Why Sekiro is so forgettable compared to older From Software titles like Soulsborne, Tenchu and Armored Core? Not even Yea Forums discuss this game anymore.
Why Sekiro is so forgettable compared to older From Software titles like Soulsborne, Tenchu and Armored Core...
No replayability or multiplayer.
Too hard for the morons who spend all their time on Yea Forums making threads about the same game over and over again.
no multiplayer
discussion in soulsborne games now is mostly just pvp or expansions, none of which sekiro has
the only from games Yea Forums discusses is ds2 because of bait threads, with the rare based BB or Sekiro thread every now and then
It's boring.
If you suck, you hate it and never finish it.
If you're good, you quickly hit the point where you can steamroll bosses and get bored.
>yesterday a dozen threads
>no one talks about it
Never change, retard, never change.
Discussions will resume upon DLC release do dab on casuls and journos
No replayability, once you beat it once it is piss easy because it is all muscle memory no strategy.
No armor, weapons, visual customization
Short, can beat in 4-5 hours
Feels tedious. The only thing worth doing is l1-r1-l1-r1 over and over again
wasn't as interesting setting wise, story was fairly mundane in scope
You make this thread every day.
Is sycjs
>Not even Yea Forums discuss this game anymore.
Single player games don't have a long shelf life here. That being said, there were a fuckton of threads for weeks after launch and you can generally have a busy thread on the game if you post about it, which is more than you can say about most single player games.
Sekiro is forgettable by modern From Soft standards, but it's still far more memorable than Tenchu or Armored Core.
Beat Onimusha 1 today and it's a better Sekiro than Sekiro
What a disappointment
Because even the autistic fanbase can't find a way to play it over and over again like one their autistic rituals. That doesn't make it bad.
The only memorable fights were the big ape and Isshin “how my blood BOILS” Ashina
From never made a Tenchu game.
Popularity does not mean that something is good.
In fact it often means mediocre. Things that are better than mediocre are usually not all that popular.
as other anons have said, no multiplayer or replayability
to clarify the replayability though, no armor, weapon or build variety plus no character creation all really hurts that, and there's no valid reason for any of those to be missing. No armor or weapons flat out makes no sense, especially the armor bit. Weapons could've been a slight damage change but more focused on unique, different movesets. Armor could've been BB style where you're balancing strengths and weaknesses across the board.
build variety is the only thing that has any sort of excuse to be missing and even then they could've made it work. At the very fucking least they could've made the skill points more interesting. Even just restricting what you can/can't have active at once and preventing changing that in combat would have done a lot. instead it's literally skyrim tier progression where eventually you just become 100% perfect across the board unless you intentionally avoid progression, and since there's no MP, there's no SL meta, and thus no reason to not max out levelling
character creation being gone is a complete fucking joke because they did nothing with the opportunity. I like making shitty mutants or waifus because i'm a faggot, but i'd be okay with losing that for a good protagonist. Sekiro isn't a good protagonist, he's a piece of fucking cardboard with 0 personality. Could've easily had a male/female VA and had full character customization, since it wouldn't change a single fucking thing. Apply the dragonrot visuals over created character in the same vein that hollowed visuals are applied on characters in dark souls.
just all around a massive missed opportunity. cut way too much shit out of what makes from games even semi-complex all for the sake of MUHSTORY, when the story is nothing special at all. Nioh 2 looks like an objective upgrade of sekiro.
I got my ass handed to me numerous times since im a total pleb but I still reached Isshin.
I found the gameplay very tedious and boring, blocking and parrying all the time to build posture feels like a chore and some enemies like O'Rin were so bullshit and time consuming it was not funny.
The prosthetics were great and the ninjutsu was also great but doesnt make the combat any less repetitive.
Also, having to do shinobi executions for the boss to be actually killed even if you depleted his health made it kinda stupid.
still not sure what ashina refers to in this game
is it a country? province? person? family?
I hate to use this retarded meme buzzword but that whole final fight was kino as fuck.
I finished my first run and went straight to the demon bell in NG+ to play in big boy mode now.
