What the fuck is this shit?
How can you take something as cool and original as SW and make a slow-ass sci-fi Uncharted, what the fuck is this combat, what are these linear levels with nothing in them but press x to play this animation obstacles...
What the fuck is this shit?
forgot the link, look at this mess
>enemy parries the lightsaber with a piece of metal
>he thinks a lightsaber can just phase through everything like paper
Why does this look like Lords of the Fallen in space?
Stop being such an over reacting brat. I won't defend anything new star wars, but it doesn't look bad. Just generic. It looks like this game is going to play it way too safely. Still looks at least interesting and entertaining.
This is what Star Wars is now. Appealing to the masses.
>Appealing to the masses.
nigga, please. sw was always shit for retards
>over reacting brat.
I loved Force Unleashed and was hyped for this, but this looks so fucking boring, at this point I'd rather play a bad game with original mechanics than another generic formulaic borefest like this.
They literally ripped the models/combat from Battlefront, and made a few shitty maps for it. It looks terrible.
Can someone tell me, why do Jedi/Sith's always wield the lightsaber, instead of using the force on it against your enemies? Hell why stop at just one lightsaber? Have 10 floating around you?
>prealpha E3 bullshot gameplay
>animations still look PS2 tier
How did they okay this to show lmao. Even Anthem managed to make their bullshot look good.
>we are never getting another star wars game with limb dismemberment
i hate seeing sparks and no laser burns
They do in Force Unleashed
Imagine having such a terrible memory that you forget what PS2 looks like.
What all you niggers don't understand is that SWFO is made with Stadia and its input delay in mind. You'll see more and more games become sluggish to accomodate streaming gaming.
It sure looks pretty but that's about it. Is this going to be a linear action game? Werent we supposed to get a starwars rpg?
>Uncharted invented linearity
Enough with this dumb underage meme.
>that wookie
Starwars was always mainstream garbage for faggots who thought they were nerds because they like explosions and sound effects.
I said Uncharted because of the jungle and the vine swinging brainlet
If you go by star wars logic the lightsabers are like 20000 degrees considering they can fucking cut through doors that are supposed to withstand laser shots
Stadia nigga
Because it's actual gameplay.
The vast majority of action games are not perfectly smooth, unless they're super restrictive/magnetic. DMC5 is really the only action game that gives you full control while still looking really smooth.
Here's your (You), EA shill.
That floaty choppy double jump animation looks straight out of Sly 2.
>cool and original
>Uncharted invented jungles
>Uncharted invented swinging
It bothers me more that the burn marks don't actually reflect the way the lightsaber hits them. He stabs people in the chest and they inexplicably get a slash on their side, he cuts a dude through the middle and only one side of him gets burned. I get not having instant dismemberment; if you want bosses to take multiple hits, you can't have all the normal enemies getting cut to pieces just by being touched. But with the ultra-detailed characters, environments, and sound, the spotty lightsaber mechanics really stand out. Hopefully they'll add dismemberment to some of the finisher moves like you can see on the giant spider, but that combined with the seemingly non-existent enemy AI and the crawling pace of combat have really tempered my excitement.
i will never forget g_saberrealisticcombat 9
You all wanted SW 1313 and EA delivered.
Why are you still upset?
because lightsabers used to be a neat little callback to samurai and the (unironical) "art of the sword".
Then George Lucas happened.
>Alpha Game Footage
Why do devs keep bothering to lie? We all know this is how it will look on release, which is fucking just months away.
It's Mandalorian Iron :^)
Why are all games using this ugly ass grey scale for everything further away? Having an OLED i would like to have games with proper dark tones, but for some reason everyone goes with this greyish filter for everything a bit further away.
Looks like complete ass.
That's a Magnastaff and has been able to do that since it was created, like a thousand different things because of the electricity/vibrations of it.
Keep up.
But Bounty Hunter is far superior to just another shitty Jedi. We don't care about the Jedi/Sith, we want to see more of the gritty side of the universe.
>how it will look on release
9 times out of 10 it actually looks much, much worse.
>generic is interesting and entertaining
It's about as original as Knightriders is.
Time for bed, Timmy.
I know you absolutely love being a contrarian fuckhead but light sabers, space and psychic powers alone should be enough to make something more than a God of War rip-off
TFU was 10 times better than this shit and still was kinda of a God of War rip-off
It is for kids.
There is always fresh meat with no taste.
