>melee takedown female enemy
>moans and stares into your eyes as she dies
>get an uncomfortable boner
Anyone else have this problem?
>melee takedown female enemy
>moans and stares into your eyes as she dies
>get an uncomfortable boner
Anyone else have this problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
I kinda know that feel.
Even hotter when it's like that and you're on top of her.
>nu-gamedevs think they're progressive liberal champions by shoehorning women into combat
>they're actually just gurofags
>put women in war
>they all get kidnapped
>insurgency devs add female fighters to security forces in sandstorm
>people get mad about "muh wokeness"
>all it does is fuel my latent racism, misogyny and sadistic tendencies as I firebomb people playing as these characters
Sexy enemies have always been a thing in games. Back in the 90s, pretty much every beatem up or action game had a sexy enemy in it.
>when you cop a feel as you slit her throat
I like getting into sniper positions and solely targeting the fags who play women. Managed to keep 3 queers stuck in their spawn for almost 20 minutes once.
what game?
It looks like homefront. I've installed that game 5 separate times trying to get through it but it's just such a boring slog.
I like the eye animations on that model. If you slow some clips down (like this one), you can actually see her wince as you shove her to the ground.
I blame playing games back in the 90's/early 00's for giving me a ryona fetish.
Multiplayer games don't really do anything for me. Maybe it's because I don't really immerse myself in them so much. When I kill a female avatar, it's me dominating the player behind the avatar. Nothing more.
>stick your dick in it afterwards
I refuse to believe animations like these weren't made because the animator has a serious ryona fetish.
I don't see it as a problem.
>gep gun takedown manderley
>he makes that hilarious death scream and blows into pieces
>get an uncomfortable boner
Anyone else have this problem?
Damn, right in the ketchup packets, what a monster.
>When I kill a female avatar, it's me dominating the player behind the avatar. Nothing more.
That makes it even better, I imagine I'm killing tranny soldiers.
quit screwing around
I have a problem with you alright.
I thought it was only one packet.
RE4 has messed up my preferences ever since I saw Ada choked, crushed, slammed, impaled, and beheaded.
>when your straddle on top of a female soldier and she knows she can do nothing to stop you and your overpowering strength
>it's not my my fault I'm an inferior white supremacist
women should not be in video games
that was so hot
i think kids playing that sees that women look hot
woman kids end up linking stabbing women with sexual pleasure so they might do shit like that
This, see
What kind of retarded shit are you trying to spew?
>it's not my fault I have to whine about harmless stress relief
Guess I better just go outside and start shooting women and minorities.
So you're saying zoomers are going to be based?
That's why I can't play Skyrim with beautifier mods.
>Guess I better just go outside and start shooting women and minorities.
I mean pretty soon it might come to that lad.
And clearly the toleration of right wing ideologies on video-gaming platforms is the cause.
Games with this feel?
Yeah man the solution to people having different opinions is to silence and marginalize them.
See you on the DOTR, I hope as you're being lined up against a wall you realize how retarded your ideology is.
Ryona and snuff are patrician fetishes
>Yeah man the solution to people having different opinions is to silence and marginalize them.
Isn't that exactly what white supremacism wants to do with everyone that isn't a white, straight, protestant male?
I'm Jewish so I don't anything will happen to me on the so called DOTR. We're literally invincible now in western countries.
>It's all these black people and women that make me racist and can't get lai- hate women.
go and stay go
In reality I really don't give a shit about the race divide, I just like killing shit in video games and try to keep moving farther away from high crime areas before it makes me actually racist
Please keep posting Ryona stuff, it please me
Nah, they just want to complete the Turner Diaries prophesy and hang degenerates from lamp posts after cutting open their stomach (so that their guts spill out as they choke to death), and then falseflag a nuclear war that will wipe out 99.9% of humanity, leaving only the ubermensch around to start a fascist neofeudal paradise.
Yeah but I'm not a white supremacist and I dont follow their doctrine.
That's what they thought in Germany too. I would say I have no problem with a jew who doesnt undermine or subvert my nation, but with Jews that's an inevitability.
men of patrician taste in this thread, rape is so vanilla nowadays
Western countries are getting islamized so...
>install nude body mods in skyrim
>kill a bunch of female thieves
>remove their corpses' clothes
Goddamn I hate how these games look and animate.
