Final Fantasy 14

What job will you play in Shadowbringers?

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This, but also PLD

Gonna main DNC, but I'll give GNB a shot too.

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MCH and GNB. I'm going to save the first with the power of technology and explosions.

I'm getting MCH to 70 so I can hopefully start with that if it doesn't suck

>Xeno got banned on Twitch
fucking lol

MNK despite the mess it appears to be. Nothing else comes close for me.

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MNK, RDM, GNB, and SCH probably.

Not like this MNK bros...not like this

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gonna keep being smn, been satisfied with the job this entire time

I never heard of this xeno job before.

GNB, MCH and DNC cause i don't wanna look for loot
>tfw every expansion MCH has been my first class leveled hoping it didn't suck

I'm a little behind on the news but I heard they removed tornado kick on monk? Can someone run me down on the changes for MNK?

Still trying to decide between Monk and Black Mage. I really like the idea of punching things and I enjoy going fast, but Black Mage is so reliable and so good right now. I think I'll be trying to decide until the expac comes out.

>be approached due to my glamour(I guess?) by similar glamour'd person
>emote back and forth for a while
>not sure what's supposed to happen from there
Imagine being socially autistic in a VIDEO GAME.

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>tfw every expansion MCH has been my first class leveled hoping it didn't suck
Stormblood must have been traumatic for you.

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is that way faggot

deers are so fucking gay

Wow, thanks game.
Now I look retarded and will never get DMs calling me cute

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Stop making non-stop threads. There's nothing left to discuss.

bros... you said trannies were a meme....

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suck my dick fag

Most of the tanks, SMN, DRG, AST

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Likely the only ones I'll have at 70 in time are MCH and BRD so either I'll go through it with one of them or try to level DNC and use that. Honestly I'm more conflicted about possibly switching my character race.

>monster energy ultra in Miqote form.

BLM, though I will be leveling my recent 70'd Ninja with whatever Deep Dungeon comes out in ShB.

Kek what a faggot

No really, is right there. You have your dedicated faggot thread where you can circlejerk all your tranny degenerate needs.

Who /hrothgar/ here
Gay lions rise up

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>He spent hours checking every Au Ra's search info until finally at long last the tranny obsesser finds one that fits his agenda.
Obsessed, go dilate.

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>wanna play dark knight
>but also wanna play gun breaker
>but have a friend that is autistically obsessed with FF8 so all he'll end up playing is gunbreaker
Show me the coolest dark knight armors so I feel good about playing Dark Knight


Heavy Steel Armor
Now that was an armor set

>I didn't read tooltips before the expansion and kinda excited every level i got new shit
>Get the point of heat
>Ding 70
>Aw hell yeah flamethrower let's try it out
>See it raises your heat at an alarming rate and it has a 60s cd
>"oh no"

I'm sorry, but no matter how much you hate it being social is a part of MMOs

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tincan is cute, CUTE though

What is this countdown?

I recall someone mentioning it an another thread that Japan is doing ffxiv shadowbringer countdown event how do I even find it?

Anyone know if the amount of newbies stuck in heavensward waiting for shadowbringers to unlock stormblood is enough to be a problem for level 60 queues?

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engage in coitus

They left TK untouched, but increased the cooldown on PB to 120 and tackle mastery no longer grants a stack from FoW- it's now a change based tackle in all stances. So the double TK rotation is dead, but it could still be a gain when used with PB/RoF.

If you want to find out all the other shit just look at the ShB monk changes on gamerscape.

There is nothing social about being a tranny.

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Odin's set, Yanxian with the Abyss helmet (pic mostly related), Chaos set, Augmented Shire dyed black

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Thank you user

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warrior / summoner main here
im gonna change to dancer / samurai in the expansion

(and probs DRG and RDM too)

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I can't believe BLU is fucking dead...

I will tyvm

because I'm a proud support bitch

All the jobs i play now, drk, whm, nin, mch. Maybe I'll try gunbreaker

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WoH and WoL

Who said I was a tranny, I just wanted DMs on my cute cat

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gonna try gunbreaker

I finally got around to going through all the SB content a few weeks ago and didn't have a queue more than a few minutes, but I went through it as PLD so I don't know how it'll be if you want to play a dps.

How is the state of XIV?

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Chaos, diabolic, omega, berseker

cute cat

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it's patch lull, nothing to say but ask again when shb launches desu


I want to kaiten my dick and then iaijutsu my cum into her..

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First timer queues are not that bad because mentor roulette is heavily weighted towards grouping with new players

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whm or blm, depending on whar character i decide to go through on first. probably blm.

Lynxliege, this chest with the rest being Behemoth armor parts.

I really dig the chaos set, how hard is it to get once I start heavensward?

Chaos set's your reward for hitting 60 and finishing DRK's last HW job-quest

>japan actually doing some neat and actually excited to see Shadowbringer
>NA complains about everything and will buy the game anyway while complaining.

