Do you think we will ever get a Star Wars game with challenging and impressive looking lightsaber combat...

Do you think we will ever get a Star Wars game with challenging and impressive looking lightsaber combat? Which Star Wars game do you think has come close to that?

Attached: Star Wars Jedi_ Fallen Order.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

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jedi academy

Jedi knight games, the force unleashed for the force physics mechanics

>giving a shit about star wars

Jedi Knight already does that

wouldn't call it challenging or very impressive combat, but sort of fun none the less.

The game looks better than I had expected.

>EVERY Jedi learns the basics of at minimum six forms before becoming a Padawan
>This guy swings his like a bat

Attached: Lando.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Sure, as soon as they outsource it to a Japanese developer.

Why does he look and move exactly like Nero from DMC5

Imagine, The Force Unleashed remade, but with the combat of DMC or Bayonetta.

not so long as it takes place in an Era with only a handful of force users and light saber wielders. So we will never get good lightsaber combat again, the jedi knight series was as close as we are going to get.

sounds awful, I'd rather have sekiro's combat, and I fucking love dmc

Sekiro is certainly a much better fit. The focus is more on emulating swordfighting with the posture system than it is about juggling enemies in the air.

>Saber goes trough mid-section
>The body doesn't split


there needs to be a star wars game with MGRs cutting system

Does he even have a master to teach him?

There's been great blaster and other ranged combat throughout many star wars FPS games, amazing flight combat with x-wing and rogue squadron series and I felt KOTOR did good use of force powers in the strategic combat sense, but action light saber combat I feel has never been done well in any of the games I feel.

>limbs arent flying off
>the dude who gets sliced doesnt have his torso or legs flying off or seperating at all
>this is what we're getting instead of a titanfall 3
fuck this gay ass industry

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soiled it


My favorite moment is the last stormtrooper who does nothing but stand there and taunt the guy with a light saber that's two feet away from him, block a couple of times and then proceed to die.

>jogs slowly towards you

you forgot
>watched two of his buddies get killed by said lightsaber

If he was a Padawan, he had a master


have sex

The same way you get immersed by there being a floating health bar and big pop ups saying YOU GOT A SKILL POINT, there is no one single magic bullet for immersion, otherwise you're essentially throwing all film under the bus.

JO and JA + MovieBattles are LITERALLY the only good lightsaber games

I do on a regular basis with my wife. Lightsaber forms are cool.

This. It looks like you're going to be manhandling enemies 80% of the time and then activating your almonds for the last 20% (like the ATATs).

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>means it's all just prerendered """"gameplay""""
>animations still look absolutely atrocious
To think I was actually hopeful about this game because Respawn is a fairly decent studio. The EA curse continues.

cure stds

>jedi academy
>not challenging or very impressive combat
did we play the same game?


Stormtroopers are supposed to be jobbers against a jedi.

that looks like fucking shit

>Getting proper training when everyone is dead
Also, aren't there only seven official Jedi forms? Seems like a lot of work to learn all but your least favorite.

Just because you suck at it doesn't mean it's challenging.

Why does the lightsaber look so fucking wrong?

>muh sekiro
What? Lightsabers are weightless and can be used super quick. The goal would be to slice and dice as many people as possible in a short time.

Kids aren't taught Form VII because it's extremely aggressive and encourages Dark Side behavior. They're taught the other six to gain a balanced understanding to further specialize as they grow, but I believe the only form they learn in totality before becoming a Padawan is Form I

>lightsabers are weightless
based retard

Someone didnt play with mods or online.

>can't move and attack at the same time

Seems to work more like a laser bat than sword.

>knowing this much about Star Wars

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Jesus Christ you're such a badass, I wanna be just like you when I grow up.
Are you seriously going to sit there and claim that it's not at the very least challenging or impressive technically if compared to the watered down garbage that they try to pass off as star wars games for the last two decades?

Attached: youdontsay.jpg (300x300, 28K)

Am I wrong? All the weight would be in the hilt, and the blade doesn't seem to have much air resistance.

>that absolute minimal environment display when the light saber touches the floor
Could this game possibly be any less stylish?

why are the storm troopers so slow it looks retarded

Maybe you were just bad

how much does that light weigh?

There was a PC only game that launched with great lightsaber combat but patches made not too long after launch completely removed all the clashes that made it so interesting.

no they dont retard, they learn like 3 or 4 at best

How does this look literally no better than the force unleashed? Have video games really stalled that hard? The more I see the more I feel like nothing has gotten better since 2010 except for graphics

>Press one button
>Watch cutscene where character does amazing combo that you wish you were doing
Westecuck developers really can't make games. Comparing this to any action combat game from jap is embarrassing for respawn. They must have tried so hard to make the game as non-interactive as possible. Scum like them are killing the industry.

this game looks so damn boring, low skill ceiling hack and slash garbage with 10 hour story

the combat in this looks like a pretty big step back from jedi knight why the fuck do they keep making things worse when it has already been done better almost 20 years ago

it's actually WORSE than force unleashed from a technical standpoint.

The force of projecting the plasma creates a gyroscopic sort of weight which make them extremely unwieldy to anyone without some form of force sensitivity, which is why they're usually a jedi and with weapon only. So yeah kind of weighted, in a way.

How bad were you? That game was not challenging.

This is all from the old EU, mind. New canon's very simplistic in it's approach to jedi lore.


Someone told Respawn that Dark Souls combat system would be good for a star wars game. You know, that combat system that's slow as fuck and clunky even in their best game(bloodborne). This game is trash and will kill respawn. Guaranteed.

Lightsaber forms are basic knowledge and every character even has obvious ques. You're just a dumbass

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JFO is fucking kino.

Episode III cornered the market on it in my opinion
>saber shunting and saber locks
>can't block forever or else your opponent will just break through eventually
>can't spam attacks because the comp will wreck your shit, so timing is important
>can't just kite the enemy because force pull and stun/lightning
>can't corner the enemy because vaults/grabs
It was such a good game.

Not gonna lie: This demo was legitimately painful to watch.

With g_saberrealisticcombat 3
g_dismemberment 3
g_dismemberprobabilities 100
for max realism

This game would look a lot better with dismemberment.

i bet you shitters never went online once. the skill ceiling in that game is massive

Is anyone else getting tired of all the stories taking place in between the prequels and the OT? We already know what will happen eventually. There's nothing knew there. Oh, X group is trying to figure out what the Empire is planning or building. And the Jedi are being hunted down by dark siders - but by the time the OT happens they're all dead, so you don't have to think long about their fate.

I just want something either outside of canon again or so far after or before we don't have to hear a damn thing about Palpatine and his bdsm brigade.

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shitters never got into the online meta. good players will never get hit

>Come... Meet your fate.
When will we get another good saber dueling game?!

Any chance of anything original happening died when Disney murdered the EU. The old republic never happened. Revan never existed. KOTOR never happened. Everything after the OT, gone. Never to return. But at least we can masturbare to Rey's perpetually open mouth.

Western devs lack the attention to detail and skill to make fluid yet weighty combat. They will never be humble enough to outsource to someone who does.

Wouldn't For Honor combat work very well?

You and everyone else

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