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stop being so bitter incel

Who is this guy?

I can already enter the women's bathroom with my male sim anyway for obvious reasons

a dead youtuber

>OP watches a stream just waiting for something to trigger him so he can make a thread about it

Fucking incel.


Isn't this guy a vlogger?

Like in porn movies?

Do you have gendered bathrooms in your house, or are you just retarded?

let me know when there's dilation stations and i'm sold. Until then FUCK SEXIST PIGS

imagine being mad about gender neutral bathrooms in a video game.

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But we have gender neutral bathrooms in our house already, they're just called bathrooms.

>pissing in the same toilet as your wife is the same as pissing next to a random woman

but you cant do that thats ilegal

i don't get it, the bathrooms were already gender neutral


t. tumblr

Don't Sims just go to the nearest toilet? What does this even mean?

>not wanting unisex bathrooms so you can install porn mods and rape trannies in there

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I was actually about to buy it before I saw this since it was on sale. Thanks for saving me 8 bucks EA
I don't think it'd even be that big of an issue if it was optional content to have in your game or a dlc pack

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My local mc donalds already have it while they refused to approve it to the nearby high school, this world is crazy I tell you


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>pissing next to a random woman
Whose more offended by this, guys with small dicks or women?

shut up faggot

Why do faggots want everybody in the same bathroom?

But the bathrooms already are gender neutral

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doubles the number of kids they can diddle

This moment
This single moment
It made the entire presentation worth it. The awkwardness, the timing, everything about it was perfection.

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not a feature

Jokes aside, I think he was talking about sims freaking out when you walk into a bathroom while they are taking a shit. The whole thing was delivered very poorly and they chose the most stereotypical twink they could find.

I want unisex bathrooms because they always put the women's bathroom slightly closer to the used area of the building and it's annoying as fuck. I'm tired of walking halfway through a floor to get to a toilet when there's a perfectly good toilet I'm not allowed to use right next door.
I'm not even talking about the sims.

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so exhibitionism is in the core game now

Eh, it can't be any more embarrassing than the laundry update. Who asked for this?

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How awkward was it? Enlighten me
More awkward than the furry winning the award last year?

To be clear, I still have no fucking clue of what the issue is here. Sims 4 went as far as letting you choose how to take a piss so I have no idea of how else it could be exclusive to someone besides crazy shit like the lack of ingame sex surgeries.

I'm against gender neutral bathrooms because have you seen how long the lines are for women's bathrooms? Let them into men's rooms and suddenly instead of 1 bathroom being full with a line, you have both bathrooms full at a ll times. With bitches applying their makeup and changing their pads and shit. Spending half an hour decorating the seat with toilet paper before they sit down in case there's germs. No thank you, just quarantine that shit in their designated room so we can use the toilets to shit and piss thanks.

Oh and for that matter, unisex bathrooms mean no urinals which is annoying as hell, if you just have to piss why do i need a whole small room to myself. Wastes space in the room and leads to more fuckin lines.

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The playerbase, apparently. That was the winner of a poll.

30 dollars please.

While I agree with your first point urinals can go fuck themselves. I don't want a bunch of stranger piss soaking into my clothes if I so much as cough or twitch. Not a fan of all that splash back you get no matter the angle, that's not all your piss spritzing your dick as you let loose. You also can't shit in a urinal so you get the situation where there's urinals free but no toilets and you REALLY need to shit. You could easily replace a wall of 3 urinals with 2 toilets, sometimes 3.

I hate that I’m now at a point in my life where I can precisely identify things that people will bitch about on Yea Forums when I see them

>t. seething tranny

Sims 4 may let you play a tranny, but it also allows me to have my shitty futa-on-female impregnation fetish exist without mod support.

That's easy, just imagine something an insecure middle school boy would get mad about

That always existed

Dude, I would freak out if someone walked in while I was taking a shit. I'm shitting here, gtfo! Gender has nothing to do with it.

Have sex

>without mod support
A futa has a pussy and a dick, balls optional. You need some LL mods for that to work.

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Why does this guy look so familiar?