Was hoping it would play like Jedi Knight but looks like it took the Force Unleashed route. Disappointing.
Uh EA is a family friendly company. Can't be having that in SW games. The Stormtroopers are just taking a lil nap
>slows down time to dodge the beam that wasn't even going to hit him, hesitates a second, then throws his lightsaber one shotting the trooper
My fucking sides
Because 9/10 it's scripted, smoothed out purely for the demo, and played on superior hardware.
Star Wars was like that since its inception but at least way back when there was still some cool shit to be had from it. Now it just sucks entirely.
It's Prince of Persia meets Force Unleashed, but slower.
Looks ok, I'll probably buy it when it goes on sale at least.
>3D melee-focused action game is the same as a third-person cover shooter
The reaction to this game has been fucking baffling.
That is EA's modus operandi. They force feed you a linear game and then insult you with tawdry, irrelevant side stuff that is just an unrewarding chore. You either like the big cinematics or you don't play or purchase their shit. I've learned my lesson with Ubishit. They just don't really understand what a video game is.
No, you see
I would say that it looks more like an even more dumbed down version of the new God of War
That's how saturation works.
>cinematic trash is like cinematic trash
Yes, both look like Uncharted inspired garbage in their gameplay trailers.
Finally someone who's not underage and thinks Uncharted invented climbing.
No love goes into EA or Ubisoft games, you can tell it's just a hollow shell with how fast they keep churning out the games.
>3D melee-focused action game is the same as a third-person cover shooter
Yeah, kind of. With Uncharted you can't even tell if it's TPS or melee anymore, it's kind of both. Clearly so is this due to all the force shit
Blame that on video games becoming mainstream, it's a business after all. Money is what matters at the end of the day.
Sekiro combat would be great for Lightsaber melee combat. Ending every encounter with a "deathblow" that disables the enemy makes sense with Lightsabers, not these dumbass scratch marks. They could have even added a lightside/darkside mechanic where your deathblow either killed an opponent, or simply disabled them. So the lightside ending would be with someone who has turned the entire galaxy into amputees.
Yes, I see, you are doubling down on being a fucking retard.
>take Titanfall
>remove Titans
>slap Star Wins skin on
>player is a bounty hunter
not even that fucking hard
Do you only ever watch YouTube playthroughs and Twitch streams or something? Why do you talk about video games but not care about the actual game part? Again, baffling.
>With Uncharted you can't even tell if it's TPS or melee anymore, it's kind of both
u fookin WOT? Uncharted may have a melee option but it's still fundamentally a cover-based third-person shooter, especially on the higher difficulties (inb4 you post that webm). Whereas Fallen Order is fundamentally a melee-focused game with some ranged options with force powers.
Looks bland af.
The robot sidekick is a cute idea but not enough to not make me fall asleep. There is no way I'd want to play this in its current state.
the main character is so fucking ugly what the hell
TFU is good, whats wrong with it?
You're getting older, the average age of Yea Forums stays the same. If anything it's lowering. Reminder that Yea Forums is the most popular board right now.
Yea Forums has been dead for years, where have you been?
>it took the Force Unleashed route.
yeah, and without all the Force Unleashed fun
It's a western game, aren't you used to it by now? There are no attractive people in western games since like 10 years ago.
>Uncharted may have a melee option but it's still fundamentally a cover-based third-person shooter
Uncharted 1-3 maybe, Uncharted 4 plays more like Batman. It's mixes stealth with melee and gives you a grappling hook that lets you escape combat and go back to stealth. It's not a cover based shooter anymore, in fact shooting seems like the last resort in most cases. Or look at TLOU. Is that a TPS or a stealth/melee game? Kind of all of those
Hat Kid was attractive.
Welcome to the Zelda Cycle, where the old games are better once a new game comes out.
It applies to every series anymore on Yea Forums. Also TFU wasn't a bad game, it had a shit story and Gary Stu character, the gameplay itself was ok, it was fun for what it was, it was no Jedi Outcast or KotOR, but it was ok.
>Or look at TLOU. Is that a TPS or a stealth/melee game?
It's a talking@walking simulator but also ladders.
They're TPS games with options for stealth/stealth attacks.
It's like if you gave RE4 a crouch button and a stealth attack, doesn't mean it's still not a TPS.
>Hey I have this great idea for a video game, you're going to play as a Jedi after the Empire has taken over the galaxy and you're struggling to survive
>Oh yeah, what's the gameplay
>eh, how about a third person shooter?