Those are some pretty sexy eyes. Also, the animations in slow-mo kinda makes me feel bad for her. It's like you can see the hopelessness in her eyes when she sees the knife.
No rape mods?
>>install nude body mods in skyrim
>>kill a bunch of female thieves
>>remove their corpses' clothes
then use my necrophilia mod to fuck their corpses
I swear, Skyrim is truly the best modifiable game.
Anyone know the name of that VR game that lets you brutalize women with swords and shit? I wanted to buy it and make some webms.
I used to get really horny while killing the cute asian hacker girl in Soldier of Fortune 2 as a young teen. I often ran random maps, and if she showed up as the assassination target I would make sure to try to shoot the gun out of her hand, which caused her to look scared and run around the house she spawned in. Then I would chase her with the knife, and cut her a few times. You could get her into a disabled state where she lay dying on the floor, alive. The moans plus the total control gave me a raging erection, and I jacked it a few times to this scenario.
>I refuse to believe animations like these weren't made because the animator has a serious ryona fetish.
What gives it away?
I read that shit, it was absolutely fucking ridiculous most of the time, I don't really follow any of that doctrine, but it sure as fuck was an entertaining read.
>can't kidnap them into your personal prison camp and use them to breed new patriots
Shit game.
>no blood spurt as the knife slides across her throat
Someone post webms of that gladiator-arena VR game
>not wanting a white-only utopia where straight white males reign over the world again as it should be
Fucking commie.
>Shoot through a wall with my Fal because I hear footsteps
>Angry cavewomen grunting
lmao nice also moar
How much is it for a decent VR kit again?
Homefront, right? Do you ever get to pilot that airship?
Not even best female enemy.
Ok but any group would do this for themselves if they were smart enough to collectivize. Even Jews is israel dislike American Jews because we don't see eachother as the same people, but the larger problem is that wh*te Americans aren't collectivized like us Jews. We take care of each other and play for our team, and we somehow convinced you all that being nice > winning so you guys aren't allowed to collectivize. I don't think anything will happen to me in America even as a maximum kike.
Muzzies aren't smart enough to stop us though.
Oh shit it's free? Is there somewhere to donate?
They're actually just the same takedown animation used for the male soldiers. Those devs were lazy fucks it shows in the gameplay.
>shoot some suppressing fire towards where I hear enemies with glorious FAL
>security guy with the "special ops" voice yells "AW SHIT FUCK GODDAMN SHIT" for 20 minutes cuz he got grazed
I use that voice too cuz its the funniest but he never shuts up
These animations are fucking trash holy shit normies have some seriously garbage taste.
Show me some good woman-killing animations then you fucking incel
The future is here
>play Shadow of Rome
>kill all gladiators
>now face a lone gladiatrix
>amputate both arms
>blood everywhere
>grab giant axe
>she pees herself and screams for mercy
Absolute kino
Now I have a genre designator for one of my favourite Monster Hunter comics! Thanks, user.
>playing Fallout 4
>make a female raider surrender
>remove her clothes
>hold her at gunpoint and take her out to the middle of nowhere
>tell her to get down
>blow her head off
>jizz all over my monitor
>get nude modes for Fallout 4
>kill a bunch of raiders
>many are missing limbs and heads
>go to female ones
>take off all armor so I can stare at filthy, naked headless body for a few seconds
Best thread in years.
>When you clone an army of your daughter to be nude ninja assassins with invisible vaginas
skyrim (and bethesda games) has always had embarrassingly bad animation
just because the woman isnt as ugly doesn't mean it's still not bad
it's even worse that a game like homefront has better animations
I miss Mikee's voice but the russian merc voice is pretty good
>Angry russian gibberish everytime you get shot at
I miss Battlefield 3 soldier voices, those were peak screams.
>want more female representation in games
>accidentally make more ryona and guro fags
Top kek
I'm all for equality
>kill female raider in New Vegas
>strip her clothes off
>hack off her limbs and her head
>get a boner
I'm ashamed to say that I know exactly how you feel. what other games are good for this
>not during for the deathgrip climax
These charts are hilarious because not only are they trying to hide the number of deaths caused (which is HUGELY muslim caused) but they're also not true either, even nominally there's more muslim "terrorist attacks" per year than any other combined.
I love russian merc voice lines
that's not true at all
Only when I taze the fat ladies to death in Postal 2.
