EDF 4.1

EDF 4.1
Is it a meme? Or is it legit good?

Been seeing this game on /wsg/ and Yea Forums for a long time now, and I never had the money that I could just throw away. Now I have some money stuck on my Steam, but obviously I still want to spend it on something "useful".

Is EDF 4.1 legit good? Or is it just a meme?

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It is fun and challenging, even better with friends. May be people strangers online still if you're a loner.

It's fun. Explosions everywhere as you shoot down giant insects. EDF 5 is on ps4.

It's good. I don't really know where you got the idea that it's bad

so can I just buy the base game from Steam, and play with random people? do people still play it? I have abso-fucking-lutely no idea what is it, what is it about, etc. only saw the webms really.

yea I'm a PC scrub, thanks for the heads up tho

I had a good time playing it, but it's definitely a "with friends" game.

I'd just pirate it or at least wait for some stupid summer sale.

Base game is fine, no reason to buy the DLC until you're done the entire main game which will take a long long time. The DLC maps are super fucking hard.

can you play the pirated version online?

Oh, and I would highly suggest disabling ingame voice chat and using mumble or something, as the ingame voice chat is absolute hot garbage of the highest tier.

It's the very definition of a meme game. Avoid it like the plague.

idiot opinion, disregard

Most fun I've had playing a video game in years

You're the very definition of a faggot. Women avoid you like the plague.

I'm almost sure that edf fags on Yea Forums played pirated versions, but might remember wrong and if I don't probably needs something to set up.
I really doubt there's anyone outside of hardcore fans playing it online anyway.

yes its legit good
one of the best games of last gen
very hungry for 5 on pc

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>I really doubt there's anyone outside of hardcore fans playing it online anyway.
ouch... so it's not worth getting into it if I don't have "hardcore fans to play with"?

Accidentally made an online room last week and it filled up almost immediately

No, not EDFags, or at least not those who play online. Maybe you're thinking of something else. I remember some dude saying he played online with a bunch of chinks with a pirated version, though, so it should be possible.
That shouldn't be an issue, there are usually a decent number of rooms available, and people do actually join lobbies.

legitimately one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. reminded me why I like playing games

A couple of friend and I just started playing EDF5. It rekindled our love of co-op vidya.

It's a good meme game

just buy 5

EDF is great, it's basically 40K Imperial Guard Simulator

it's a ps2-tier janky good time with god-tier co-op, my buddy and I played it splitscreen.
you can 9/11 skyscrapers just to get them out of your way.
there's a shotgun called the governor 50. it has like 15 barrels. one shot will topple billboards and send cars flying.
also if you have arachnophobia this game will make you feel itchy.

meme doesnt mean bad. it just means meme.

It's pretty good if you like videogames, OP.
If you hate videogames you will also hate this game.

It's good.
5's even better but 4.1's no slouch.
I paid 80€ for each one on release, got double the hours of playtime out of each too.

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It's good but you're a couple years late. There might still be rooms online. It's grindy but fun. Make sure you play exclusively online, playing by yourself is boring and it seems to be more balanced around a full party.

The story stretches out for too long, probably to have a higher number of missions but it's a bit annoying when you start to get hyped for the story only to have in between story missions

Played around 100 hours in singleplayer before moving to multiplayer (with randoms) and i had a fucking blast, it's one of those games that look bad on videos but are really fun to play.

Also, edf5 is mediocre and you should avoid it. Apart from QoL changes and gibs it's an absolute downgrade from 4.1.

>Also, edf5 is mediocre and you should avoid it. Apart from QoL changes and gibs it's an absolute downgrade from 4.1.
What the...
It's the polar opposite for me, I see no reason whatsoever to go back when the class changes alone are amazing. For example Fencer (my main) in 4.1 was heavily restricted in his weapon choices with 2 slots pretty much locked, whereas in 5 they opened up the movement options with many more weapons.

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There's still active rooms on all difficulties

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I'm only 10 missions in EDF5 but it's been fun so far. Ranger got a bunch of more weapon variety, at the unfortunate cost of no more dual Lysander meme but it's been a great game so far.

How's the balancing between classes?

Same as usual, despite the numerous changes.
Ranger's still the "challenge mode" class.

>fencer is strong but very limited in movement
>could have used more mobility

>fencer has no weaknesses and has the strongest weapons

>5 air raider
>can't call in vehicles from the start of the mission
>can only call high-tier vehicles halfway through missions

>3/4 of ranger weapons are complete TRASH because of ''damage falloff''
>^same with Wing Diver

Also, the story in 5 is pure TRASH and you have to listen to a fucking crybaby for half the missions. They tried so hard to recreate 4.1's story but they didnt get it right.
New enemies are bullet sponge TRASH that don't react to your bullets unless you destroy their invincibility armor, frogs are fine.
They removed the air drones' and flying ships original design to replace them with generic saucers

stupid question and I asked again but there was no clear reply IIRC. can you play online with the cracked version? I mean I have the money on steam, so purchase is no issue, but if I can try it first out for free, I would, especially considering it's not an actively updated/developed game anymore as far as I know...

