Vidya Related Things that Zoomers will Never Understand

I'll start:

>Black loading scenes between gameplay and cutscenes
>Not doing anything at the title screens causes the game to replay the opening credits
>Having a set number of lives before game over

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What was the last good era here?

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>Subscribing to magazines in order to get demo cds and get the latest interviews
>Having to go to gameinformer to get a game
>Midnight launch parties
>Needing to buy a multitap

Beating the game and seeing the ending was actually difficult

Core millennial, since most of that shit is pre-9/11 and pre Facebook

Riding to a physical store to rent a game, 3-5 bucks for 2 nights.

Needing to switch to channel 3 to play your game

Couch co op

Yet another Le young people suck by some 30 year old incel

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>Not having in game tutorials

>buy/rent a game
>read the manual on the way back home

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>having a physical copy
>Life doesn't auto-recharge

>Using one of the buttons for shooting

>gets on virgins for not having sex by 16
>thinks she's all that just cause Daddy loosened her pussy

game manuals
local multiplayer
free online
memory cards
blowing into cartridges to get them to work

>Not doing anything at the title screens causes the game to replay the opening credits
Isn't that still common?

you're too young to have a midlife crisis, user

Owning nerdy shirts with pocket pouches.

Early Millenial here (1989) still really familiar with late Gen X culture as alot of that stuff was still being played (shows/games) throughout our childhood.

The internet + nostalgia culture has hastened the midlife crisis

>losing an hour of progress because the game froze
>buying a game with a gamebreaking bug and having to just deal with it instead of getting it patched
>being forced to sit through cutscenes because you cannot skip them

1989 is core millennial if anything. You were 10 when pokemania happened.

>fixed camera angles


Spinning your cursor in rhythm with the loading circle or putting your hourglass cursor on people's heads if there's artwork during loading screens

Game manuals

Feeling so grandpa here that loading screens still anger me

Only having one language track

Closing my eyes after putting in the burned disc hoping that it'll load without problems. People today don't have this butt clenching feeling anymore.