The mechanics look good, not great, but the level design looks boring as fuck. I hope this is just the beginning level or some shit because wow, some of the level that was shown was literally just a straight hallway or a big square room. Compare to Uncharted all you want, but that game had god tier linear level design.
>Old games that were bad or mediocre are made to look even better because the new games coming out are even worse
This isn't any sort of cycle, if anything this is just the downfall of this industry.
IMAGINE if it had a "SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS" at the beginning of the trailer
Your starcraft FPS is already dead.
Because killing people with Force alone is actually pretty hard. Most Force Users can't do anything beyond push/pull in combat, well and enhancing themselves. Those who can throw lighting, do precise telekinesis and other such bullshit are rare and closer to master level - Jedi Council, better knights, Sith lords and so on.
There is also the fact that most powers are easy to block for the other side especially if you try to use them directly on the sith/jedi.
Not only did I didn't know a star craft FPS was ever in the works I have never given a fuck about star craft for the near 3 decades of I've been on this earth. That doesn't mean this should have been a generic third person shooter.
It'd still be shit and you'd still be a fag with parents who hate him.
Today I will remind ALL YOU FOOLS that this is what 1313 was going to be. A trash third person shooter.
The last sequence was good and looked challenging like the old games
This is probably one of the first levels in the game, fucking relax
It's got a few nice ideas like using a saber to illuminate an environment and using the force to read the echo's of events just happened but the negatives outway them:
>combat too slow
>sabers don't cut people to pieces just orange glow marks on their bodies
>fighting stance is all wrong like someone cosplaying as a Jedi
>his animation to turn off a saber
>the saber has very little glow and is too soft
>solider AI is fuck-retarded, fighting individually instead of team up and unleashing suppressing fire or some shit
>Enviroments are all a narrow corridor with no branching
>Yet more comedy relief robot sidekicks
It's just very bland with no attempt at an identity or redefining what playing as a Jedi should be.
N-no... That can't be true... But I thought
>cancelled game = good
>released games = bad
Wtf are those animations and why so few enemies on screen at once this whole things looks clunky as fuck.
>why so few enemies on screen at once
Blame consolecucks.
>Σοylent Wars
You're 20 years too late, fuckface. SW is utter fucking trash sci-fi appealing to the lowest common denominator retards and mentally ill freaks who are too stupid and/or fucked up for actual science fiction.
Cookie-cutter formulaic garbage made to be as digestible as possible to the masses, to sell toys and scam companies into thinking giving billions to Disney kikes for the licence is worth it. Take your trash
IP and go kill yourself in some dark shithole somewhere.
We could have games that are legit better these days and people will still say the older game is suddenly a classic.
It's not about the downfall of the industry, it's about the userbase and their age. Some of us are getting older and say loved OoT or MM the most, but the newer userbase and people into games may have started with WW or TP, we view them as shit for example, and OoT/MM as great, whereas they love those games, and when a new one comes out, it's not their favorite and they hate it.
That's how the cycle actually works, not because it's actually better or worse all the time.
Is that still a problem for todays consoles though? I'm not talking a hundred dudes on screen at once just you know more than 2-3 enemies at any given time.
Well Disney pushed EA to make a game they didn't wanted to make for damage control in the Star Wars Com
I'm not even reading your post, seek help.
Kill yourself
No, there are plenty of games with a good amount of enemies on screen. That user just wants to relate it to console war faggotry because he's a faggot
Got any more nonsese to spot, go ahead, call me a tranny or a communist or whatever your broken mind comes up with
>just generic
>still looks atleast interesting and entertaining
I don't get the logic of parrying a lightsaber
Isn't a lightsaber just continuously emitting light? If something blocked a lightsaber, wouldn't the lightsaber handle just keep moving through?
>t. Microshill/Soinypony
Lightsabers have a magnetic field around them, it's blocking that field using vibrations and electromagnetism.
SW is literally being milked to death by Disney, what were you expecting? The series is extremely popular, just slapping ''SW'' on something makes all the s__yboys go :OOOOOOOO and buy said thing instantly. No need for effort
t. delusional retard that thinks he knows the first thing about anything
The funny thing is previous material has shown it's really easy to go through a parry or a lock by quickly turning off the saber and then turning it back on.
Let the adults talk, console kid.
how long until we get GTA but Star Wars
>console war shit
oh, user.
