Ubisoft: This is beautiful. This is natural


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Other urls found in this thread:


The things you have to do not to stir up controversy today

Can't stand the sight of a real woman? Typical yellowfever-having beta male.

They're the same kind as Vox media cryptoj00s
Fuck them and fuck all their games.

SJW virtue signaling pieces of shit

I didn't buy any of their game for the past 8 years. I suggest you do the same.

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>Hm, if only I could play as a disgusting fat "white" dyke in my video games

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this is a pretty accurate depiction of one of those ugly woke bald women desu

What the fuck am I looking at.

It has, uh, personality I guess.

She looks like a very average, very normal, very standard white American woman.

You can't play as her.

i mean that thing is ugly as fuck, but it does look pretty realistic

>Hm, if only we could play as ourselves
t. Ubi

As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

That’s not a good thing, America, and many other countries, are facing an obesity epidemic that isn’t helped by glorifying obesity

thanks for reaction images famalam

i guess

Reminds me of the guy watching the Star Wars trailer

Actually that character was comic relief and everybody laughed at xer. Not that you would know that, you'd have to play video games to know

Have sex, you incel. Keep seething and dialate.

is that garrett scalfani?

She was the bad guy, its almost like you don't play these games and are just looking to start controversy.

Nobody reply to the post above the person I'm replying to.

>implying this isn't what mutts actually look like
Stop living in denial burgers

Shhh let's ignore having actually constructive conversations and let's keep our memetic redpilled echochamber

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what happens, you can't handle western game beauties?

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kill yourself tranny

>tfw they refer to you as her instead of xer

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Racist shitlord, get out of this tolerant nondenominational image board.

Looks like the exploding head from Total Recall.

>isn’t helped by glorifying obesity
So what? If someone lives and dies by how the media instructs them to live, they deserve it. I don't entertain this "Media Made Me Do It" meme, especially if they're adults.
>media made me fat!
>media made me anorexic
>media made me hate whitey
>media made white women promiscuous
No, they did it themselves. So fuck 'em.

Whoa, there's a Dune game featuring Baron Harkonnen right?

>want to buy a game
>see that in a game's cover
>immediately feel the urge to buy it
Some dev mutts think this

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>it's natural therfore it's beautiful
So is rape but that's rarely considered beautiful

...that's a woman?

Dumb bootlicking statist

Go outside in any 1st world country. Most people look this ugly and worse.

God this image gave me cringe PTSD

>in any 1st world country
No that's just North America

must have been made before legault took power

Looks like oily clay. Would look more real if they made the skin shaders more realistic.

America is not a first world country by any definition of the term

Is that Varys from game of thrones?

Mr. Wizard? Is that you?

Is this an ebin new pasta?


Yo I work at a mental/developmentally disabled hospital and one of the patients looks just like this lmao

The next dragon age looks great

Reminder that the character that Yea Forums obsessed over for months in Watch Dogs 2 turned out to be a two mission villain who was treated as a complete joke.

Roll for what face she'll make when she sees your dick.

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If this was a dude, I'd be more accepting of him because he seems like a fun person. Women who look like this are probably weird as fuck

>These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming.
yes, where they can be the chad knight in shining armor and save the day, or the buff action star with the guns.

And instead, you try to show them the kind of shit they are trying to escape from.


fat fuck

rolling. haha

maybe it’ll motivate them to stop being disgusting wastes of space

>dubs on Yea Forums


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>what are 00?

Like not responding to baitpasta for once.

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Roll kek

I am going to R O L L

this is 00


You were able to argue against it without being banned, that proves it isn't that word you do not know what it means.

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wtf you talking about /pol is censored and I get banned all the time

It's option Z


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rollin for

im big baby

throw a Nintendo Switch at it

Is this the next Assassin's Creed?
Ogres go pretty far back, so I guess we won't be ditching the animus any time soon to move the actual story forward.

Based Ubisoft did it again.

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Looks like Jonah Hill

t. incel "nice" guy

if only they spent more time making the game good instead of making these...

total recal game incomming?