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Air Raider airstrike spam meta
It's the only way to complete some missions on Inferno

>They removed the air drones' and flying ships original design to replace them with generic saucers
Which are akin to the ACTUAL original designs.

Anyway everything you said is highly subjective. I do agree that everyone has more movement, but on the same token 5's Inferno is way harder than 4.1's, at least the top10 hardest missions are. You need that movement.

>"you should avoid 5"
>posted beneath a webm of someone in 5 going on a motorcycle massacre

I don't know who to believe.

I don't know, just pirate it and try it. You don't need to give out an essay like a fag.

There is a MP crack (i think it's called steamworks fix), but i don't know how it behaves or if you'd only be able to play with people who pirated or if you'd be able to play with people who bought the game. It's totally worth a try though.

they are seeding it with fucking 100kbps son. I can finish all the GOT books before this shit comes down.

Fencer in 4.1 secretly the highest mobility class in the game.

5 is the best in the franchise. 4.1 is good but the people seem to ignore the fact that 4.1 has small levels in comparison. even compared to edf3 it has small levels and all the underground levels in 4.1 are absolute trash save for the multiplayer exclusive map. the frogs and aliens in 5 are a legit upgrade to the hectors of 4 and 3 as well.

Jesus, how far do PC.ucks go to pirate shit? It's less than $20 for fucks sake.

Is it any wonder EDF4.1 and EDF5 were delayed on PC? In fact it's not even confirmed 5 will have a port.

mate, i am 100% fine with paying for shit I can play, use, etc. I am also fine with supporting companies.

but it's an old game where only online is 'good'.
so it's not that I am trying to jew out on the price. it's that I don't know if I can enjoy the product like normal if I buy it.

Steam refund policy is utter shit as well, so that ain't helping.

fairly sure the devs were satisfied with the sales so don't start that shit in a EDF thread

Motorcycles are neat (especially the rocket launcher and laser ones) but they ALWAYS tip over and get you killed. The only place you can use them consistently is outside of cities/streets.
Also, you can't aim with them so it always shoots in a straight line in front of you

Most ''big'' levels take 2-3 minutes of scripted bullshit before you see a single enemy.
It's not so bad when you play them for the first time, but replaying them is a chore. I mean just compare Crimson in 4.1 and 5, they don't know what made the level so fun, it's pathetic.

EDF is pretty fun in SP too, especially as a ranger

Believe the bike rider.

5 has better classes, crazier & more memorable missions, MUCH improved item pick-up range, better Armor farm %'s IIRC and all classes get something when you do a mission, so you don't start from zero if you want to change class 50 missions in.

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They had to optimize 4.1 for the PC, also they revamped explosions and sound effects, there's also more enemies and more allies in missions, noticable from the first fucking mission's cutscene

webm reminds me when I used to RDX cars in 2142 and boost them into tanks.

I think my record is still killing a PAC walker, tank, and apc with one car bomb. Fucking one and million since they were in a V formation and all of them missed their first shots on me.

I do agree with scripted events dragging things out in 5. but even grand scale maps in 4.1 such as brute force is less grand once you realize you are just in a little square and you hit the sides almost immediately. the invasion maps where multiple alien soldiers enter a city is not anywhere close to being matched in 4.1. mainly because hectors are not a very interesting enemy.

I hope EDF5 comes to pc soon.

Would be nice.

I just hate that it forces you to use very specific weapons to deal with the aliens. As for Hectors, i liked the way they reacted to bullet impacts. The aliens DO feel like intelligent enemies though which is pretty good. Fuck the laser beam ones though.

Also didn't realize i had a 100gb file of edf5 recordings and a 80gb edf4.1 file on my ps4. I should be able to find 1 or two moments worth posting here i guess.

I think that using specific weapons has always been an issue with edf and I sadly cant see it being really fixed. In all edf games i just end up using a few weapons especially when it comes to inferno difficulty. My problem with hectors is they are slow and pathetic they practically stand there and take the abuse you throw at them. The aliens actually feel like a threat that you shouldn't take lightly. I still love both games I personally every edf game is better than the last even if they do make some less than perfect decisions in each game.


How's Iron Rain?

what the fuck are these garbage posts

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Prove them wrong, faggot.

>i like the game so you have to like it too

It's actually really, really good if you can dig that B-movie vibe. Every time you think you've seen it all, the game just keeps on escalating into ever more ridiculous heights and it's just really good fun. Even better if you can rope in some friends, it's easily among the best co-op games I've played.


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You know the dash ability that most melee weapons give you? You can cancel the cooldown on it with most other abilities, most notably melee attacks, javelin catapult shots and reflects on the smaller shields, and immediately go into a second dash. Continuously chaining dashes and attacks/reflects makes you go fast as fuck and outrun basically anything in the game to become the ultimate indestructible enemy kiting class, Wing Divers will look at you with envy.



