Cyberpunk 2077


Cybperpunk thread

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-Better gameplay than Mankind Divided which desu is a given considering the released gameplay footage.
-Lewd android battle companions
-Absolutely no gay/transfaggot/lesbian/nigger romancing whatsoever.

-Mod support if it isnt already assured by cdpr.

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Change day to night and it'll be perfect. The gameplay trailer they showed last year looked amazing.

They already destroyed my Hope's and dreams by releasing GTA6 instead of a true cyberpunk game.

Homos are already confirmed. And mod support has already been confirmed to be cut


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>mod support has already been confirmed to be cut

This is the complete opposite of cyberpunk for fucks sake

>Absolutely no gay/transfaggot/lesbian/nigger romancing whatsoever

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i swear to god i'll personally nuke california if this game is censored on playstation

Have sex. Oh wait you can't.

Just hoping it's at least a decent WRPG.

I’m really worried it’s going to be like LA Noir

>going to be some detective investigation shit

How the fuck did you even get that impression

better gameplay, driving around cars and not just for missions, more customisation, make the city look better, more missions at night etc
mods, flying aroud, more classes

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Nope. I'm prepared for maximum disappointment.

Hope this November Release date is legit

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hopes : crazy amount of body parts to modify
dreams : politics career available

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a 2019 release date
>ability to import own music for custom radio stations
>lots of guns and parts all very different instead of slightly reskined with better specs
>mod support
>ability to work with trauma squad. Like little side missions you can always repeat where you are in a random situation and have a certain time limit to get to the patient and complete the mission.

War never changes.

Ask me again in roughly 25 hours.

>ability to work with trauma squad. Like little side missions you can always repeat where you are in a random situation and have a certain time limit to get to the patient and complete the mission.
You played gta too much, what you are describing is not interesting.

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Im sorry to say it to ya, but you have to kill them

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I dont know how stupid or how young you need to be to not know the market. Games not comming out this year pin it.

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Nah. You're wrong sorry

>the game isn't even da-

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I'l dedicate whole thread about you if this game gonna come out this year, or not.

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third-person camera view