Thoughts on game companies attempting to appeal to the LGBT community for pride month?
Thoughts on game companies attempting to appeal to the LGBT community for pride month?
Weak and disingenuous, but that's par for the course for this type of virtue signalling
Trying to farm virtue points and appeal to a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population to show they are on the "right side" of history.
It's tasteless pandering for comercial reasons rather than actually caring.
They'll be forgotten by the end of the month
The Rainbow™ flag is the Gamer™ brand of SJW. Every company that does this only does it for free advertising and PR points.
I really dont care and neither should anybody else.
>Acceptance is about forgetting stereotypes
>Posts a picture with multiple pink controllers, a stereotypical "girly" color, to show support for gays
You can't make this shit up
I'm never buying an Xbox ever again.
I'm never eating Doritos ever again.
Bake the fucking cake! Pull your pants down and spread your anus, bigot!
That's for trannies I think
Pretty stupid. And you know there are people who will scream at everyone on social media "support companies supporting LGBT+ or you are a fascist worse than hitler!!!1!1!"
It's a very scummy capitalist thing to do, not out of the ordinary. If lynching niggers was still in style they'd be doing that still
I'm not gay so I don't get mad offer stuff so insignificant.
based convictionless capitalism bleeding the onions faggots dry
>Thoughts on company doing __________
Silence, brands. That is all.
I support you. Now give me your money you bitch.
You big gay bitch.
>good thing I'm Playstation
lol snoy is even gayer
A company attempting to appeal to a specific demographic to purchase their products is nothing new.
That looks legit disgusting
I understand making every meme a special day but why do americans insist on making them months?
Here's what I've been working on.
I am become playstation
>Good thing I'm PlayStaton
that doesn't help
I don't have any strong initial reaction, for I am pretty easygoing, but I am also a white guy in his twenties, so not much bugs me.
There have legitimate reasons supporting the anti-trans argument, yeah? Like, it's not like the entirety of /pol/ is wrong on this issue, that's over 200,000 unique users a month.
Why should I not be okay with this corporate behavior? What part of the puzzle am I missing?
I had no idea Trump was doing that, that's fucking awesome.
Wipe these faggots from the face of the Earth.
wtf I love coke now!
Uh it's not Americans who decide to make certain memes month long holidays. It's just not...
It's just companies shitting it out to mindless consumers to feel like they're part of "something" trendy for the flavor of the month and part of the cool club
*there have to be
literally unironically based
it's just marketing. they milk it for $$$. the LGBT group is clearly full of emotional people, and emotional people spend money better.
>less than 2% of the population
wtf i don't think straights would even get this one
Why do you care. Why does it make you angry. Why are you bitching about it in a thread right now. Answer carefully.
Nuffin wrong with the gays
Because lgbt freaks are subhuman degenerates.
I get that it is just a cheap attempt to try to get a few dollars and free PR from some easily impressionable halfwits but still. The whole pride thing meant nothing but getting some free $$$ for decades now.
>also remotely implying playstation is any better in that regard
straight people invented sex
HIV and Aids
Dumb consumerist sheeple are dumb consumerist sheeple independently from where they like to stick stuff in/get stuffed.
Just with the ones in marketing
Even the LGB community is becoming aware.
Largely it's not something I'd accept since it's an attempt to commercialize ideology.
Liberals are mad as fuck about this but honestly whether or not your support gays the gay flag has absolutely no place on a government embassy.
They aren't trying to appeal to the LGBT community, they are pushing an agenda
They have money, the companies want that money. Pretty fucking simple, retard.
Been dramatically going down as information on safe sex has been disseminated and things like PrEP have come into existence. Incidentally, why are the only places where HIV rates are drastically increasing Africa and Eastern Europe, places that violently hate gays...?
t. gay tranny
Retard. Companies don't care about politics except for things that threaten their revenues
why do gay people do this?
Bullshit. (((Corporations))) are the main players of
>I don't think straight people know what sex is
They've been doing it a lot longer than you people.
From ugly incel to Stefanie Joosten. I can tolerate this.
He wasn't ugly though.
have sex
>shitty /leftypol/ meme
>is not even cropped
Classic. Reminder that Mastercard and George Soros make plots together.
>phone posting
depete yourself
Explain the backlash from Gillette then.
>Tfw when you realize "Pride" is becoming Christmas 2.0 with all of this shameless commercialization
>tfw we're gonna start seeing big Black cock friday fights and tramplings on youtube and the occasional murder with horse dildos on live leak
Fucking comedy gold! My funny bone is ready.
Straight people can get AIDS too, dipshit
It won’t be anywhere near Christmas/Easter/other holiday level commercialized, but it is pretty commercialized nonetheless. The least people can do is stop pretending it has any actual meaning anymore, just screaming about muh Stonewall and prancing down the street with your trademarked rainbow flag does jack shit.