Depends on the writer honestly, some like doing that, some don't. SW as much as I love it, is pretty inconsistent due to it having 50+ writers.
Kill yourselves, freaks.
There's no war, consoles are shit and have been for decades.
It's still an established thing though and they could have incorporated something like that to add depth to the game, there's no point in making it if it's just going to be another Force Unleashed after all.
Dude there are posts still on the internet from like 1988 about people shitting on Nintendo for Atari's sake.
Those people were definitely grown ass nerds.
>tfw they made the game ass on purpose to use the white male protagonist as a scapegoat
Sounds like a problem that could be easily engineered out
And even without that, what keeps me from turning it off and then immediately back on?
take your meds schizo
The first moment he pulled a trooper and instakilled him I thought it was cool
The second time he did it made me close the video
yeah , it looks kinda safe, by the book. I know its a meme but kinda soulless
I agree, but this is also EA we're talking about here. Hell I'm surprised they had Stormtroopers be actual fodder in the gameplay, dismemberment should be a thing, but I guess baby steps with EA as always.
I feel like something like that though would benefit really well from a Cuhrazee DMC/Bayo style game.
holy shit Jedi Power Battles was more impressive. The animation looks like it was pulled out of a fucking Jak and Daxter game
This is the most generic shit.
I literally just got bored watching the trailer. That is not how you make a game that is fun.
Why does the 1080p for this look like total garbage
Then where would the light and heat go user? It'd just be dissipating out slowly and unstable as hell infinitely.
And yes that is a thing in some writings as another user and I discussed.
nah, TFU was edgy tryhard trash. sorry.
Sad but true. Games will become even less reliant on fast inputs than they already are.
someone please photoshop Jak & Daxter: Fallen Order
They could make a button that dissipates the magnetic field temporarily, like for 0.5 second, specifically to bypass parries.
It's safer than turning it off and would make all those long ass lightsaber fights end much quicker
Quite silly that something this elementary to the mechanics was never thought of
"At least we have the high ground."
are you fucking kidding me
I was unironically yawning. Fucking yawning.
That's called the off button. If that magnetic field goes that light is going everywhere. The reason lightsaber fights go on for awhile is because of the Force acting as a counter, or just pure skill.
Then why don't they make a button that makes a second lightsaber appear at a similar angle?
Would surprise most jedi and would be very funny too
Like, they parry their opponent's lightsaber, then suddenly another lightsaber pops right under the parried one and kills them
Because the kyber crystals in them aren't capable of that. Even Kylo's in the movie is cracked and unstable because it's been beaten. Those things are sentient, they can only take so much of a beating before they begin cracking and become dangerous.
No, it's more like saying Splinter Cell is a TPS because of the camera and guns. Kind of missing the point here
The empire are not, and have never been the good guys.
Splinter Cell and MGS are TPS, they're TPS Stealth Games. Not a hard concept to grasp.
fuck you motherfucker literally everyone should drop gaming in 2019 it needs to fucking die before it can get better again
>tfw when they do this it just shows bad writing because why doesn't everyone do it then
Fog based on the depth buffer. It's used for two reasons. The main historical reason is to create depth in 2D images, allowing the player to judge distances and scale better. And the second very recent reason is volumetric lighting. You need a medium for it so either you have fog or you make an underwater game.
Then use two.
There is good and bad on both sides. The Empire created tons of jobs and infrastructure and not everyone is a terrorist, some are just trying to get money and live their lives. Just as some Rebels used torture and murdered innocent people who just happened to be working.
That's the whole point of SW, not everything is black and white despite everyone trying to act like things are.
Some do, it takes more skill not to cut your own limbs off when using two or a double-bladed or some other variety of light/kyber weapon.
Even then if the other person is skilled enough they can still kick your ass. Dooku vs. Anakin for instance in AotC.
says the terrorist who hates safety and stability in the galaxy
the saber also struck me as out of place. the center of the saber should always be the brightest thing in any scene, day or night. It should always be completely white. That's one thing Lucas' retcons got right, making the sabers look as intense as they had always sounded.
The empire is clearly good people. I don't get why there's always rebels. The rebels miss the forest for the trees like idiots and continue to hold a war over religion.
The secret is not letting your opponent know you have two. It's easy to conceal a lightsaber handle. Wait for these parries that last 30 seconds so both characters can have a long talk and light the other by surprise
It's probably takes a huge amount of ability to direct a fight like that and even more not to get fucked up as you try your trick.
