>he plays Mega Man with buster only
Why? That only makes the boss fights last longer, doesn't make them harder. That's the same as the lazy health bloating of enemies on harder difficulties.
He plays Mega Man with buster only
Other urls found in this thread:
This is my main gripe with most "challenge" runs or higher difficulties, it doesn't actually make the game any harder it just makes things take longer to do.
Making the fight last longer forces you to learn the boss patterns.
So the only valid method of difficult modulation is just adding more stuff that isn't health?
If you have the game down to a point where you have to gimp yourself and make the fight last longer to get a challenge out of it you should probably just play a different game
There is nothing difficult about spongey enemies, it is purely tedium.
Sometimes it's just fun to find out how the boss' AI works. Also in other games you may come across pleasant surprises such as the boss doing something you didn't know it could do.
>doesn't make them harder.
Yes it does. By abusing weaknesses you can just plow through the fights without even bothering to avoid being hit.
The problem is that in most MM games using the weakness leads to the fight turning into "stand next to him, empty special weapon, claim victory" which is fine to stomp the boss rush and shit but it gets old if that's all you end up doing aside from the first robot master you do.
Using bosses weaknesses means you can just bruteforce them, which always gave me the feeling I was just hammering myself at them while not properly learning or experiencing the fight properly. It made things also a huge lot more rewarding when you manage it, especially if you can do the final boss rush+sigma buster only.
It's not necessarily "the right way" to do it. It's perfectly fine to be okay with your own mediocrity.
It absolutely does make them harder. Especially in the games where weaknesses debilitate the bosses. And I do more than Buster-Only, try No Upgrades X-series or S-rank hard-mode Zero series, bitch. Become a mega-MAN.
Longer fights do make the game harder as they leave greater chances for mistakes and let the enemy use a bigger roster of attacks.
Obviously it gets diminishing returns easily, and the contrary is the rule (a fight lasting too little does make the fight significantly easier, which is the damn point why buster runs exists).
Same can be said about another "b-but doesn't actually make the game harder!!1!": enemies deal more damage.
>It's perfectly fine to be okay with your own mediocrity.
It's okay to be passive aggressive, but I'm pretty sure calling all speedrunners mediocre is kinda rude.
Locking the boss into a one attack loop was getting way too boring. Granted in classic doesnt happen that often.
Personally i use weakness in the boss rush
>He doesn't do weapon only runs
How far can you get when you don't have buster to depend on after the first boss Yea Forums? Choose wisely.
Buster only all robot masters first, weaknesses for the rematches.
Ideally, MM games hard difficulty should change enemy placements, enemies, or even stages so that everything is trickier and requires more mechanical skill or finesse. For example, Zero 4 had the right idea with the weather system altering stages (and adding an EX move to bosses?), and ZX beefing up boss patterns and forcing you to learn bosses for max level biometals.
This could get messy pretty fast. Even 2 could pose a challenge like this.
>That only makes the boss fights last longer, doesn't make them harder.
Megaman boss fights are harder the longer you are stuck in them. There is no opportunity to heal, at least none that doesn't use up consumable items in your inventory. So unless you've got an unlimited supply of e-tanks, yes, yes it does make them harder.
But think about this:
IF the game didn't have the weakness system in play, you wouldn't consider the regular buster to be "tedious" to play with, because you haven't experienced the ease of 3 shotting a boss with its weakness
I don't use the special weapons in the X series except for Bosses and Getting Heart Tanks, Sub-tanks, weapon tanks, etc
It would require some pacifist strats to get through but it is doable. Buster only challenges are easy. The only "difficult " part is boss fights and those are pattern based and easy to learn and get around. I don't know why people hype it up.
Different attacks, attack patterns, enemy speed, attack speed. There are many things that can be done to make things more difficult.
And why can't health tuning be one of them?
Why would it? It only makes it last longer, and no, having more time to fuck up is not increased difficulty
I mentioned 2 in particular because not only do you have to watch out ammo, but some bosses are literally immune to certain weapons. So you could get forced to quit the stage and go for someone else.
Though thinking about it, it also forces you to go for not so easy bosses at first. I doubt you'd want to do Top Man first in 3, or Toad Man first in 4.
So the health variables of every enemy set by designers has never, ever been too much or too little in the history of the medium?
>having more time to fuck up is not increased difficulty
Why not?
I generally do that because i'm a brainlet that can't remember the weaknesses, but only on 4 and up and those are easier due the charge shot.
You tell me why it is more difficult.
Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. WHY doesn't having more time to fuck up increase difficulty? Do you have flawless motor skills?
>He does a marathon by foot
Why? That only makes the race last longer, not harder. It's the same distance you would travel with a car.
>motor skills
What? I'm not moving my body, just pressing buttons.
You made this thread with such conviction and can't even explain your point of view.
but they do make the game harder dipshit
Awful analogy. Could have said running a marathon bare foot.
>You made this thread
I did not.
You are telling people to refute a claim that OP made with no justification. If you're not OP, you're still shifting the burden of proof onto others.
Weakness weapon make boss stun lock too .
Then, you have little conviction if you can't even explain your point of view.
Having more opportunities to make a mistake makes you more prone to actually make mistakes. This is common fucking sense.
Ah yes, the "no you" argument. Notice I stated different ways a game can be made more difficult, but retards had to bring out "hurrdurr why not more health", I did not bring that to the reply chain, you retards did.
You can repeat it as many time as you want and you would still be wrong, you mouth breathing retard.
Are there better ways to increase difficulty? Sure.
But that doesn't mean it is not effective. You enemy having x0.5 as much health or your attacks making x2.0 as much damage would make the game easier, wouldn't it?
