Here’s a leak dump for you guys. Enjoy :)

>new banjo game from Rare is Kazooie/Tooie remade from the ground up with new features and levels. This is Microsoft’s attempt at doing the Crash/Spyro remakes.
>The classic games you know and love will be the same and play the same

Remember this when it gets revealed. Except a 90
second trailer with snippets of gameplay and a release date for November. Word is Rare and Microsoft are doing this to see if there’s still a market for Banjo, if it sells well expect a true Banjo Threeie in the future

Attached: BE613C22-3780-49BB-AED8-2EF665242DC5.jpg (800x554, 118K)

>Word is Rare and Microsoft are doing this to see if there’s still a market for Banjo, if it sells well expect a true Banjo Threeie in the future
you blew it

>a direct unchanged remake
It'll be great once people realize how poorly these games have aged in contrast to Crash and Spyro, Tooie in particular was a mess.


Banjo died for good reason

They wouldn't be testing for shit. Stop falling for that horsehit. They use the same level design, palettes, enemies, and controls because it's easier. That's it. It's easier than having to make new enemies, levels, color schemes and controls. It's not testing. They just want easy money.

It's been said countless times, they don't need to test an already existing IP. Where was the Quantum Break test? What about the test for Ori? Where was the Sea of Thieves test? These were new, unproven IPs. Yet for some reason, Banjo, an established brand people have been demanding for decades, needs a 'test'.

>if you buy THIS, I'll maybe...maybe give you what you really want.

lmao. It's a con.

>Banjo's younger sister
Yea Forums get hype

tooie's backtracking was slow and terrible but most of the levels were pretty fun. I played the first Banjo for the first time like 3 years ago and it was excellent, probably one of the best platformers I've ever played. It's much better than any crash game

don't do that. don't give me hope

tooie's backtracking wasn't even that much backtracking. you have to be a literal brainlet to not breeze through it

it's not that it's hard or a lot, but when there is backtracking it feels like a chore and like banjo isn't moving fast enough

after 20 years we get stop n swop just as god intended it

Attached: vito at the kinoplex.png (1000x666, 754K)

I go back to play those games all the time. They hold up just fine. I even like Grunty's Revenge and Yooka-Laylee. Nuts n Bolts can suck my dick though

"I wasn't watching detective pikachu! It was a joke, my medication."

I'm a big fan of platformers, especially 90's and early 00's ones, and BK absolutely holds up. In fact, BK holds up far better than Crash 1 does, but is imo on-par with Spyro 1 and only marginally better than Crash 2.

>new banjo game from Rare is Kazooie/Tooie remade from the ground up with new features and levels. This is Microsoft’s attempt at doing the Crash/Spyro remakes.
>The classic games you know and love will be the same and play the same
Gregg Mayles said he isn’t doing anything with Banjo.

didn't they already remake them in the rare replay collection on xbone?

Played Banjo last year, still holds up fine.

B-K holds up incredibly well, undeniably solid platformer.

Tooie though, honestly that's just a long and slow game in comparison.

The 360 versions have it

Kazooie is one of the best aging 3D games from that era and i prefer it over Mario 64, crash 1 and spyro 1

Attached: 1515925718355.jpg (960x960, 60K)

that's what kazooies for. except for stop n swap single banjo sessions

>new features and levels
>direct unchanged remake
user, you're retarded