I still want to explore but then i see that every unique has been replaced with a money bag or some thing.
guess I'll just rush through and see if i can defeat the bosses charmless+ bell demon. I guess i could also go for the different side quest outcomes but i don't really care too much about those.
Sekiro is literally LITERALLY just boss fights. Everything else is extremely forgettable and easy. And even when it comes to boss fights, only like half of them are good. Unironically the worst souls game. Nothing wrong with core mechanics, it's just that the mobs weren't fun and varied enough.
the castle you fight in and the family that rules it. The kingdom I guess you'd call it is named after the ruling family
at least, that's my take on it. could be completely wrong.
Fictional region in Japan under pretty regular conflict. The Ashina land, which includes Kuro's home the Hirata Estate, used to be under Ministry control until Isshin's coup during the open cinematic. By the end of the game, the Ministry is making another play to bring it back under their banner for a more unified Japan.
tl;dr Fictional Japanese "state" the game's story takes place in and focuses on
Fromsoft is not talented enough to make an actual stealth game so they made the game just a bland combat centric affair.
>there's no valid reason for any of those to be missing
i think the reason is valid for the build and characters but not the multiplayer
having stealth invasions would be sick
i wouldn't hold my breath on Nioh 2 being better
>steamroll bosses
See that's the problem, other souls games aren't just about bosses. In Sekiro everything except for bosses is easy as piss and you can completely disregard it
It's only semi-fictional.
The real Ashina clan lost to Date Masamune and dissolved with a popular story being that they became ninja. Sekiro is essentially a what-if scenario. During the battle of Sekigahara, Isshin led a coup that retook Ashina from Tokugawa. Then, a couple decades later, the old man is dying so Tokugawa is coming for his land.
>humanity tried to obtain the power of the gods and turned into beasts
LITERALLY identical stories in Sekiro and Bloodborne
Why do you retards think having long-term discussions on Yea Forums is a good thing? With a couple really really rare exceptions, they are pure dogshit.
Pretty much any big release is only worth discussing in the first couple weeks because the game is fresh on people's minds and the shitposting hasn't developed yet.
Fun fact if you use the monk kicks O'rin goes from tedious and annoying to dead the second she attempts a sweep. That shit hits her like a fucking truck.
No replayability at all and no pvp.
Dark Souls 3 has double the players on right now.
Because you probably never finished it, just like everyone else on Yea Forums.
Isn't that a bad thing if nobody can be bothered to finish your game?
Neat, learn something new every day. I like that little rumor about them becoming ninja, it fits thematically. Isshin would have loved to run around with a posse of shinobi if he didn't have to hold down the family land.
is sekigahara actually alluded to specifically in-game?
I dunno, build, they wanted to do something new, fine, but character? Absolutely not. They did nothing whatsoever with Sekiro as a character. There's literally no difference between him as a protagonist and a silent dark souls/bb style protagonist, except sometimes you'll hear some stupid fucking "...?" line. His "personality" doesn't exist and contributes nothing to the story. He'd have been better as a silent protagonist, but even then, he has so few voice lines that getting a female VA would've been piss easy and cheap, then they'd have been able to include full character creation since nothing about him is defined, and he even looks androgynous in the intro trailer.
i think nioh 2 is going to be significantly better. just looking at the alpha gameplay, it already looks like a significant upgrade to sekiro. assuming the game doesn't spiral downwards past those alpha areas or they don't shit the bed with development, i can't see how it'd be in any way worse than sekiro.
sekiro has great boss fights and thats literally it. no replayability no combat depth no interesting lore
The world is just not very interesting.
i think it would be worse because From does level design better, im not sure about the combat in Nioh 2, the first one's stance concept never clicked with me, Sekiro duels on the other hand feel like crazy anime fights
Sekiro is essentially a silent protagonist, but i preferred that to total blank slate style like gordon freeman/link. Sekiro does have a personality as a cold/stoic/grumpy dude which other silent protags do not
That said i don't see any reason you can't have RPG stats and weapons and armor and builds with a defined character. Nioh did it after all
To this day I still think it was just a tech demo to see if the whole counter system worked
A really good tech demo, mind you, but I think from wanted to see if they could do sword combat, expect something similar in the next games
as a souls veteran, it's just shallow.
