's model fits what you're bitching more much more closely.

>Jehova cells

>reunion Black capes are Jehova's witnesses

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They should have just low-key announced they were working on it but never made a big show of it. Only when they were really working on the game they should have put together a trailer.

>cloud is just like shinji because he's the best character japan has ever written

Attached: final-fantasy-vii-cloud-soldier.jpg (428x312, 15K)

Oh I don't disagree, I just thought it was a nice visual touch. The new model looks better to the point of it being invalid in my eyes though, so swings and roundabouts.

always funny how they think that more realism will make things more attractive. They should have left it more gritty, but it seems like they are slipping the rag under Nomura again.. fuckin let the man finish his game without the interference of nucorporate fags. Otherwise it's gonna be another ffxv disaster

god you faggots are retarded

who are you quoting


Fuck off. It's great that there is actual color now.

Because fans were screaming for it.

Nah Nomura was involved in this change, he spoke about it at the FF 30th exhibit in roppongi last year. Think he said he felt it was the closest they'd ever gotten Cloud to his old self since the original game.

this but for ff8


Why the hell is Nomura the FF guy now?! He was just an artist. This is the Inafune situation all over again.

Why isn't this game directed by Kitase?!?

can you watch the FF7 concert online?


The dude had story input on the original game, it was effectively Nojima, Kitase and him that made FF7 what it was. Same 3 dudes are on Remake, just there's been a shuffling of roles.

both look ass

only smash got it somewhat right

old face > new face
new body > old body

here we go...

From past development stories, it sounds like Nomura's always had significant influence on a games direction, characters, and story. And for Kitase, being a producer is probably a more comfortable job at this point. Hopefully considering his original position on this game though he's going to be a big factor in keeping it in line with the original.

I remember when Advent Children came out almost 15 years ago and I showed the subbed version to the video game club during senior year.

Time flies....

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>old face > new face

No way, the old rat-face is awful.

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Reminder that it was Nomura's decision to kill off the prostitute.

Cloud shouldn't be fucking ripped at the start of the game, that makes no sense. Also too Asian looking, I like the 2015 model more.

Right more so, but both still a bit too realistic for my taste

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yes that's what happened
hojo wanted to prove jenova reunion theory, so he experimented on all the nibelheim survivors to create clones of sephiroth, including cloud and zack

zack survived it because he already went through a similar procedure, but poor cloud got mako poisoning and went nuts, but with jenova cells and mako inside him, so he basically became a super soldier without approval

2019's face does not look manly enough desu, way too round

Why can't you fags understand that he can look like a piece of shit thanks to the effects of mako poisoning (left side) and still be strong tank warrior at the same time?

Still distinctly remember watching the leaked DVD rip with no subtitles the day it got released and loving every second despite having no real idea what was going on. 14 years ago man, it's fucking crazy.

>Cloud shouldn't be fucking ripped at the start of the game

Why do you retards keep spewing this?

>Also too Asian looking,

Advent Children onwards, the entire cast of FF7 now takes place in a world where everyone is 50% Japanese, 50% Euro. Hapa-land.

I don't like this at all, since the original designs were full blown big eyed anime, and Tifa was directly inspired by Jennifer Connelly.

This is literally what Tifa is meant to look like realistically.

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according to nomura, he was expecting the same and he got suprised when he was called the director instead of kitase

Yeah, and Kitase wanted the scene with Tifa and Cloud under the highwind to happen in the chocobo stable and be way more obvious as to what happened.

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How does it make no sense that a fucking super soldier is muscley? You sicklyfags are so retarded.

>Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero.
Cloud unironically starts the game as an ex-special forces SOLDIER operative merc for hire rogue action hero.

I cannot fucking stand fans like you.

Yeah, Barret pounded new strenght into him, serves him right, that little twink!

They've been teasing it for 4 (FOUR) years??

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He's not supposed to look manly. Cloud is a fucking loser.

I only like FF7 and Crisis Core. All other FF games I played were boring and cringe.

What would Cloud's hair look like if they translated the original ps1 hair to an actual real life analogue.

Stop this bullshittery. No one on the staff ever said she was based on Connelly, expect for projecting Yea Forums tards because they saw her wearing white tank top.

It's been explained multiple times in this very thread.

Seymour from FFX.

He's not supposed to look like a 12 year old Asian child either.

>Nomura is the ultimate cloti shipper
>Nomura stirring shit on FF forums in the mid 00's by riling up clorith shippers

I want to believe

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gotta sell those consoles bruh

Reminder that both clouds are fine, and both clouds can be canon

The thin, poisoned cloud works because from what we know, he was in a tube, mako poisoning and all that shit, so of course he's look like that. His strength comes from mako and jenova cells, not pure muscle so it still works

Yet, the second one works too because maybe jenoba cells improve his muscles, maybe he doesnt have to work out to get muscles since jenova does it for him.

So basically, both being thin or being more beefy both can be explained thanks to jenova cells.

Cloud should literally just be Arnold Schwarzenegger in a blonde wig.

No it fucking hasn't. He's fucking looked after for 2 months before he's okayed for the bombing mission. Characters in the original game compliment Cloud on his abilities early-on.

The sickly meme came out of nowhere and makes no sense at fucking all.

The Jenova cells altered is body. By the time the game starts, it has been about 3 months since he escaped the lab. He is no longer Mako poisoned, and the Jenova cells are in full effect. Hence the superhuman abilities, and mental spasms and hallucinations.

Listen, the staff planned to make Cloud look sick from the beginning but they had to change him due to endless bitching from people like you.

