How can humans convince blood elves to join Alliance, where they belong?
How can humans convince blood elves to join Alliance, where they belong?
Blood Elf girls have no futacocks, so the alliance isn't that interested.
please take them, alliance trannies. belfs ruined the horde forever.
We're too retarded dude
Im surprised that they follow an undead warchief
They were about to join until a crazy mage botched it for everybody.
It's pretty retarded for half of the Horde to still be there
Not for long.
Yeah those blood elves were pretty crazy
The only place a blood elf belongs is on my dick.
Isn't she a *Elven* undead warchief?
That makes much more sense than following a Orc.
>horde shit stomps alliance in basically every aspect since launch
>blood elves release
>horde gets overrun by noobs and scrubs
every fucking time
She's essentially repeating the scourge with the belfs as willing toadies. Cool thing was in TBC there were belfs who knew she wasnt the same person anymore and protested joining the horde. They get brainwashed but its still more nuance than we see today.
Forsaken are different to the scourge and Sylvanas helped them retake some of their land after the Alliance and everyone told them to fuck off.
Wow's story has been shit since TBC anyway, at least that had good raids.
They probably can't
The Horde has been pretty good to them all things considered Sylvanas immediately sent Forsaken troops to the Ghostlands to fight off Scourge invasions ensuring the safety of Quel'Thalas, the Sin'dorei have also cut ties pretty efficiently with the Quel'dorei who are part of the Alliance
The general population of Blood Elves also view Sylvanas very positively even if Lor'themar personally dislikes her current attitude (Even he respects her for her former life) it doesn't help that Alleria almost broke the Sunwell again after they just got it back.
Cute Blef tho
>Forsaken are different to the scourge
Yeah they're worse. They have 'free will' but commit every atrocity the scourge did. At least the scourge were a hivemind acting on the will of a single evil entity.
Mankind owes a lot to the High Elves who first taught us the arcane if only to use us to drive out the trolls from their lands. Be that as it may, while it is a tragedy that most of their kind have betrayed us for the horde, it’s too late for any reconciliation. Too many lives have been lost to ever welcome the “blood elves” back into the alliance. The Battle for Azeroth has already started, and those traitorous scum have already cast their lots with the Horde.
Lets be honest....
>Orcs are used to genocide, conquerimg and war theyve done it to two planets
>Trolls for the same reason.
>Goblins dont care theyre just in it for the money
>Tauren are bovines
>Undead is self explanatory
>Nightborne are Highborne and only care for their own interests.
>Maghar literally had a campaign of genocide not too long ago.
Its pretty consistent for everyone here to be fine with Sylvanas overall. They were fine with Garrosh until he tried to kill a leader of his faction.
Fuck them into submission. Works on any elves.
Tauren Are the token good guys in the Horde really. If circumstances were different, I would see them as an Alliance race.
>discussing about warcraft lore
>in 2019
this , also post more lewd elves
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
I'd AFK in SIlvermoon but its at the top of eastern kingdoms so who tf needs to go there.
You're competing with orcs and taurens here
||Worgen > Orc > Tauren||
Why do people say that BE dont belong in the horde? They're the biggest niggers in the horde.
They belonged when they were evil energy vampires who had nowhere else to go. Now they've been neutered to the point where blizz may as well give them blue eyes and call them high elves.
Tranny meme. Elves are pure.
Literally what were Blizzard thinking? Make Blood Elves pretty much return to being High Elves in all but name, and then give Alliance players “Void Elves” instead.
/tg/ fags and MMO fags deserve the fucking rope.
Belfs really should have gone hardcore on the cosmic space warlock aesthetic. Dark eyes, long nails, edgy sorcerer attire. Silvermoon is so cool with its sweatshops and fel crack dens, its the last little shred of the old Belf flavor.
if an elf wearing something like that bullied me I'd be happy for months
Humans dont need to do shit, elves fucked things up repeatedly
Honestly, with the current state of the Horde, how many races actually make sense being in the faction? I almost felt like making a list of why most should bail, but the more I thought about it, the more I realize the only ones who probably genuinely like Sylvanas are the Forsaken, and even then, she's a fuck up. The Forsaken have become a race of refugees living in an ORC city.
But the Blizzard wouldn’t have the MUH MORALLY GRAY if one side was filled with nothing but obviously evil races.
Post the sauce
well the Tauren should have said "fuck this shit" a long ass time ago
The Maghar like her because muh stronk warrior. Thats about it.
>used for anything but slavery to human cock
Imagine being the Highmountain Tauren right now. "Well, I guess we'll join this Horde thing, since a bunch of our buddies are already in."
>Fucking everything involving Baine in BFA
>Wear Cenarius blessing on your skulls
>First thing your new allies do is burn a world tree
That’s the consequence of having terrible writers, and the Lore department being forced into the trunk.
Can't imagine why with all those overpowered racials they had. That's why the game was at its best when EMFH was the best racial in the game and it put h*rde in their place. It rectally cleaved their assholes in twain to such an extent they still bitch about it to this day despite EMFH being one of the worst racials in the game.
t. Elf
well most of them are horde lovers and they cant think about a good story for the alliance
Just play Bonecraft instead.
well most of them are horde lovers and they cant think about a good story for the alliance