And I'm not referring to MUH gimmick gameplay, character creation, multiplayer and whatever, but rather the whole substance of the game, from story, pacing, characters, lore, enemies, replay value, artistic value, copypaste environments, silly "weapons" and useless skills that eat your paper away, way too forgivable deflect gimmick but shit i-frames for maneuverability and dodging (for a ninja makes no fucking sense) etc.
The first 8h or so it seemed fantastic and you can kinda wonder "oh shit just where will this journey lead you".. turns out it just leads you down the road to the next convenience store and calls it quits.
For a game that is supposedly heavily tailored to a singleplayer story experience with a set protagonist, it sure tells much less of a story than BB or Souls. At this point I'd have preferred another tenchu game desu.
I'd still give it an 8 and with proper lenghty dlc's aka DarkSouls2 I'm sure it can go up to 8.5 but not more. The foundation itself is just lacking, and it's kinda surprising that From supposedly created this game. Especially since the staff credits list more than 80% of them to Activision and outsource staff by smaller companies that have nothing to do with Japan. Same as DevilMayCry5
Game of the year for me, with REmake 2 in second place.
Fantastic settings, awesome music, nice enemy variety, runs at a beautiful 1800p, encourages exploration, grab-hook feels great to jump around, challenging boss fights, plenty of tools and skills to unlock, decent time for 1st playthrough, no min-max shitters invading your single player game, no need to worry about builts
I usually buy an resell the games I beat, but this one is a keeper, 9/10
The stances are largely to look cool while swordfighting.
You can Mid the entire game no problem and I think most people did.
I'm on my 7th playthrough. I can't believe how much fun I've had. I usually stop playing pretty much every game about 75% through, but this shit's got me hooked somehow.
I still have gripes, There's zero build variation, arts and prosthetics are very underwhelming, stealth is pretty lousy, and NPC questlines are really lousy.
NG+ difficulty is pretty much non-existent without bell demon and no charm and they didn't bother to scale up the early game fights to a reasonable level for NG+ (see lady butterfly). For a game that gets a lot easier once you know the fights, this is pretty disappointing.
The combat and movement are fucking fun though, and I actually like the story and characters a lot, so I've kept playing. It's right up there with BB and Dark Souls for me.
Honestly the character customization isn't even that big of a deal, I'd drop that if it meant the just armor/weapons, or even just weapons. I just truly can't see a reason for it. The appearance, gender and overall visage of Sekiro is completely irrelevant and never brought up. At absolute most you could say "he or she is asian" because in the intro, Sekiro looks like an androgynous asian kid. Just feels like a really silly reason to not have something that's been in every soulslike and people love to fuck around with.
I could believe this, and I'd be okay with it I guess. I love weebshit so it sucks to think they might never do a proper game in this setting, but if Elden Ring could have heavily refined Sekiro combat with all the RPG mechanics of the souls game but expanded even further, with a much more open environment (possibly open world), that'd be REALLY good imo, though i know a lot of people for some reason absolutely hate the idea of open world games.
>At this point I'd have preferred another tenchu game desu
If this game was actually "Tenchu 2", you'd love it you hypocrit
based and sengokupilled
>oh shit just where will this journey lead you
opposite for me, the beginning is a kinda boring japanese setting of an Assassin's Creed clone, but the 2nd half with the valley, Senpou, Mibu village and beyond was fantastic, and at that point you had optional bosses to tackle using new prosthetic tools acquire, such as the flamethrower, spear, phoenix umbrella, kunai, etc.
>tells less of a story than Souls
No offense but you probably don't know much about Japanese/eastern folklore and mythology. And that's fine, most people don't. The game isn't made for a foreign audience and its poorly translated.
