What is the objectively best class?

What is the objectively best class?

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For me it's gunslinger

berserker / support / sharpshooter
much like kf1

t.waste of a slot class

50% damage reduction/80% with buffs
fastest syringe recharge
2nd fastest movement speed
strong resistance to bile
healing grenades
buffs team and self
extra body armor
airborne agent

gunslinger is really strong at taking out FPs

SWAT or support for solo

>muh martial artist

Berserker with no parrying perks at all because parrying is for pussies.



medic is a clutch for baddies

cringe and sharpshooterpilled

First, you call the firebug a pyro so I know you're a dumb motherfucker.

Second, the question was what perk is objectively the best. Field Medic is objectively the best.

The fact that you think "pyro" is the best objectively means that objectively you really are a dumb motherfucker and now I don't feel bad that we kick "pyro"s from games.

enjoy being dead fuck boy

Catch me playing commando decapitating scakres and bombing flesh pounds



Commando, Sharpshooter, Support, and SWAT have the best feeling guns in a game that specializes in gun porn.

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Only played a couple dozen hours because the game crashed way too often but had fun with the Grenadier though I hear it becomes shit with higher difficulties..

Early weapons kinda suck for Demo but once you get your full loadout you can 1-shot scrakes and stumble fleshpounds really easy. Somebody taking care of trash really helps.

You could probably beat any map on CD with ease using 4 zerks and 2 meds in a corner. Both are OP and easymode.


Gentlemen, how do we fix Survivalist?
Hardmode: can't remove him from the game

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Continue to give him more unique weapons like the killawatt
Give him perks that make him more than just "I can do half of what other perks can but mildly worse"

Literally just give it more tech weapons and buff its passives. The killerwatt is really fucking good.

Change the name to "Technoking" or "techie" or "futurist" or some shit, maintain the flow of strange futuristic weapons like the cryo gun and the electricity rifle. Make him a high tech weapon class, basically, with the unique quality that none of its weapons are cross-perk at all and give it some special abilities or whatever.

Not that hard to do, they're just being lazy cunts.

Replace some of the forced specialization perks with something more generalized but with a lesser effect than the other perks would get (so if Commando gets +50% mag size, survivalist can get +25% or something)
>magazine size VS reload speed
>medic bonuses VS weapon stagger
>ammo vest VS weapon harness but with a real grenade instead of the molotov
>a perk option that gives all his weapons a small damage bonus when he's using weapons from 3 different perks VS some sort of movement speed boost
>dunno about Zed time stuff

He's already good with a railgun. Yet no one ever uses it on him for some reason.

>Remove him anyway
>Add Ash
>Voiced by Campbell himself
>KF2 is saved
>Further add in Jack Burton
>Voiced by Russel himself
>KF2 prospers

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The current season is so fucking easy

Also fucking Tripware, now I have 2 Steampunk Outfis

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Have 1.5k hours but havent played since Christmas.
Personally think medic is best to play HoE but can take a lot of shit from people playing like idiots expecting you to somehow keep them alive even though theyre utterly shite and calls you a shit medic even though you have 2nd most kills and 7k+ healed at the end of the 10 waves.

Firebug is good for solo but shit in multiplayer suicidal and above, gunslinger can be OP but have to be on it.
Always love and appreciated a good commando and its a good perk to play as.

>berserker with katana being healed by medic for tanking
Not much is as fun as slashing Zeds to death with metal blaring in the background.

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>but can take a lot of shit from people playing like idiots
I know this feel. Had a game of just hard like that, fucking hard. Dudes with level 20+ perks, and I ended up third in kills with most large zed kills (because offperk DB) and having 6.5k healing. I wish the suicidal lobbies I've joined lately were any better.

Survivalist for being OP as fuck
Gunslinger for being OP but not on the level of Survivalist

Give him 4 skills per row and you can choose two of them each row. There would be a "priority" system and some skills are affected by which order you choose them in. An example would be for the third row whichever skill you picked first determines your grenade type. Let him choose from HE grenade, Medic grenade, Molotov, and EMP grenade. Distribute the reload speeds in the first row across 4 skills allowing for more diverse builds.

What build do you use?
Firebug is a lot more viable now with all the buffs and changes to fire panic they made. Zeds are no longer raged and panicking at the same time if set on fire. Also his Zed-plotion skill stuns zeds instead of stumbling them.

I want a force hammer, it's the only thing that could rival head slicing

what the fuck were they thinking?