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I played and finished Watch dogs 2, it was free and pretty fun
the character is Lenni, she has a phone implanted in her arm and is the fake antagonist for abit of the story, but you call her a shit hacker and beat her at her own game and she ends up helping you abit later
she is pretty much a side character with less than 10 min of cut scenes in this 20+ hour long game
she is made to be a joke, you guys just take the bait because you dont actually play video games that you talk about

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Hes lvl99 mercenary, hes fuckin strong and alphamale at that point,fuck you game



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>you dont actually play video games
Shoulda just stopped your sentence right there.


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based squidward btfoing retards

it's funny you should use your picrelated as spongebob, bucause almost every kike I've ever met has both looked and acted like him. It's appropriate.

The concept of ugly characters in games is an odd one.
When choosing actors, you can make the argument that you should choose the most talented actor who is best suited to the role. They never chose to be ugly but they have talent anyway.
But when modelling characters, you're going out of your way to create a disgusting hambeast that will have the same quality of animations and voice actors as everyone else.

>it's almost as if they're using vidya to enforce their personal philosophy on fat acceptance etc, by forcing you to take these ridiculous phenotypes seriously

whos gonna get the digits, kikes suck and will be overthown

Do SJWs not realize some people are naturally prettier than them?

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Maybe she isn't designed to be beautiful and instead is designed to be an ugly landwhale dyke. Haven't played so I can't say for certain. Just something to consider. Have a nice day.

Fuck off, Barbara, I'm not going out with you and neither is Todd. If you post this again we're contacting HR

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No, it is unrealistic standards!

But the character was supposed to be unlikable and obnoxious?


>zombies in zombie movies should all be model-tier
>people with degenerate personalities who live degenerate lifestyles should look like and be played by pure people
I don't think that's quite how it works.

Fuck no.
Definitely. Ugly occurs in nature all the goddamn time. And that pig is also loathed by everyone in the game, funnily enough.

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Lots of good reaction images here

I thought fifty was the level cap?

>This is natural
These creatures actually exist.

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But what if you want a character who's an ugly bastard?

roll roll roll

and they all work at ubisoft

You people are fucking stupid, the game is 3 years old and for some reason you complain about it now, she's a villian she's supposed to be disgusting

Fuckin rollin

>you dont actually play video games that you think are shit
okay retard

No. She is beautiful.

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Dumbass fucks btfo

I'm not sure what I want

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rolling for 3

>playing video games in 2019
Wtf are you doing on this board?

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Rollin air raid vehicle




All white options should look like this.

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Let's put a big fucking dyke in front of a camera to make Yea Forums post teplies.


>when jews show their true form
you don't really give a shit about these people, as evidenced by your attitude. It's just a divide and conquer tactic, obviously.

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if a character is meant to be a hambeast and disgusting why wouldn't you model the character to reflect that?

I guess we're questioning if that was really what was going on here, given the absolute state of ubisoft.

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Thread status: redeemed

What game is this even from?

Watch Dogs 2, the sequel nobody asked for.

imagine being a developer and being forced to work on the simulation of fat mutt woman

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Jim Sterling?

Requesting gif.

I almost forgot Rage 2 exists, even though it only released 3-4 weeks ago.

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trips incoming

Wasn't that the le random epic memer antagonist, because even if it just for that she deserves the hate she gets

If you didnt post it, I was going to. Thank you for doing the work for me.

She's supposed to be insufferable.

Looks like your average feminist. The female neckbeard.

I am glad I'm not the only one who honed in on this

It isn't new.


>Quoting "white" like it's affirmation redeems anything somehow

>sips fart

checks out

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he's hinting she's a kike, i.e. not white, fag.

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They changed it to 70 in like February and again to 99 in March or something after NG+ was introduced.

>This is beautiful. This is natural.
Isn't this the face model for one of the game's antagonists though? Don't be a fucking idiot.

>the game's protagonist tho
lol ok

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Looks like one of those extremely thin black betas.

How long will you stay?
2 weeks

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I watched a friend play a single mission of Watchdogs 2. You were playing as a black guy, meeting up with another black guy, complaining constantly about how the tech company unfairly treats black guys like criminals as you two, the only black guys, broke in to said tech company to commit crimes.

hahah bingo

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>black guys can't into tech industry

maybe it's because they can't think abstractly or perform well in maths.