A lot of people got bored of the formula before Sekiro was even announced. So this means that a good chunk of the community didn't even bother playing Sekiro and as for the ones who did, they quickly came to realise that the replay value is unfortunately minimal. Sekiro is a fairly decent game, it’s just hard to have long lasting conversation about a game that offers a very similar experience across the board.
at least we know From has the engine of Sekiro to play around it and improve it further with RPG mechanics and coop. The success for this game for me was tackling the combat they've been abandoning a little in recent years.
>mfw absolutely whipping the shit out of bosses on NG+ that obliterated me for hours on NG
not that other user but sekiro's storytelling is incredibly weak compared to souls. Probably because it does it differently. Sekiro is clearly more direct storytelling, souls is more of this background, piece-it-together kind of lore.
It also helps that souls has 3 fucking games + all the DLCs, but Sekiro's "lore" was really weak, coming from someone who played through twice, one normal, and the second with the mod that corrects many if not all of the translation errors present in the game.
>its poorly translated.
Just like most of their recent games.
Why OP is so ESL compare other spicfags? Not even reddit upboat OP anymore.
Souls story telling style is a lot more interesting, I'll give you that.
I defend that Sekiro has better characters than anything in Souls though. Ishhin, Kuro, Emma, Wolf, Owl etc etc when the best Souls has is memes like Sigfried and Solaire
What an absolute fucking retard.
there's not much to discuss anymore if you ask me. compared to more recent games:
>no MP shenanigans (even though 90% of the time it wasn't worth noting)
>no builds
>hardly any variety towards fights and if you want to do some creative stuff the reward vs risk is absurd
>very little variety in the progression routes you can take
>all the side stuff like stealth is lazily tacked on
>majority of fights play out exactly the same way because of deflect and posture
I still thought it was a good game, but the bad bits stood out quite a bit.
I mean it's not a bad game so it is likable either way, but doubtful- since the core concept of the two titles are nothing alike except sliding around walls and backstabbing people.
Referring to Souls; you can't help but compare Sekiro to their former titles, and you shouldn't try to avoid that, otherwise you'll end up with shallow experiences that were brought to you by yay-sayers.
Oh it's a Niohfag. Bitch go jerk off to your animal spirits kek. Your game is trash and playing it is the most autism afflicting experience I've ever had. Literally zombifying mindless game.
Having more possibilities to bait and farm (you)s. Just like this thread.
Idk about you but it's not favorite from soft game. Too lazy to explain so, sekiro felt more free to me while souls felt claustrophobic
>sekirofag absolutely seething that nobody likes his shit, watered down dark souls game
literally never played nioh because it looks like shit, nioh 2 just looks like it unfucks the autistic aspects of nioh 1
tick tock, sekirofag. hope you're able to cope when your shiddy game is completely invalidated. now seethe. :^)
It's more that you give up once you realize that with no summons to carry you trough the game you're not even half as good as you tough before.
Not enough buzzwords, mate. Gotta work on that baiting skill before Nioh 2 releases.
besides 4 endings this is why this game isnt as memorable. Its pretty much got the difficulty of darksouls in terms of game play. but thanks to you being able to jump a lot of stat building is tossed out the window.
>Armored Core
Literally games no one played.
Why is Sekiro more forgettable than Dark Souls? Because Dark Souls was literally a game changing and genre defining game. Also no multiplayer and you can't really do different builds so the replayability is lower, but that's fine not every game needs to be played over and over to be good.
>implying I didn't pirate every souls game including this one
Sure thing, Vaati. Sure thing.
Inferior to Bloodborne in every aspect, shit gameplay.
>Sekiro has a very narrow plot, there's no saving the world/ending an age etc. You're just a shinobi trying to help your buddy fix his shit/escape
>The only curiosities come from the parasitic organisms and Shura themes, which are both relatively cryptic and poorly/not explained.
>The game tells what it wants to tell you without relying on extraneous/obfuscated lore. The past souls games and Bloodborne have relied on this incorporeal text to string together plot elements that the player needs to understand to truly appreciate the underlying story. This is awful storytelling. It's the director telling you things essentially, as the flavour text has no given writer or explanation. Only the cryptic style employed by From's writers.