>Tank - Paladin
>Healer - Astrologian
>Caster - Summoner
>Ranged - Dancer
>Melee - Fuck Positionals

He apparently told his viewers to shit on some kid. He doesn't remember doing so.

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There's a lot of new people and I don't remember this at the end of Heavensward even though Zenos picture was everywhere, I'm happy to give advice to new players though

Literally the worst time to ask this question. Three weeks before a new expansion is basically the deadest it can get. Only thing worth doing right now is the moogle event to get mounts you may have missed, but that is one heck of a grind.

What is your weaponfu?
Hard mode: no shiny effects

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>That low poly mass of a foot

The absolute state of footfriends.

Primarily MNK. Probably going to level DNC on the side.

Well, there's video of him doing it, so...

Then that shouldn't be too hard, thanks user

You get it for FREE at level 60, but to dye it you will need to do void ark or spend centurio

emperor's new fists

Fordola TRUST when, bros.

Yeah that shit doesn't work. Him and my mom should learn that.

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Hell Light or the Revolver of the Wanderer

>non modded feet
the absolute state of nips

Make It Rain campaign and Moogle Tomestones are keeping me logged in.

If I'm playing Dark Knight should I go Viera or a Male race, probably the Au Ra?

I forgot how shit the unmodded models are

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>mentor roulette
>not that bad
Not even the reduced amount of time for a queue make playing with mentors "not bad"

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Got a Twitch clip?

Only footfags cares about such a pointless far away part of what matters.

The mentors who bother to unlock mentor roulette are mostly alright. The shitter mentors don't queue it because the rewards suck

Aren't they wearing tights/socks?

Au ra male is only good dark knight

No Twitch clip, but I do have something

I can only grind Syrcus Tower so much. I've got two of the ARR Beast Tribe mounts now but I'm losing steam so I'll probably stop.

Almost there lads.
So how's everyone's static comp looking for SHB

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I don't like the catfag/lizard trannies that will play viera but they'll return to their SMOL CUTE race again after a while. Viera look surprisingly good as DRK. Male tanks and melee look pretty good except cats and lalafell.

>male au ra drk
Every time I've gotten into a group with one of these they have at least one edgy macro

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or people that want the game to look better


Full static and our healers are both new to it but they listen at least so thats gonna be fun

I don't know if it really counts as glowshit, but I like the Gordian Katana

Zepla is really cute.

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Got any pictures of them as DRK?

female au ra master race

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How often do you wear armor that doesn't cover your feet. FOOT FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG


Gae Bolg.
Goddamn what a great lance design.

Based and fordolapilled.

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When i'm afking in my house or erping on the bed

For me, it's Male Elezen, the best race.

Anons don't tell me you cant make friends and form a static can you?

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I just use PF whenever I want to. Miss me with that scheduling bullshit.

Maybe, maybe. If they remove the mentor crown it's possible.

That's like asking me to pick between my children user but I'll try for each job
>DRK - Baldur Blade/Molybdenum Longblade (will probably be Shadowbringer when the expac hits)
>PLD - Heavy Metal Longsword/Baldur Sword
>WAR - Bravura
>BLM - Shantotto's Staff, there's no Dragon Quest knob-end wizard's staff available
>SMN - Lemegeton Anemos for that Bahamut wing glow-effect
>RDM - Dreadwyrm Rapier
>DRG - Gae Bolg
>NIN - Seiryu's Daggers
>SAM - Kagehide, Kanesada, Mythrite Uchigatana
>MNK - Spharai
>WHM - Maple Cane
>AST - They all kinda look the same
>SCH - Organum Anemos for the fairy-wing glow

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>tfw no bar dancing minigame to earn gil

She is. Her new video was kinda sweet. As far as youtubers go I don't mind her.

Mentor crown is forced on during mentor roulette


Fordola a cute.

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>implying not having a static means you don't have friends
I'm just not an autist that needs to play the game with the same group at the same time every week

I don't really like screenshot fagging and my pc is shit so the picture wouldn't be great anyway, sorry user. But you could just install the benchmark and check yourself. I recommend giving the hrothgarr a try too.

Here I figured it was the Viera who were the vietcong, now I learn it's the giant cats.

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Can you shills fuck off and go back to screeching about leakers with your queen?

Shinryu's Katana or Doman Iron Katana

>BLM - Shantotto's Staff

always and forever

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>inb4 the virtual youtuber shill
I fucking hate ecelebfaggots.

>Shantotto's Staff
I was really disappointed when I actually got this and tried it on. They should have put some actual work into modeling the orb on top. It looks awful.

Can I choose any class I want in the benchmark?
And try different armor sets?

>Still need PvP wins for GARO mounts
>75 more Syrcus runs
I don't want to play this game anymore.

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>actually being a mogslave

Guillotine of the Tyrant

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Your job is pretty much locked to DRK for the benchmark's outfitting purposes, but there's a fair variety of tank sets to try out.