In this movie Jennifer looks very close to Tifa's design.

Game designers "borrow" designs from movie characters all the time. It was especially frequent in the retro era. They're probably more cautious about that stuff now.

Simon Belmont is taken from Conan the barbarian (King Conan specifically). Ever wonder why Simon wears some gold headband thing? It's based on King Conan's crown.

The Clock Tower girl is based on Jennifer Connelly too (confirmed).

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>being thin explained by Jenova cells

Makes no sense.

80's goth hair

No they didn't you fucking idiot.

>Hence the superhuman abilities,

I am sorta annoyed how Tifa, Cloud, CId, etc keep up with Cloud when there's no in-universe explanation why they should be able to.

I didnt mean that. Being in a tube for a long time explains him being thin, but how do you explain cloud being strong? that's the jenova cells
What i mean was that cloud doesnt have to be beefy to be a super soldier

>What would Cloud's hair look like if they translated the original ps1 hair to an actual real life analogue.

Goku's hair was meant originally to just be messy, not Spikey, and I think he's the OG spikey haired anime character. As in, if you just combed his hair it'd be normal.

So spikey hair I take as just messy hair that's been stylized through an anime filter.

>Better lighting
>Better hair
>Actually pale like Cloud would be after what happened to him in Crisis core
>Instead went for worse lighting and model
Kind of sad desu

maybe they dont, its just gameplay mechanics

Cloud was always thin. That's why he failed and became a generic grunt. He has MC willpower plot device strength when it's needed, like when he throws Sephiroth into the Mako pit before the game's events. He went from skinny to more defined thanks to the Jenova cells.

Well notice how in AC nobody would really do anything to Bahaumut except Cloud.

Tifa definitely won't look like Connelly for this very reason you mention. SE wouldn't want any problems with her nor someone else suing them for this.
She will look Asian.

>He has MC willpower plot device strength when it's needed
oh cmon, think about it
Cloud managed to stab sephiroth from the back, so that's not hard to understand
also, sephiroth was hurt, and maybe lets see, power of love and anger (his hometown and tifa) gave the adrenaline to overpower a hurt sephiroth
Not that bullshit, totally understandable

How do you know?
Did you design him?

I like this take on it.

So you mean Cloud got buffs from Jenova cells while staying in the tube? So why didn't Zack turned into absolute unit?

An inured Sephiroth is still a God compared to pleb Cloud (who is fucking impaled during the throw).

Explain how he does it again in AC.

He doesn't look like that. I don't know what you're choosing, or wanting to see..

Today they specifically will hire a model to act as the base just so they can avoid those exact same issues. The models save them from any lawsuits, since they can point to and show documentation that they based the designs on some scan of some random no-name actor not Mr guy with a lot of lawyers from Hollywood.

Older games in the 80's and even well into the 90's are stealing music, designs, etc. They've all sorta been grand-fathered in since they happened so long ago no one would care. Like imagine if Journey sued Capcom because elec mans' theme is taken from one of their songs?

>totally understandable

Sephiroth is known for the ability to basically insta-heal wasn't he?

What was the exact time Sephiroth turned into Jenova? When he fell into reactor? How did Jenova find him there? Why I still can't understand this fucking relationship between them?

>Explain how he does it again in AC.

oh god I fucking hate AC so god damn much

>Tifa was directly inspired by Jennifer Connelly
Actually it was Tiffani Amber-Thiessen. You can tell because she's wearing a white top AND is wearing suspenders!

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yes when Cloud threw his bitch ass into the mako pit and he ended up in the northern crater still with Jenova's head

I can't wait to see Cid, damn. I'm worried about him being ruined mored than I am with Tifa being Asian.

They just toned down the domestic violence undertones. Makes sense considering the graphical fidelity now.

Honestly, Connelly retards are being so deluded it's almost laughable.

when did this sickly meme start

This is spot on. Spiky anime hair is totally an analog for messy hair. Which is why brash or hotblooded characters are often depicted with that type of hair.

Face is way close to connelly. Japs already proven to have a fascination with Jennifer with Clock Tower.

Attached: 2695641-9871250270-Jenni[1].png (507x320, 238K)

When people did a quick Wiki search for Cloud to argue in threads.

when CC faggots wanted to pretend they knew what they're talking about

I'm not necessarilly speaking about his abuse but just overall appearance and character. I always imagined him to be that older heavy-smoker guy who doesn't give a damn but stays with the kids for the lulz and sake of seeing the drama. I will really be disappointed if they make him to be less than that, which I'm sure is certain.

Crisis Core needs to be erased from existence along with its braindead fans.

I kinda liked his old gaunt look

>>Better hair
Pfft what? The hair of the 2015 looks like a cheap cosplay wig. New one looks way better, shader wise. Just cut a bit too short, at least imo

Remember, Goku was originally a wild child who had spent years alone.

that makes the kind of modern spikey hair design kinda funny, since you'd have to spend hours gelling that hair to make it look like that, which is the opposite of unkept hair. It's super manicured!

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And now every brunette brown eyed woman from Jap games is based on her?

it looks like shit

2015 Cloud had no confidence, he was supposed to at least fake it early on.


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This time it's true though, fucking zoomer.

And you have to yet to show any dev even hinting that Connelly was an inspiration for Tifa. is as much or moreso an argument for another IRL woman being the inspiration for Tifa compared to your arguments for Conelly.

When will Square Enix abandon all non FF4 Final Fantasy endeavours? FF4 is the only good FF. All future FF games should be set in the world of FF4.
Also Tactics, 5, 6, 8, 7, and 11

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Stop trying so hard, CC secondary.

