Convince me why I shouldn't pre order it

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It's too good for you.

>pre order

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It’s a shitty sekiro clone in the SW universe.

Advertising is against the rules. Fuck off EA shill.

the "gameplay" speaks for itself. if you think that's good well enjoy it.

Convince me why I should give a fuck how you spend your money. If you want it, get it. If you don’t, don’t. Why do you faggots have to base your every little decision on what Yea Forums thinks?

Convince yourself, you stupid cunt

What’s with the trend of fugly game characters?

>Preordering games

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I can't. You are too retarded.

What race is he supposed to be? It's like they tried to make him a bit of everything

For those asking these sort of questions unironically:
You deserve every fucking ounce of the industry we've got.

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You should, it looks fucking great

you should. give money to EA not sony. they're the better of two cancers.

I am almost tempted to buy the game out of spite, because Yea Forums's underage peanut gallery has been making the STUPIDEST fucking "complaints" and nonsensical comparisons.

But I will probably wait until it's on sale, I think EA games tend to go on sale pretty quickly.

For real though what's the point of pre-ordering?

Just buy it when it comes out.

1. Preordering is fucking retarded.
2. It looks like every other shitty western BamHam action game.

>Sѹ Wars

Go for it, waste your money on a shit game. That’ll really show us!

It looks like a slower and shittier Force Unleashed. So just go play Force Unleashed.

you have to buy your lightsaber color

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I'm not seeing any downsides here. Go on...

Why would I? Only retards pre order


>my ghetto campaign

How about you convince me that you're not a faggot instead?

Fucking what? Yea Sony's been fucking up recently but they are not even in the same league as EA, yet.

no dismemberment.

lightsabers are glowsticks.

Why buy it when you can just pirate it?

Why should you pre-order anything? All you'll miss is some shitty reskin for a lightsaber or some lame gay shit. Its not like there will be a limit of game codes.

if you like extremely linear games with mandatory platform segments go ahead

You have shit taste. Convincing someone retard is a waste of breath. Go and pre-order it, please.

>it's shit because I say so
In 99.99% of cases, Yea Forums's pre-release "criticisms" of a major release are pure bullshit. Sekiro is a great recent example. The opinion of the game did a 180 once it was actually out.

And again, the complaints/comparisons that have been making the rounds are so mind-fuckingly stupid it's baffling. Every 3D action game is Dark Souls. Every linear game is Uncharted. It's agonizing to read you retards give the same exact wrong "hot take".

The actual problems with the game will only be known when it comes out.

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It looked like shit

Frostbite doesnt make good faces, this is a well known weakness of the engine. The animation model is very restrictive

Looks like a generic ass linear game with lightsabers

>The actual problems with the game will only be known when it comes out.
It's an EA game, that's all everyone needs to know

>WOO a skill point!!! Time to throw it into some fucking slot, doesn't matter which though because I'll have everything by the end of the game anyways!!! And most of them do jack shit so wooooo!!!!!!!!!

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>preordering games
They haven't even introduced any sort of shitty bundle, what the Hel is wrong with you?

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It looks painfully generic. Boring movement, boring enemies, boring character, boring mission, zzzzzzz

>white male mc
should be more than enough reason

This. I'm pretty optimistic about it but EA ruins everything nice. Just wait until it's out before burning your money.

basically god of war

>that movement
>that stiff wall running
This could have been kino.

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It's literally Sekiro but with Star Wars

Because it's absolutely not pre-order material. Game basically looks like a generic action adventure with SW skin over it. Wait for 50% off.

Please elaborate on how you think this looks like Sekiro. God of War, Uncharted, sure. Sekiro had combat that was deeper than damp concrete and a gameplay loop that consisted of more than "walk forward mashing attack until you get to a cutscene".

