Well Yea Forums, what will it be?

Well Yea Forums, what will it be?

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Scooby-doo has changed

fried chicken makes me shit soft serve

Asparagus, shit's expensive so I might as well get it for free

The Glob Monster

Enjoy the terrible smelling piss.


>One glass of water please.

No pudding?

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I wish I could put some strawberries and break up some cookies on the ice cream.

>Can pick free cookies, fries, pudding, ice cream and fried chicken
>Some fucking dumbass picks nothing but vegetables.

I used to get so fucking angry at those kids.

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chicken, fries, jello, and a cookie

excuse me, better game coming through

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You are trading momentary pleasure for feeling like shit later on

>Can't get any of these games without downloading them off of shady sites.
Putt Putt got a rerelease where's my scholastic learning games?




Chicken pasta and steamed buttered asparagus. Maybe the salad as a side.

French Fries
no dessert

>They dont eat asparagus raw
>They can't even afford them
>They care what their piss smells like
>They will never hit my power level

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chicken fries and pasta

Coffee, cheetos, chicken

I preferred the one where the frog was in a medieval castle.

Also the one with the witch and the one with time travel robots were the best.

>avoiding healthy foods because they make your smelly excretions slightly more smelly

how often are other people smelling your piss?

ice cream, pudding, chicken, and some fries. In order of importance.

Yo let me get some ice cream covered asparagus with a side of chicken and strawberries

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda

Cookies, ice cream, and chicken

Chicken, fries, peas, and asparagus. Then make a sandwich or two with the cookies, pudding, and strawberries.

Is this a real game?

>tfw I usually want the pasta at buffets but never get it because eating spaghetti in public makes you look like a fucking twat

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I'll have...
One half Ice Cream
One fourth French Fries
One fourth Pasta
More please!!
Thank you!

Who the fuck gets half a tray of strawberries

jump start first grade or something like that.

imagine being so insecure about eating food in public you only eat spaghetti at home

>that kid who orders 1/2 ice cream and 1/2 french fries
>grinding the bus gears on the way to the beach
>the clock game with the bouncing pegs

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It's impossible to plate up spaghetti and eat it in public without looking dumb.

Adulthood is no longer caring about what other fuckers think of you

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fucked played that shit man. so surreal seeing shit like this on the internet

but why are you scared of looking dumb
imma eat my spaghetti and move on, who cares what someone I don't know thinks about me?

Why not just learn how to make it and eat whatever you want at home?
You don't even have to wear pants.

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Nigga take a look around you next time you're at a buffet. You could probably take a shit on the floor and still not be the most disgusting person there.

jump start was the shit back in the day.
>playing caps with the fucker in the playground


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Give me the nuggies and pudding obviously

That is a solid point.

Is Frankie a man or a woman?

This game here was my shit.

Pretty much all the kids pissed me off with their retarded orders.

Unironically scared the shit out of me the first time I played. Always tried my best not to fuck up the cooking game.

This and JS 3rd grade were my shit

Fuck off with your edgeumacatjion. I just want to play the space shooter.

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Been trying to find a free download of this for my kid

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>eating spaghetti in public makes you look like a fucking twat

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Third grade best grade

For me, it's the Mighty Math Zoo.

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It's all about that haunted mansion

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Island, fuck me

i like the smell of my piss from eating asparagus

There’s this game I played in elementary school that I can’t recall the name. It’s been bugging me for 20 years.

You played as a traveling rock band. I remember a bunch of stoplights and a burger mini game. Argh

The fucking sound effect when they shovel that shit in their mouthes

Chicken and winnigish

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who /30s/ here?

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>be me, like 6
>dad always makes us play educational games like this on the weekends before we can play actual vidya
>alone in my room playing this game for the first time
>game scares the fuck out of me, go and tell my dad that it's too scary to play
>dad responds "you know what else if fucking scary? standing on the side of the road holding up a sign because you're to stupid to get a good job"
>makes me play it anyways

man I loved my dad but he could be an asshole sometimes

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