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Then gunslinger, support, and zerk tied for 2nd

>uhh ooh shit we promised the players there'd be more bosses fuck what are going to do?
>hey how about we just take a bloat make it bigger and chase after the players?
Same applies for king flesh pound as well

Remember when we believed in Tripwire's promises?
Those were good times before they shit down our throats

>inb4 we get a robot boss at some point

this, but unironically.

Yeah tell me about it. Once had some vile prick raging hard that I couldnt keep him alive from like 2fps, a scrake and 2qps when he went up against them with a grovel, and he was a firebug...
Some dont grasp a med firing every dart possible as quick as possible from every med wep in the arsenal, doesnt mean shit if you cant not avoid taking shit tonnes of damage per second.
Its always the shit ones who kick off. The good ones know when they've fucked up.

Need to go back on this summer just to get the achievements as like I said havent been on in ages. Will be interesting to see how I cope with HoE after a 6month hiatus.

Honestly the perk doesnt necessarily matter all that much. I find the skill in the game is in the WASD keys.

I wish i was one of the smart ones who refunded the game when it went live desu
First and last time i'll ever buy an early access game

Don't mind me friendly Demolitionlist here gonna 1-shot that scrake. No, I'm full on upgrades and ammo but thank you for the extra dosh.

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You need upgraded RPG for that to work, right? I don't play much demo

Upgraded RPG or one shot from something that does decent amount of damage without raging it then an RPG shot. I don't remember the specifics but I believe a deagle/.500mag shot then an RPG to the head will kill it.

I think you just need to headshot the scrake with the rocket itself for it to one hit kill

Has to be either Medic or Zerker due to how easy it is to faceroll waves with them, plus only they can reasonably fight the attrition vs. a boss wave.
The game has changed against gunslinger (and anyone else that was at some point close) preventing him from being objectively best these days, take away all of the retarded shit causing enemies to flail around and put back rhyme+reason to the game, then gunslinger shall return. Right now it's just a damage shitfest.

Is it just me or is it harder to play 2 man suicidal over 6man HoE?

It's like the rates of enemies to players in 6man is much lower because fuck me you just get swarmed with 2

>What build do you use?
Med nade with heavy weapons. Railgun reloads super fast and destroys bigs if you can aim. Magnum or that 20 round shotgun for secondary. You could probably opt for +5 inventory and use something beefier but I like the med nades too much.

Commando and Demo are my go tos

2 man is harder than 6, especially with no med.

Survivalist is OP now?

Imagine not being able to one-shot Scrakes.

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He's just been getting buffs recently and also his new killerwatt laser rifle is pretty good.

The new killerwatt for survivalist is completely broken.

imagine not using this beast whenever you can

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What's that? Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my RPG 1-shotting a scrake.

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What do stalkers smell like?

>its a 2 pubbies join the hard difficulty server at lvl 25 and still can't pull their own weight and die leaving you with 3x as much shit

What’s the worst weapon in the game and why is it the crossbow?

Depends on the map in my opinion. Sharpshooter can be great but also extremely shit and its hard to find a good one I swear. Much happier to see a gunslinger than a sharpshooter most of the time... assuming the gunslinger isnt a prick and goes running off to play solo on 6mHoE

>recoil too high
>long reload
>meh damage

Why use this if you could use the magnum and a bigger gun instead?

Medic darts and weapons also slow and stumble zeds basically making you as evasive as a gun slinger. Take a Homogoblin and you also lower the damage they do, useful when your team likes getting close to scrakes.

Like visceral
Dude it can stun scrakes on any perk. Just don't use it for more than that and trash.

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Long range, lots of ammo so you don't have to waste magnum bullets on distant husks or edars.

I dont understand how people struggle on hard. Perhaps its because been playing since 2015 but hard is just such a walk in the park.
Genuinely confuses me. Can do it with a 9mm. Even an AR15 is more than enough.
And yeah I have noticed for thw last ywar the amount of level 25s who cant play is astonishing.

Removing it is the first step into turning the game back to the more strategic gameplay that KF1 and early KF2 had, where every perk had a more defined role and stepping on another perk's toes was far more costly if it didn't pan out.

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>Muh shitter clear.
Call me when you have enough stacks to kill bosses too scrub.

>Much happier to see a gunslinger than a sharpshooter
Imma have to hard disagree with you there senpai but to each their own.
I have never played with a good gunslinger so i wouldn't know.