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>character is massively annoying and tries to kill you
>you can't kill that thing back
It's not fair


ayy lmao

that's what I thought it was meant to be at first lol

I would agree if law dosent also require that you also give them a special treatment/cant penalize them for their behavior.
In the end the ones having to deal with the problems fatties create is the rest of the society.

The problem is when all of those things are taught to children from birth, which is why the problems exist with said adults, now.

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>no guys its intentionally shit now dont criticize it or youre a sexist pig!
fuck off kike

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Hit me up with 5 baby!

If "she" is meant to be joke then what's the problem with making fun of "her"?

This was written by an angry roastie

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>first world country
>country that was allied with the ubited states during the cold war
America is literally how first world countries are defined.

This is racist, she is basically saying that asian women are below white women.

I'm guessing this is one of their dev team who wanted to be in the game?

kek, rolling

>be a fat roastie
>"how about you find some like me (wink, wink) who actually takes care of themselves"

hahah shit writes itself

>they date asian women because of X and Y
>why don't they date white women who are the opposite of X and Y?
wew mylady

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rollan 'cause why not


Is this the USA DLC?

Karen, I know you’re pissed that everyone hates this 3D model you made of yourself but I just want you to know that your kind is the reason that Jungles and Japs are the Wyatt Mail’s pussy flavors of choice

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T. Butthurt roastie or basedmale

>this is normal
Everyone needs to get anorexia right fucking now

unironically racist and seethpilled

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El creatura del Americaños

Let's go 6

>only sex with white women counts as sex
Has anyone pointed out this woman's racism to her yet?

So this is what real women looks like, it's beautiful, I'm literally crying right now, thanks Ubisoft.



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>asian women have no self respect and dont take care of themselves
my qt asian gf takes offense to that

This is the villain, retard.


ugly women exist retard

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We don’t want to see them

>when the new starwars trailer drops

Neither do not ugly women for that matter
ugly men have a novelty value, a woman can laugh at an ugly man
Women however hate seeing ugly women because it reminds them of the fleeting nature of beauty

>it's funny you should use your picrelated as spongebob

Ok seriously what the fuck. This should not exist. Those who created this should be considered inhuman. It is an affront to whats left of nature.

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Is she implying that asian ladies are inferior and that her race is superior? Why is she attacking a an ally who she is supposed to be fighting with to promote equality between the races and sexes?

>chink chong nip nop BAD
>White roastie GOOD
oh no no no , but where's the equality in that ?

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But it exists just fine in reality, why are fatasses such an absurd concept for vidya?

Who plays videogames to see natural things

they're being pushed as acceptable characters that cannot be shrugged off and simply cast out into the forest which is what happens in actual reality. In actual reality nobody listens to these lunatic, disgusting women, and in the game you're forced to confront them implying they have this power in reality, which they don't. They are irrelevant catladies in reality.

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That character is literally designed as a obnoxious, gross sperg.

>people getting all "oh muh gawd" over the crazy evil hacker being an ugly fat woman
you guys sucks.

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>because you dont actually play video games that you talk about
Yea Forums btfo

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Nobody is fine with people who look like this in reality? In what world do you live in?

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>I have never played the game and have no clue what I'm talking about

She's a villain who spends the whole game fucking with the protags. She's designed to be as unlikable and repugnant as possible.

>As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences

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I want to see her reaction to BBC.

>woman hacker

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>ugly shaming

Fat people are deserving of shame.

Can't get dubs on Yea Forums newfag.

why do I do this

God fucking damnit

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Based Dennis poster

Dont forget user, the latest far cry had a pair of black women as the *villains* and Yea Forums got up in arms becuase WAAA BLACK WOMEN IN MY VIDEO GAMES, ESSJAYDUBYEWS

is this a good sign desuka?


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Roll to see what her reaction to your penis is.
Top row 1-5
Bottom row 6-0
Top furthest right = Trips
Bottom furthest right = Dubs

Fug, someone beat me to it. Good thinking.