Why does everyone have gay bulge? It's supposed to be a unique relic weapon and then you get to HW and every dragoon has one

I want to rub my dick against those.

Imagine getting fannyflustered by literally anything

Nice, thanks user

It's not unique, it's standard issue for all Knights Dragoon.

because it is perfection

garo mounts are easy, it took me like 3h to get 30 feast wins
namazu earrings are shit

Gunbreaker. I can't wait, the animations look so cool and i love the playstyle, it's everything i want out of a tank.
Alternatively this:

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Who is this cocksleeve

The best one

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Pretty sure all people, good or bad, don't queue it because the rewards suck and getting stuck in the Ultima Weapon for 50 minutes with 7 literal retards that either don't speak any English, have the chat turned off, or for some reason just refuse to obey simple instructions that would allow them to win is literal fucking hell.


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Rate my Dork Knight glam

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Lorewise Gae Bolg is not a unique spear and it's pretty standard-issue for the Knights Dragoon, but how to make one is a closely guarded secret. A Relic Reborn restores and gives you the very first one, owned by Saint Reinette.

Be honest, would you?

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Will probably level BTN, MIN, WVR, LTW after then DRG, SCH.

>the deadest it can get

Numbers on Steam, at least, say otherwise. There's more people playing now than there were 6 months ago.

I'm the spectre of /vg/.

Every single tank, probably leveling DRK first though.

That she is. Love her and I really like Yotsuyu too but Fordola appeals to my interests in too many ways and is a nice character in general. Plebians like Y'sthola and Lyse. Fancying Yotsuyu and Fordola on the other hand means you've patrician taste.

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also Find a better weapon, 9/10

When are you going to suck my extra large xaela cock dumb slut

Why are you shilling this so hard?
Desperate for money, slut?

He said no shiny weapons.

9/10, actually tried for a cohesive outfit which is better than most DORKs I see. Try a different greatsword though, I suggest Ala Mhigan Guillotine or Balmung

>tfw can't afford half an hour of fake meido friends

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Whats your opinion on healing changes user? i really want to play AST as ive always done but its been difficult to feel motivated to with its changes.


Bitch needs to be sent to the gallows

>field commander set
>basic, no-frills greatsword
Marry me.

No different than a real maid-cafe. BRING ON THE ROEGADYN SLUTS

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how the fuck do you not even have 100k gil

Hell Light
Lost Allagan katana
Thanks but I love this sword

Circlets are for palacucks

I'm partial to the elemental set and the mishmash on the right that I put together

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What are you hoping for in gunblade models?

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I really like it, Imma need a name for the torso and and skirt

Nah the trainwrecks are the most fun

Ji you caught me b.
We're hosting free events every day at ward 8 plot 2 Kugane at gilgamesh

I just want an Heirsbane glamour from Gold Saucer.

but there is no shiny effect..

What're the parts on the right? I like it, except for the helm.

I'm afraid not but you can try several other sets as mentioned by another user. You were mostly concerned with DRK anyway so this should still help a fair bit. You can still try out different races so that might be worth giving a shot since you'd be able to see how they look in DRK gear.

Wow now that's a fedora tipping post

Blow me you stupid german.

That looks like the alliance set from the last Stormblood dungeon

Bravura Atma, still the best WAR axe in the game

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Mostly different gun-part models than a revolver, along the inevitable different blades. If I don't see a shotgun or blunderbuss gunblade I'll flip shit

>100k for 30 mins
bitch please

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My lips are on high demand here, huh?
Not that i mind..


Alliance chest, is a coat

Look at that fucking bloom.

Lynxliege for the upper parts
Hellfire for the bottom parts
I couldn't find a better helm to put on and I hate the lynxliege one

lol he gets banned for that, but not these girls who are almost fucking naked?

I thought i read that current Ultimate fights would be temporarily disabled to rebalance for 5.0 job changes, but in Golden Tot's interview, Yoshida says they have no plans to go back and change anything about the SB Ultimates.

>I thought i read that current Ultimate fights would be temporarily disabled to rebalance for 5.0 job changes
You should stop believing everything you read on Yea Forums

I'l stick with SAM, but the new changes to SMN do interest me.

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>3h to get 30 feast wins
Fucking how? No matter how hard I try it's borderline impossible to make sure to get a win. Discordfaggotry or did you find some way to actually carry the team hard?

Only two more bros...

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Those looks awesome, thanks user

WoW is bleeding out hard. The server split might not be enough to compensate for what will happen when all the inactives come back or resub. They may even need to add new servers to the NA data centers.

her body is probably rotten enough to create any hole for you to fuck by pressing down hard enough with your penis.

One of those things makes Twitch money, the other does not

Not with 7 silent morons which is all the fucking time fuck
2-3 people taking it well can be fun yeah
I don't understand why they're always silent, does it go hand in hand with being clueless?