Why? You obviously enjoy eating shit, seems like a waste of time.

no its not
the gameplay is way too clunky to be compared to something like sekiro

>Top comment on the shitaku article
Fuckin kek

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absolutely kek worthy

It genuinely looks bad. Like extremely low effort. It's pretty obvious EA didn't really care about this project and gave it the smallest budget they could get away with.
The demo actively embarrassed me.

>g_saberrealisticcombat 0

put me to sleep. saber combat should be one hit kill like bushido blade, not a club that lights up.
I'll buy it for $15 in two years.

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It's an EA game, you're morally in the right to pirate it.

I think people are referring to the miniboss encounter that was pretty much just "attack, attack, then parry" which is like the base rhythm of Sekiro combat.
It's VERY different otherwise though.

>that witcher 3-tier combat

No. Go ahead and buy it if you really want. It looks like shit to me but I'm not going to hold your hand and tell you what you should get.

>buying it all
>not pirating it in a week once it's cracked


>the people who fought WW2 and stopped Nazism?
>why do I have to be one of those things?

On the anniversary of the Normandy invasion no less.

I wait for the sequel if I have to just in case EA gets their tentacles in it at any point during the first game's life cycle.

because even if you are very excited about the game, it is not going away. digital distribution means you can just as easily buy it at anytime in it's life. Thus you can wait for more information, users to try it first, patches etc. I usually don't buy a game until I am ready to start it.

damn, men ended the third reich, slavery, and the vietnam war. here's to you, men.

wtf i love ea now!

There's a reason we hold a ceremony for those great men. Hell, a lot of them were kids and lied about their age. Also fuck England.

They still give us shit for entering the war late. Fuck you crooked-toothed fucks. We didn't want any part of it and Germany would have bombed you cunts into the next galaxy if we hadn't supported your invasion effort.

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Can you choose to be a sith in this, or is it just a jedi?

what are you talking about americans for? the soviets did most of the effort.

>no dismemberment
It's shit

The US had the air power. Without air support the soviets never would have made it into Berlin. The Russians had all the military tactic of a retarded rhino with half a brain.

This looks like a slower force unleashed with less powerful abilities

>JEDI fallen order
Take a guess

Force unleashed was floaty as hell and the camera was ass. Looks like they fixed those issues at least but the fact that your dodge is a fucking MMA style sidestep is a bit much.

Wait for a collector's edition. I'm a sucker for them and this looks like a game I'll really enjoy even though I would've preferred 1313.

Hope the CE comes with a statue of that little droid.

It's slow, boring and repetitive.

>Sekiro clone
At least you might die once in Sekiro.

Might even die twice.

That sounds one purchase

I was recently thinking about what I despise about western AAA action games. One of the things that came to mind -- besides walkie talkie sections -- is this strange fascination with shimming between a fence in the wall. Does anyone actually think this is engaging or fun in any way? Let alone going through this bullshit all over again on repeated playthroughs? It blows my mind that western devs don't understand this and audiences still eat this shit up.

This game looks incredibly mediocre and by the book. It's as if the devs sought to check off all the Uncharted features and setpieces one by one.

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If you're a shadow, maybe.

I admit it does look fun but don’t pre order anything. Especially when it’s so easy to just pick up a copy on release day after you’ve read some reviews.

it's like 7 seconds long and it's no different from walking through an empty long hallway. it's to break up the pace and/or mask loading. calm down, sperg.

They are there to mask loading since game devs think people are allergic to loading screens now.

it's clearly not but I fucking wish

america manufactured nearly most of the steel and shipped it over to Russia during the last 3 years of the war.

without that steel, aluminum, etc... Russia could have never made its tanks and weapons, trucks, etc...

Germany would have rolled thru them.

its really crazy when you think about it, that Germany almost won that war, they were fighting against like 5 super power countries of that time period, and they only lost because 2 countries that are almost the size of africa decided to throw everything they had at them.

fuck the commies for the war crimes and rape of innocent german woman and children....