Exactly. I mean it's not like they've stopped doing that in recent films or anything so why make it so dull now?
Lightsabers can't cut through everything.
Still depends on who you're fighting. Someone like Yoda or Palpatine would know you had an extra one the entire time or be able to deal with it through the Force. With that said, that is a thing in some stories, Darth Maul and others will sometimes pretend to only have a single bladed lightsaber and then activate the other end when necessary. As I said, it just depends on who is writing things.
>freezes quickly rotating massive machines
this kid seems retardedly powerful but whataver I guess I can loo-
>freezes a laser beam mid air
what the fuck
>as cool and original as Star Wars
How do they know it through the Force?
Is the Force like what the Holy Ghost is for Christians?
Soibois think the empire is bad because they hate aliens, even though aliens are shown time and time again to be shitty people and overly represented in crime in the galaxy
Nuwars have some words with you
pandering to the reddit crowd ewww
looks great. I'll buy it and you cynical fags cannot stop me.
They really should equip soldiers with melee weapons for cases like this. Sure facing Darth Vader, much less a Sith, was inevitable death, but still. Blasters in close quarters just seems inefficient.
Why does he have a droid on his back too? They already did that with their Battlefront 2 protagonist. Will every star wars protagonist come with a droid backpack from now on?
The Force is basically God yes. It can do whatever it wants whenever it wants. It can take someone weaker and channel itself through them (as it does with Kanan in Rebels) to appear more powerful than even someone like Anakin/Vader, because those events are more important to save certain other people, or get others killed for the long run.
The Force is basically an intangible eldritch God that does what it wants, even if it involves ripping people through time. We don't understand it, because it's a concept beyond us. It just is, so yes, The Force is basically God.
That's fine, it'll flop and there's nothing EA can do to stop it.
>ruled by sith who channel their power through hate and anger
>have machines specifically designed to torture people in the most effective way possible
>have destroyed multiple planets of peaceful people
>despise any non-human sapient beings and regularly make them slaves and kill them for little to no reason
Fuck off.
It's just a poor version of TFU with bits of there other projects they scrapped thrown in.
They should have already been equipped with grenades and some small melee weapons anyway as they're military but I think that scene, aside from being supurb fanwank, is meant to highlight the sheer panic of facing Vader, no one was thinking straight in that corridor.
I thought it looked fine but I don't know... Star Wars isn't that great of a franchise that needed a million spin off and I feel like the spin offs only cheapened things and I never found any SW games to be good before.
The weak should fear the strong
Uncharted is probably up there with retard proof climbing. You could still easily fuck it up in the Sands of Time trilogy as it wasn't always 100% immediately obvious and you had to aim your jumps. Same with AssCreed 1, although it already began to show.
What is the first game that started this shit with obviously marked ledges and only one way per climbing anyway? I don't really remember.
>tfw the priests and monks of SW are basically those who believe in the Force
Yeah. And those highly attuned to it have titles too.
TFU was never anything special, the story is fucking retarded, but at least the gameplay is alright and the game doesn't overstay it's welcome.
I wouldn't call it good, but it isn't shit either. It's somewhere in the middle.
>I never found any SW games to be good before.
Wow, user. Someday I want to be a massive faggot like you
It's fucking retarded.
>the hilt glows
>it's darker than a fucking glowstick instead of having a white core with a colored outline
This isn't so hard. A fuckton of other games already managed to do it right. Why can't EA? FUCK
Yea Forums always says that a game will flop... and it never does.
It's not just like you're wielding a flashlight, lightsabers have some weird kind of weight to them. It's just what it is.
Also there have been things that can actually block a lightsaber, but I feel like EA is going to ignore that for whatever reason. Shit's not even that out of this world, you could easily come up with an excuse for the mooks to use weapons like that.
It's their representation of force speed. The laser is still moving, but compared to him it's relatively super slow.
As an actual soldier, that's not really practical.
Any solider going into combat has some kind of knife. Hell, the 160th gave their pilots fucking axes. It's just that getting one out of its sheathe takes a lot more time than you'd expect unless you were planning on it prior to the fight.
Also, you have a gun. You can kill someone before melee combat happens 99.9% of the time. You'd only ever even consider switching to a knife once you're out of ammo. It's literally a last-resort case scenario. It's almost always better to just club a motherfucker with the 5 pound steel weapon you were previously shooting them with.