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Cheers my dudes

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should I get the namazu earring or just two mounts

you can do it bro.

I kinda want to try playing a hrothgar but I don't want to be associated with gay furries

Do you really want to catch them user? What will you do once you finish achieving your dream and no longer have anything else to chase after?

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>used to GCD healing due to maining WHM
>decide to try SCH
>try to avoid GCDs like the plague because I heard that's how you're supposed to play SCH
I'll give it to you SCH mains, this shit's got a bit of a learning curve. I've been trying to work in a certain order. If one tier isn't enough, I'll hop on down to the next one. Tell me if I'm doing it right...
>oGCD Heals
>Largesse Buffed GCD Heals
I'm also not sure when I should be using Excog. I kind of just use it when I need breathing room. I also pretty much Fey Union whenever my gauge is full. I haven't even gotten into learning how to shield properly and DPSing yet

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you right.

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why does this look better than xiv

Dumb slut, ignoring my needs over discord.

just go for the diadem mount since that's dead shit

Kill yourself or consider hanging out in /vg/ with the rest of the screenshotfags and then killing yourself anyway.

What's the biggest MCH gun? Need a machinegun.

that weapon does not go with that outfit


I can usually rally enough of the group to kick people who don't want to learn. Idk about the entire group being silent sounds like an EU thing because usually everyone in DF starts getting fucking mad after a few wipes

Don't actively associate yourself with that crowd and you'll do fine, one or two "no way fag"s and not dressing only in a coeurlskin banana-hammock have kept me from being associated with the barafags as a roegadyn.

The gun you get with your level 70 gear is pretty big

>Field commander coat

Someday I'll get over the fact that I'll never get it
Today is not that day

no i just did training, only shitters there


don't glam yourself to look like a gay furry and you'll be fine, no worries

Healer is the only job that can carry, but even then it depends on your team somewhat. I would say that 3h and 30 wins are impossible considering single match is 6mins

MNK and then GNB

Excog is more or less the same purpose as Adloquiums in low-level dungeons, slap it on the tank and then forget he exists unless he's taking so much damage you can't ignore him

Statics are great if you want to meet new people and not be forced into meta faggotry.

The objective best DRK sword.

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You're an idiot, their outfit matches perfectly with the weapon.

twitch sluts make cash. a percentage of that cash goes to twitch.
xeno plays a video game. whoop dee fucking doo

Blue Mage

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All of em

No. Get a different zwei. the paint on it as well as the handles coloration is off colored from the colors of field commander

roles are looking locked in, but our job comp is gonna be a fucking mess. 1 or 2 dnc, and our blm is thinking about playing mch. thankfully still have at least one melee player so I don't really care too much. hoping what the live letter said about the limit gauge charging differently means job stacking won't affect it anymore so people can just play what they want and have fun instead of burning out on meta comps.

>Shiny shit
>On a book of all things

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>tfw got Yakuman'd

Armageddon or Dreadwyrm Handgonne

Why the fuck did they add this race?

You're aware that twitch takes half of the money from every sub and a cut from bits as well, right?
Xeno absolutely made them money.

what boots?

Same thing I've played since 2.0

PLD life.

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I haven't played in 4 years and my FC was gone, my LSes were all dead, and my friends list was barren when I logged back in
Some IRL friends started playing recently though with no prompting from me so I transferred over to their server. A few of em will probably want to raid.

Because the glows fit the job, aren't obnoxious, and books are otherwise so plain that your choice of model really doesn't matter

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>SMN - Lemegeton Anemos for that Bahamut wing glow-effect
>SCH - Organum Anemos for the fairy-wing glow


that zone is overall a shit hole but it was entirely worth it for those two appearances

Training never even pops for me but, worth a shot just to get it done. Thanks user.
I guess so. a healer that panics is a problem. For me my problem is that if I try to heal I'll end up healing my own corpse/someone's corpse due to delay. i'd probably need muttshark for that to even be a possibility.

Might drop heals entirely because the new AST changes look anti-fun and lock cards into some stupid semi-rotation like everything else in the game.

Probably GUN but maybe I'll stay DRK if it's not in the shed.

Looks like a fucking walrus more than a lion. the devs seriously dropped the ball on this ugly ass shit. You can tell they didn't give a fuck.

Thanks bro
I'll look forward to catching more in another dimension

Im wondering the same about viera. just importing a fetish race from another Final Fantasy is kinda cheap and we already have enough slut races.

I wish the Anemos wings flapped like the Pyros ones. The Hydatos book was a mistake for not just giving clean wings with the flap


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Get that trix yogurt looking motherfucker outta here

>a gamer made more money than a twitchslut

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Probably because people have been asking for them since 1.0.

Yeah, wtf bro. Putting a final fantasy race in a mainline final fantasy game.. what were they thinking

Exog and aldo before a pull
Shadowflare+Miasma II
By that time the tank might be getting close to death so you start healing

Why can't viera wear hats?