Ok anons. How do you think will the summons work now?

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I can see it being more or less the same just more robust and with more summons.

Literally not. 2015 footage has no color whatsoever. It was awful.

Like they did in FFXV.

Remember straw-chewing, non-swearing, younger Cid from KH? That’s the Cid we’re getting.

God, fuck no.

Hell probably just look like a rougher version of his AC design.

He looks great now.

that makes no sense whatsoever
you faggots always blow everything out of proportion

>Now sit your ass down and drink your damn tea

Imagine this being fully voice acted.

Honestly, wouldn’t even mind that, but I’d still prefer his original design. That aviator jacket +scarf combo is GOAT

He should look like 2019 until he goes into the wheelchair, where he's 2015, then revert by the time he recovers
>it's been 4 years already

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If I don't see a single cig of his, I will get mad. He needs to smoke and I need to seeYuffie scold him for it.

Reminder that he falls into Mako twice during the game's events.

>mfw Yuffie's shorts are buttoned up

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2019 Cloud has so much more facial expression. 2015 Cloud just constantly looks confused.

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>Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero

Fucking excuse me?

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I doubt Nomura would deviate from that.

>crisis core secondary calling someone a zoomer

top kek

>visible materia

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cloud looks fucking weird now. he looked weird back then but less so. I dont like this.

I'm especially curious about Typhoon

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>Face is way close to connelly
I dunno man, to me Tifa's face is shorter and rounder like Amber-Thiessen's compared to Connelly's longer and more slender face shape

Attached: Tifa_Portrait.jpg.png (1896x849, 1.54M)

>I dont like this.

thank fuck nobody cares

New Cloud is great, and so is his English VA.

nobody cares that you fucking exist you piece of less than trash


cry harder bitch nigga

2015 arms looks like they would have snapped in half from lifting the twinkie box.

shut the fuck up retard

2015 = Nomura forgetting the timeline of events leading up to FF7.

2019 = Nomura remembering all the events leading up to FF7.

When I too a longer look at that left pic girl I realized that that’s how I always imagined Aerith’s face to look like when she wasn’t revealed yet, weird.

keep going


Is Sephiroth's VA different? It sounded different in that new hallucination.


Bad translation; won't make it to the dub.

They're all different.

Go cry to momma idiot

drink bleach faggot

Right looks like prompto cosplaying as cloud, wtf?

Cloud doesn’t remember Seph’s voice so in every hallucination he will sound differently.

>nobody cares
so thats why he looks weird

Looks like a very similar model just with different hair + different lighting.

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Good point. I thought everybody was different except Cloud's VA but his sounds different too.

Looks nothing like Prompto.

This would be good desu.

You still haven't explained how he looks weird.

face looks better on the left, he looks more Japanese on the right

>face looks better on the left

god no

But it does.

Show me a Japanese person who looks like that.

No it doesn't. That's why it was improved.

It got worse man, he looks like a baby now.

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>he looks like a baby now

show me a baby who looks like

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wtf, it looks like anime but not like anime at the same time.

I don't see it.

she's cute

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left looks like he needs to shit badly
right looks like he doesn't want to be there

right wins

>pinky out

Off to military school.

She’s a literal angel.

The less of Advent's Children stink on the remake, the better.

right actually looks more realistic of someone being able to wield a sword that big. still small but in real life you have to be absolutely massive to swing around a sword as fast as him

Left: beter face
Right: better body

cid was like that in KH because KH is targeted at children you fucking imbecile.

arr rook same

Same exact model, different lighting.

Remember he never got into soldier and he was an infantry man only.... wait, now I wonder when and where he learnt to use a freaking huge ass sword? In two months span between Zack’s death and FFVII??

why does Cloud look asian


In all honesty though, she's so pure, but she does have that mischievous look about her. I loved her sassy moments in the game.

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>>Left: beter face

He looks like a tranny.

I just imagine that Barrett carried him through those early missions and he was just an edgy kid swinging that sword around.

Get your eyes checked.

built for hand holding missionary while making gentle eye contact with

probably read that somewhere and it pissed him off which
i can sympathize, there are some absolute retards out there

Even more so on the right

The start of the game is the most generic action hero he is.

That's why she's so great. A nice girl that is also sassy and street smart, she knows how to handle herself living in the slums.

Kek, imagine Barret looking at rookie Cloud swinging the sword at random and wondering what was Tifa actually thinking when she brought that retard to the bar with her.

To me it explains why he was so mad over Clod haggling over pay. You expect me to pay you for that bitch?

I'm sorry but his dark blue AC outfit is actually kind of dope

Not at all. 2015 Cloud look like an angry tranny.

I can't. He doesn't look like a Japanese person, but the Japanese bias of the artists have bled through into the model, especially in the cheeks and jaw

>AC outfit
>dark blue
Are you color blind?


Attached: Catastrophe.png (1276x669, 539K)

He doesn't..?

Best girl.

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I really really wanted left, but his reception amongst internally amongst square enix must have been poor. ohwell

Not him but does he not have a dark blue color option for his AC outfit?

Same as his AC model. Usually happens when you get higher fidelity models from older games. Same happend with Tidus in FFX pre-rendered cutscenes, there he looks super asian.

the one on the left is just cgi made to resemble a video game's graphics

Well, purple I guess. The alt on the end here.

Attached: Cloud_Palette_(SSBU).png (2048x256, 322K)

Certainly not in AC itself, no idea about other non-canon appearances.

Left looks angry for no reason. I don't know why people like it so much.