>locking orange blade behind pre order
Oh wow, for a moment I had forgotten this was an EA game. Hopefully proper purple isn't dlc bullshit. Game looks fun__ though

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Lazy way to add verticality to levels and connect areas that wouldn't make sense to be on the same floor. Also a convenient way to disguise loading screens and railroad the player into hearing conversations and see setpieces. At least we didn't see any crouch stealth against chest-high walls yet.

I wont. Waste your money if you have to.

It looks like shit

>those shitty animation
>that shitty AI
>literally Tomb Raider Star Wars

It is a 5/10 but SW fanboys will gobble it up.

Perhaps, if only to reward proper practices like no dlc/season pass, etc. Although it's EA, so take that into consideration


It's not like the the combat looked that great either. Plus, it exposes how creatively bankrupt they are. You can break the pacing with puzzles, or actual good platforming.

I don't get this website sometimes. When there's actually reason to show cynicism and resistance towards a new product, it's like most of you faggots shrug and look at the shiny sword and are immediately sold.
All the energy spent complaining about lack of anime tiddies or twitter threads could be be better spent dissecting these extremely shallow gameplay mechanics.

>Hallway gameplay
>Non threatening enemies
>Flashy but shallow gameplay
>Graphics over style

This game just lost hype I had for it.

>You can break the pacing with puzzles, or actual good platforming.
those are challenges with variable completion time and not the same thing as a stretch of nothing to serve as a spacer.
and stop putting words in my mouth you lazy cunt, I hate the unrealistic saber combat.

>pre-order to get skins
omg epic

No dismemberment

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>it's to break up the pace and/or mask loading. calm down, sperg.

This should be enough alone. Also it will go on sale two weeks after release.

This looks about as generic as everyone's favorite singleplayer games, yet for some reason to these fags, this stands out as generic to them. Forget the dev/pub. How is does this look more generic than Nioh and Sekiro? Same shit.

Force Unleashed was good. But everything was oversized to make the player look tiny. Oversized hallways. Oversized levels. Oversized doors.


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>those are challenges with variable completion time and not the same thing as a stretch of nothing to serve as a spacer
The problem is how fucking boring it looks and feels when playing. Even setting aside any sort of challenge, you can still have a cutscene, pretty environments, or hell, just a plain good ol' loading screen. Those moments can be skipped ahead depending on the player's own choice and pacing, or better hardware.

Because you know fuck all about the game and pre-ordering shit encourages lazy devs to anally rape their customers whenever they have the chance.

Itll be $30 a few weeks later for Christmas

>not seeing any downsides to casual as fuck gameplay thats boring

>actually preferring a loading screen
Just stop posting

A little bit of White. Little bit of Burmese.
A little bit of Coke. Little bit of John Cleese.
A little bit of Italy...
That's why the board takes him so seriously --
He's just a little bit of everythang.

Digital copies will never run out what's the point in pre-ordering?

Are you shitposting or genuine in your retardation?

This IS a glorified loading screen, the difference being it requires your input, otherwise it doesn't fucking progress. Having a regular loading screen is preferable to having pseudo-gameplay like pressing left stick to forward, or mash X to move away the rubble. It ages far better as long as the hardware becomes more powerful as it means less time waiting.
With the current method, there's no way of speeding up that process; you're forced to move very slowly through that tiny gap where nothing interesting is happening, or having wait for that one NPC to shut the fuck before you can move through the door.

White male protagonist.

Fuckin this, its a single player game anyway. No real need to get it day one to get good online.

>Umbara is relevant again
>but it's in this shit

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Because pre-orders are mostly cancer.

looks boring

It looks like shit

pre ordering for digital content is a fucking placebo

>Shart Wars

Mix it with GoW climbing movements and some wallrunning and you nail it
Still I may buy this crap, just not on launch

it looks like complete shit

nuGod of War perhaps

>Buying games

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They have cortosis armour
srsly though, they don't care about that and probably its difficult to pull out unless you make dismemberment = kill

Because it will literally cost $5 will all the DLC one year after launch and there is no reason to pre-order a EA game ever.