Why is the game not as fun anymore?
It was so fun my first 400 hours but it now feels like a drag to play

KF2 is ez compared to KF1
Hard mode on KF1 is harder than Suicidal on KF2

I liked the class called "refund"
Fuck Tripwire for ruining Killing Floor

>ywn be able to sniff and lick a stalker's bare soles

The ammo pool is actually quite small too compared to other options.
And if you can't snipe with the magnum you should probably not play classes that benefit from it.

They probably used a perk leveling map and then hop onto the closes HoE server thinking they can take on the world with no actual experience.

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Drunk people.


Commando is the most fun though

>And if you can't snipe with the magnum you should probably not play classes that benefit from it.
Don't be stupid

>Commando is the most fun though

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Cysts: like rotten seafood
Clots: eggs
Slashers: chicken and sweat
Rioters: metal and blood
Stalkers: fishy vagina smell and sweat
Gorefasts/gorefiends: rotting meat
Bloats: puke and shit and b.o. mixed together
Husks: burnt flesh
Edars: metal
Sirens: piss
Scrakes: blood and sweat
Fleshpounds/quarterpounds: chemicals and blood

Mowing hordes with barrages of gunfire and generating slow time for everyone is fun as fuck

You did buy a medgun before wave #3 right user?
You aren't a fucking scrub right?

>Command won't stop extending zed time while you're reloading and while a fleshpound is charging you

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What is the best starting weapon and why is it the AR15 on single fire?

If my team needs healing that bad in wave 3 then they are the scrubs
Knife only for the first two waves

Gives you time to consider your life choices.

>Buying anything but a T4 weapon at round 4

Who's the real scrub

this shit sucks, there's like no single player

For what? You'd need a completely braindead team for a level 25 Medic not to be able to keep everyone alive. You also take away the healing money they get so they can buy their T4s and T5s, so fuck off.

Field Medic can't die.
Support can do anything, gives out ammo. Kinda sucky against Crawlers tbqh
Commando can do anything, extends zed time.

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Why do you need this shit bait in a thread where we're already shitting on the game?

Please tell me you do__ do this as a berserker.

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my support experience consisted of letting trash get right up to me before I had to spend a shell on them instead of someone with 400 ammo in his magazine just capping them

Gunslinger does everything commando can do but has insanely higher DPS if you can land your headshots

except extend zedtime and reveal stalkers?

>Implying extending zed time is needed at all
>Implying stalkers aren't already easy to pick out

>tfw someone activates slowmo and you become unstuck in time as a zerker with the Spartan perk still being in effect on top of it.

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implying i read the thread

Gunslinger can't extend zed time and actually benefits a fuckton from a commando doing so when there's an FP or Scrake to deal with, assuming you aren't one of the few people who has committed the necessary aim and recoil control to deal with those two and land perfect headshots mid-enrage animation to muscle memory.

Limited ammo, and cash sink just like SWAT IIRC.

>zed time caused by demo explosions doesn't trigger destroyer of worlds
Why can't you do anything right Tripwire?

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Limited ammo isn't a problem when you're shredding everything in sight in one hit

Go play Mortal Kombat retard.

I play support cause i like giving people ammo and armor

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i like firefug

Chadport can take care of big guys more reliably, gives ammo to teammates, and doesn't have the option to run like a bitch. Demo is slightly less reliable but since he can't run away, ends up being more reliable than slinger.

Considering I haven't seen a single successful vote kick in years I'll assume you don't play anymore.
Even on HoE.
>a level 5 joins
>lol good luck

Remember when Medic could give people armor on heal?
Remember when it didn't matter if they were injured or not?

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zerker main kf1, the best feeling is when everyone gets wiped and you clutch the round and end up with 6k dosh and raining it on your teammates like peasents.

Other than that demo is low iq but insanely fun blowong everything up. sharpshooter always good 1shotting scrakes.

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What are some new weapons you would like to see added in-game, or just a class you would like to see get more weapons.
I'd love to see a .410 shotgun pistol for support that crossperks with gunslinger.

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That one skin from KF1 that was your main and has never returned
What's their name

Jesus fucking Christ, what a retard. But yeah, definitely something only the actual tards will rage at the medic for.

Swat and gunslinger need more weapons.

They need to bring back the bike thrower too.

i just want a hunting shotgun instead of the shorty, they are just too aesthetic

Mike Noble

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Giant Welding Mask Man

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Captain Richard Wiggins. Not even sure if he's back, the entire cosmetics aspect of KF2 didn't interest me at all.

Delete your KF2 cache folder and it will speed up load time although you'll have to redownload your custom maps. It's worth it if you've had the game for a while.

