Did you liked this Uncharted / Souls / Sekiro game?
Did you liked this Uncharted / Souls / Sekiro game?
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No, looks like generic boring stuff that I would never touch
It looks more like a mixture between Uncharted and Darksiders. And only the bad parts.
why the fuck does everyone keep mentioning souls and sekiro, it looks absolutely nothing like either of those titles
is this the zoomer 'dark souls of games'?
It would probably be a lot better if the protagonist wasn't a generic human in a setting with tons of lore and lots of alien species.
Because being like them means playing the new shit will give you "gamer-cred". And that is all normalfags care about and marketing likes to capitalize on it.
Not really, I'm fucking tired of them using the Empire period over and over again. You have 40 years worth of lore and you always focus on "muh Force" and "muh Jedi against the Empire". SWTOR has genuinely better storylines, at least in that one you can choose to be a normal bounty hunter or smuggler.
there's posture bars and a timed deflect that opens enemies up for a QTE kill, like sekiro
It's literally Sekiro. Jumpy climby swordy cutty game.
Because for some reason, playing Souls games makes you retarded and forget that other video games existed before them with similar mechanics.
>TOR is the only game with playable Togruta
>every game with jumping and posture bar is now like Sekiro
die tranny
>Uncharted / Souls / Sekiro game?
It's literally just a nu-GoW x DMC clone.
Western devs really struggle to make combat appear satisfying.
Strider is my favorite sekiro game
>all the detail of 2019
>can't have the lightsaber hiss from raindrops or cut into the ground
>or dismember
A game from 2005 did this, what kinda anti-technology is this. Shit I think even the force unleashed did this and lightsabers were baseball bats in that game.
I don't think they'll have dismemberment of humans/humanoids in this game for the sake of rating
>saber looks like a fucking hilt with a LED
Isn't that pretty much what a light sabre is?
Name 5 games with a posture bar
jedi academy had tons of soul put into it
Jedi Knight and Academy were both rated T
As graphics improve, even equivalent levels of violence warrants a higher rating.
Both of these games were released more than 15 years ago user, standards have changed, human dismemberment would definitely force a M rating
Yea Forums is full of underage retards.
This shithole is unironically Twitch chat but slower. If you think of it that way, everything makes sense. The only difference is that Twitch chat doesn't pretend to be smart.
The movies are live action and the prequels especially have plenty of dismemberment. Lightsabers can cheat the gore with cartoony cauterization.
But it would be the same effect since lightsabers cauterize flesh.
SC2 had marines being melted and exploding into pieces and it was still rated T.
Lightsaber dismemberment in nu-canon is as E rated as it gets and would make the lightsaber not look like a baseball bat.
Out of curiosity, are there any examples that would be this?
>Uncharted / Souls / Sekiro game?
how far are you willing to go to criticize a game?
don't get me wrong, its looks garbage, but not every game with platforming is uncharted (or even tomb raider)
not every game with lock on slow paced combat is souls
and i don't even have an idea what similarities it shares with sekiro, did i miss a grappling hook or something?
Movies and games don't follow the same rules for rating, they are not even evaluated in the same way.
Not to mention that movies are evidence that standards have been raised, the original Robocop movie was considered fine for teens to watch, if it was released in the current year it would be an adult only movie
It's a beam of contained plasma and other games and movies have represented them better.
You are right, but this looks like a soulless cash grab only made in that style because its trendy and easy.
It looks like prince of Persia my dudes.
I mean you have to admit that platforming is straight out of uncharted with how it's portrayed. I think the even reused the same wall-running animation from the PS2 era PoP games.
>Out of curiosity, are there any examples that would be this?
Smash going from E to T but then down to E10+ which is still higher than E.
Twilight Princess getting a T rating.
GBA version of Street Fighter II has an E rating compared to every other game being T.
If the game is long enough without too much padding it might be worth a playthrough at half price.
At first I was interested because killing the stormtrooper only took one blow but then it went to shit.
Still, the force powers and a bit of environmental interactions could make for a funnish game.
I'm almost certain it's for technical reasons and not because of age ratings or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to implement it at some point but simply couldn't optimize it while keeping the rest of the visuals at the same level at a stable framerate. This being Respawn's first primarily third-person game also doesn't help.
You can also see hidden loading screens everywhere, even the stereotypical "protagonist squeezes through crack" bit.
You're aware of Prince of Persia and yet still think Uncharted invented climbing.
And you're aware the director's previous gig was God of War 3 right? Which had plenty of climbing, practically identical to this game's.
Look closer to the recent God of War than the games you mentioned.
Felt a lot like Sekiro with the parry system NGL but I did enjoy the parkour abilities
I don't think Uncharted invented climbing, it's just those climbing animations and the way it's brought into the gameplay screams uncharted to me.
>"At least we have the high ground"
Looks way more like the God of War trilogy to me.
Looks like the type of game you play once and forget the next week
i dont get it
For the anons debating ratings, here's what ESRB page says
Mature - Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, BLOOD AND GORE, sexual content and/or strong language.
Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts
So yeah, if they showed a stormtrooper losing a limb they would have to rate it M
>will slap an M-rating on a game for showing t-rated dismemberment
>completely okay ignoring predatory lootboxes.
More proof that the ESRB is fucking gay
just wanted to say you are posting in some hispanic subhuman youtube channel shilling thread
>name x number because everything else doesn't count
Thanks for proving my point, retard. You fucks are the same kind of idiot who think that every game that is remotly hard is "souls-like", leading to the death of gernes.
One of the Stormtroopers says it at 10:25 in the video.
you can't cut off limbs in a game with a lightsaber?
the fuck year is this
You see, if the normalfag sees something that remionds him of another game he was told to like, he has to make the connection that both are the same, since something as nebulous as gernes are too complex a topic to comprehend for him. That's why you see retards and shills not calling it by it's gerne, but by trying their hardest to compare it to other good and/or successful games.
it has a sword on it doesnt it?
you play as a form of knight?
>implying posture is anything else then stamina just named differently
Not that you're able to understand it anyway.
I want to go back to the late 90s and early 2000s where you could do this kind of stuff without problem
>retards think sekiro invented posture and stamina
>Cancel open world game set in lower levels of Coruscant
>Cancel uncharted game about smugglers
>Greenlit ANOTHER game about Jedi
>We will never have another game where we play as a bounty hunter/non force user fighting off crime cartels in the underworld
>he deflects the giant spider and the camera goes to the exact same angle as the Shinobi Deathblow, complete with Wolf's pose and the enemy reeling backwards
You can't tell me this is just a coincidence
Gameplay looked really bad too, linear as shit and all """puzzles""" were solved by doing the stupid time-stop power
>implying posture is anything else then stamina just named differently
It clearly works differently from the way stamina goes in the Souls games
>retards think sekiro invented posture and stamina
There isn't stamina in Sekiro, so I have funny feeling you're talking shite
last bits meant to be to