I never said "more" you mongoloid.

A man of culture

You know what, that's fair and I respect your choice. For some retarded reason I thought you meant the Anima weapons which have one of the most obnoxious glows imaginable on books

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Never mind that half those abilities are gone in 3 weeks.

Serpent elite spear is the whole reason I joined the best GC way back in ARR.

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Vieras aren't sluts like cats though, although good luck convincing the playerbase of that.

sorry hrothgar turned out to be total shit, bro

Mimesis not the Lux version is kino

I have mixed feelings about them but I'm gonna hold off on any outrage until I actually get to try the changes for myself. I'd be lying if I said I didn't pick jobs based off whether or not I like them thematically so I'll probably stick to them regardless of the changes.

Need resources to remodel everything not enough resources purisu andasutando.

They were talking only about nerfing limit break cheese, not the double role thing.
Limit break cheese is abusing how you get additional limit break by:
Surviving lethal damage with shields and buffs
Healing critically low HP
For example, speedrunners would purposefully double up hits of the first o11s flamethrower or the first raidwide of o6s after taking off and putting on all their clothes to start the fight with minimal hp. Surviving with a fat adlo would instantly build a full lb3. People were using a massive amount of them when groups playing normally would get 1 or 2.

Healing is hard in feast, bursts are brutal and if you get opposite team that is coordinated you have to be very good at switching healing targets. WHM is the best healer in pvp, so you can go with that for easier time.

Because Shadowniggers is a rushed expansion. They probably will make it work one day, I see zero reason why Hrothgar can't wear hats and helms.

Out of the ones he listed only Bane and Shadowflare are going away
Which sucks but whatever, drop Sacred Soil instead since it now has a fucking regen effect on top of the damage reduction so you can forget the tank exists even harder

35k gc seal drk sword. don't remember the name but that sword made me start playing dark knight. love it.

I always preferred glowing shit for casters, since at least it makes more sense for a mage to have some auras on the device they use to channel magic, as opposed to a guy who's really good at drawing his katana having glowy shit for no reason.

>best AF4 set
>best AF4 weapon

Who won?

I've been level 70 for a month and STILL can't get into Sephirot normal

Need to remodel everything to accommodate their ears, if they let ears clip complaints would shift to everything looking like shit and not being modeled with their ears in mind


Gunbreaker is the best looking one by far.

Can't they just make the ears clip through everything like Au Ra horns?


>that father in the lobby of the Golden Saucer forcing his child into slavery in the silver mines
I don't know why it got me so much but it did, still laughing at it now

Attached: 1551744355051.png (600x900, 537K)

Don't remind me ;_;

>That big brain Nibelung leak wasn't real
>DRK's sword isn't called 'Gram'

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PLD no contest, the only bad part about their artifact is the shield

Because animation doesn't make money back in 2019

People are dumb. Same as "BIG= FUTA" "CAT=GO NYA MEOW" "Small race= pedo" I fucking hate normalfags, I hate /xivg/ fags and anyone else with a similar mentality.

Except the shield is kinda weak

You realize literally every job in this setting that you can play is super magic heavy, right? Even if it wasn't, you can still wield special weaponry that is itself special in some way.

MNK finally got a nice looking weapon again
Hopefully the final relic form doesn't look like ass for once

I like the SMN AF4, reminiscent of AF1 and isn't fucking slut gear like AF2 and 3 were.

Attached: SMN AF4.png (900x740, 1.04M)

They make a hundred million yen per month. Surely they can allocate some resources into making it work for a $40+ expansion.

What exactly is there to do in FFXIV once you cap your tomes and do your raids?

I made a perfect Viera in the benchmark character creator, how will I be able to import her into the base game when Shadowbringers comes out

Ah that's what I suspected but the translations on live letters are so fucking vague I wasn't sure. I figured since their emphasis on job design in ShB seems to be more about "play whatever the fuck you want the meta is wrong" they'd just let people stack jobs and stop giving a shit about diversity entirely.
Hopefully it's still fine even if we're gimped on LB usage a little bit. Everyone's a really good player so even if our comp is ass everyone being an orange parser otherwise should easily make up for it.


I like the new SMN robes. DRK's new set also looks pretty nice. Hopefully they don't lock dyable versions being Diadem 3.0/Eureka 2.0 or whatever.

Single roles will actually matter more now as they're changing how party buffs work. So you will probably want 1 ranged 1 caster not sure if it's 2 melees though.

They've had a help-wanted sign on their JP website since ARR and constantly bring up riding the wire or being overworked

The other 90% of the content

All the classes use some form of magic to do their attacks.

Get achievements done.

I did, user, I did. but I've some serious delay issues in xiv either way. The healing my corpse/someone else's corpse bit was unironic. I can't do "last second" healing saves since that just means I'll heal them post-mortum.