>when female enemies moan and startes into your eyes when THEY kill you
My fetish is cute grunt soldiers that you can bully
Yes it is faggot, enemies pee themselves when they've low hp and you face them with a giant axe or spiked maze
>t. meat sculptor
Yeah, that's pretty hot too.
>reliable source
Even as a Jew myself I know these are inflated lies built to keep goy in line, and it works so well I sometimes wonder if there's any hope for this country or if I should just go back to Israel and marry that girl my father wanted me to.
>vidya fetish thread devolves into a pol thread
>DoA6 does not a fighter 2.0
>it's just an excuse for a ryona focus
Maybe I should get it
>Fighting Anti-Semitism and Hate
Thank you goy, very cool.
>Solving the negro menace
are you killing chinese or koreans?
>"includes both idealogically and non-idealogically motivated killings"
>"extremism includes militia, sovereign citizen, taxproster, "patriot" movement and anti-government survivalists"
Why would you post this
Oh good 3 other people already called out the ADL bait...
>No more headaches for you
>Charts with statistics I like GOOD
>Charts with statistics I don't like BAD
It's funny. They wanted the whamins in the game, they get it then complain that the whamins are being abused and killed.
>What locations are they getting the samples from?
>What are the deaths?
>Does posting pepe count as a error incident?
>What do they consider right and left wing?
>What do they consider an incident?
Koreans and Japanese (since Korea took them over).
>I-I'm fine, just a scratch
>pair/solo hunter series
i knew it, no dev has the balls to make china the bad guys anymore
Yeah, I'm still waiting for F4 to have necro mods. I doubt it'll ever really happen.
why do I never hear about any of those killings in the news? Neither do I hear about those from people I meet in real life. Only thing I hear about in real life is killings by left winged people. For example I went to school with one who killed punched the baby of his girl friend dead. And I know many lefties that are extremely violent and crazy without control. They also often use drugs/alcohol. Weird
>mfw female character screams in pain
Finally, a use for VR
I don’t know, I can only get off when I’m playing as a woman and get killed
Pretty good game from PS2, at first can be hard but when you learn how to play it's pretty satifying.
Shame we didn't get SoR 2
>trying to find faults in statistics with experiencial rethoric
I was thinking about reinstalling this game. I think this will make me do it.
>female character farts if you look at her ass for too long
Good girl!
I hope you know even normie conservitards know their facts
>dem enemy kunoichi in Tenchu
>cherrypicking are facts
I see now we have true men of taste
>3 stories within the same month
>cherry picking
There's a lot of cherries here mate, if you're looking for muslim violence vs "right wing" violence (even counting all the fake shit) you'll find an orchard of cherries
>get an uncomfortable boner
what are you ? asexual ? boners are comfy as hell.
user, the chart you posted admits to including non -ideologically based crime. It's fucking useless.
>that pic
I didn't know girls had two buttholes.
I make my wife do this while we fuck in the shower. Thanks based Sega.
>calling a boner 'comfy'
Fucking retarded 14-years-old.
I was looking for this one
It also considers dissent and anti-government related cases as right wing extremism, when that is left wing extremism. Hell, they even consider a person killing someone at the IRS because of taxes a right wing extremism case.
You weren’t supposed to post that idiot, how am I gonna get virgins rustled pretending to be a leftie if the stats are right there.
>hugs you to death
Do you guys not see how fucking retarded this whole conversation is?
>n-no, y-YOUR team is worse, my team is less bad!!!
How about you stop playing identity politics and acknowledge that all terrorism is bad and it doesn't really fucking matter if your "team" does less or more than the others.
Ok retard, backpeddle harder
>that feel when there will never be a graphical version of hellmoo
why is there some nigger posting some bullshit about terrorism in here?
Because incels are easy bait and pretending to be a lefty is easy, so put 2 and 2 together and I get my cheap thrills
The what?
only incels do
You should try out Gladiator Begins on the PSP.
>easy to bait
>only a single person fell for it
Have sex.
>799 killed by mud slimes in May 2019 alone
Reminder that, by it's very nature, an Islamic extremist is a right-wing extremist.
i grew up playing mortal kombat and the most violent shit out, starting from age 5 (my dad was an arcade rat)
my weirdest fetish is gilfs lol. video-games don't turn you into a sick retard, being a sick retard turns you into a sick retard. these dipshits were doomed from the start no matter how many video games they played. probably shitty parents
so mod it
she looks like she is orgasming
And yet you are on Yea Forums and in this very thread
what problem?
