Why do zombies attack human?

Why do zombies attack human?
Why don't they attack each other?

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Because they eat brains

shut up and play

Because they hate people with smooth skin.

Always figured zombies are attracted to certain scents that only living bodies give off like sweat

Do they poo?

Because it's a design of the Virus itself. Hyper aggression resulting in an easy method of communicating the Virus into other hosts. It's like a mix between ebola and rabies.

now we're asking the real questions

>hurrr Why don't they attack each other instead of being unites?
Typical human logic. Pathetic, all of you.

Because the very nature of a virus is to seek out uninfected cells and infect them while ignoring each other.

Because they attack to spread the virus not to eat for survival.

How can they detect this?

Do beings with rabies attack each other?

Science fiction logic.

Nigga it's science fiction.

nanomachines son

they smell claire's vagina sweat

god i wish i was a zombie

It's because zombies are racist.

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Because humans smell differently

RE zombies aren't actually zombies, they're just virus infected humans with 0 brain function beyond transferring the virus. If they're infected with the g-virus then they don't even care about that and just want to implant an embryo into you, which is why Birkin never tries to eat you.

This. People miss a LOT that Mikami's very explicit intention is that T-Virus hosts are bioligically "alive" they aren't the risen dead. A dead human isn't supposed to rise as an infected

I liked Return of the Living dead reasons for Zombies. Zombies moan because they are in pain by dying so rigamortis and stuff hurts. Their brains are working but they are like junkies needing a fix. But to be fair, that logic is more in line with Vampires and blood, but without the bullshit magic thing.

They do though. Look at 3 and Code Veronica.

>they aren't the risen dead

>Code Veronica
>Zombies literally climbing out of graves

I simply said Mikami's intention. He actually hated a lot of tacky zombie horror movies and wanted to set the record straight.

Ah. Yeah, I imagine by the time of those games he had less say in things.

does that mean code veronica is non canon?

Shit gets retconned i guess, the fact that its less retarded to people that peopke burried 6 ft deep somehow contracted T-Virus post burial is the real thing.

Well, in 3 at least its implied T-Virus rainwater seeped down to their coffins. Or you could say they died while infected, something something embalming kept them fresh, then they reanimate while in the ground.

>zombies are present in modern times
>they somehow cause an apocalypse

You can see zombies eating each other as early as the first game.

You see Shaun of the Dead and how many of them just act as the people are weird but get infected. That is probably how shit would go down. Humanity is dumber than you think.

Why wouldn't they? T-Virus infects more than humans, Infection comes easily and the incubation period is up to a week. The unlike Ebola which is easy to quarntene, the hosts get up and bite people

But in shaun of the dead there's no apocalypse, the military shows up and gets a handle on everything. Society moves on and everything.

Yea the T virus creates mutations, but even in it's own universe each outbreak is contained in the lore.

well the other stuff like RE, it's because the Corporation that made the problem also runs the governments and military and what the problem to get worse.

Umbella doesn't run the US, it's why the Raccoon outbreak is contained with a tactical nuke.

At best they ran town governments and were a private nation until their stocks collapsed.

Even the universe kinda proves that a zombie outbreak would be, at best, a regional catastrophe. Modern warfare isn't a buncha marines kicking down doors and blasting m16s. The moment anyone realized the outbreak was spread by bites, we'd just turn towards bombs, art, and close-air support. A fucking tomahawk missile alone can easily raze an entire town population from more than 900 nautical miles away.

>but even in it's own universe each outbreak is contained in the lore

You might be forgetting how that required an extinction event tier nuke

More like why don't they rape the zombies to stop them?

The whole concept of a zombie is retarded. How does a decomposing body have enough functional muscle tissue to move around, let alone run.

AI makes it so it only attacks players obviously.

That one, yeah. The others have been small enough to contain.

Or...not. As far as we know the rivers of the Amazon rainforest are still infested with T-virus carrying pirahna. I'm sure its fine.

Kenichi Iwao wrote RE1, no Mikami. Mikami's original RE1 story had cyborgs and ghosts.

