Her game is cheap as fuck user

her game is cheap as fuck user

literally no excuse

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Played it just a few minutes ago. It's boring and repetitive as fuck.

L-la chupacabra

pirated it long time ago. too open world trope for me to play

"She" looks like a shemale tho user

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kind of true actually kek. Too many repetitive fetch quests poorly masked as story


wouldn't touch it even if free, garbage game.

not ape escape 4

Don't EVER tell me what to fucking do. Fucking faggot.

So does your mother and I still fucked her.

I don't have a PS4

I got the Platinum and I forget this game exists

Is there a word for this "open world trope" btw because I know exactly what you mean?
Samey fetch quests, higher and higher numbers based bars and damage readouts and stat boosts, it just feels very much like any other game like it... like farcry, or the new assassin's creeds.

The story is shit, the characters are shit, the game is shit, the difficulty is shit, and whoever thought it was a good idea for Aloy to complain every time you do that cool sliding move or purposefully jump down a 5 foot wall should have been told no.

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Don't forget like the purple exposition dump caves.

Seriously fuck this game, only looks with boring repetitive gameplay.


"ubisofting" comes to mind.

I tried, the character models are just too damn ugly.

I don't buy western games with female protagonists

We supposed to learn from mistakes, not repeat them.

>story is shit
How is the story shit exactly? It's pretty interesting. Story and art direction are good enough to make me feel like I'm playing a FF action title.

>literally no excuse
I have a perfect excuse, in fact you yourself presented it perfectly, just look at that fucking thing.
She isn't even average looking.

>finally got frozen wilds for a fair price in euroland
>tv breaks
I'm sorry Aloy.

>all those seething retards shitting on a great game
It's all so tiresome... I hope one day at least some of you will get past the tutorial area, I know it's a big one but you can do it.

Don't wanna look at that hideous mug for 8 hours, sorry.

I don't play shitty games with forced politics

Aloy is ugly


Women and blacks existing isn't politics, snowflake.

So did I, honestly was kind of a let down. Everyone was shilling this DLC as if it's a big one but it literally has 1 just ONE good side quest and maybe 2 story missions. Unless you count "walk to a point on the map" as a mission.

I watched my bf play this and days gone the whole weekend and I swear at points I just thought they were reskins of the same game it was so formulaic and boring.

Meanwhile I was emulating aria of sorrow on my iPhone having way more fun than if I would’ve played those shit games.

>forced politics
Game is set in post-apoc America, nothing forced about it being full of negros and feminists.

Meaningless buzzword, all games are repetitive.

I was sort of interested in it during initial trailers to be honest, but then my roommate got it and I watched a bit and it just looked like another fucking boring open world game that does a little bit of everything poorly

this. no kawaii, no buy.

what the fuck is wrong with shemales? Some look like real pretty women

Attached: >her.webm (960x540, 1.49M)

Its extremely repetitive.


Is there a CFW for 6.00?

It's Westernshit.
I don't need an excuse to not play Westernshit.

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quite a boring game - and that's coming from someone who plats most open world games.

There is no amount of money you could offer that would persuade me to finish that shitty game.

i don't really know what would be good word for it, but sounds about what i meant.

the begining is clearly the worst part but once you're free to roam around and hunt it's really coo, can be really challenging too. The DLC is probably the best and most challenging part of the game + it's super comfy.
It's easy to understand why this game doesn't click with a lot of people but it's really fun once you get past the first boring tutorial

Dogshit is literally free
why aren't you picking it up from the grass every time you see a pile?
literally no excuse

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I already 100%'d it though.

Ya I’m with u man it’s 2019 they’re hot as fuck now who cares

I guess you haven't played this one then, huh?

I don't play games with female protagonists

Already bought it
Sad all you incels cant allow yourselves to enjoy this game

Based and redpilled

Good for you then. My backlog is pretty big anyways and this game doesn't have anything that appeals to me

I bought it but I'm finishing RDR2 first.

thinking about getting it along with dad of war

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Dad of War and Spiderman will be $10 in next year's sale.

how does one "think about" purchases for the PS4?
You have like 5 games to choose from in total, there's no thinking process if you want to play games, you have to buy what's available

If I wanted to see a strong woman protagonist that needs no men, I'd go watch a fucking movie, so no, fuck you.

what the fuck, the games have barely been out and they're already 10 bucks?
What the fuck did I pay 60 dollars for

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>low FPS
>excessive motion blur everywhere
>shitty voice acting (and then I discovered it wasn't a professional voice actor, shocking)

I've tried the game many times, all the previous points make it unplayable, and I finished GoW without issues.

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Can someone tell me if its fun/relaxing to ride the mounts, or tedious?

what's the excuse for her face?

that's because GOW runs at least at 45fps

Beauty is not an inclusive concept so it has to be brought down.

I'll play if she shows feet.

her game is also shit as fuck

The fact that you refer to it as "her game" just shows that it has nothing else going for it. It's a shit movie and a worse game, mate.

based and cute Aloy thread

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30fps in Horizon is smoother than 60fps on PC