Nintendo World Championship

You gonna watch Yea Forums?

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Probably not.

Yea because its possible they will reveal Banjo in smash.

They won't reveal shit. Especially considering no one is going to watch this but the autistic people expecting them to announce anything.


At what time?

They'll most likely reveal new stuff for Mario Maker 2, which will be the best game of the year and no one can convince me otherwise.

The Mario Maker one could be nice, Jirard's going to crush the lot of them.
No JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS in the Smash one, with Zackray being the only really good player, so not going to bother with that.

the participants in mario maker are all youtubers, btw. 4 people. 2 guys, one guy who steals from children via donations, and token vagina.

first one starts in 10 minutes.

Fuck off greg

In for some new mario maker stuff.

>thinking theyre gonna reveal shit today when theres gonna be a direct coming


Cheers man

>tfw John lost in the previous tournament finals

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Let's hear it yo.
I preordered the EU digital special edition. 10 bucks more than normal one but comes with 1 year of online and a mario maker themed stylus for the switch.

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>Only shit players
It's shit
Smash is hardly better like said
Is Splatoon any better?

I'll watch Mario Maker 2 to see some new content I guess but the other 2 I don't care about.

>preordering digital games

Gonna watch this instead of peeA

Did you read the rest of the post?
Why wouldn't I get a year of online + stylus for 10 bucks?

i've preordered the limited edition with NSO + steelbox and a pen
it was actually cheaper than game + nso

>SBU Championship
is tweek and mkleo competing?

>why wouldn't I get [Insert thing] for free, it's the same cost, all I have to do is preorder!
user I....

what are the drinking game rules?

Totally forgot about the Smash event. Pretty sure they will reveal a character there.

did the exact same thing, this game's gonna be cool

splatoon or mario maker 2 about to start?

> EU
he’s a cuck

smm2 in 5 mins
then splatoon then smash

He held back. He knew what his powers would do to his opponent and it wasn't worth it.

no clue who greg is, I jus fucking hate abdallah.

why wouldn't he preorder mario maker if he's for sure going to buy it, since the game cannot fail and is going to be a blast?

Is Splatoon that big of an eSport, or is it only pushed by Nintendo.

It's no dota or smash but it does have some esports yeah

>Smash teams based on country

EU vs. USA shitposting inbound

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3 minutes for some fun SMM2 shenanigans without CarlSagan42

If you're going to buy the game at Day 1 anyway and there's pre-order bonuses, why not pre-order? With a game like SMM2, there's no real way for it to be reviewed at launch anyway, games "journalists" are shit at being creative.

Wish they invited him

Oh shit its right now?
time to get comfy

it's neither.
you've got small community tournaments with no money and one event like that from nintendo a year

Don't know but when searching on Jewtube it takes me much longer to find an actual grassroots competition than Nintendo endorsed ones
For reference for Smash it's the 2nd result or so, 1st being the E3 2018 match from the Ultimate Invitational.
Then again Nintendo's Splatoon competitions could be perfectly fine, so it may be a mistake off me to discredit them. I just know that they've been less than ideal for Smash.

I wish the game would come out immediately after this invitational.
I want to play it NOW.
I already have a hundred or more ideas for courses in my head AHHHHH.

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