For your amerimutt standards maybe.
HIV rates are significantly higher among gays in all forms, not just HIV. Has nothing to do with education and everything about to do with promiscuity and unsafe sex practices, two things that are rampant within the gay community.
They use our fight for rights an equality to earn money. Neoliberalism is disgusting.
Meant STD rates are higher not just HIV*
Reminder that without corporations and the ruling class, people would still hang you and your kind in the public square.
Unchecked faggotry doesn't benefit gaming but proctologists are going to make a fortune when gen X starts shitting out their large intestines thanks to destroyed buttholes.
what rights do homosexuals not have in the West
what the fuck is vers
im pretty sure unsafe sex practices has alot to do with education, also you have yet to refute the fact that straights still get AID/HIV, You're entire argument is a joke.
Hello, fellow homosexuals. It is us, [MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION]. Here to remind you that we support your lifestyle now that it has been federally legalised and it is completely socially safe, allowing for us to capitalise on your existence now it's mainstream. Look, we even changed the colours of [LOGO]! Why did we wait this long to come out and 'support' you? Haha, no more questions, homosexual. Buy our product. Buy our product. BUY OUR PRODUCT.
Someone who is both top and a bottom in different times.
That's a false equivalence. Yes government and law and order is important but that doesn't mean we would fall into anarchy with a different form of government. And no I don't mean communism, fuck communists.
My point is that corporations and the ruling class brainwashed the general public into tolerating your kind.
Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about.
That's fucking dumb.
disgusts me but as long as it's not shoved in my face (i.e Spider-Man, A Hat in Time) it won't deter me from getting the game
What is dumb?
Thank Deng Xiaoping that faggots don't exist in the PRC-
>also you have yet to refute the fact that straights still get AID/HIV, You're entire argument is a joke.
Okay? I never said they didn't. But the rates for STD's and HIV are vastly disproportionate for gays. Gays are notoriously promiscuous and also often mentally ill. They know the danger of HIV but they purposely infect each other anyways. There are even many gays who WANT to be infected with HIV for some reason. They get off on it.
Dumb frogposter, but correct.
The vers shit. Just say both. Don't make a new fucking term to be an even more special fag
Honestly I'm digging that white one.
In many western countries same-sex marriage is not recognized, and we are still facing discrimination in our every-day lives. This same week a lesbian couple got beaten up in public transportation, for example. And not every aggression is reported by news.
My kind? Do you think I'm a fag? I'm not, I'm just pointing out that your argument didn't make any sense.
>Lets try get all that gay money out of the gays
Is there a list to avoid buying from them again?
> There are even many gays who WANT to be infected with HIV for some reason
Ahhahaha you're a fucking retard, that's a fetish for a minuscule amount of people, you're stupid ass probably thinks this is a big think because he read about it online.
Corporations did nothing for our rights. Corporations only care about lgtb rights if they think that's profitable for them. Lgtb right were obtained thanks to social movements.
The political sphere knows that corporations increased the tolerance of LGBT people in the general public.
No, all corporations are owned by the six big companies. All of them pull this shit.
What about countries where it is literally illegal to be homosexual and capital punishment is often applied?
In Taiwan too. Despite opposition of the general public.
I want to have sex with shotas
Where's my parade?
woke bourgoise get the guillotine too
Harry Hay, "Founder of the Modern Gay Movement", was a supporter of NAMBLA.
Sorry but you can do all the mental gymnastics you want but the facts remain that gay men have a vastly higher percentage of STD's.
Men are stupid and horny. And a relationship without a woman to rule them over and keep them on a leash results in this.
They are despicable but I would probably take the money out those retarded progressives too if I was in a position to do so.
If current trends keep escalating you might have your wish granted in a couple of years.
>democracy is good, goyim
>unless we don't get the results we want
>t. roastie or 40%.
They fucked up their marketing, what is there to say?
Do you imply they did knowing it would be a failure just because they wanted?
So is shota/loli peodphilia or not? The loli posters keep denying it.
Women are stupid and purely emotionally-driven. And a relationship without a man to rule them over and keep them on a leash results in the destruction of your civilization.
He's not wrong though. Men are fucking horny and the only thing keeping them from fucking 24/7 is the amount of effort and charm required to fuck attractive women.
Remove women from the equation and you just have a bunch of horny men.
You do realize STD's rate are rising for everyone right?
reminder none of this has any effect on your life and if you get mad at it you are secretly gay
>Women are stupid and purely emotionally-driven
So, Yea Forums?
Based and redpilled.
>keep denying it
What's their alternative, admitting on the NSA monitored internet that they're criminals? There's no point "debating" this.