I'll swap the shoes for something else but otherwise the SMN artifact is perfect this time around if you ask me. Doesn't have AF1's goofy little Bahamut wings on the back either

Toriyama's waifu GB
Titan one just being a ball of magma with a blade attached

Excog is basically a safety net for your fairy in dungeons that you drop on tank pre-pull and then let fairy do all the healing.
In trials its a stronger lustrate that will go off on its own while you can dish out more deeps.
Fey Union is best used after Rouse+Whispering Dawn runs out since by the time Union uses up all the fairy gauge, Rouse will be seconds away from being usable again giving you a full minute of fairy chain casting stronger Cure I on your tank of choice.
I'm going to miss Rouse

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Just put a pf up some dudes will join you for unsync. Optional bosses not tied to MSQ will always have a long queue after they become irrelevant

Craft and gather

Rockstar has far worse working conditions and no one complains.

Agreed. SCH/SMN are the only jobs were having giant effects on the weapons actually enhances them, instead of ruining them.

why the fuck does Spread have a 30 second cooldown?
>play AoE Balance
>immediately draw another balance
>have to wait an entire ~27 seconds to spread it, then a further 30 seconds to hopefully re-AoE it
was AST designed by chimps?

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What's magic about Warrior, Machinist, and Gunbreaker?

>Square Enix upper management
>Good decisions
Pick one
They've been better than usual the last couple years but don't count on em getting everything right

As long as you saved it in the benchmark, you will be able to load it when changing character via fantasia or new character in ShB.

Rockstar isn't regularly putting out self-reports and interacting with their players the way XIV's team is

Which entails...?

nice outfit. shame about that race though

I dunno I think gimped lb3 is major for PrOgReSsIoN.
With regular gain you usually had it before hello world 2 to revive everyone after whatever fuck ups.
Without regular gain... you don't and you wiped right there.

Is spending stacks on Energy Drain vs oGCD heals just something that comes with experience? There are times where I'll think it's safe to Energy Drain, then the boss lands a fat crit on the tank and I'm like oh shit

Machinist and Gunbreaker use magitek, but Warrior uses magic to draw out their Inner Beast which enhances their strength, and they also do shit like Fell Cleave and Decimate.

I miss her already

Attached: fordola.jpg (723x1024, 233K)

I do not believe attractive female elezen exist, prove me wrong

Warrior relies on a poorly-understood and vague "inner beast" to accomplish Herculean feats of strength and can probably be understood as a wellspring of aether to supercharge their actions and send themselves into rages, Machinist uses magitek which is mechanical manipulation of aether (used to power machinery and generate ammunition from nothing), Gunbreaker is more pure mechanical force (use of explosive cartridges to empower sword swings) but still uses magitek for abilities like Aurora and other specific effects

Rouse Whispering Dawn hasn't been a thing for a while, they changed it to be an ability and upped its potency halfway through SB. That made it way more responsive.

Not him but the WoL is magical in general. Being able to hide every fucking class's armor and weapons in the aether and change at will for example. Teleport/Return spells. The Echo itself is sort of a magic.

Lucky for you, every card is a damage card in 5.0 but you can only give the whole group damage with Divination once every 3 minutes

Behold the FFXIV killer and it's F2P on Steam

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Is this the part where you reply to yourself with your shitty Elezen?


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>wanting AST to be even more broken

Fuck yes, thanks user

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Alright, fair enough.

And there's really not a single soul in all Japan fit to hire for those positions for years?

Based. Fuck ascians, fuck allaincefags.

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NIN or SAM bros? can't decide my weeb path

burn it, kill it with fire before it spreads

Just knowing the fights really
And when shit hits the fan you always have Emergency Tactics + Adlo/Succor

I would, but I don't want to seem like an attention whore

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S tier
A tier
B tier
C tier
D tier
F tier

Allahu Akbar Tier

I need more Potato Fordola in my life. Lewd and non-lewd.


>that fucking face on the dress and shisui set

It's hard to hire when there are no applicants

>I still glam it over later tank armor from time to time because that shit gets so ostentatious.
Feels weird.

Attached: 2222.png (755x493, 351K)

You either are turned on by Elezen or you aren't, no inbetween

Do you want to be Naruto or Jin?

>Teleport/Return spells
What I never got about this was that they started charging gil in 2.0 "to help pay for the cost of maintenance," but if most people can only very rarely use teleporting anyway due to sickness, how is the 500g at most we give them going to help?

She perfect, isn't she?

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Hiring in tech fucking sucks

Would be better without the pointless buttcape. Why does that shit have to be on everything? Why?

This She's a real looker though

if you hate yourself, but want to be in every raid group ever, nin.
otherwise sam

>Fordola will never be your cocksleeve
y liv

It's a great looking set. Would be even better if it didn't have the stupid batman neck lock.

It's still used often enough by average people, and especially adventurers, for the tolls to be profitable.