>Still supporting modern games

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Better to be a virgin than a mentally ill degenerate. You'll never be a real woman & no white man will ever find you desirable. Please livestream your inevitable suicide when Trump wins in 2020.

>More awkward than the furry winning the award last year?
Not as much but it got close. The partnership announcement came out of nowhere and felt completely disconnected from the rest of the presentation. I get that EA is probably doing it for the public image shit but for fucks sake.

does sims have trannies yet

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Vanilla sims 4 doesn't show any parts so its up to my imagination, dawg.

Besides I'm not touching LL sims 4 until they add degenerate bestiality impregnation. I'm not modding these games for hours at a time just to see vanilla porn play out. I can go to pornhub for that.

>Better to be a virgin than a mentally ill degenerate

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>I don't want a bunch of stranger piss soaking into my clothes if I so much as cough or twitch.
u wot m8
Are you doing pic related? What the hell, how do you get accidentally pissed on in a public bathroom, I've never even heard of such a problem
No way can you fit 2 toilets in the space of 3 urinals, the stalls have to be so big and then there's always the designated handicap stall you legally have to be able to park a truck in.
Besides, you can shit in a urinal if push comes to shove.

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Looks like he could be Grubby's brother.

If you are going to dump your barnaclehead head folder than at least use recent shit.


That might be an infinitychan mod. Sims 4 has shit gameplay, so I don't bother with it.

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What the fuck is the appeal of the sims anyway?

Splat Tim the Nintendo conference isn't live ye, go home

Why is everyone on Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?

He's right though :^)

Why do so many men want to be women

If you really need to counter this and hurt someone's feelings at the same time just say you want biological kids with the biological mother for genetic fitness.

Because we all fap to traps and futas on the reg and 3DPD trannies keep appropriating them and they're goddamn gross.

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You're assuming those urinals are in any way clean. If I had a urinal at home I'd be fine with it, sure whatever. People piss all over everything in public though. I just assume every inch of everything is covered in piss. The exterior of that thing you aim your piss at? Sure as fuck covered in piss. So proper etiquette is to press up to it at least a bit, spare people from peripheral dick peeking. Even if that isn't a concern you can get a little shy. So you press up just enough to hide the dick but not really touch it. Lean forward 1/10th of an inch? Piss soaked pants. Piss splash back from inside the urinal? Sure as hell mixed with the piss already coating the thing. Not into it.

Alright, thread is turning into tranny drama again. It was a good time Yea Forums, have a good E3

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Lol watch the incels seethe.

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I never understood how being called a virgin is an insult anyway. A good amount of women today are soulless thots & roasties who'll eat away at your soul in exchange for a bit of pleasure. To be a virgin in this hyper degenerate and sexualized world is a remarkable thing. Trannies on the other hand are subhumans with severe mental issues that think they're women, even though they were born actual men.

Imagine chopping off your dick & demanding people identity you as your made up bullshit pronouns? These are the same degenerates trying to insult people against them for being virgins. I seriously cannot wait until 2020 and Trump wins so these faggots all kill themselves en masse.

what in the fuck?


Anyone happen to have a pic of that foreign article from the 80s that says something like: "american-designed diets will mutate people so radically that they will have to change the definition of normal to keep everyone from noticing"?

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>Lord of the Flies but with anime girls

is x-rated Rimworld really as degenerate as I hear?

>So proper etiquette is to press up to it at least a bit, spare people from peripheral dick peeking
Yeah I don't give a shit about this. Pissing all over yourself and everything just to make sure no one can see your no no spot is a little juvenile.
That being said you are right that everything is covered in piss. I never sit on public benches because kids in my town would randomly piss on them for laughs.

did they edit his eyes? they look big and shiny like the Alita movie

Why do you care. Did you never get over your bullying phase in high school or are you just still in high school?
If your answer is something like "they shouldn't be parading around I don't want to see this" then why repost it? You're making US read and see this. Not that I care about seeing it, genetic fuck ups are part of nature.

>american diets

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Doc supports trans rights, damn. I think I need an extra large dose to make this set in.

>foreign weeb education
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the definition of the word 'diet' before ever posting again.