The right looks a million times better

Those do look better than regular black one, I give you that.
I miss the times when SE made their characters look interesting and wasn’t afraid to give them some colored outfits.
All black FFXV outfits were all shit, the same goes for Tifa’s and Cloud’s AC ones.

Left is just hastily thrown together. Right looks more thought out, and it shows.

Gritty in with the color is what makes the FF7 universe work so fucking well, though.
FF7 universe is MAD FUCKED up.
Shits straight outta cyberpunk territory in terms of corruption and society.
But the world hasn't yet been fully destroyed by said corruption.
That's what Avalanche were trying to stop, the world turning to complete shit due to Mako reactors since anywhere they were placed the lands slowly died. (hence why Midgar is surrounded by ruined land)

It's a literal fucking theme of the game.

Image bias in the artist's mind. They are Japanese and see only Japanese people, so they tend to draw Japanese facial features even when they don't mean to.

liking left just to spite right
old good new bad etc etc..

>square was jewish with cloud again that they ended up skimping out on music again
I'm sick of hearing only two songs from FF7. I just wanted the Jenova theme.

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There is more to the game than Midgar.

>Shits straight outta cyberpunk territory

Stopped reading. You're a retard.

I like 2019 better. The arms look a tad beefier, the specular on the leather looks good too. The flesh on the face also looks more natural on 2019. The nose and eyes looks less uncanny valley-esque.
2015 does have some cool stuff too though. The armor looks dirtier, more damaged and the metal has more roughness, the cloth sim has better wrinkles and folds too.

Are you fucking retarded or just pretending?

While it's undoubdtedly the most faithful adaption of Cloud, it still isn't right. I'm not saying the KH model here is his smash model, but i couldn't find a decent sized image of this pose from smash, if you look at it though it's very close to his original but the belt is too low and his shoulders aren't as broad and he's not holding the sword right.

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>Gritty in with the color

fucking what

There are so many good songs they could have used from just FF7 alone
I mean fuck at least give us a remix

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I heard Uematsu died or something?


You should have continued, you only made yourself out to be the bigger retard.
Of course I don't mean the full damn themes of the genre.

NO shit. That's the point.
You start off in this hellhole of a city then expand out in to this colorful life-filled world that ShinRa are slowly going to ruin. (until the Neo-Midgar plan, which causes more issues)

It's called thematic / metaphorical contrasts.
They work really well if done properly.
They can create many conflicting emotions.

Nigga literally leaps off a train, fucks up some goons and then backflips back into the train and gives a one liner the fuck you on

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He took some time off last September because he's sick, but he's not dead.

I think you missed the point. The 2015 trailer was nothing but green and black, and there's more to the game than that. 2019 footage is vastly superior because it's aware of this.

It’s no longer canon though, Remake rewrites everything.

>the fuck you on

Crisis Core bluepill

It's actually true.

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Ah, cool, hope he’s doing fine, it would be a shame if he died before the music is finished.

I seriously don't get how Smash has a better idea of what the fans want than the third parties they take the characters from.
>Megaman has the best modernized take on his design ever
>Pac-Man used his World design during a time where Namco kept pushing the Ghostly Adventures
>Ryu and Ken look way better than SFV
>Cloud has the best modernized take on his design, far better than the VII remake
>Simon solidified the blond design as the real one, which is the one most fans prefer

Midgar is grimy, but it's not really all washed out greys like the 2015 trailer was. There's a lot of color in it between all the neon signs and ghettos.

Attached: Sector_8.png (640x480, 236K)

We're getting Erdrick from DQ as a DLC SE rep.
It feels bad that we might be only getting FF Mii Costumes as DLC.

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I don't want to suck off either of them, bad design.

left looks like a weak faggot who can't wipe his own ass
right looks like some who's been injected with Chadnova cells and given 2 months to recover under Tifa's tiddies

Oh, so it's true you're retarded?

Seriously, I can't get over how fucking good my boys look in Ultimate. If Konami ever stops sucking dicks and made a new CV with this look I'd buy it day 1.
Not that I don't like Kojima's art, but her redesigns of Simon (in Chronicles) and Richter (in DXC, not SotN) are pretty weak compared to her other stuff.

Attached: belmonts.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

Oh, I'm not denying that, it is MUCH better, but having a scruffy looking feel to things that slowly improves with time can work really well.
Bunch of people from the slums, working with dangerous materials, blowing the fuck outta huge reactors, escaping a corridor that got flooded with fire and smoke (the immediate escape out to the general city plate) etc.
But the characters cleaning up their ways as they get out of the shithole and trying to improve the world kinda works quite nicely as a subtle story piece. You can see them noticeably caring not just for their mission but themselves.

Gritty, cyberpunk themes work well for a reason.
Disgusting worlds illuminated with bright artificial lights is basically Midgar in many places.
It just misses out some of the hyper neon stuff and constant advertising and consumerism themes.
They should really push how much of a shithole Midgar is, even at the top.

Even in the furthest reaches of the world you can see ShinRa influence and their ruin.
That's even if you don't consider the extended universe stuff which pushes that even further.

Watch DQ only get one song because of how autistically protective the composer is.

>her redesigns of Simon (in Chronicles) and Richter (in DXC, not SotN) are pretty weak compared to her other stuff.
Yeah. Her art is good but one note. Same 2-3 faces on every character, same J-Rock aesthetics for most of them. Having her draw but keeping a clear vision in mind would be good. I doubt we'd get designs that look this manly though.

>Velvet Voix
always makes me think of the doujin series


stop that

Right actually makes Cloud look less stoic and human.