Kevo the chav


SWAT needs more game mechanics.
All of the weapons are basically the same except for medic smg and mac 10.

I liked his "awesome face" zombie button and nobody but me really used him

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idk but i always get most kills when i play support

Stop playing in Normal

The HZ12 multi action is underrated.
Double tapping into a doorway is just as devastating as a flame thrower with ground fire.

the twoface guy

Bring her back already you mongs

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Why would I play anyone other than Mr Foster?

Man this was such a fucking hype update
Going through it day 1 with friends trying to get all the achievements and unlock her
>TFW Abandon V3 plays and you realise there are two Patriarchs

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Still waiting on him...

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Because I was playing Ash

i might some day
hz what now? all you need is that full auto holy water sprayer

>guy pinned by 2 flesh pounds against a wall
>Throw mednades to keep him healing
>he survives
>bitches that I stole his kills

Stay classy KF2 playerbase

>been like five years since release
>crawlers still don crawl on the walls

So I'm working on a mod to change Donovan's voicelines into Clayton Carmine from Gears of War.

I'm kinda making it for personal use but would anyone else be interested in downloading it?

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They scrapped that.

>Have to jump to stun crawlers as cant shoot them through the corpses on the floor

Probably the thing I find most irritating in the game

They scrapped or half assed basically everything

that'd be neat to have

Thoughts on this thing?

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>Group getting swarmed by trash
>Big zeds coming in too
>People empty a magazine into an SC alone and run away
>Sometimes more than one
>Almost always a level 25

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Im more of an Onyx Guard dude

It's great. Really satisfying to kill a zed with the projectile then blowing up his buddies with the explosion.

one of these two

Anyone who played the beta yet what do you guys think about the new objective mode? Personally I think it's great and all but doesn't capture the style of objective mode in the first game. I think they should really design objective mode levels around the objectives rather than putting them in survival maps. Also the steam fortress objective mode just feels way too samey, they reuse a lot of objectives in it.

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If I can manage to get this one working I'd like to try Onyx. There's barely any material to work with which is the main problem

M4+DB+HZ master race

I felt stupid grabbing the giant cogs and smashing zeds with it while my teammates were killing them normally, and yes this is literally like the first Steamworld map

>Be playing commando
>Holding my end killing trash, scrakes and qps
>FPs charging
>Turn to check if team are still behind me to have my back
>No one there but 6 gorefiends and a raging scrake

Every fucking time

I wish it was more a "true" objective mode like kf1 where you can't progress unless you complete the current objective, as is now it feels like you're just playing survival with optional goals

300 hours in KF2, and I still feel weird knowing that Commandos can solo scrakes easily without having to some combo involving getting them down to enrage HP, stunning them with a melee, and then magdumping their head at close range. I don't really play Commando. What do you use on Scrakes in this?

I miss the Medic from KF1. It felt like it changed something essentially but I'm at a loss for what it was. Bear in mind I'm a fucking Boomer that played KF1 back when Medic ran around stabbing necks with a syringe.

>Prestiged all to 5
>Having to do the stupid wait of the vault dosh
>Have to level them all again to 25
>Only maxed 3 Firebug / Medic / Survivalist
>Sitting on fucking 39 dosh crates

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KF1 medic felt powerful
KF2 medic weapons feel weird

can you get the black/gold vault skins for every weapon or is it limited? I got like 5 pretty easily and suddenly I'm back to getting duplicate pajamas again

I haven't played this game since they added upgrades and the roboshit
Convince me why I should launch it again

>field medic sitting back and not killing anything
I feel that says a lot about a player.

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New guns and maps are fun.

>I'm the medic I'm not supposed to kill anything
The amount of times I've hear this shit
I normally take medic from them next game and outdo them in healing and top frag to show them

Where my anton bros at

>go back to kf2 after over a year of not playing
>most of the suicidal games are fucking endless

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They made Cryo and KillerWat as his weapons, why dont make some hi-tech class and remake his knife and add some new grenade.

have they put a chainsaw in this game yet? and if they have they better let you be able to dual wield shotgun and chainsaw as berzerker

probably the fact that medic was more about actually shooting shit, it was way more common to switch to medic for last wave in OG KF

not being able to pick your nade is what pisses me off, survivalist is meant to be jack of all trades so why the fuck cant we pick shit we want? anons earlier on had good ideas that we should be able to pick whatever perks and nades we want

TWI wants to remake the Survivalist but as always anything that isn't a map takes forever to get done.