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Well regardless of how you use a urinal, unless I can get my dick as far from the piss as I can when standing at a toilet I'll always prefer toilets. It's very rare I'd have the opportunity to stand that far from the urinal and trick shot it in, so I prefer toilets.

There's definitely some weird psychological hangup about it. It's that whole premise about protesting a bit too much.

Finally I can rape women

Do you know the definition of the word "diet?"

Is this bait?

Just look at this fucking madness? THESE are the faggots calling people virgins and incels. I would much rather be an incel/virgin than whatever the fuck these subhumans are. Besides, it's easier for an incel to improve themselves simply by working out & getting more self-confidence. What the fuck can a Tranny do to not be a complete fucking mess? Killing themselves, that's what.

Gender neutral bathrooms is still better than trannies going into women's bathrooms

so does he have a sextape?

No more than your average infinitychan fork of some porn game. I need to edit this scenario some more, one of the girls hits extreme break risk after about 5 minutes every time I try to play it.

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i always thought bathrooms were separated based on physical sex, so you have people with dicks go in to the one with urinals, piss with minimal effort and get out quickly, and have people without dicks (inferior pissers) go to the bathroom with more stalls to accommodate their different method.

Because being a man is hard.

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But is it better than stroking a bud in a bathroom



It is funny to see based gaybro seethe incels while getting paid.

>t. butthurt tranny

Did he literally just suck a dick before the stream or why are his lips so shiny?

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why the fuck are americans so autistic.

This is a thread for complaining about trannies and faggots. Fuck off with your logical argument

But bathrooms in homes are already shared?

You mean bathrooms? The Sims has always had those.

no wonder Avitus fell to chaos...

Do you live in a house full of trannies? Fuck off, amerifat

Gendered bathrooms are retarded. All you need in a bathroom is a toilet, sink, and mirror. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes. I don't understand it either

I have my own bathroom, my wife has her own bathroom, and my wife's dog shits in the yard.

Conflating doing your gross business in the bathroom with a sexual thing is a you problem, not me. Gays are allowed in the mens bathroom and haven't molested me, I think I'll be just fine with weirdo trannies as well. Just go into a stall if you're that uncomfortable.

> one of the girls hits extreme break risk after about 5 minutes every time I try to play it.

Adds character if you ask me.

>He doesn't live in a mansion with 20 bathrooms

You ever watch that South Park episode where Eric goes trans just to get his own private bathroom at the school? Something like that.

Yes, they can't help it cuz of average gays having a higher sex drive.

t. fag got creampied twice this morning

At-birth rates for transgenderism for MTF and FTM are roughly the same. After-birth rates for transgenderism for MTF are FAR higher than FTM.
I assume it has to do with some trauma or witnessing how women are treated - possibly having to do with how much affection and attention women get in comparison to the average man. On top of women just being the more attractive sex, along with people just finding women to be more "trust-worthy", I'm sure there's a lot they witness that heavily shapes how their brain develops.

I often wonder if boys didn't have to be so emotionally shut down and independent in comparison, if there would be fewer trannies growing up. I'm not a scientist though, I really don't know. I just have some ideas.

This is your mindset, freaks.

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>you'll never be allowed in the secret gay bathrooms, where everything is tastefully decorated and the surfaces are both pristine and textured to prevent slippage during the endless sex parties

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>that fucking emotionally chaotic face
no way that fag doesn't get jailed for pedo rape, murder and cannibalism in the next 5 years

>my local college has this gender neutral bathrooms thing
>two trannies on the entire campus
>two stalls are always occupied by them shitting
>stinks like a man
>really need to pee but only stall is next to one of them

They watch moeshit anime and think they can become like the trap they see in those show.

imagine this picture with the real people instead

reminder that gender neutral bathrooms dont work because of women
women do not want to share a toilet with guys taking fats shits every morning

my work had none gendered bathrooms for like a month before all the chicks complained and wanting one for themselves

When I was 12 a gay man attempted to rape me in a mall bathroom. The only thing that saved me was he mistook me hyperventilating for being actually into it. I ate a lot of tex-mex earlier, so he started to lick my asshole which caused me to shoot diarrhea all over his head. He screamed he was going to kill me and tripped while he was getting up since he pants were down and he fell awkwardly and knocked himself out on the bathroom tile.
You can look it up in the local newspaper, it happened in 1996.
My anecdotes trump yours. That's what is so great about anecdotes.