Honestly? The left one because I like how sick and weak Cloud looks. It's like he hasn't been in a good place for a long time. I wish the traume he experienced from losing Zack would reflect more on his body.

Attached: nomura.png (768x576, 760K)

>muh cyberpunk
Fuck off. You know what I mean.
I specifically never mentioned the entire genre. Stop being retarded on purpose.
I'm purely speaking of the aspects common to it being applied in Midgar as a city of corruption and ruin with an entitled elite controlling the puny lower scum class, more so the visual aspects pushed quite heavily in various areas. (especially the whole Don Corneo sections)

Jesus Christ. I've got a Masters at university faster than this game has come out.
That suddenly hit me hard.
I really hope we get at least a release window at E3.

as explained its been months since his death
also why would the loss of someone effect his BODY?

Avalanche wouldn't even take Cloud with them if he looked sickly. This sickly meme makes absolutely no fucking sense. Fuck you Crisis Core niggers.

>calling it cyberpunk
>calling others retarded

Stay mad, old fart. Go check on your grandkids.

This doesn't suddenly vanish after a few weeks or months. His mental state is still fucked up throughout the story and I wish Cloud in his design would reflect that more. That's just what I prefer.
You don't have to make him literally sick. Just weaker looking.
>Fuck you CC niggers
What exactly are you angry about? You seem pretty autistic.

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>being too much of a retard to read beyond a word.
I can tell you don't read much in general.

I'm out of the loop but why did they have to make Cloud look like a chink? He actually looked pretty cool as a white guy in 2015.

He blocks out Zack out completely early-on in the game. In fact he thinks he IS Zack. He doesn't remember Zack or his demise (or even his own experience) till much further in the game.

At least play the game you dumb fucking secondary.

Why the fuck would a super solider look weak? Shut the fuck up.

>His mental state is still fucked up throughout the story
Yes, and that's illustrated just fine in the game.
>I wish Cloud in his design would reflect that more.
I get you, but it isn't necessary. Cloud's design is versatile enough in the original game where he can transform into a frail, fragile, mentally unstable wreck just fine. He doesn't need to look like absolute shit in a trailer which encompasses the first little romp of the game. Him looking strong and healthy doesn't take away from the fact that he's mentally unstable, and it'll only make his degeneration in the second half of the game more palpable. It doesn't need to be emphasized. The ONLY thing I wish the new design had was more noticeable Mako-influenced coloration in the eyes. Him looking weak and anemic makes no sense even in the plot because this is after the cells have had time to do their job.

Why would his design reflect something he doesn't remember? When Tifa finds him before the game's events he tells her he's a 1st Class SOLDIER. He then spends the game believing this until his memories slowly return later on. Did you even play the game?

>over his Mako poisoning by the start of the game as he has been cared for by Tifa for 2 months
>literally injected with alien steroids and thinks he is and always has been a first class SouljaBoi
>lol make him look weak

Attached: Cloudia.jpg (964x1243, 220K)

he wasn't a super soldier though. He was some grunt tossed into a tank and somehow survived after getting stabbed in the chest and was completely a dead weight for the journey from nibelheim to midgar

Hair on the 2015 model looks more distinct, but overall the 2019 model is much better

He was infused with mako, that's the definition of a super soldier.

>literally injected with Jenova cells
>spends the start of the game destroying fucking everything in his path
>not a Super Soldier who believes he is 1 1st Class SOLDIER

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sure but it took a while for him to recover from it. If anything Zack should be extra super for getting a second dosage

>infused with mako

and jahova cells


He's already recovered by the events if the actual game. How many fucking tines does this need to be said? He's perfectly physically fit, and mentally he still thinks he's Zack.

god damn I hate Crisis Bore fans so much and I hope Nomura & Kitase do too


>He doesn't actively notice being fucked in the head therefore it doesn't exist
Brilliant argumentation, retard.

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Don't bother with CC fags. They have no idea what they're on about.

No you fucking idiot. You said he sholld be grieving Zack more which makes absolutely no sense.
The worst Cloud has early on are mental spasms and hallucinations due to the Jenova cells.


His mental state doesn't start fucking up until Jenova really starts fucking with him later on. At the start of the game he just thinks he's Zack and trips balls. He doesn't need to look like a meth addict at that point at all.

>You said he should be grieving more
That's not what I said, you illiterate monkey. I said that Cloud's trauma of Zack's death should have consequences for him not only shown through his mental state but his body too.
I did. That's what your retarded argument amounts too.

Cloudfags are going apeshit seconds after someone mentions that he should look a bit weaker, comedy gold. how insecure you all must be

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right is cuter

>I said that Cloud's trauma of Zack's death should have consequences for him not only shown through his mental state but his body too

Why would something he doesn't even remember affect his mental state, let alone his physical appearance?

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Why should he look "weaker" after being injected by space steroids, and cared for up to 2 months?

That doesn't even make sense. You CCfags are just getting BTFO and have to make these retarded passive-aggressive posts to pretend you're not upset.

Because irl people who experience such trauma also get those symptoms later. It's all about realism.

Some youtuber pointed out that Cloud was mentioned to be looking buff or strong or something by an NPC. I'm looking into the script, will post if I find anything.

Yeah later. AFTER his memory loss. You fucking imbecile.

hoping you control them directly like type-0, but I'm expecting Square to shit the bed and make it like XV. If it's truly shit, it'll be like Crisis Core.

Because trauma can affect people passively too.

His delts are out of control on the right

Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge all make mention of his physical abilities.

His trauma is manifested in his belief that he is Zack.

FFVII threads are gold when there are no ship and waifufaggotry, holy shit.