>tfw everyone, even the nips who prefer more svelte figures, wish the breast options went farther and there was an option for ass at all.

GNB, MCH, WAR, and DRK are my favorites

Someone's gotta pay the janitor to clean up all the teleportation sickness vomit


I agree, do like I did and learn how to mod so you can remove buttcapes. Its still a fucking nice set though.

That's correct, but Rouse still buffs embrace and unless you are keeping it for raid-wide aoe, you should be using whispering dawn to further boost fairy healing. That and the muscle memory of using them side by side is still there.
As all things do. You'll eventually get a feel on how much can the tank take before dropping dead and then you get to ask yourself a question: Is the tank going to die from the next hit? If the answer is no, you energy drain.

Attached: a-ok.png (600x525, 94K)

>lalafell fordolla
I never knew I wanted this until now

>literally wow's UI
>generic asian setting #5187529
>looks like every f2p churned out template MMO made in the last 15 years
Nigga even Runes of Magic looks better than that. It somehow looks like perfect world but worse and even more uninspired.

XIV is at the same point WoW once was: Only it can kill itself. WoW is killing itself now, hoping Classic can save it before they resort to f2p. XIV's not there yet, but it might eventually. Then again, the fucking madmen are still running FFXI and charging monthly for that, so maybe not. The Japs are stubborn fucks.


>NIN's AF4 is just tattered AF3
>S tier
U wot mate

she's alright but please don't attentionwhore.

Not bad. Not a fan of the lip gloss but I'm an autist who avoids using any kinda makeup when my WoL is questing and doing work.

Cracked Daggers.
It's so hard to get knives that aren't fucking swords.

>no no trust me bro
excellent proof. I'm absolutely floored

This is an unbiased rankings from someone who doesn't play.

I greatly appreciate decently drawn, and preferably cute/pretty rather than Rule 34 Viera art.

because they add viera they had to make a male-only race

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Why would I do that

What the fuck am I even looking at?

God they seem so phoned in this time.

>It's AF3 again but with even more of the worst parts and a big nice scarf ruined by annoying dongles at the end of the torso that clip into the ground.
It's fucking shit tier.

Why sign up to be a developer for an mmo, when mobile gacha games are the current golden goose in Japan? You'll still be pulling long days and crunch time, but you'll be in a genre with obvious upward mobility.

Looks attractive to me.

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I want the lizard guys from final fantasy 14 as a playable race

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I just like being tall, minus how awkward it makes leg revealing clothing look. Making the switch to viera day one of early access.

Yoshi wanted a beast race.

Because you're a faggot that was dumb enough to not only roll Viera, but post it in the first place

>SMN and SCH in C tier when they got superior versions of their AF1s

Attached: 1550583849830.jpg (288x499, 24K)

meant for

>Role Waiting List Number: After #50

Attached: 1522817677138.png (900x1042, 90K)


I don't think always rousing with WD is smart now. You'll likely end up stacking all your resources at once for an overheal period followed by a not so heal period. Plus, many of her embraces are wasted while whispering dawn is ticking unless you micro her.

Wow rude

The SMN pants and shoes are literally reskins of the i120 vendor armor.

I haven't played in a long time, how do i get that outfit and sword?
is the sword dark only?

How many years until XVII Online?

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Japanese literally cannot write code to save their fucking lives, and SE won't hire unless you're fluent in Japanese. Do the math.

>clown shoes
>smaller horn
it's worse

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I'm new. Is red mage fun?

>DPS cuck

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We have so many different variants of crakowes available for every single JOB that I have no idea why you would even make any more.

XIV's got a couple more expansions in it probably
I wish we had gotten DQX outside of Japan, I tried playing with a VPN once and even after jumping through all those hoops the latency was just too shitty

I want to be Miqote male that gets bullied by Viera

>babyshit green hair
>bumblebee crumplesnatch eyes/face
>lazy beauty mark that noone but fools thinks is actually pretty, it's a fucking mole
>no other actual details added to the face
>and most importantly, it's still a fucking giraffe and no giraffe looks good in either gender

Attached: 1543803951648.jpg (1200x848, 136K)

Simple fun. But boring if you only play it.


Femroes are literally the best race for heavy armor.

>these cat "men" are so pathetic, don't you agree?

Not like it matters, anyway. Rouse will join the grave with the rest of deleted SCH spells once ShB hits.

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I'd be happy with just new equipment from 5.0 and onwards working with their ears and ignoring all previous equipment. They are just lazy. They have no excuse.

Shut the fuck up joblet

Rude? Maybe. Wrong? No.

Everyone deals with Au Ra horns and they come out of far less easily explained places.

Reminder that all the teleport money goes to the dirty Jew potatoes in Ul'Dah and they have a stranglehold on the market. One of many reasons why the day of the fryer can't come soon enough.