>Kenichi Iwao's experience with Resident Evil began when the original title was midway through development. Management was opposed to Shinji Mikami's disinterest in writing a script,[2] and he reluctantly had the story changed from the protagonist fighting ghosts in a mansion to a group of cybernetically-enhanced special forces unit investigating a mansion where a rogue scientist was creating bizarre creatures. With Iwao attached to the project, the futuristic elements were quickly removed as an early example of "bio-real", while the Umbrella Corporation the top-secret bio-weapons market were created to give greater reason for why monsters would be created. According to Resident Evil 2 director Hideki Kamiya, it was Iwao who came up with the "Clay virus", which would eventually become known as Progenitor.[3] In his story notes, he also established that the t-Virus could not reanimate the dead, but simply gave the impression of death by shutting down the organs of infected people; this would be continued by Noboru Sugimura.

Gordon, NO

> extinction event tier nuke

It was a tactical bomb. An extinction event nuke would have devastated the US for centuries to come. None of that is seen in the games or those movies from what I've seen.

he didnt say the heroes saved every baby and kitten
he said it was contained

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>See someone that doesn’t look or act like you do
>Make them do so
Zombie mindset if we’re talking about infected. Else is just mindless hunger/rage

They do, didn't you play the game

Apocalypse implies the world is dead.

nuke or no, it was contained and life goes on.

because zombies aren't real and can never be real

>Mikami's original RE1 story had cyborgs and ghosts.

Seriously, fuck mikami, the man is a goon.

What, user?

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Oh they’re real. Just not the way you think they are.

[nnS] Painful Zombie Girl

Are SJWs zombies?!

>knew a guy who was a nogunz noknifes when he was a teenager
>was really into horror when in high school
>know him in college when he starts recommending me WWZ
>this fucker suddenly starts buying zombie-brand knives, hatchets, and even an imitation katana.
>normally would think he found a hobby, but the gaudy colors and him beginning to 'prep' for something and talking about his granddad's bunker (i'm pretty such it was just a hole in the ground for storage).
>He starts coming to a range with us, saying that he has a gun now.
>shows up with an M1, which is cool, but this was college and I'm wondering why he sperged so much on a rifle when he hasn't been gun-crazy till now.
>his groupings look like an archipelago and his skins his knuckle while trying to load
>he starts talking with us about the zombie Armageddon coming while his thumb is being wrapped
>fucker literally believes this
>starts talking about that brain fungus in South America will likely make a jump to humans in our lifetime
>he's prepping for it and got an m1 because the only way to kill the dead is with a headshot
>nursing student friend with us says if it's dead and rotting, how is the nervous system able to compel any motion after a month once the muscles and nerves begin advanced decay
>guy looks at him with something approaching complete shock
>guy stops buying overpriced shit until 2012 starts approaching

I'll never understand these apocalypse fags. What makes them think that human extinction will be something they can plan around? The dinosaurs went extinct when a fucking meteor nuked the planet into a perma-dark hellzone for decades. How the fuck do you think you'll survive something that kills the rest of us?

my head canon is that the zombie virus is what controls them like a hive mind or something

Depends what kind of zombie; the traditional ones only want non-infected brains and other organs. The 28 Days Later "zombies", I've no fucking clue.

Racoon City was fucked because it got into the water supply first thing. Everybody who took a shower or brushed their teeth that wasn't immune was infected without even seeing a zombie. Then it was the immunes and lucky ones running around getting chewed on.

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Fuck off, retard.

That is a thought.

It also goes with why does everyone infected with a virus turn evil. I mean, its a vius not morality realignment.

In shaun of the dead the outbreak happens and then is handled by the end of the day.

ESP just like World War Z

also happens in RE3

i think the only way for it to become an apocolypse in modern times is either
>in the water supply
>bioweapon attack on major cities, like gas or some shit

They seek to attack humans by standard but they do attack themselves if they go too long without a human target

not the water it was infected rats

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with moral alignment. Becoming a zombie is often said to produce an insatiable hunger which leads many to abandon all humanity if they weren't already dead before they became a zombie. It is also very common for the virus itself to kill an infected person as part of the process.