>Relying on youtube and lore "theorists" to piece together and digest the background information of a world, is a good way to continue discussion for a game, but a terrible way to come to some sort of concord for one.
>Each souls game presents a "plot", if you will, of what can essentially summarised, with some variation, as "itinerant amnesiac is tasked to clean up a crumbled empire".
>This is naturally a curious plot device, and the lack of ready information will therefore only naturally foster discussion, short term and long term.
>Whereas, Sekiro, being placed in a slightly fantasised Japan, doesn't need to explain the origins and elements of a world, and doesn't choose to either, because it's not the focus of the game.
It's why Souls lore can be both interesting and frustrating. Interesting for everything the player sees and interacts with, fights, discovers etc. Even if it does rely on the incorporeal item texts. But it's the over reliance, the insane theorycrafting ideas based on odd textures and translation errors and shit like that, that really cements why the storytelling is so bad.
And with the game design differences like a single weapon, no multiplayer etc. There's just not much to discuss. It's a singleplayer action game.
honestly after you learn to block and deflect (which is very forgiving, you can just spam the button to get deflects) you realize the game is stupidly easy
Dark Souls 3 wasnt memorable also Feudal Japanese settings are just generally boring
I find it pretty strange that so many people find the game so difficult to think this. the perfect deflect window is really fucking generous, and it's the main mechanic you need to get down for virtually every fight.
It has nothing to do with multiplayer or replayability because I don’t give a shit about those things but I still agree it was forgettable. It just didn’t have the “kino” moments of the previous fromsoft games, and there wasn’t any sense of mystery or wonder about the world, everything felt straight forward and shallow.
Wolf might not talk much, but he is still a specific person with a specific role in the story and a specific relationship with the other characters. He's not just a soulless player surrogate.
It wasn’t for me. It’s a top tier game that sets itself apart from the predecessors in a lot of ways, although I do enjoy certain aspects of other games much more.
Lack of multiplayer means the game is a one and done deal.
This is a problem for me, I don’t like how wide the parry window is. Way too big.
>souls veteran
I think you mean smelly faggot
Literally the entire challenge in this game is avoiding GRABS
>the only from games Yea Forums discusses is ds2
Yeah, because it's the only ds with replayability.
Get grabbed
Get grabbed
Get grabbed
Depends on how the game is feeling. You might get grabbed
Worst part is you can't even tell where the grab window is, seems to be pretty random. Literally is artificial difficulty
lmao, Nioh is complete garbage. They better have made a dlc rather sequel, bcs it doesn't look like an improvement, definitely gonna suck
I figured out that you have to jump at the most extreme angle you can to avoid grabs consistently, usually clear over to the right or left, way the fuck away from any AOE-tier grab hitboxes
Story telling and lore in sekiro is much better and more sophisticated than souls lore in general
It’s not better it’s just more straight forward. I found the world building aspect of Sekiro lacking in comparison.
Don't argue with retarded lorefags. They spend their days reading dumb descriptions like "Some say this shard came from a pot which once belonged to Henry, who heralded the Deep" and then they speculate for hours on who Henry is unaware that they just got tricked into making From's story for them.
>every modern game has to be heavy rpg with hundreds customization options so snowflakes can self insert en play the same game in every game
You are pathetic.
>m-muh RPG elements
>m-m-m-muh multiplayer
DMC had neither of these things and it’s replayable as fuck
>lore in sekiro is much better
Literally copypasted BB story, except with shittier aesthetics
>shittier aesthetics
Not possible when talking about Bloodborne. Your post is extremely fat
>t. seething tranny
>post is extremely fat
Tы пoнимaeшь чтo ты yжe пoeхaл?
I would say it's because the game's world is not very original. It tries to be aesthetic but doesn't have much depth you can dive in. Also Nioh did pretty much the same thing before, it's not as original as the other franchises listed here.