There are more games than there are time to play them. But whatever.

There is a valid reason, if this tells EA to cut the progressive / lootbox bullshit and tells the industry Single player games are not extinct, then perhaps it might be a good idea.

>it's another super secret Jedi that survived the Holocaust
>he can stop time and push/pull tons of shit around, despite his lack of training (he was a fucking padawan whose master got murdered)
>he could basically ruin the whole Empire by massacring hundred after hundred of Stormtroopers on every planet
Please give me a Star Wars game with no Jedi at all - or maybe just an Inquisitor as a boss fight or something

My hope is that this becomes a spiritual successor to JK2 and JKA. Also what made those games fun was the modding but EA will lock it down for paid content.

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>>he can stop time
Blame fucking JJ on this one, he invented that gimmick of freezing objects and people

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>is okay with all the other corporations that do the exact same thing

Lend-Lease You commie idiot.

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its to hide a loading screen for the next area

>Uncharted with Lightsabers
At least it didn't make me want to gauge my eyes out which is more than I can say of most recent disney wars things

the generic stormtroopers already die in one hit from the trailer, with the exception of the baton guys who block your strikes.

Glad to see EA learned precisely fuck-all front the Battlefront 2 scam attempt.

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And it was supposed to show that he was powerful and mastered the Force. I'm not saying it's not possible for an exceptionally strong Jedi/Sith/wathever to do it. I'm saying I'm tired of playing another exceptionally strong Jedi/Sith/wathever. This is the power-creep bullshit that killed the extended universe to me.

I liked Katarn, but not everyone has to be on his level.

>An EA game

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>lightsabers smear orange jizz on a person instead of disembowling them
>flamethrowers having a range of half a foot
>generic AF levels
>literally just a reskinned Force Unleashed but more boring

Damn wookies look like THAT?!

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>It’s a shitty sekiro clone
why every fucking zoomer on the internet keeps saying that ?
do you really have played only 1 videogame your whole life ?

all of this shit was free back in Jedi Academy

pr-ordaring desu those are some cool colors

at least they didnt lock purple or yellow behind dlc

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>Orange is what I always used in jedi academy
Ah cahm aahn

ea strategy in making a game

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>defending ea of all things
christ mate, this the hill you wanna die on?

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>Trusting EA
>Trusting EA with your money
Buy it. I dare you to spend your money on it and then not complain about how you got ripped off/the game is bad/etc. You won't succeed.

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>color lightsaber held behind a pre-order
didn't force unleashed have that color free, why is it so unique?

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I'm interested, but it's still looking pretty rough. The combat wasn't very fluid, even compared to Force Unleashed.

What is it coming out for anyway, console only?

doesn't even look that nice anyway. Environment looks bland and glued in. None of the reactivity we should expect this generation to produce, just tacked on, static objects. Maybe next gen will be different! haHAA

>holding the most based Lightsaber color hostage in pre-ordering

I assume you faggots like Yellow more.

The force was supposed to be magic and not a total of 5 skills you can unlock in video games.
JJ made up a new thing to reemphasize the point.
Now there's 6 skills you can unlock in video games.

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kys subhuman AAA nigger

user there is no way a modern EA game is going to be open to modding on their console port.
Jedi Academy has been open fucking source for years. This trashheap can't compare. Its sad we can't just port a modern movie battles mod version of it to consoles to deny EA more sales.

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second post best post
fuck preordering

go play jedi academy

Because it is Star Wars, aren't you tired of Star Wars?

Everyone is referring to that posture break into slowdown on that spider enemy. If you don't see it you need to get glasses.

You shouldn't pay for a product that your are unsure the contents of. I believe people should make informed decisions. To me I wasn't given enough information to feel informed on quality. If the game comes out at still looks like something you want then go ahead a get it.