>old sims
>go to take a shit
>roommate comes in to wash the dishes in the bathroom sink
>stands and stares at my sim taking a shit
>puts down the smelly dishes on the floor and angrily shoos my sim out
>my sim gets out
>the houseguest leaves the smelly dishes on the floor and exits the bathroom

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Maybe. Very neurotic is a tough one. I'm probably going to add psychopath to all of them, since they're all crazy bitches now.

Why are Incels so obsessed with trannies? Repressed desires?

>I can't ejaculate anymore so everybody I hate is VIRGIN

This has been answered multiple times, you fucking newfag.

Any upgrades to the weight gain system? Asking for a friend

why are trannies so obsessed with injecting themselves and thier politics into everything?
we are just reactionary to the constant tranny pushing

It's the flavor of the month obsession, like how all the black twitterposting and diet references got certain terms filtered.

Props to lower right as he actually passes somewhat.

It must be nice to feel important as a tranny. Keep blueballing incels must be fun.

Too bad, I am not tranny cuz I am married to my lovely husband. Thank god that I am not tranny.

>mentally ill person gets fucked in the ass
>"at least I am not a virgin anymore :)"
You can't make this shit up. I can't tell if you are being ironic or not but if this is bait, good job 10/10

>I often wonder if boys didn't have to be so emotionally shut down and independent in comparison, if there would be fewer trannies growing up.
There's compelling research to lend credence to this claim. Men have needed to be stoic and emotionally distant throughout most of history because of physical conflict or economic hardships, but times are getting better and better, and there isn't much sign of that stopping with the notion that automation will take over a lot of military and hard labor roles. Men are still taught these things because of tradition, but they don't get shit for it. Meanwhile, the roles women have played throughout history are far more suited to this new world, so obviously there are men who are at the very least subconsciously jealous of that, and want it. The answer isn't to become a facsimile of a woman though, it's to reorient how men operate in this world.

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>complaining about this that have always existed

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The answer is literally and unironically just bee yourself

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sorry having someone hump a flesh wound doesn't count as losing your virginity

also the fact that Yea Forums is a website for virgin weeb losers in the first place
its like going to a gay bar and calling everyone a disgusting faggot when they try make a move on you

>sorry having someone hump a flesh wound doesn't count as losing your virginity
This, all gay people are virgins

Based and, uh, whatever-pilled

That research is also bullshit because "locker room talk" is a thing and has been since civilization began. When that became a meme among the TWO SCOOPS crowd, I was rolling my eyes pretty hard since girls do the exact same thing in their locker rooms. That sort of behavior is common everywhere guys get together and do something, such as play football, kill dune coons, kill communists, kill nips, you name it.

>Can have gender neutral bathrooms
>Make a male character that dresses only as a girl
>Make him do all the girly shit in the world and have him live as female
>Make him use the boy's bathroom every time

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I thought in 4 all bathrooms were unisex already? Or is this a joke?

>I want children

lower left and lower right actually look like ugly females

tl;dr literally everything is politics. Sports are politics. I was watching the Women's World Cup last night while having dinner, and the two commentators were bitching straight white men needed the training field so they kicked women out.

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>lulz just adopt ;)

>the profile picture
oh no no no

You should be bitter when a fucking brand is acting genuine all while using marginalized groups to make money.

Most public bathrooms tend to be gender neutral anyway but this was never a problem until your brains got the /pol/ rot.

kys tranny you are less then 1% of the population and less then 1% convincing as a woman

>something is complained about so much that bringing attention to it becomes a platitude
>people decide to support the thing out of contrarian spite
>even if it's fundamentally unjust, all because they are tired of hearing about it

You are lemmings

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We need to encourage more changes like this
Death to involuntary celibates

sims is pretty genuine in their stuff though, they had gay sex and shit way before it was cool