The objectives feel copy pasted amongst all the available maps without truly being unique. Repair trader pods, defend one area, escort floaty machine, followed by getting three heavy items for skid machine then repeat until boss and defend for exfil. I believe what would improve objective is that sections of the map are cordoned off until the objectives allow them to be accessed.

>people unironically play anything but HoE
how? its impossible to lose so why even bother

>tripwire half-asses another new feature

No way, I can't believe this!

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>beating a map on HoE doesn't unlock the achievements for the lower difficulties

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Because you touch yourself at night

Yeah, it's just that Medic in KF1 was far more vital to have on a team for a variety of reasons. Zeds did a fuckton of damage and Med guns were stupid expensive for a non-Medic perk, so all the healing you had without a Medic around was each other's syringes, so having one was a huge boost to a team's survivability. Compare to KF2 where it's not exactly a huge display of skill to survive all 10 waves on 6 player HoE without a Medic. Medic also played a huge role in unfucking stuff up by tanking a Scrake or Fleshpound if someone raged it, but of course, his OP armor would still go down fast if it happened over once or twice in a wave, so you couldn't really abuse it. Finally, the fact that you didn't have auto-tracking darts, balanced off by them healing at a pretty fast rate, gave a Medic player a higher sense of fulfillment when you hit a dart on a moving player who was about to get fucked to death. In KF2 there is no such feeling, either you looked to your dying teammate fast enough and you just spam your button to auto-aim your darts and give him a bunch of buffs that would save anyone from anything, or you don't. No in-between.

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>gave a Medic player a higher sense of fulfillment when you hit a dart on a moving player who was about to get fucked to death.
God you just brought back memories of saving teammates from across the map with a well placed dart

Literally scar and med rifle. Make sure both are fully loaded, turn scar onto automatic, full fire into their(but in controlled, fast bursts so recoil doesnt trail you off course), switch straight to med rifle upon ammo depletion and repeat and its head will be decimated. Is quick, just need to get used to running backwards while doing the burst and doing a slow drawback with the mouse to make sure you keep hitting the head but once youre used to it it's easy. Just make sure to check your ammo is full while its walking towards you.

Another user here. I tend to just play suicidal when I'm joining random lobbies. And when I'm with friends they only ever wanna play on fucking hard ahhhhhhhhh. I doubt I'd be good enough for HoE anyway since it seemed like there was a huge gap between suicidal and HoE in KF1.

Oh, I half-expected it to just be an FAL magdump or something retardedly easy. That's not as bad as I expected.

Also to add to this, a raging scrake is quite rythmic in how its flailing so you get used to making that recoil control pause in the periods its briefly covering its head or spinning around.

>there was a huge gap between suicidal and HoE in KF1.
Yeah but KF1 Hard was also harder than KF2 suicidal so...

demo gang rise up

Who /firebug/ here?

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Yeah there's no real feel of progression unlike the objective makes in KF1. The levels for objective mode need to be more linear.

HoE is no more difficult than suicidal desu, as said before its more in just getting used to how to move appropriately with the WASD keys. If you can do suicidal you can do HoE, its all in the movement and recognise when to move. Nothing too difficult once you get it and just brunt getting killed a bit for a while.

I barely use the rail gun at all even on Sharpshooter. The crossbow seems to do a much better job at stunning Scrakes.

>Firing infinite flame revolvers during zed time
The definition of orgasm

hoe in kf2 is retardedly easy because medic and zerker are completely overpowered and can carry the game singlehandedly. Add a demo to the mix and you can pretty much afk all 10 waves
of course if you go for meme composition like two firebugs, swat, sharpie, survivalist and slinger you are going to get steamrolled.

>tfw I’m actually that Medic
I regret nothing To make it worse I use the Shotgun

That was some good shit. Even if it's not exactly a complex skill to master, it at least still demanded some attention, thinking and sometimes even communication from the Medic to land darts. There is nothing comparable in KF2's Medic, it's all braindead to do your job.

>Medics that are just trying to tank everything and refuse to heal anyone
>Medics that only heal their friend

I wonder why the medic class, regardless of the game, attracts some of the biggest fucking CUNTS you can find online?

>people get mad regardless of what you do
Because he's the hero the killing floor deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

My buddies found a way to make HoE harder. Just allow 60 zeds to spawn "lmao"
Really fucks up a meta

Upgraded Winchester is more weight efficient for roughly same damage and larger mag size.

so what happened with martial artist?