Plus, if five guys are shooting at him, the last thing you want to do is run in with a knife, then get shot in the back by four of your buddies.
So, yes, some crazy bastard stabbing Darth Vadar would be the coolest man in the galaxy and drown in twi'lek pussy, but would be wildly impractical.
honestly i like it simply because it doesn't try to pass some stupid ass diversity quota in the first 10 seconds of gameplay.
is the woke shit finally dying off?
so ruining the movies was not enough
they got ruin the games too
disney is trully evil
>Battlefront 2 failed
>Andromeda failed
>Anthem failed
But no it "never does"
the game would look much better if they doubled the speed of both combat and movement
i hope their stocks fall even further
Imagine expecting anything other than this from EA & Disney. It’s a bland game designed for kids & casuals like the new movies.
Now? It’s been like that since ESB.
larian is going to ruin it with their garbage wacky humor, should have given it to obsidian
Way I saw it the slowdown thing only affects one enemy. You and everyone else moves at a normal speed.
Nobody knew Palpatine was a Sith Lord, the Rebels also have those droids, and the destruction of Alderaan is one of those things that turned the general populace against the Empire, just as most people don't rise up against their Government because they fear for their lives too.
Even then, to say the Empire was entirely bad is wrong, some people legit just wanted/needed jobs and to get by. Just the same as to say the Rebels are entirely good is also wrong. That's how life is user, both sides do good and bad, there is a reason in the ST half the Senate wanted to go back to the Empire because they felt it was legit better as a Government. Just as there was a reason the CIS went to war with the Republic. There are two sides to every story. Was the Empire more bad/evil than the Rebels, sure, doesn't man all of them were like that.
Why don't the Jedi and Sith use their own weapons. They are made up of aliens with different biology, a lightsaber would be no good for every species. If pic related just spun his head too fast while holding it up his tentacles could easily get cut off by his own lightsaber
Boring linear missions with boring repetitive gameplay interspersed with huge well directed set piece cut scenes. Story sounds shit. The world looks bland. And this was meant to be the ‘expert’ difficulty & the AI is just standing around getting killed while using melee weapons. And the killing animations look fucking generic & shit, he cuts multiple storm troopers and it’s literally the same animation with no gore.
He obviously keeps his tentacles down with the force while he fights
I only have two things to say
IT'S NOT FUCKING OTS it's a proper fucking 3rd person camera.
Why is the EA game the one that understands that OTS and magnetic jumps like the game was made for a fucking Atari is shit design?
Underage fags getting older. People are saying Halo 3 and Sonic Heroes are classics too
But then he handicaps himself by spending more force points just to keep his tentacles down
Combat looks like The Surge. Wtf.
Why did the Attack of the Clones establish that every kid does the same lightsaber deflection training as Luke did? I thought Obi-Wan was just improvising because he happened to find an old helmet and a droid somewhere but apparently that was formal training?
Why don't the lightsaber dismember?
The lightsaber lopks completely off and I can't put my finger on why.
Also, the character's stance and animations look awful. Doesn't look like a jedi at all
I'm not a faggot at all.
That's been retconned, you are remembering incorrectly consumer. Obi Wan simply cut that fellow's drink in half, no dismembering.
It's God of War combat, without understanding why it worked for God of War.
Can't wait for the 72.
Wake me up when Platinum makes a SW game or someone makes a SW game in a similar vein.
It looks like a fun game to me, maybe you're just being a contrarian faggot for (you)s?
Tradition. The old Jedi and Sith used swords, so they kept with it and it actually proves to be a very powerful tool when used with the force. Without the force, a lightsaber is actually nearly useless. Controlling more than one lightsaber is difficult because it's a hotter than the sun propulsion engine.
that's not a wookie dumbfucks, this is
>Trooper fires shot
>Slows down time
>Force pulls and grabs Trooper
>Walks toward shot and uses Trooper to block it
I like it
the animations in this game look terrible
Many jaded people on Yea Forums. Looks good to me as well.
Its been nearly 11 years user. There's likely people on this board nowadays that grew up with it.
No they don't.
So terrible parenting is what caused neo-Yea Forums's shit taste?
You look like you've got a stick up your ass when you run with the lightsaber out
I don't understand how a game series could go backwards after nearly a decade of time to improve. They removed content and made it slow paced. wtf
I just want fucking KOTOR 3 is that too much to ask for?