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It's just CC fags being retarded and not knowing the game's events while basing everything off the end of CC.

Trauma of staying in a tube for fucking FIVE years?

I hate that they put SEs conference on Monday. I want it now, how do I sleep for the next 48 hours?

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Yes he's fucking over that soon because of the Jenova cells regeneration that eventually kicks in. It's faster for Zack because he's had those cells in him for ages. Cloud's physical state is perfectly fine by the time the game starts.

Compilation is one of the worst things that could have happened to FFVII and it sadly happened.

Yeah that's what I've been saying but I also want his design to reflect his trauma a bit more. Op's image on the left conveys this better than the right.

I hope they show something at the concert event and maybe even a nip slip at Microsoft's thing considering it's just a timed exclusive? I dunno I'm just playing New Threat mod.

That's not what you've been saying at all you fucking liar. You just want him to look sickly because you don't realize just how long it's been since he escaped the lab. Again his only trauma is him thinking he's a confident badass soldier ie Zack. Right conveys it perfectly. He feels he's too good to be helping Avalanche.

Left he just looks confused.

>his trauma

what fucking trauma

He wants him to look physically ill because he's an idiot.

absolutely based

smash bros

who the fuck cares theyre all bugs anyway

>I want his design to reflect the fact he thinks he's a super soldier more

Right does this so much better. He constantly looks confused in the 2015 trailer. He even let's Barret push him aside.

What’s wrong with physically ill people?

Nope, you're just ignorant. He's admitted to using plenty of other stars before from films in the SAME ERA.

AND Connelly had a following in Japan and even recorded songs for release there.

Ignorant retards like you shouldn't open their mouths.

2019 looks way better

Left had the chance to look manlier, which Japan fears, but his body was frail. He could look frail, as it falls in line with how he was experimented on and such, but the right one has a good look to it physically. The right's face of course, looks like a bitch boy, which Japan adores. I think a cross between the two could reach a happy medium, and we may very well get that in the final product once they release the first part in 2030. I remember how they kept re-making Cloud's face for the FF7 movie, and they kept doing that for most of his other appearances in other games. So I guarantee you the 2019 version isn't final, at least not with the face.



Nothing. Cloud just isn't physically ill at the start of FF7, and people trying to imply otherwise are retards.

I did, speedreader. Cloud has severe mental issues from experiencing Zack's death otherwise he wouldn't impersonate him. Issues like these aren't inconsequential to the body, it doesn't matter if he had mako infused to him. He still hasn't recovered mentally. Do you honestly think people like this would look healthy? Talk about being a nostalgiafag who can't accept people wanting something slightly different.

Check your head, you are obsessed man.
The fuck is this bullshit?

>impersonate him

He's not impersonating him you fucking idiot. He IS him. Physically there are no outwardly symptoms.

I have a question. Why does Cloud start at like level 6 I think it was instead of level 1 at the beginning of the game?

Why did they change his face to appeal to japs more? Nobody cares about japs. They make up hardly any sales compared to america and europe

>Cloud has severe mental issues from experiencing Zack's death

Yes, it's called complete amnesia and mental displacement. Why does he need to look sickly for this exactly?


I don't his point either. I think he simply can't admit he's wrong about Cloud still being under the effects of Mako poisoning. He's had 2 months for the Jenova cells to alter his body. He should absolutely not look sickly by the bombing mission.

It wasn't from seeing him die, it was from the Jenova cell fuckery, being locked up in that basement for like 2 years with Zack.

No one argued that he should literally be physically ill, just that his trauma, which still persisted at this point in the story, should have left some marks in his design.
>He isn't impersonating him
>He is him
You are a retard beyond belief.
Because his design reflecting his mental state at least a bit would be interesting, showing that Cloud isn't living the most healthy life already early into the story. Never argued for objectivism here. Just said that I'd prefer left for these reasons and people lost their shit.

I have no idea what you try to convey mate, but I strongly advise you to go and see a head doctor.

A real man acknowledges when he's wrong.

But you're just a boy.

>I did, speedreader

No you fucking didn't. You're completely ignoring the fact that he has absolutely no recollection of Zack's demise or any of the events before that. You're making it sound like it should be on his mind at the start if the game and messing with him that early on when it simply isn't the case. In terms of being locked in a tune, he's completely over that by the start of the game thanks to Jenova regeneration.

Keep telling yourself exactly that, autistic Connellyfag. Run fap to your waifu.

Thanks for admitting you're underage.

>just that his trauma, which still persisted at this point in the story, should have left some marks in his design
What the fuck are you even babbling about? His only trauma is him thnking he's Zack. How do you think that should be shown?

>You are a retard beyond belief
Impersonating him would be acknowledging he even knows who Zack is, and pretending to be that. Which is what impersonation is. He is not impersonating Zack. He thinks he himself made it into Soldier 1st Class when he left town. You fucking dense motherfucker.

>Because his design reflecting his mental state
Again, what fucking mental state?

I'd fuck either one.
No Homo.

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I’ll think of you and your tears when Tifa’s going to be revealed as generic Asian looking woman.

Who was even talking about that? You're delusional.

smash games have a cartoon style that matches well with the old ps1 graphics. ff7 remake's design of cloud is supposed look realistic.

Your mind is going, fag. Give it up.

Let me clarify here when I first said he thinks he's Zack, he thinks he's a SOLDIER. I worded that incorrectly.

You are an obsessed waifufag who doesn’t accept the fact that your vidya waifu was NOT based on another movie waifu of yours. Stay delusional bro, I’m out.

Yeah he doesn't actually remember who Zack even is.