Dark Souls has such a lasting power because the universe is kind of bland aesthetically speaking, but the meaning everything has and the mood/atmosphere make it memorable, same with Demon's Souls and Bloodborne which are the most memorable Souls games.
Go ahead, defend those grab mechanics
When Dark Souls came out for PC, we had genuine quality discussion about the game for at least a year after that, people figuring out the lore and making fun builds, good times
disgusting ESL kys
I was pretty surprised at how many parry moments all I did was spam right click any time an attack was even close to my direction and it would work, often even to ten hit comboes
The game's tips are really deceptive on the whole "only deflect when the enemy's sword is literally a hair away or you'll die"
why did they get rid of invasion? that was an awesome feature. why not allow for different playstyles for people who don't like "parry, parry, parry, parry, parry" gameplay?
You may be remembering the period of time between Dark Soul’s console and PC release, because I distinctly remember discussion of that game going to shit the moment it hit PC
NG Bell Demon/no charm is the real shit.
When you compare it to Souls games, there are multiple reasons why I would say the game feels less memorable. I think it has a lot to do with how restrictive the game is. You pretty much have to follow what the game wants you to do or you're gonna get destroyed. It makes it so that you only focus on what makes you win or progress (the QTE fights and the grapple prompts) and less on everything else. I remember when I got into the Sunken Valley depths for example, before the Guardian Ape, I was barely looking at the environment, I was looking more at the grapple prompts to move forward.
It was awesome at first, but after the 5th game in a row getting invaded by xXPvPMetaTwink69Xx it kinda got old
I was under the impression that the parry window gets smaller the more you mash block.
Nah, you can mash it all the way. And the thrust counter thingy is also very forgiving in terms of timing. Grabs are the only problem in the game. Unfortunately every grab is OP as fuck and almost kills you when lands.
sad but true. i loved the first playthrough but stopped playing once i'd learned the patterns well enough that nothing posed much of a threat anymore. that never happened with DS/BB since there's more to it than the bosses' movesets. also more than one loadout.
The mikiri counter window is huge tbqh, like I was extremely apprehensive about literally dodging into a spear but since I tried it I don't think I've ever been actually hit by it at all and it's the biggest windfall for posture damage
Slayer of Demons would just climb over that shit.
>No offense but you probably don't know much about Japanese/eastern folklore and mythology. And that's fine, most people don't. The game isn't made for a foreign audience and its poorly translated.
You sure you're not talking about Nioh instead of Sekiro?
DMC also gives you freedom to fight how you want.
So I beat Owl 1 in less then 5 tries on my first playthough, but NG+ seems exponentially harder this time and I've been stuck on it the last few days. Every mistake is punished by taking 4/5th of my HP, tips for the fight?
Are you playing on pc? Every time I try mashing block on ps4 it never results in a deflection.
Grabs are meant to be dealt with differently depending on the enemy and move. For Guardian Ape for example you have a grab you should jump and a grab you should sprint. Demon of Hatred you should jump. Chained Ogre you should dodge.
Deflect everything he throws at you. Don't risk using thrust attacks.
That heavy one-handed forward sweep he likes to do from a mid-distance - you can dash forward-right through it and get behind him for at least two free hits.
ok retard
>grab you should sprint
to clarify: he does this move nearly every single time you deflect a shuriken, and deflecting it takes a ton of poise and still pushes you back. the fact you can dash through it was one of the last tricks i learned that let me beat him.
wait shit i'm thinking of Owl 2. sorry, haven't played it in a month now.
You probably start running too late, I almost never get grabbed by it.
You were right user, ty.
Because the game is boring. Uninstalled after beating like 4 bosses. Typical jap game, just outright boring.
>4 bosses
You didn't actually fight 4 bosses, you fought 4 mini bosses. There are at least 6 before the first actual boss. If you quit before Horseman Jack then you didn't actually see any of the game and got filtered, nice job maybe go back to playing PoE or something where you can bubblepop the baddies
I beat the horse dude, the butterfly lady, Genichiro and the screen monkeys. Maybe I did get filtered by boredom, you may be right.