They're catering to the new generation of retarded babby gamers.
here you go xD
KOTOR is no longer canon. It's never happening.
>Uncharted Star Wars Edition
I'm not surprised, but I'm still disappointed. Also why does the lightsaber look so bad
>still wanting sequels to good, classic games
You should know better than to rub that monkey's paw.
>linear levels
zoom zoom
Hey it's me again, the Star Wars music still sucks. Ruins everything they try to make cool, like for instance, this game, and when they do something as simple as open a door, music kicks in full blast like it's something epic.
>incels LITERALLY defending a totalitarian fascist empire
ok now this is epic
somewhat off topic but, did ea even adress anthem during their conference?
>Even Kylo's
>taking Nu Wars for anything but fanfic
I never once said I was defending the wrong they did such as enslaving races and destroying planets. I said that there was some good that the Empire actually did do an that not everyone was an evil psychopath, which is true, just the same as not everyone within the Rebellion was a boyscout who did nothing wrong.
Reading comprehension should be a requirement around here.
No user he literally stopped the laser beam, he's just doing the Nu Wars force power of stopping lasers mid air like Kylo
user, Kylo's unstable crystal isn't anything new. It has nothing to do with the fact that it has side blades. There are unstable crystals throughout all of Star Wars. that's how they've always been.
Not everyone can mixmax in Star Wars
first of all Kotor is not canon anymore, second Bioware already did the possible to make that impossible thanks to and there's no studio good enough to do Kotor 3
multiplats copy sony games so the plebs will be able to experience them in a way
it wouldn't be a western 3rd person """action""" game without shitty contrived uncharted climbing :')
KotOR was never canon, the most that was canon was that certain characters and events happened to exist and nothing more. That's how the EU has always been, there have always been tiers of things and how they are canon. Revan/Malak/Bastila existing, Jedi Civil Wars, and Mandalorian Wars were always canon and that was about it. Hell the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil Wars are still canon and chances are the D&D Subversion Trilogy is heavily rumored to be KotOR.
So prepare your anuses.
Why would they talk about a dead game?
Kyber crystals=lightsaber crystals is itself a Disney retcon
>Uncharted climbing
You mean Assassin's Creed...oh I'm sorry, you mean Prince of Persia. Oh I'm sorry you meant...etc. etc.
Uncharted didn't invent this shit, it just took it from other stuff.
Yes they said they learned from it, that was it. Didn't apologize or anything, just that they learned from it, they played it some too at EA, that was about it.
PoP climbing isn't really the same
Uncharted and Assassin's Creed came out literally six days apart
The sw universe evolved every time a bigger "evil empire" took control of everything from the hyperspace wars. Litterally things like the empire is what moves the galaxy to the next era.
uncharted popularized it for western linear 3rd person action games
this mind numbing cancer has been around since Faggot Of War 1 on the PS2. it's the first game I remember where this cancerous shit went into autopilot where you don't have to do fuckall and can't even die by fucking up. Just press analog stick in a direction and press A/X
No it's not. That's been a thing since fucking the concept drafts of A New Hope, as well as them being memory crystals/holocrons. Hell even KotOR and various other things in the EU have used them interchangeably as both.
They've always been that way.
>linear level
>bad part of sekiro combat i.e. tons of trash mobs
>constant cutscenes
>star wars
Into the trash.
AC and Uncharted are literally just PoP's system redone. AC is literally just PoP.
Doesn't mean it's Uncharted's climbing.
Society and technology never really advanced lightsabers not needing to be plugged in, though.
pedantic autist
>cool and original as SW
jesus christ
The Empire ended slavery in the outer rim.
Nice argument, you enjoy that L.
>lightsabers not needing to be plugged in
The fuel cells werent strong enough back in the days, in those times it was like having a full automatic m4 in the 1500.
I was speaking more about culture, tech (not strictly lightsabers), and space exploration.
Fuck. Off.
no, they don't. The Kaiburr crystal could be used as a lightsaber crystal, but it was a unique thing, not a generic term for lightsaber crystal. That didn't appear until TCW.
Kotor was canon enough that Disney had to come out and say it wasn't after buying star wars
technology never particularly advanced, either, though. They got better at blowing planets up, but otherwise technology remained stagnant.