Putting on the javelin catapult and something like blasthole-spear gives you effortless infinite dash cancels without having to reload or time anything and it basically makes you untouchable while you move.
The downside is that you have to dedicate one of your weapon sets to it.

dayum, I knew about the dash but I haven't got the javelin yet.
Didn't know online was still active either
Gonna boot it up again after months and maybe buy it

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It's still active. Rooms fill up immediately especially if you're just starting out. Don't play on easy or normal

it's fast, but you shouldn't rely on it. using a shield gives you some actual utility. blocking can save your ass by pushing you away and reflects are stupidly OP in 4. a good fencer knows when to kick off the training javelins

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How the fuck do I aim javelins? Or should I just be using them for the mobility

pure mobility, hold down the fire button for them while you mash the dash button

to actually use them, you're supposed to wield two at a time (as the description recommends) and fire them both to make lots of javelins rain from the sky in a wide area
once your IQ raises, you can learn to aim with your 3rd eye by getting up close, looking down, and blowing your javelin load right into the enemy's face, but this is mostly for kicks

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There are other options. The javelin is the fastest but I liked the spine driver + nc100 cannons.

Both the weapon attacks cancel with each other and dashes. So you have pretty good increased movement speed, a long range piercing shot every dash and at close range you can shoot both weapons and get increased dps with insta dash to escape. You do have to be careful with reload times.

The nc cannons have a great rof in edf5 but the combo still works.

The qol and gameplay changes make it something else.
I would say edf4.1 has a better mission flow with the enemy encounters and challenges. 5 has quite a lot of missions that seem out of place considering how late into the game they are and the first 10 missions are a slog. Then there's the darkness in the caves which adds quite a lot of atmosphere to what are essentially turkey shoots. Lastly the dragons are far superior to the tadpoles. I know they're the same, but the spectacle of super sonic dragons is done better than in any other game.

shit, really shit. This is coming from the biggest edf fanboy around.

I need to know
Are there cute mods for Wing Diver?

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nothing wrong with that. iron rain is a dull slog with zero replayability. the game was down in double-digit playercounts before the DLC launched

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It's more like a mech game than the traditional edf games. So I would say just play an actual mech game instead.

It's good, very grindy and way more fun with a friend

I'm saying I would suck edf dick if it existed. Iron rain is hot garbage, worst game I've played since spec ops.
It gets almost everything as a game wrong, with the controls being outright broken, enemy movement a mess, knockdowns coming out of no where, jet pack man having momentum relative to where you're facing and all sorts of other westernisms to the game. The one good thing from it is probably the customisation and more than 4 players.
Such dog shit I can't even bear to play it through once and even get to what I assume are better late game levels and weapons.

How many EDFs have you completed / platinumed Yea Forums? You arent filthy casuals, right?

Vita 2, Vita 2017P, PS4 4.1, JP 5 and US 5.

the whole main series
1, 2 vita, 3 xbox and vita, 4, 4.1 and 5.

The only spinoff i have finished was insect armageddon.

What I hate the most about EDF 5 is that so much of the story and level design centers around building up to using the barga against the arculus, despite it being one of the worst vehicles in the game and not even being really good at fighting the kaiju types. Greatest Final Confrontation is a really shit level and is only really tolerable with the easy classes that don't need cover or have massive damage output. I don't know if it's possible, but I'd like the aliens to be less jittery/instant when cycling targets. Maybe also decrease their movement speed cap when losing armor. They can disengage across the entire map when they feel like it when they lose their torso armor. I do like them getting faster when damaged, though.

legit fucking good.

I liked it when arculus popped in and said hi the multiple times during the campaign. But I agree its lame that they reused the same build up that they did in 4.1 which was stupid in 4.1. Greatest final confrontation legit just feels like rng you either get a good run or you're fucked.

Did iron rain bomb? on one hand that means there going to stick to real EDF, on the other hand that means we might have to wait a year for English versions again

Cleared all 4.1 missions on Inferno solo

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I don't think it bombed. people just stopped playing it really fast. it's an absolutely meh game
Barga's a lot better once you realize the big step-and-bitchslap move is completely useless. the straight->scoop is much, much more powerful and doesn't lock you down

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I got to the second to last mission, but I am going back to collect armor.

Oh yeah, I really liked having arculus fuck shit up while having to deal with enemy spawns. I would have liked more levels like that. My main gripe is with anything relating to using or depending on the barga. I think greatest final confrontation would have been more tolerable with more soldiers and tanks. After playing through dlc 1 and most of 2, I think it wouldn't be too hard to have a remixed mode of the main campaign using the new enemies and creating different compositions

I agree 100%. whats funny is that the dlc 2 mission with the erginuses and arculuses is just a much better version of a mission from dlc 2 of 4.1. Its just a shame they didnt learn from whatever the fuck the 4.1 equivalent of greatest confrontation was called. they both only exist for people to say "look how fucking epic this is dude!" without any focus on how fun/well the mission plays.