I have like 300 hours in KF2 and for some reason can't get myself to play the game again, no idea what happened.
/kfg/ also died very fast.

>not being medic and dropping grenades errawhere
Some people are just shitbags. I love using the grenade rifle and gassing everyone up.

>KF1 hard was harder than KF2 suicidal
They seem to be about on par to me, granted I haven't played KF1 in ages.

Ah, that's kinda disappointing. I thought it was cool that KF1's HoE was so much harder and something that only coordinated and good groups could really beat, or at least that's how I saw it since I had nobody to play with past hard difficulty and therefore never tried it. Guess I'll play suicidal for a little while longer and then try some HoE.

Well damn

You mean Survivalist? :^)

/kfg/ wasn't helped by the fact that the game went through some of its worst shit early after its release, including the starkly disappointing lack of updates and updates that didn't reflect the changes the players wanted, when Tripwire had said they were "doing Early Access the right way". I remember the lowest point being shit like the resistances update, where every zed was given an arbitrary resistance to some forms of damage. I still have it vividly in my head how I was a level 25 Support with the SG500 (the starting shotgun) aiming at a Crawler right down on my feet, and needing three fucking shells to kill. Also the "large Zeds rage when there are 5 left" bullshit. I dropped the game for over a year after that shit.

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That's the problem with leveling via attrition. Eventually the shitters hit the cap.


>One of, if not the best trash clearing classes next to the firebug
>Can stagger-lock big zeds in multiplayer
>Can outright kill big zeds in seconds in solo, or multiplayer if you're good enough
>Good against every boss
>Tanky enough to survive being gangbanged
>Can't be grabbed
>Extremely useful EMP grenades for handling huge groups of annoying zeds
>Extremely low cash investment because (most) melee weapons don't need ammo
>One of the best 25 perk skills in the game

The only class that comes close is Gunslinger, and the only problems with Gunslinger are that it's money hungry as fuck, has a mediocre grenade, and if you somehow do get cornered despite your speed, you're absolutely fucked.

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I know, they're great.

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Quickly drew up an idea for survivalist if he had 4 skills each row. Give any suggestions you may have for new and old perks. Also I don't know the best way to split up the reload perks for the first row. I know commando/swat would be an okay combo. Grenades would be determined by which skill you pick first/give higher priority.

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me too and i havent played in a couple years. i feel like i did everything there is to do.

I remember having to give my friends a lot of shit about doing the tweeker dance. Yeah, it helps in every other FPS because there's always a sniper looming. In Killing Floor the Sniper is your friend, please stop dodging so much. The amount of "hey _____, stand still." Was a pain.

>each other's syringes
I'm pretty sure 90% of KF2 players don't know syringes recharge faster when you use it on a team mate.
I've never seen, not once, people trade healing.

Medic's PRIORITY isn't to kill shit. But if the sharpshooter is getting swarmed by crawlers and the SWAT is not babysitting him, it falls to you. If everyone is at full health and there's Zeds, hit that fucking LMB you shit

Do it quite regularly and often receive it in return on HoE.

>more weapons
>unique grenade or better grenade than molotov, or let you just pick the grenade type
>let you pick starting weapon
>passive weight increase
>passive damage bonus for 9mm pistol
>level 5 skill choice changed to extra mag size for ALL weapons or faster reloads for ALL weapons
Pretty much fixed desu

why the fuck doesnt sharpshooter have a weapon switch speed buff its like the one class that needs it

Because it needs a weakness. If the stand in the back and pop the big boys heads like balloons at a fair teammate also could clean up shit that gets in melee range no one would play any other class.

>75 round stoner
>with +100% ammo capacity
>and +50% ammo capacity
I am become machine gun nest, mower of zeds.

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How do you play custom maps in this game? I can play them singleplayer just fine but it doesn't look like any servers are hosting them.

Every medic should be killing every small and med zed possible (excluding QPs) and shooting every bullet into a raging large zed that they can while simultaneously managing that mouse wheel and aim to heal the player(s) taking the damage.

If a medic cant do that they should piss off back to normal as their team is clearly carrying them regardless of how much theyre healing.

And I agree completely. But unlike all the other classes where the goal is "kill Zeds" Medics also have to keep teammates alive.

Sill have nightmares about that stupid resistance update. Firebugs get bonus XP for killing crawlers yet they made crawlers extremely resistant to fire. Ill never know what the fuck they were thinking with that update. They just reverted the changes after a week.

The one you don't like playing

The best part about the update was that post from one of the lead devs defending the resistances that was obviously written while he was drunk as fuck.