This looks like a game from 2013
Again, Kyber Crystals were always the crystals used in Lightsabers, as they were also the primary component of Holocrons, and a variety of other things. They still even aren't solely generic term for Lightsaber Crystals even in Disney's nu-canon. They've always been force artifacts, whether involving lightsabers, or otherwise, since A New Hope.
They did that with the entire EU, whether things were canon or not.
>You all wanted SW 1313 and EA delivered.
This is the same Rebels vs Empire shit, 1313 was not about that.
>not a generic term for lightsaber crystal.
That's literally what a lightsaber crystal is other than the synthetic ones...
Thing is, I'm jaded and bitter too, but not to the extent that I hate every last single thing new that comes out. I won't lie, I'd rather see a game set in the old Star Wars EU starring Kyle "stormtrooper killer and space asian fucker" Katarn, but this game doesn't look all that bad either honestly.
>jump straight to the middle part of video to get to the action
>wall climbing section
holy FUCK
Fucking up moisture fog isn't saturation user.
If anything its less saturation since you artificially restrict the color range down to a pretty light grey value instead of full range
Mass melee vs Jedi/Sith is even more suicide.
With blasters you at the least make sure the amateurs can't realistically advance. With swords its suicide, because all the same rules that makes the laser deflection possibly also apply to light cuts.
Nevermind that the scary part of The Force is that its far more potent in social engineering and mass politics than its in combat.
Its one of the things Dune did right for a lot of the same reasons, and its one of the reasons why Episode 1-3 do a lot of right things, but Clone War series do even more of those things right.
you're complaining about this now? star wars movies haven't been cool since the 80s and the last good star wars game was kotor 2
just play indies
This guy gets it
And there's also material that exists to counter the light sabers. Otherwise they'd be op gods that can't be stopped. You need something to negate it.
That's where you're wrong fucko
lightsaber crystals were literally never referred to as Kyber crystals before TCW outside of the one specific instance of the Kaiburr crystal, which was a unique crystal. In the old EU, you could use basically anything for a lightsaber crystal. You could even make a synthetic one.
In the Disney canon, kyber crystals are the ONLY lightsaber crystals. Even Sith use them, no longer using synthetic ones.
>Empire at War
>Lego SW games
>Republic Commando
This doesn't even look that bad; it just looks like every other cookie-cutter AAA game nowadays. Somehow that makes me feel worse.
They're referred to Kyber Crystals in KotOR and Jedi Outcast, and again in the original concept of A New Hope. As for TCW, that was created by Lucas, not Disney. Now if you want to continue on, Sith always used normal lightsaber crystals along with synthetic ones, and synthetic crystals are still a thing.
That's what makes it bad. I've already played this game dozens of times and it's not even out
they've literally made sekiro and you fags at that shit up.
Looks like a typical linear 3rd person action adventure game.
The demo was pretty boring. Probably should've shown something more exiting. Maybe it's actually pretty fun or maybe its really well written altho i'm not holding my breath for that last one.
>They're referred to Kyber Crystals in KotOR and Jedi Outcast
No, they literally are not.
>Sith always used normal lightsaber crystals
they did, but it became tradition to use synthetic crystals over natural crystals. There are no more synthetic crystals in the Disney canon.
looks pretty fun
He's completely right, they weren't the only crystals, but Kyber/Kaiburr were always used interchangeably in some writings as well, along with Adegan Crystals. With that said, Disney isn't the one that changed it, George Lucas did, much like he brought back the Whills into concept with Qui-Gon and the Force Priestesses.
That was with a bounty hunter thought, wich will be understandable how they used the cover mechanic. Here you are a jedi and it looks worse, somehow you move slower and the enemies arent swarming you. Try better next time tard
Kreia does it.
The slow-mo is op, I think.
Only the Jedi Knight games were ever good for this kind of thing. Some of the vehicle focused games were alright.
>Third person consolefied combat
>Cutscene cutscene cutscene
>Slow mo (lol)
>Shoehorned skill point shit
Yeah I'm thinking star wars games are back(into the grave).
I don't want to be no fucking pussy Jedi.
>via 9gag
Delete yourself.
If you still give a fuck about Star Wars wthen you are a onions filled cuckold. Go seek a psychologist.
>You can use the force to turn on your lightsaber remotely
Ok then why don't you just use the force to turn off the enemy's?
Or if you're strong enough with the Force, why not just crush their lightsaber and break it.
They've been in the grave since EA has had the license.
Why not make your lair out of lightsabers and remotely laser hallway anyone who breaks in?