Are pures still viable in OSRS?

Are pures still viable in OSRS?

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Yeah they're made for PVP and will always excel in their bracket

honestly no

Well? I need some more information.

they are, but obviously there only effective to a certain point. in that you aren't going to be a mage pure and tear through every tier of player. there's a limit to the effectiveness, but that has never not been the case.

Okay, but what can you tear apart?

well, think about it.
a pure is essentially deception because your combat level isn't exactly indicative of what you're capable of as far as inflicting damage goes. so, you're going to be able to tear through people who are around your combat level and punch above your combat level quite a bit, but not some insane amount.

That still sounds like fun at least.

Just make a max main account, much more fun

What's a max main account

Pures have been memes for years. They only accomplished anything in PVP when people didn't know what pures were and fell for the trick. Now all they're good for is circlejerking with other pures.

yes, I was working on a mage pure myself but I've burnt myself out on OSRS these past few months with my main account, and leveling a pure is actually kind of a pain.

he's saying just make a main account where you don't worry about being a pure and just level up everything. personally, I think this is way more fun as well. I got bored of leveling my pure pretty quickly, but there's a lot to do on a regular account.

If you just want to have fun pking without too much of a risk, then yeah, they're great.
Fights are much faster because of low defence and you're risking what, a gmaul, a rune crossbow and a d scim?
Max main PVP is just AIDS, have fun looking at 0s all fight.

>so, you're going to be able to tear through people who are around your combat level
The only mid-level people in the wilderness are farmers with nothing to lose because they know they're going to die, and other pures. You're not getting a leg up, you're merely on an even playing field with all the other thousands of pures flooding the wilderness.

Based runescape player. What are the best F2P money making techniques ?

granite maul ruins the pure bracket. wait until they nerf it (happening without a poll)

do boomers still play this shit? or is it just full of zoomers that never experienced the mmo during it's peak?

This game is such a bore don't waste your time

There are more people playing OSRS than RS3.
It's a mix of both old and new players.

Viable for what? Pure builds are soley for PVP, for the sole purpose of having as low a level as possible while having a stat as high as possible.

If you log in right now, they'll be beggar noobs asking for GP at Lumbridge and the Grand Exchange even after all these years. I almost think they're pretending.

Attached: i'mretarded.gif (240x180, 2M)

I'm 30 and I still play.

27. Played when I was 14. I play on my phone at work.

I cant imagine anyone playing runescape in 2019 unless they played it back when it was big

>tfw you can't ever go back to the comfy times
I just want to not be penalized for spending every playing moment skilling.

My brother actually makes pretty decent GP doing that, its pretty competitive with other F2P strats

Why's that? My girlfriend plays. And she didn't play back in the day.

It's a mobile game now and got a bit big on twitch

Killing certain bots in the wildy is good f2p money if you know how and where to do it. You're essentially letting someone else bot for you and either taking their farm or taking their investment.

Are clans still around? the ones who fought all the way in the north of wildy?

Tfw my 2.1k ironman got hacked. At least I got 99 slayer first so I feel like I “beat” the game.

my 2.1k ironman is better than yours

forgot pic

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Wait, talk more about this. This is very interesting.

no what the fuck. Play the game normally

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>pvping in osrs

Literally the only good mode is maxed naked whip

nice dude, currently this.

I'm going to keep going, but currently doing vorkath for test

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buying gf

Pures are normal though.

thats not an ironman

Zammy wine bots for their wine and runes used to make me money back when I played.