>uncomfortable boner
and? it's not 2006 anymore Yea Forums is one of the most popular websites on the internet and this is the most popular board
After this post the liberal ADL stats poster admitted he was trolling.
Based facts and logic unironically destroy all left narratives.
I thought /pol/ was the most popular.
>tfw 2020 is soon
This is what we professionals call delusions and denial, ladies and gentlemen.
Ok, so what better way to stop white supremacists than by attacking the hobbies of white cis males & shaming them on a daily basis? You retarded Trannies are literally breeding the very thing you are always crying about with your fucking woke bullshit in everything. Trump is going to win in 2020 and you faggots are going to be fucked beyond anything you've ever seen.
the only delusion here is thinking Yea Forums is still some secret club. go look at Yea Forums and tell me it's anything like it was even 10 years ago lol sorry buddy but this is reddit 2 now
>tfw playing No More Heroes with a ryona fetish
Please tell me of this "sekrit club" and your projections. Are they always on your mind or does the thought only come in certain situations?
>make a female raider surrender
>remove her clothes
>hold her at gunpoint and take her out to the middle of nowhere
>tell her to get down
how you can do that?
Not him but the vanilla game has the pacify perk, which lets you force enemies to surrender and you can hold them as hostages.
oh... time for another run then
oh boy
Hottest girl that everyone forgets.
FBI needs to be alerted of this thread.
Don't really blame anyone, it's just a matter of time before they have the entire worlds balls in a vice.
It's a pity that Rise had so many less new death scenes and Shadow was just a complete disappointment. Why can't they just repeat what made TR1 sell.
Why didn't he roll her over, take her pants off and smell her ass?
Looks nothing like an orgasm or even sexual pleasure.
Needs 10 charisma.
>To use this perk, one must aim a ranged weapon at a human enemy and press the interact button. This perk is not guaranteed to work, even on enemies with a significantly lower level than the player character. Once an attempt is made, another is possible after waiting a short amount of time, often sixty seconds. If successful, the target will raise their arms and surrender, turning friendly on one's HUD; however, it seems like after waiting a span of several minutes or performing certain actions (such as picking locks or entering or exiting power armor), some pacified targets can become hostile again.
>Once intimidated, the individual appears to lose their faction allegiance, but will still react to crimes committed against them. For example, an intimidated enemy will not attack if their allies are wounded/killed, or if loose objects are looted. However if one damages them or is caught pick pocketing from their inventory, they will turn hostile. Note that damaging/killing one intimidated enemy will have no effects on other intimidated enemies, only that specific individual.
>Like the two other perks, Animal Friend and Wasteland Whisperer, it only works with enemies below the player character's level; as such, enemies who are on-par or above the player character's level cannot be pacified.
>This perk can be used on non-hostile NPCs; however, if it fails, it is counted as an assault on them. If one is detected during the act, the intended target will turn hostile and attack.
>play Shadow of Rome
My nigger. Sequel set in Egypt NEVER EVER.
Are you a human sized dog or what? Get the fuck out.
I like watching those modded videos of DOA girls in Resident Evil 4 getting chainsawed.
Which one?
Fuck off tourist
I thought it stops being ryona when the girl dies
Why are male hero vs female villain fights so hot?
It was planned but the game didn't sell well. So it got repurposed into Dead Rising.
Those charts claim The Supreme Gentlemen himself is a right wing terror attack. Take that shit with a huge lump of salt.
>all these Yea Forumsros with doing the exact same shit I do to vidya girls
I love you sick fucks
Why are you guys such degenerates
They do this on purpose.
I do but for me it's not a problem.
How badly do you murder her?
I think there was a mod to SOF2 which turned all enemies into girl-mercs
Dead Rising had some okay ryona.
How many games do eye animations like this?
It did long ago dude, you don't even have to search hard for them
excuse me, why is frank west a cyborg?
>incels taking out their frustration against women on video game characters
Actually pathetic
>tfw the villain is hotter than any of the girls on your side
>tfw no game like red orchestra 2 but with cute anime girls.
costume pack
Based brainlet centrist
>moar whamen representations reee
>n-n-n-no they're not allowed to be hurt like men ;_;
Go dilate.
The sound of either the Grand Halberd or the Magnus being chucked into the ring were the best parts of the hype meter.