>t. someone who thinks LiS is art and not pedobait
Funny how Pride marketing, which is very basic marketing, is called out as strange or funny when everything else is ignored
Glad there's no underlying anti-pride agenda behind these huh.
>i don't hate gays but
in the same way that you have to be straight to fap to anime titties, you have to be a pedo to fap to loli/shota. Not that there's anything wrong with that, in fact most people are pedos deep down, but society is so fucking scared of that label they will convince themselves of any way out of it. The "I love loli but that doesn't make me a pedo" argument isn't actually true, but the people who say it think it is true.
how did fag month even become a thing?
it didn't exist a couple years
>ones in marketing
Nah, those are the reptilijews like everything. See
And if you want to punch nazis you're secretly a nazi
What happened to your boulder, goy?
Oh, you actually wanted to have sex with 2d drawings? I guess suicide is your only option then.
neither did gay rights.
when companies realized money could be made, the same way mother/fathers day
>Funny how Pride marketing, which is very basic marketing, is called out as strange
Haha yes fellow poster very funny how when a game company says it celebrates the fact that men have anal sex, it's seen as strange. Haha nice observation fellow poster
whatever post more gote
>They fucked up their marketing
Yet they still kept doing it.
>Two Presidents of the United States have officially declared a Pride Month. First, President Bill Clinton declared June "Gay & Lesbian Pride Month" in 1999 and 2000. Then from 2009 to 2016, each year he was in office, President Barack Obama declared June LGBT Pride Month.
It only boomed because of the legalization of gay marriage (I agree with this with the corporate whores), but corporations always pushed for their rights.
*Ahem* he'll live longer than you since
>he doesn't know
3d waifus are about to be rendered obsolete with the advent of 2D augmented reality robot waifus.
I didn't mean that you dumbass, I meant the marketing based on trends and events
Nice fixation on men having anal sex though.
Will any gote do?
The analogy isn't wrong, look at the church and there anti homosexuality yet being full of homosexual pedo's.
Rising sure. So are the type of values that make casual sex more normal, which is incidentally the reason why STD's are so much higher among the gay community. Baffling I know.
>marketing based on trends
The worldwide trend seems to be an uptick in nationalistic right wing beliefs. Interesting, you think it would be nice if Sony marketed based on that?
it's stupid and virtue signaling as every sane person obviously noticed.
on the other hand, anyone who has functioning braincells knows that this defending of gay people isn't in any form acceptable. mentally ill people are dangerous and are one of the biggest points of why humanity will significantly lose what little stability it had.
Hitler was absolutely right in genociding mentally ill people. any other thought of his was probably wrong. even physically ill people have a use.
a human working with pure emotion is pretty much useless. there needs to be a balance.
>The worldwide trend seems to be an uptick in nationalistic right wing beliefs
This is what echo chambers do to you.
What events occurred in the world of man to man anal sex that triggered this marketing campaign??
>Thoughts on game companies attempting to appeal to the LGBT community for pride month?
I think it's great and a celebration of western liberties and freedoms. Now that the church and christianity no longer controls us by force we white people can finally stop pretending to be what we're not and come out of the closet as sodomites, trannies, zoophiles, and pedos, and finally live an honest life in our true nature with our significant other, be they man, woman, dick-girl, man in furry suit, stuffed animal, or even a group of new people every night. If we now try to censor our own countrymen expressing their sexual desires then we're no better than ISIS.
Indeed. It's funny to see how faggots complain about being commercialized when those very corporations are their best allies. But /leftypol/ doesn't likes to admit it for some reason.
Pride month and parades are an event.
Nice fixation on men having anal sex by the way.
inshallah brother
Oh I'm sorry I thought Trump was POTUS, UK voted for Brexit and France voted for Le Pen's party last month. I guess it was all an illusion
>Pride month are an event
So did they release a black console for black people during the black history month? That's an event right? That's a normal thing to do right
You should have used as an example how all you trannies that want to ban anime are actually closet pedos though.
I mean, it is more current than beating a dead horse that hasn't been relevant since 200 years ago.
Makes it easy for me to add them to my boycott list.
I mean would you want to be pandered just so they could make a buck off of you?
>I mean, it is more current than beating a dead horse that hasn't been relevant since 200 years ago.
Are you fucking serious, priests are still fucking kids today, this sure as hell is relevant.
You should protest against the roman empire too. All those poor slaves slaughtered at the circus... when will the atrocities end?!?!???!
I think the benefits to your class far outweigh the disadvantages. You don't even have to buy anything. Sometimes, I wish ISIS finally takes over Europe and America too, just in case.
I'm sorry, I can't keep up with whatever you're trying to argue here.
I hate the "there are only two genders" bullshit. Because there's no such thing as gender. Gender on its current meaning it's a (((Money))) invention. TERFs are woke on this.
Actual pedophile i see, can't stand being pointed out huh.