You are just stating your preference of how to increase difficulty. You haven't given a reason why more enemy health isn't valid.
Putting hurr durr in front of a question you're dodging doesn't make it invalid. Why not more health?
Your stubborness is hilarious, you are so bent on shitting on OP's point of view that you dismiss everything else and bring it to the topic without justifying anything, refrain from replying to me if you are not going to talk about what I posted.
Because I like using the buster most of the time
Just being like "i'm gonna defeat this boss in 3-5 hits and not even give it a chance to move with its weakness" is sort of dumb
Though they did fix that in Mega Man 11 i'd say, I found myself using legitimately alot of robot master weapons against the enemy robots that would make the fight easier and the weakness wasn't THAT overbearing on the bosses
Deflecting. Why isn't more health valid?
Far as I remember few megaman games increase boss health on hard mode, it actually just lower weapon damage on them.
Also charged buster generally deal 3-4 damage independent of difficult.
>please give me attention
Shame on you. You shouldn't be consulting a FAQ at all. Play the game and git gud til you can kill something with your X-buster, then experiment with what you earned until you find one that works. The games are like 2-3 hours each, what is your fucking hurry?
Deflecting. Explain why increasing health isn't valid.
>Act like a retard
>get pissed when someone calls you a retard.
Here's your "you", faggot.
Just for the record:
>There are better ways=/=this is not a valid way.
if you're playing X2 and X3, boss weaknesses are the least of your worries, and more the order you actually do the bosses themselves
Guaranteed replies.
Those aren't hard at all.
On top of that X2 buster is bonkers.
user, he's given up on the argument. He knows he's cornered. He's just going to meet you with shitposts from now until the thread dies or until he thinks he's won.
Don't give him more opportunities to smear the walls with his own feces.
>What's the hurry?
I replayed X1 for my four-year-old nephew two weeks ago, and I couldn't even clear Chill Penguin (he has autism and screams and I am a recovering crackhead with no attention span), and he called me a bitch, so I hunkered down on my own time and got my 100% runtime down to just over three hours. I am getting better at vidya, but I am still bad.
Increasing health isn't a issue.
Making them bloated as fuck is. X challenge and X5 rematches are the worse.
>Couldn't clear Chill Fucking Penguin
>Letting a four-year-old call you a bitch to your face
A four year old called you a bitch? Don't let him mouth off like that. That kid is going to have no end of trouble with authority if he thinks he can do that.
I respect your desire to get better at games, but you need to practice, man. Looking for the boss weaknesses is not going to help you improve.
That's pretty funny.
I appreciate you educating the Zoomers on the classics, but don't just let him call you shit like that.
He'll end up getting into more trouble than you did.
Everyone's chill
or I'm going to post Roll
I wouldn't mind that.
Hell, here's some Roll.exe
>he doesn't do buster-only runs
Megaman bosses range from 24 to 32HP with hard mode pushing them to 32/48HP.
Shit is barely a issue. Also nes games force you to use weapons anyway.
I love megaman
In X2 I reccomend you to start with Wheel Gator, get his weapon and then go to Overdrive Ostrich to get the armor legs that let you make mid air dashes. Their levels and boss fights are easy.
quickman and his stage are such fucknig bullshit
Original 6
>Mega Man 1
Start with Cutman
>Mega Man 2
Metal Man is a must
>Mega Man 3
Shadow Blade? Needle Cannon?
>Mega Man 4
Ring Boomerang? Pharaoh Shot?
>Mega Man 5
Power Stone
>Mega Man 6
Fuck, I don't know. They all burn ammo.
You aren't speedrunning so what?
I'd argue it's better to start with guts man since it means you can get the magnet beam faster for an easier time in ice man's level, also >power stone
>power stone
No. I’d argue that Star is easier since you get two weapons
>he plays Mighty No9 buster only
>when boss weapon ammo regenerates upon assimilating an enemy
While indirect, P.Stone does give you two shots per tick and does have a wider area. Star Crash eats up 2 ticks per shot. You'll burn through ammo much quicker.
You'll be practically seasonless throughout all of Cutman Stage at that point so your ass better be good in that case.
>That only makes the boss fights last longer, doesn't make them harder.
It literally does in many cases
Remember Bright Man? Pharaoh Man?
Personally I'd argue gyro attack is better than power stone due to its strength, low energy cost and aiming function that's better power stone for more reliable accuracy; personally though I love napalm bomb due to its colour scheme and its ability to hit multiple enemies in a small sector- the fact it rolls on the ground is also handy for the floor crawling enemies.
I don't think anyone does that. Shit's boring with just the buster.
Power stone is based
You also get the Super Arrow if you go Star first, which makes navigating stages practically a joke
How so? I've always seen X2 and X3's buster inferior to X1 due to how clunky the final charge shots are compared to X1, especially since X1's final charge gives you a nice little attack behind you as well.
you'd be surprised. I've watched people stream their first playthrough of MN9. I like being there to see where they get stuck and get frustrated with the game and while I never backseat or spoil anything for them, I do answer questions and give hints if they ever have any.
In Mega Man 5, buster is the way to go. The same goes for Mega Man 4 but the weapons don’t suck so you have more optimal options
X2 buster ignore iframes. So you can rape something pretty fast instead of dealing with 2-3 seconds of iframes for weakness. And it's back on ZX as post game bonus.
Now x3 buster is shit.
>it’s ARTIFICIAL difficulty
I never bothered with boss weapons until the later levels which required you to use them.
based retard
What's wrong with P.Stone?
I didn't even consider Super Arrow. Star would be a good start then.