>Valkyria Chronicles
Still best girl.
What? Really? I guess I suck at looking, sheesh.
If Trump loses in 2020 expect another population shift on Yea Forums for better or worse. If he wins, expect the current cancer and reddit invasion to get worse.
You make a black guy in shades watch?
she looks like sigourney weaver here
where i cant find anything
> Can play as females and engage in combat.
> No female enemies.
bloodrayne 2 is a gem for ryona, no other game has better pain/death moans
I do enjoy hitman for the gameplay but too often it devolves into me murdering women for kicks
I think Blood Money is better for that. The melee animations are longer, for one thing.
Only recent game I can think of is Battlefield 4.
It's in a certain lab as part of a larger pack, find it yourself
I wholeheartedly disagree. Women in BM all look like cartoonish bimbos and the interaction with them is limited. TM looks much better as a whole and is one of the only games that actually dynamically puts blood drops on surfaces as a ragdoll is moving. Melee kill animations are pretty varied based on the weapon and angle of approach and you can shoot people's legs out and have them tumble around on the ground
They're also high value hostages/executions when you're in an ideologically-motivated war. A guy gets tortured and beheaded, nobody cares. A female gets tortured and beheaded and maybe raped beforehand for good measure? The heartland of your enemies responds. You hurt them. Seeing a pretty face cut up or seeing someone's spirit broken to where they just lay there in surrender amidst the execution is a peculiar flavor of agony to dispense back to their homeland.
Why does he give her a kiss before knocking her down?
Why does he cop a feel before stabbing her?
Sauce pls.
>Why are male hero vs female villain fights so hot?
Because at a fundamental level there's a concept of compatibility on the table. It's like the joke about the knight going to save the princess only to end up marrying the dragon.
What happens to her?
He dodges a kick from her and gets behind her. He grabs her knife hand, and then it's kinda like Saving Private Ryan from there on out.
They wrestle around a bit more, and she manages to start choking him, but it's not enough.
>It's like the joke about the knight going to save the princess only to end up marrying the dragon.
What joke?
wouldn't you?
kill yourself kike
You should leave
So are modded Fallout 4 and Skyrim the best games for this sort of depravity?
Honestly playing female characters in games with melee in pvp is only worth it because you might end up killing some fag on Yea Forums.
>see cute enemy in singleplayer game
>no longer feel urge to kill, just jack off to her
hahahah the fuck is this seriously implying that fucking van damme is physically struggling to move her arm??? it looks like he's just gently holding her
How did America react when that american soldier woman got raped so hard in iraq they fucked up her pelvis or some shit?
That's pretty hot, story?
>why do I never hear about it
You do, you just block it out as "Just another lone wolf loony" without thinking about the ideological background of those attacks
>Muslim militia slaughter thirty-four villagers to avenge the death of one Muslim.
This country is only 5% muslim
Is Homefront 2 any good?
Some logistic nerds took a wrong turn in 2003 and got ambushed. she was laying injured in an iraqi hospital and got dicked till she was saved.
I hate this. It's such an obvious copout. Happens in all the later cawadooties and penty of other games.
>yass kween slay women can be badass soldiers too and you play as one
>what, the legions of faceless mooks you butcher by the hundreds? Nah, don't need any women there
I don't.
Didn't they basically demand a rescue operation that never would've been greenlit for a captured man?
And like, three men got killed during said operation?
Yeah. Women in the military is a great idea.
Everyone in this thread is on a list.
You are all a bunch of psychos
Got an article or anything?
>tits that small
>still got ugly veins
based CAcels
Just google it man.
>Anyone else have this problem?
What problem? Murderboners are perfectly normal.
farcry 3
wait what?
i don't remember the game having female enemies..
If you can't find it from the art style alone then you don't deserve to know.
goddamnit arthur
Oooooooo whatcha saaaaaayyyy
>tavern in New Orleans
>prostitute spawns alone upstairs
>grab her while unarmed and beat her face black and blue
>choked her out before my punches knock her out
I don't know about that. That knifenut was thick as fuck.
Not really. I beat it a few times. The game is good only if you're willing to overlook the jank.
cute elf
I hope Dambuster announce their next game tomorrow. It better have cute grils in the trailer.
Warham has some of the hottest Elves around (which is ironic considering how purposefully ugly 40k is).
> excludes 9/11
> uses own definition of extremis-related murder