Yeah I'm thinking they are back
E3 Konami
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Castlevania Collection 2?
I'm thinking Arby's
One Mirron Troops
holy shit i cant believe they are gonna announce chapter 3 all these years after release, this is the biggest ruse of all times
for me, It's Pachinko MGS: Battle Royale HD.
one mirrion twoops
>Chapter 3 announced
>Death Stranding is forgotten and flops
>Konami wins
>Kojima asks you if you riked it and retires
Finally theyre gonna talk about the MGS movie
DS titles and I'm sold
As a pachinko game, yes
Please just kill Silent Hill live on stream for good.
yugioh ?
Twin Snakes HD remaster
>Castlevania Alucard's Revengeance
>HD graphics animated by Arcsys using their GG tech
>Music by Michiru Yamane
>Shanoa is playable
You heard it here first anons
All they could announce is the switch game, which is already out digitally.
Hideo Kojima’s a bitch ass mother fucker. He pissed on my fucking money. That’s right, he took his nippon little stubby dick out and he pissed on my fucking money, and he said his dick was THIS BIG. And I said “that’s disgusting!” So I’m making a callout post on my twitter. com. Hideo Kojima, you got a small dick, it’s the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what, here’s what my dong looks like: PFFFFFFFFGJT. That’s right baby. All point, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my money so guess what, I’m gonna FUCK THE FANBASE. THATS RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER PACHINKO PISS. Except I’m not gonna piss on the fanbase, I’m gonna go higher. I’m pissing on the METAL GEAR FRANCHISE. How do you like that Sony? I PISSED ON THE METAL GEAR FRANCHISE YOU IDIOT! You have twenty three hours before the piss droplets hit the fucking fanbase! Now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
>Alucard Revengeance
that sounds dope
fucking lame
You forgot zombie survival.
MGS seems like what the money grubbing would've lead them to, but after survive, if they had any sense, they'd let the fanbase cool down for a couple years and capitalize on the silent hills hype, which always seemed to get received as a tragedy as opposed to the MGS story which always framed them directly as the bad guy. I'm expecting some kind of faggot sports game or lazy remake
>silent hills
I can't wait for them to farm it out to another Z-list western developer.
Fuck Konami
>Alucard's Revengeance
>Herro. We would rike to announce that Konami is reaving the video games business to focus on kirring oulserves for getting rid of Kojima. Arigato gozaimashita. *bows*
*walks away*
Pachinko in the west!?
All I want from them to greenlight Rising 2, but Platinum Games would probably fuck up and the game would end canceled
forbidden memories hd?
Silent Hill collection remaster or ideally remake plz and ty.
>mfw i want a new Silent Hill, but the thought of a new game from shitty PachinKonami scares me.
You shouldn't have any faith in Konami doing anything with Silent Hill after the entirety of the last console generation.
It's the same Konami it was five years ago. Except now Kojima and his underlings (NOT EVEN THE WHOLE TEAM AT KOJIPRO) aren't there.
Duelists of the Roses remaster.
Yu gi oh Go!
There was a listing for a Contra game recently, could be related to that.
it will be a new suikoden
or 2 remake
as pachinko of course
what site is that on
if it's Castlevania, dope
It's already completely fucked, nothing's been good since 4, why not welcome more trash? It could even be good if they don't try to appeal to 2&3 fans instead of making a horror game.
I'm sure Konami wouldn't make it in-house.
>tfw its another yugioh game for all consoles
Pachinko World for itunes and Google Play. F2P
they're gonna remake MGS1 again and instead of a new game or just remaking MG1+2
screencap this
>why not welcome more trash?
Because Silent Hill deserves a peaceful death. The fact that the number of bad SH games outnumbers the good ones is awful
I think, there for I am.
Reminder that the shitty ones were mostly made by western developers. SH needs to return to Japan.
The main staff from the first games already left the company, whats the point?
The people that made the good SH games are either not working at Konami or stuck in mobile game hell.
Even Silent Hills/PT, which people seem to praise, barely seemed like an SH game outside of being a horror game.
Thres literally 0% they are going to port the ds titles its a lot of work new konami is not going to do , at best we will get sotn+gba titles
Bombergirl Switch Port
>yfw when konami announces a new console ddr game and brings back pic related with it.
pachinko for xbox and playstation
Yeah PT/SH was more generic than the original 4 games but stil had some interesting stuff. I feel like new talent could make a good game, the only irreplaceable one is Akira Yamaoka.
>Silent Hill deserves a peaceful death
Sure, but it's far too late for that. The movies already pushed the brand farther into the red than it could ever recover from. The best thing they can do now is pump them out until they find a competent team.
>luchadors slap each other
It's time.
They don't even have the code for it right?
The special announcement is that Simon Belmont will officially be recognized as a modern day hero of the Christian Church.
Amen, and see you all at E3.
PES 2020
For the original games? No. They most likely threw it out like a lot of devs did back in the early days.
I have no true loyalty if they make a new mgs or castlevania game I'll get it as long at it's not complete garbage
I unironically want that to return.
Sound Voltex II for the Nintendo Switch
It will probably be another collection of some kind
Or some kind of Castlevania announcement because Bloodstained is a thing that's happening, like Castlevania 99
DS games or fuck off.
If fucking only.
Metal Gear fighting game by ArcSys
It was already leaked as Contra
Suikoden is back baybee
The ultimate American trap
New Boktai game bitches
everyday that vr yugioh isn't announced is a sad one
Decapitate kojima on stage
Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to be a disappointment. Unless they're somehow revealing some duel disc hologram game for Yugioh. That's their only real chance at making a "true comeback" to reclaim their glory.
Please be Revengeance 2