Pretend to leave, coward. Dance for me, puppet.

And you fuck off too, tard.

I kinda liked random summons

The only trauma is him thinking he's a first class SOLDIER turned merc. That's it. His design is better on the right because the Jenova cell enhancements actually show.

modern FFIV remake when

I would paid millions for it, it’s one of my favs.

He beat you, it's over

The one where he doesn't look like a sad, crying, pussy-assed bitch.

Don't bother. Guy is thick as a brick.

Depending how bit the city is and how much of it we see, I expect things like the top of the plates, Wall Market, and Aerith's house and the church to be lit up like Christmas trees, while everything else in the slums is more subdued and muted.

I hope this shit is still non-canon. I'm gonna be pissed if I see any Genesis faggotry in my FFVII Remake

So right. I hated that 2015 Cloud just let Barret shove past him.

>Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero

He literally starts showing off, acting like hot shit, and reminding everyone constantly that he's Ex-SOLDIER man the moment he gets off the train and walks around with a holier than thou attitude all the way up until he meets Aerith, with absolutely no cracks in the facade barring some moments with Tifa and him collapsing in the second reactor having that flashback of Tifa crying over her dead dad.

What's this? A decent VII/Remake thread?

How much time there is between Zack's death and the beginning of the game? It always felt like Cloud was settled in Midgar working as a mercenary for some time already.

The face is almost the same physically. He's just lit differently (the lack of light makes his nose and brow look considerably stronger) and is emoting. His eyes are the same shape, his jaw is just as strong, etc. The body is what actually looks different.

>Roughly 25% of the thread is faggots arguing about Jennifer Connelly

It's not decent at all.

Standards have fallen in recent times, huh?

>you can literally just run past all the dying Avalanche members

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yikes you ran away! stay mad low IQ pussy

I think some people confuse the beginning of the game with the Tifa finding Cloud scene. There's zero indication anything is even wrong with him until he has that flashback in the reactor. He certainly isn't portrayed as weak looking or ill.

>yeah but muh science bro, muh sick appearance

Attached: Unimpressed.png (600x531, 412K)

Barely two months.

Waifufags should be banned from posting, threads would be great again.

He is way too unrealistic in Smash. Look at the skin on his face, it's too smooth. He also pretty much doesn't have a nose.


Zack dies in September, and bombing is in December.

I'm okay with him not looking super vibrant not because "muh SOLDIER" but because he's in the slums. I always got the impression that everyone was sort of malnourished.

This falls apart when you remember Barrett is GIGANTIC, though. Dude probably has a phenomenal diet.

it'd be great if image boards didn't have any images haha

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That's due to people not knowing how to not take a bait.
Yeah. But let's take what we have when we haven't gone full autism. And we have not created a VIIRemake-kun, yet.

He's also on alien steroids.

even the name fits, connelly fags btfo

Yeah but Cloud was found on the station in October, so it still makes it roughly two months in the bar for him.

You misunderstood my post completely, but what was I expecting from a Shitfag.

yeah but he asked how long between Zack's death and the start of the game

Who? Barret? What are you going on about?

Attached: are you ok.gif (540x270, 2.33M)

Left Cloud looks cool, Right Cloud looks like a hot little twink who needs his tight butthole spread open.

And mentioned Cloud settling in Midgar for a while just a sentence later. Still the answer is barely two months.

Cloud, you retarded fuck.

Or aerithfag, doesn’t matter, you all waifu faggots should be purged from here.

Don't worry, Tifa's on it

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i think left cloud has a better face but right cloud has a better body


Yeah, but alien steroids need nutrients. There's also probably a lack of vitamin D when you live under a plate.

He's only been there for under 2 months. Tifa's milk keeps him strong.

you're still mad

Attached: lol.gif (338x338, 704K)

>There's also probably a lack of vitamin D when you live under a plate.

Tifa, Aerith, and Barret all look fine. And they've been under that plate a hell of a lot longer than Cloud.

she's very pale tho

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>world full of magic fairies and fuck all nonsense
>Yea Forums is worried about lack of vitamin D

But we don't know what they would've looked like under the initial art direction. We don't even know what Tifa looks like an all.

>Cloud looks sickly on left

I never thought this, he's just a little too skinny. What did the sickboi meme start?

>what is suspension of disbelief


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His skin is all splotchy.

Why is she so perfect bros!?

vaguely reminded of Jennifer Aniston in the 90s.

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>Cloud doesn't start FFVII as an action hero.

Yes he does?

I reckon that's just whatever engine they're using.

Yeah, did you know she was actually designed after Jennifer Aniston?! I mean, can’t you see?

kek. This is why I come to this site. You just can't find anons say stupid shit like this anywhere else.


Oh yeah, I kinda see the resemblance. Kinda wanna see her nips poking out of that dress now.
It's probably why CC2 got fired.

FUCK, that's what I was reminded of.

crisis core's core story is actually what VII is about. The worst parts (that genesis homo) has no bearing on the game.

bro chill

I can already tell I'm going to fall in love with jessie again


I think it's Nojima/Nomura/Tabata trying to make the whole Buster Sword inheritance a bit more complex than it was supposed to be. While dipping into the whole Jenova experiment.

It wasn't necessary. Sephiroth didn't need to be that humanised, and the Buster Sword didn't need an origin point, and its nothing but half-assed fanservice. Crisis Core is fucking trash.

Right has better hair.
The left would have a better face if it had a little extra work done on it to get out of the uncanny valley

left looks like yasu from janne da arc, right looks like endgame cloud

Just like the plate that had a crush on her fell in love with her.