>regardless of how much theyre healing.

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Combine that with a Tommy Gun, ammo for days.

those are the top 3 funboi perks

everything else isn't very fun

Make his whole thing revolve around traps. Caltrops, bear traps,tripwires.

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Is the game still basically just gun and run and actually defending and barricading yourself is useless thanks to enemies spawning OOS?

>gun and run and actually defending and barricading yourself is useless
I don't think KF2 has ever been that way. People camp the same old spots every time.

Objective mode forces you to defend awkward areas and regular mode tries to convince you to.
Doors traps from the Demo are very useful if your team is aware of what's going on.

>one shots scrakes
>doesn't get auto fucked by a gank squad of stalkers
>can deal with fps
Ppsh nothing personnel

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First row do Commando/Medic and then SWAT/Support. All of the other options are pretty opposite already, like GS/Demo and SS/Fire.
There's a lot more that I can add to it but I'm drunk and want to play some video games.

I've noticed a small group of players who refuse to camp. They're the harbingers of chaos and frequently lead to a wave 7/10 failure.

red pyro

>We will never get HD TF2 skins
I miss my blue collar welder

>Doesn't get auto fucked by a gank squad of stalkers
The hell are you talking about? Having your explosive interrupted as a Demo because a Stalker got in your face is worse.

>he doesn't know how to jump fire with the m79 or hx25

Not much different than the Sharp just pulling out his .500 and getting a double kill with one shot. Oh, and I forgot to say
>can deal with fps
A freeze nade + 2 M99 shots is a much cleaner kill than what a Demo can pull off. Not using a nade and getting the second headshot while the FP is raging is also much more satisfying.

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Reddit game

Demos and Sharps that complain about Stalkers and Crawlers are scrubs. Prove me wrong.

Newfag comment

Support here, fuck crawlers. Anyone who hates crawlers is correct.

Does anyone like those fucking things?


>tripwire added fart crawlers

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The fart crawlers are so fucking retarded and don’t fit into the game at all. They need to get reworked into new enemies like how they did with the rioter.

Medic. After saving my entire team from getting plowed so many times I can't play anything else. Most people that have talked crap to me about getting more kills than me I saved from certain death at least one time a round.

Getting a head shot on a fart crawler attacking a teammate is one of the best feelings

>update comes out
>all custom keybinds are reset to defaults
>this happens EVERY fucking time


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i wish this game didn't have dumb ass grinding. fuck whoever puts grinding level in a fps games. so fucking dumb.

*blocks your path*

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Set that shit to read-only, nignog. It's absolutely retarded that you need to though, yeah.

redpill me on commando, what shouldn't I buy

ive been voted kicked a bunch of times

>spend 10 push attacks trying to jab it as zerker
>dies to pure damage anyway

i've seen them fucking deflect amr shots to the torso due to armor or something aswell what the fuck

>What is the objectively best class?

>extremely ammo efficient with tap firing
>cheap upkeep so you can act as a dosh faucet for your team
>most utility comes from Heat Wave and Ground Fire which don't scale with weapon damage so the CnB becomes the best tier 1 in the game and is literally wave 10 viable
>excellent at both camping and kiting due to not needing to aim
>Heat Wave and Ground Fire make it the best tank this side of Zerk except it doesn't need a pocket medic on its ass at all times
>invalidates Crawlers and Stalkers just by existing
>actually has a role to play against HVTs thanks to the Helios Rifle
>only perk that can stun any zed on demand, including enraged FPs which is virtually impossible otherwise
>keeps getting buffed because shitters keep insisting it's the second worst perk after Survivalist

Have you taken the firepill yet?

Autism time: new character that's a failed/early crawler experiment. He's human sized and walks normally but otherwise has the same features as the regular crawlers. Horzine was keeping him to run various tests while they developed the normal crawlers. They were about to exterminate him when an outbreak occurred, allowing him to escape. He wears just a labcoat and some pants he stole from a dead scientist and gave himself the name that was on the nametag. Something generic like Steve or whatever. Has the trope where he references all the other zeds as "brothers and sisters." Would most likely never happen but he could have custom fast reload animations where he uses his extra arms to reload.
Don't use the L85, feel free to use whatever else. One of the medic weapons is usually required on harder difficulties.

