ur mom
What is Splatoon?
what is life
Dragon Age Origins
What is Half Life 2?
space station 13
Fallout new vegas
FIFA 2019
dragons dogma
What is the entire Kondom Farts series
What is Final Fantasy 8?
what is Yea Forums jeopardy
>No redeeming qualities
here's (You)r (You), faggot
What is literally any visual novel?
What is Dead Or Alive?
What are gacha games?
What is Half Life 2.
Kingdom Hearts. Aka fucking putrid garbage featuring Disneyshit and a story not even the writers care about
I've busted many nuts to DoA so it has at least that going for it.
Literally all of pic related
My niggas
SCP:SL during a time
Have you faggots ever played Jeopardy or what?
OP is a faggot for $10 mike
What is autism?
Who is Fallout nv?
Any Yoko taro game
Picture made me smile.
Sorry, but that answer is incorrect, Todd. The right answer was Fallout 3.
Smash Ultimate
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What is Sekiro.
Yea Forums never praises fallout 3 and its objectively the best fallout.
Every weeb game ever
Deus Ex
Mother 3
>no redeeming qualities
just because you're bad at it doesn't mean it's bad
git gud
Yeah but I fucked ur mom last night
>what game you hate out of contrarianism
Bait thread
Divinity Original Sin 2
Doom (2016)
Trick question. Yea Forums doesn't love any game.
What is Beijing: Become Furry?
>Doom (2016)
That one is certainly overrated. I hate how the flow just abruptly gets ruined by those melee-based qte. It's all eyecandy, little actual meaningful gameplay. Perfect for redditors.
>and its objectively the best fallout
if you were underage when it came out maybe, its only novel for being Oblivion with guns, everything that wasn't stolen straight form prior fallouts or Oblivion was fucking rancid, easily the worst main quest-line of any RPG ever made, even including JRPGs
only correct answer
What is Age of Mythology
Overrated but climbing on monsters is pretty cool
What is pic related, as long as we can make an exception for the soundtrack, because it truly is the game's absolute only redeeming quality
It was unique though. No other game has giant monsters that act like walking levels to complete.
I guess you could say the premise was a redeeming quality as well, but the controls, physics, gameplay, hitboxes, world design, graphics, and story are all such utter garbage that it ruins any potential potential the game might have had.
God Hand
what is undertale?
Good story
Good gameplay
Gameplay and story.
Story and exploration
Gameplay is good.
These are all some shitty contrarion answers Yea Forums
I few years ago I read a post that said God Hand started as a meme to fool newfags into liking a bad, repetitive game.
Good story doesn't make a good game.
what is godhand?
What is the entire Persona franchise?
What is Godhand
>good story
dude space babies lmao
dear god why is it dripping
God Hand for sure
God Hand
Literally any gacha game that Yea Forums plays
A "redeeming quality" doesn't need to make the game good, just worth while.
It's THAT kinda game, user.
Hint: the furry in this picture used to be human.
God Hand > FE:Heroes
It's literally making me hate games. I just don't have anything else to play. If I don't get the Platinum before I lose my mind I might actually drop it and get an emulator to play bing bing wahoo galaxy 2.
I haven't hated a game this much in ages.
actual good game
>world design
are you fucking retarded?
What is Sleeping Dogs and Mad Max
nobody here defends Mad Max other than saying it was ok
Dragon's Dogma
What is EYE Divine Cybermancy
I unironically have no idea what that is
>Story and exploration
F:NV world is worse than 3's though also the story is shit. Muh bear n bull