>the founder of the the Garlean Empire is an Ascian

will that killed any hype i have left for the empire

>hates beauty mark

More attractive than catgirl faces to me, miqote faces are fat asian faces. Yuck.

XIV has already been out as long as XI was when XIV was released.

Could be any year now.

Giraffes are sexy

Attached: fucking giraffes.jpg (165x120, 15K)

>how do i get that outfit
user, I'm sorry...

Attached: you can't.jpg (189x267, 11K)

The repeat reverse-engineering of Allagan technology was your first clue

They paid to rebuild it so it's only fair
How do you know he's not lying?

very true

Attached: 1547077679428.png (825x825, 1.02M)

>how do i get that outfit and sword?

Attached: 1542924822960.gif (200x200, 1.79M)

>He can't even manipulate aether

Attached: Xande.png (1776x1000, 2.22M)

Viera are no moogle or Chocobo.

Alright, fine, since you seem to want it so bad, here you go.

Attached: 06_04_2019 16_33_42.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

Mommy Miounne!

I agree that part of it is them being lazy, but people have been unable to explain to me how exactly hats and helmets should work with Viera ears then. Do you just want to hide the ears? What's the point of playing Viera then?

Any engaging classes that are mildly simple to play? Summoner looked fun

The Garlean Empire was created by an ascian. The Republic of Garlemald existed before Solus. Chances are we'll see Gaius try to reform the republic since he's fiercely loyal to his homeland but not its current rulers.




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as somebody who likes elves, i dont like this one

What's wrong with how hats looked on viera in ffta?

That's a cute giraffe.

Holes in the hat you dumb fuck. You have been told this previously. Some hoods can hide ears, would work fine and perfectly believable if they made the ears have some motion, but again, they are lazy.

She looks like she's overjoyed to cut off my ballsack and feed them to the wild hogs in south shroud.

which means they're superior to the other races. they use they mind and with their superior intellect, they invented magitek

You mean the 2D concept art where if you look closely the ears are actually on the side of the head and not on top of the head?

Attached: Ffta-viera-redmage.jpg (258x500, 27K)

I want more than that, bb.

Attached: 17781.jpg (480x452, 11K)

>finally got the Scathach minion

Attached: 1559088379829.png (682x554, 788K)

Surprisingly cute, for a giraffe. You'd be a billion times better as a Highlander.

>hey guys, it's zeeeeepla and today we're going to talk about the ishgardian housing crisis


overdid it with the highlights and make up, but modded elezens are beautiful

Attached: 67f36ddf-dd8a-4e44-b590-cd86489fc588.jpg (1276x1080, 169K)

Ascians need to kys immediately, those organization xiii rejects are getting too old

>haha we are evil, we stand in a circle in a very mysterious place and plan evil things

That elezen from the scholasticate questline

Attached: AEKGvd.jpg (1200x804, 106K)

Is this plastic looking abomination supposed to be good?

>t. Hydaelyn

>the fucking loincloth on their red mage gear

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Please fantasia immediately


This. They didn't give two shits about Viera. Their emotes are laughably bad.

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>you'd be better if you threw away your rich heritage to be a mudhut dweller
Thats terrible, worse than most non-modded elezens who don't have fashion sense. Reminds me of the ugly bitch from that cowboy bebop episode about the monkey virus

>absolutely despise the retarded ass FF8 style gunblade
>GNB looks fun as fuck

I did not expect to feel this way.


and that's a good thing!

I've seen better Flexi hair in Second Life

>balance is already very heavily in light's favor and the whole multiverse is fucked if the source world dies as a result
i wonder who could be behind this post

looks like one of those babies that comes out with an eggplant shaped head because the mother drank beer for the first 10 months of pregnancy

It wouldn't look better as a Highlander because I wouldn't care as much, so I wouldn't put in as much work to make her look good

I was expecting nin to be the best as always but they didnt even try

Elidibus was just a well-intentioned extremist

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>muh laziness meme
Let me guess, you people are also upset about Game Freak being "lazy" not wanting to update the animations and designs of over 800 unique creature models.

post pics

reminds me of sminem

>Why do Elezen never apologize?
>Because it takes them forever to swallow their pride.
>Why are Elezen such assholes?
>They're always looking down on everyone
>What's the difference between Ishgard and a Cactuar?
>The Cactuar's pricks are on the outside

I really don't think Hydealyn is malevolent or evil, just misguided. She seems to actually value mortal life and seeks to protect it, but she's also stubborn and retarded and thinks she can do so without Zodiark there to balance her out, which simply isn't working no matter how hard she tries to force it.

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>I hear your pleas, Warrior of Darkness, I will not let the First fall to light
>This is why I'll send Minfillia to do absolutely nothing in there while you stay dead

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In FF light is never seen as bad

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With all the money they make, they have no excuse and at least GF doesnt have their money siphoned off to other projects like XIV does

In FF3 the Warriors of Darkness had to fight back a Flood of Light.