
Do we know anything about the next game?

>which one's your favourite?
>least favourite?
>what did you think of the PS4 games?
>what do you want to see in their future games?

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It's amazing how Hitman 2 improves all the elements of the original

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i got hitman 2016 lats year and i enjoyed it a whole lot, i want to buy the second and i found it for 25 bucks, is it a good price?

I yhink so

Blood Money is still my favorite.

Pretty much a perfect game


>New Hitman 2
>Codename 47
>Some blood money mechanics (human shield, push anywhere over railings/down stairs/into walls) implemented, no always online/temporary content bs, more unique weapons (crossbow, minigun,) more backwards compatibility with levels.

Thanks i got a steelbook with it from amazon. Prett fucking excited, i really liked some of the maps in 2016, i hope the new ones are as good

The new maps are more consistently good, but none of them quite reach Sapienza goodness.

I like some parts of the new games, but the always online BS brings it down. And the progression sucks ass since random gear is locked behind temporary content or even random challenges.

I miss just making money and buying that shit from BM.

no next game, they barely just began pushing their 2 "season passes" more maps.

When's that dlc level coming out?

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Mumbai > Sapienza.

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25th of June. We see the intro video on the 24th. It's on their devblog


Yeah it's going to be hard to top that one, everything screamed comfy, from the undergrounds to the beach and from the manot to the laboratory, this map is just divine.

I'm fine with progression being behind challenges, but I do miss weapon customization and not having to be always online. Oh, and dual wielding silverballers.

Hell yeah, it's a must have if you liked the first one.

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Thaks, i bought it, shit is gonna be max comfy can't wait to spend hours and hours just trying silly stuff

If you liked the Hitman 2016 formula, then Hitman 2 for $25 is a steal. I went ahead and bought the Gold edition at $50 because fuck spending $100 on one game + season pass.

Fair, Blood Money has an amazing OST/atmosphere and memorable levels. I still think nu-HITMAN has better gameplay and mechanics after playing it for awhile now but its hard to beat Blood Money's classic levels.

They just opened a studio to focus on just Hitman content. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Season 3 / HITMAN 3 next year.

>Blood Money and nu-HITMANs have been fantastic so far, hard to choose between the two.
>Least favorite so far hands down is Absolution. I didn't even bother finishing it, got to like the third or fourth level and dropped it.
>nu-HITMAN is among the best in the franchise, Absolution sucks ass, haven't played the HD remaster of Blood Money but Blood Money will always be good imo
>Bring back first-person perspective, have fully customizable/mod-tool supported levels outside of contracts mode, more creative ways to experiment and kill targets (basically BotW/MGS tier experimentation and TECHNOLOGY), more silliness when we feel like fucking around, give us the ability to carry over unlocks/progress cross-platform and let us carry our HITMAN Legacy and HITMAN 2 progress/unlocks into HITMAN 3

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IO is rumored to be bought by microsoft

Reminder that 47 canonically hates McDonald's

I don't think that will happen, considering that IO wants to remain independent. If (and that's a big if) Microsoft manages to buy them out, the only way to keep their fans happy would be to add cross-platform progress/upgrade carry over from PS4.

Latest game sold like shit so I doubt we'll get a sequel.

Just keep doing what the new games are doing but maybe add some detective elements like that one sniper level in the 2016 game. A big urban New York City type level. A level in the middle of a literal war zone.

I don't really see the appeal of the sniper missions.

What levels would you like to see? I'd love a school level where you have to take out a teacger or a parent at a PTA conference.

No joke an underwater level. A level on a plane or train. You could assassinate someone as the train goes through a tunnel.

No it didn't.

Train sounds amazing. You mentioned plane but airport could be really fun.

Mumbai is level design kino. Also it's fucking funny how a brown barber could auddenly change to a bald white guy amd everyone just rolls with it, apart from his wife.

We kinda had a school in the marrakesh level, but yeah your idea sounds nice especially if the atmosphere is like whittleton, can be a great fucking map.

A theme park level would be fucking great, using the tossing game to activate some delyaed bomb or some shit, poisoning the cotton candy, fucking with the rollercoaster etc

What game was Marrakesch in?

Theme park sounds dope, go to the personnel tunnels and get a costume for their version of Goofy. Do somevweird shit in the haunted house. Poision the cotton candy.