The British bulpup, L85 or whatever.
>same damage as AR-15 but meme-auto that you won't use on it since you won't be magdumping big zeds' heads with it

Medic AR is great on Commando. The M16 w/ the M203 is good too. The burst fire on the AK is probably better DPS than the automatic on it for when you wanna pop a head off a Scrake. The FAL is top tier, dunno about SCAR. The Stoner is a meme. I've never tried the STG-44. If the Tommy Gun is somehow a Commando weapon and not a Swat weapon, I've never used that either.

the bullpup is completely pointless
the ar15 is better

It's literally all good, depends on your play style. Some guns are better at long range then others like the bullpup vs tommy gun. M16 can save your team from flesh pounds and the medic grenade rifle can make you a great ally of the berzerker.

an overhead attack will oneshot them as berserker with the smash skill

>see this thread
>urge to play it
>55G download
what the fuck what happend?

spend the first round with back-up perk on, kill everything with a knife or pistol spend the second using the ar-15 then buy the ak12 in the third round then buy the scar

The bullpup has a larger mag, high rate of fire and better accuracy. It's much better at extending zed time.

yeah but you know what's better than the bullpup? the ak12

Shit tons of new maps weapons and cosmetics

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Bulpup is 6 weight
Guess what else is 6 weight in the commando's arsenal?

>high rate of fire
ar15 has a higher rof on semiauto if you have the trigger finger for it

My SWAT bro loves them too.

i remember that map was so fucking easy i went demo and just popped a m79 at the spawns and got like 700 kills at the end

And it's a waste of money

The AK costs $500 more which is a lot early on but I'm sure you guys just use pistol until wave 7.

you can get get an ak by wave 4
there's literally no reason to waste your money on a marginal upgrade from the ar-15 instead of just saving

I'm glad we got a kf2 thread over 200 replies. The last time I saw one it barely hit 100. I wish we could get /kfg/ back up but I don't know if it would be popular enough to stay active.

Killing Floor 2 needs a fat butt thot for fan art to be made of to stay alive. A nice thicc juicy braaper

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Reminder that resistances were a fucking mistake.

alright i downloaded it again after a year. what's the big change?

The AR-15 is way more cost-effective than the bullpup, retard.

A lot of new weapons and maps, robots, and objective mode.

yeah 500 more dosh you'd have from not buying the bullpup

I want to say medic, does anybody play or at least tried the VR game i really like it

Support is still my favorite.
Double barrel for most enemies and the autoshotty for fleshpounds and sometimes scrakes (the double barrel alt fire is good for gibbing them too I've found)

>early game as Demo with a team that collectively sucks at clearing
Fucking suffering. Do people usually grab the M79 or something? I just wanna rush RPG, so I can have it by wave 4 for Scrakes/QPs.


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>he doesn't smash in heads for the Lord
Explain yourself.

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> Played the hell out of this game a few years ago with a group of people I played games with at the time
>Group fell apart
>Still wanna play, but got nobody to play with
It's a bad feeling

Gunslinger commando and medic are all you ever need; SWAT is a shitter trap.

I usually skip the ak and got the fal or or M14 early



>it's autism because we disagree with you
Great argument. Tell me again why the rate of fire or slightly larger magazine size makes a big enough difference to warrant the $650 price tag on the Bullpup when the AR-15 is free?
>you can't without revealing that your aim is fucking garbage and it takes you 5 rounds to kill a clot by spraying its chest

she's cute

Either play Zerk so you can take out Scrakes and FPs without having to depend on others clearing out trash or prepare your anus once Scrakes and FPs appear because it'll be wipe time.

Why did they add shitty bosses that nobody cares about.

Why did kf1 have so much soul. Why can't they design a better game mode than just waves and boss at the end.

They got the money they got the team.

>tfw suicidal game as a sharpshooter ends up filling up with 3 (THREE) fucking Swats, all of whom don't know how to use flashbangs and magdump Scrakes' and FPs' chests when there're a million little things around them
>end up having most kills as the fucking sharpshooter because the trash clearers don't clear trash and are actively playing against you despite your politely asking them not to do that shit

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Commando is the best class for solo

But solo is so easy, it doesn't matter what you pick, assuming you aren't using mutators or mods to fake players for scaling.

>people are hyped for new bosses like the matriarch
>one boss is literally a FP but with a powerful laser he'll randomly fire and a dumb shield mechanic so you can't kill him asap. his most dangerous attack is shitting out an army of QPs to rape you with because the regular boss is literally like dealing with a regular FP otherwise
>another boss is a big bloat that is piss easy to defeat as long as you have someone or the team as a whole healing

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The gunslinger is the only class you need, it's ludicrously OP if you can aim