This is like zombie 101.

why don't viruses attack themselves in real life?

For the same reason parasitic lifeforms don't attack one another and instead work together to spread and infect surrounding organisms. Scents, simple genus identification, instinct, whatever. They're hardwired to not harm one another.

>Why do you eat people?
>Not people, brains!
>You only eat brains?
>The paaaain...
>What about the pain? What pain?
>The pain of being dead! I can feel myself rotting.
>You eat brains, how does that make you feel?
>It makes the pain go away.

Jesus Christ.

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What other piece of media that isn't Gakkou Gurashi uses being infected as a method of walking among them freely, by the way?

I've always rationalized it by assuming that the virus just stops cellular regeneration, personally. They crumble over time but are dangerous as fuck immediately.

well resident evil zombies dont degenerate they evolve into stronger killing machines like lickers and crimsonheads

basically everything that has zombies has protags covering themselves in zombie-blood or something similar so they can walk through crowds, or they have chose-one protags who carry the virus but are immune and can walk through crowds a la that shitty WWZ movie a few years ago

Both. It was in the water from the Mansion incident and was already making people sick. The Rats getting infected made everything even worse.

World War Z.

The T-Virus is also designed to attack organisms who are immune to the virus itself. T-Virus infected organisms will literally seek out those immune organisms.

But a zombie's own brain is his vital point, thus implying that it is still functional. They really should just eat each other.

So basically nothing then. That's too bad, "infected guy's last before succumbing" is never used unless we're talking about the common "leave them to me and go now fuckers dieeeeeeeeeee" thing that is usually in movies, but then again that's a still-full-in-control thing usually.

How does a Golden Retriever know a Chihuahua is also a dog at a slight glance from a great distance?

Seriously, they look nothing alike and it's so instant and distant that it cannot be scent.

I dunno. Look up the study of what cats see and the scientists concluded that cats see humans as big cats walking up right.

A zombie has no instinctual pleasure incentive to consume one of its own. The desire to eat the flesh of a living creature is literally just to spread the virus swimming in the zombie's saliva. No different from the rush you get from an orgasm.

Apparently if you don't socialize a dog with other dogs it doesn't consider other dogs to be dogs, only humans (if you socialized it with humans).

Makes sense since cats are fucking stupid

I thought that zombies wanted to eat your brains? If not, then there goes my argument.

Zombies in RE do start eating each other when starving, Lickers also prey on zombies.

Wasn’t that mainly because of the G outbreak, more than the zombies themselves?

>Dinosaurs didn't carry around giant guns to shoot the meteor with
Retards deserved it t b h

Only some do that.

Why can't it be scent? Dog's sense of smell is fucking amazing, a chihuahua is still a dog underneath all that bullshit. Unless is right and they think they are humans but I'd need to see experiments or testing that verifies that. Easy to imagine a dog just thinks of a dog as a dog. Not like a cat sees its prey as other cats, they just see us as big cats because we are part of their social network

Well they should eat their peers

Why would they do that when humans are easier prey?

They aren't, at all.

Then how the fuck do humans get always wiped out in movies and every other media by the slowest fucking zombie like what the fuck man

In a scenario where a zombie wanted flesh and also brains (and therefore his peer's brains), he would probably start cannibalizing other zombies after the first few weeks of an outbreak, at most. The reasons humans get wiped out is because the zombie outbreak is hard to control, and human society is unprepared for that type of catastrophe. Just because humans are more difficult prey doesn't mean that aren't difficult. Most zombies could overpower a human. Their intolerance to pain and undying nature makes them difficult to dispatch to anybody untrained to fight zombies specifically, which obviously, most people alive today are unqualified for. That being said, if say, a zombie were banging on a door trying to get at a human, turning around and just biting the crap out of the zombie right next to him would be far, far easier for food.

Reminder that when T virus zombies start starving they transform into Lickers who then begin eating zombies as well as uninfected humans.

>they transform into Lickers
The cycle that zombies go through is pretty scary
Zombie>Crimson Head>Licker