Context, mostly

>depict people who exist in their creations
>Yea Forums:

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>Ubisoft creates an NPC
>he's a "nice" guy
>Fromsoft creates an NPC

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He's saying the woman is clearly a Jew.




truly forces me to cogitate

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my little brother constantly gets enraged / enamoured by characters on tv shows and movies etc, it's kinda fucked up
i usually try to tell him that if you hate / love a character, its because the actor did their job really fucking well
its the same with this ubisoft shit
everyone pretty much fucking hates this fat fuck and the disgusting facial expressions
which was likely the intention of the design team
so that means they did a good job right
you're unironically praising fucking ubisoft on a job well done by seething at this

That fat lesbo tranny thing is the evil villain, so it makes sense its just too realistically disgusting to put in game + black people. I think everyone should be sexualized, realism makes everything gross.

JIDF has arrived lol

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And this is why I like anime art styles.


>tfw the average girl I talk to is a model in comparison to the average western video game female
I mean they are actually models but come on.

It's a shame, and the Doom of true social progress. The worst thing about it is that it's artificial and people are only feeling the way they're told they should. It's disgusting,and makes me wanna die

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I hate submissive women in bed, nothing turns me off more than that so what exactly is the next excuse of why we like asian women? Has it ever occurred to roasties that we just find them beautiful?

Why is
>attractive women problematic!!
all the sudden coming back? Even the newest champ in league is under fire for being "good looking".

I'm not sure I want to roll lads

Why say "white" when talking about white people and not "caucasian" then, if you don't actually mean "white skin"?

Jews are Caucasian, they're just not white.

fucking fat dyke.

I don't talk to ugly girls, wtf. I swear they don't even exist.

El goblino

Ecuadorian here. Please stop putting ugly and dark skinned women in my fucking video games.

>mfw she turned out to be quite alright as a character in the game

She is ugly and I would rather have another cutie like the one in the first game, but I would drink a beer with mister orc there.


rolling rolling rolling

>wanting doormat women
I want women that can stand their ground and discipline their kids, and Asians girls are often that kind of personality.

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as long as it keeps you retards seething i'm fine with it

Sure why not

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Demons to some, angels to others.

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This is your brain on s o y

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are black females allowed to be good looking in western gaming this decade?

i am rollin


there's no such thing as black females. Only black trapz user

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It took me a moment to realize what was wrong with this. The fact is most gamers don't give a fuck about political horseshit. The author of this thinks that we must play games because they embody our political beliefs because their entire existence is dominated by political beliefs and they assume everybody is like that. The resentment comes from games having political undertones at all. But they can't fathom enjoying a game for its own sake. Everything is political to them. The idea of playing a game without getting tied into the political metanarrative is absurd to them because these politics are their fucking life.

would you? be honest

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do a PS5 background logo edit and you will be my hero

>they'll call him a nazi for this

This. It just sucks that any time we speak against leftist shit, everyone assumes we're "right wing" and come directly from /pol.


>zoomerz awakening

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no god pls

This but because they legit make bad games.

If nothing else this will be a gold mine of reaction images. The "triggered SJW" supply will be endless.

>TFW you cum but she just keeps sucking

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He said, in a thread full of people shrieking in rage.

Why does looking at this make me angry?

Is this what living in a society does to people? Is it truly time we rose up?

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weak people have to band together I suppose. We're not at weimar republic levels of degeneracy yet, but we're getting there

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>Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)19:30:55 No.465312447▶
> (OP)
>Why does looking at this make me angry?

Attached: d98.jpg (220x276, 8K)

>femshitters on their way to making any and everything look as disgusting and unappealing as possible

Dusty Rhodes is getting his own game? Took 'em long enough.

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Japanese design gets cuter meanwhile western design gets [some derogative adjective]

>when the soi kicks in

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Simple as.

thats 100% true tho and everyone knows it including asians

I haven't bought a single game in the last 8 years

>i can not derive pleasure from video games unless they cater to my sexual preferences

lol depends roastie

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rollin you pig-faced trout barrel

>I cannot pleasure men with the arbys sandwich between my legs and so I'll try to insult them

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rollin for de laff

3 get

Is this real?

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Incels and their desperate adhoms
You're going to die alone

i have a wife and kids you stupid faggot

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That's gay, why would you do that?

>when you're a nigger, you're a nigger

>y-you're gay for being sterotypically hetero reee

face it most of these disgusting reprobates look exactly like this, so when a dev in a big city makes a disgusting fat lesbian they are either doing a self portrait or one of their coworker in the next 'open office plan' work space. In that sense it is a 'real woman'

Sure you do