>endgame Cloud

What does this even mean?
I must've been the part where Cloud becomes a curlbro towards the end of the game..

Certainly none of it was needed, but that also doesn't automatically make it bad. Stories are full of unnecessary details.

I thought you were "out" puppet?

Keep dancing for me, kid.

>doesn't automatically make it bad

Yes it does. I bet you liked the Star Wars prequels too.

yes after he recovers from going full stephen hawking and embraces his inner persona

Oh wow even the earrings are similar to Connelly.

>second left

so cheeky

I don't think the guy you're replying to even knows what they mean.

>color in the current, soulless year

Attached: bb10acd6c04a7ec3b638e6a79358c3a4.jpg (402x480, 34K)

FF7 takes HUGE inspiration from both Akira and Blade Runner. The giant metropolis with the evil giant headquarters right in the center is taken from Blade Runner.

Attached: blade_runner___city_night_by_elclon-d4z4iap[1].png (900x459, 547K)

Josh, get the fuck out.

>The Final Fantasy VII Remake is not planned to follow the canon of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII and exists in a separate continuity

source: finaland.com/?rub=site&page=news&id=6015

So when are they showing Tifa's model?

Ackchyually, Shinra HQ is based if this disgusting structure that was very close the Squaresoft's old offices.



I fucking hope so.


I didn't, but I liked CC well enough. Genesis and Angeal were kind of dumb, but I enjoyed playing it and I enjoyed the character interaction.
Is anyone mad about this?
Of course it should be its own thing.
I'm expecting it at E3 but if not then yeah, TGS for sure.


Should be E3. They said they're going all out on FF7R marketing from E3 onward because KH3 is already out.

>Is anyone mad about this?
no is just so retards stop bringing "canon" from things besides the original release

I wish the Buster Sword was just something Zack came up with.

The FFVII canon includes the Compilation.
The Remake is its own continuity, but that doesn't mean it can't include stuff from the Compilation. Just that it's starting its own continuity. It's basically a guarantee some stuff will change, but there could be an epilogue based on Advent Children or a flashback with stuff from Crisis Core. We won't know till it comes out.

go to bed Josh

being exposed to mako can turn you into a monster you dumb cunt

Need super nova

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It poisons niggas though

Not controlled exlorusre.

Godamn, translating silly cartoon hair into a more realisitc gritty appearance looks fucking ridiculous.

That thing we saw in the reactor pod was being doused with near constant, highly concentrated Mako 24/7 for likely years. Hojo was basically making living materia weapons.
It's not the same thing Cloud and Zack went through.

advent children is the natural progression for clouds character, he still isnt sure who he is, beating sephiroth doesnt seem to have fixed his world or helped his people, why shouldnt he be a goddamn depressive emo bitch

They really aren't

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Don't care. Cloud's model will only matter to fangirls and gay boys. It's the females everyone will argue over. Aeris already proved this.

Advent Children makes sense in context with the novellas showing how his life continued and was impacted by the past.

Kingdom Hearts Cloud has nothing to do with FFVII Cloud. They are entirely different characters.

Of course Advent Children's portrayal of Cloud makes sense following the novellas. They were made specifically to add context for the movie. But Cloud's arc did finish with the end of VII, and the folks behind AC have admitted to reverting Cloud into a brooding, introspective person because that's how they believed fans would recognize him best.
>They are entirely different characters.
This is true, but the portrayals do affect how people see Cloud on the whole. Everyone calls him a whiny emo bitch but he's much more than that. His arc is a really good one.

In his case, he's made to look like Gackt, which is a real person. But Gackt is a JPOP idol, so he uses crazy products to make his hair look anime...and Square is trying to make its characters look more realistic. It's all this crazy circle of stupid.

Kind of makes other series sticking to anime styles seem smarter. Then you realize Dragon Quest is making a 3D movie that looks like a ripoff of How To Train Your Dragon. And both Miyazaki and Nintendo is falling for the 3D meme as well... Everything is fucked.

Attached: dragon_quest_pots.jpg (614x952, 564K)

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Right since it actually has color. Left looks like a mess.

could someone make 2019 Cloud's jaw just a little wider? I wanna see what it'd look like if his physique and face synced up

Hold O

Same thing. Select from menu and a cutscene plays.

so glad sickly retards are getting btfo

when does he start doing non-stop curls

>only becomes muscley after he embraces who he is

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this, AC isn't canon, cloud is a strong protagonist with drive, for 90% of ff7

Cloud is a panty sniffing loser!

>Are you okay?

Why did my heart jump?

So, one of us?

Yes, he is literally a fucking loser with superiority complex growing up. Grows up to be a fucking nobody and cries in a corner until he REEEEEEEEs towards Sephiroth because he killed his tendies. Then Hojo turns him into a chad like him.

post boomers

Smash did it best since he looks like the FF7 PS1 model but in HD.

Smash Cloud looks like a goofy mascot, rather than an actual character.


Smash Cloud looks like Advent Childrens design with Kingdom Hearts head on top.

get different eyes

Imagine being this fucking retarded..

Attached: 1557636117329.jpg (626x625, 112K)


das cold

zack wasnt sickly and cloud is not supposed to look sickly

>Yeah, but alien steroids need nutrients.

How do you know this?

but crisis core ends with cloud on the train looking like an action hero

He’s an action hero but not being himself. People are silly

AC made sense but was too emo. Him getting ennui and depression isnt weird.

but xv summoms is exactly how summons worked up to ff9

Where is this from? I’ve heard they all agreed it should be Aeris after they decided to kill someone