What are you playing, switchbros?

What are you playing, switchbros?

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learn to take photos and I tell ya

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nothing because stomping casuals in Smash got old and Mario Maker isnt out yet
>iphone filename

Playing a ton of Diablo 3 (holy shit, this game was terrible on PC, why the fuck is it so fun on consoles instead? Was this always designed to be a console game first and PC game second or something?).
Played Katana Zero, waiting for the free DLC for it, i liked it.
Soon i'm gonna get this game + Darkwood + a couple of Inti Creates games i'm still missing.
Eagerly looking foward to Astral Chain and Luminous Avenger iX.

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blacked videos of my gf

It was destined for consoles. From controls to menus

picked up splatoon2 today, using the free trial of online
but I don't have a charger for my pro controller :/

Anyway to CFW it without a overpriced USB dongle (ace,ect.)?

why would you play doom on switch when you have a PC?

Any USB type-c will work.
You can probably find one for cheap if you don't want to spend exa for an original one.

$5 is overpriced?

I assume because on PC he wants to play the actual Doom games, and not a console game.

that's a nice keyboard, I got one too.

you're a faggot.

Ports ports and ports like a good goy shitchcuck

I'm thinking about getting Slay the Spire, is it a good port?

Try again.

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lol cope

What is it about the switch that causes this reaction?

Nothing. I'm waiting for SMM2

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I thought it was some nintendo proprietary shit
I'm sure my dad got a new phone recently, I'll ask him for the charger

Nothing, fellow nintendildo. Shitch has no games.

Remind me which one of pic related is 5$ again.

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Has no games and a retarded fanbase

I built a new pc a month ago, so I haven't been using my Switch ad much. Still play some Picross S3 every day before going to sleep though.

Next game I'll get on my Switch will probably be Fire Emblem, then Astral Chain.

monster hunter generations its a blast but I suck at it ( I came from MHW) , I want to get Valk Chronicles , but I am not sure how it runs on the switch. Other then that the Alteir games looks fun.

Lots of games are much better to play with a handheld.
Smashfags are not the whole Switch fanbase.

How are they inherently better with a handheld, what? Kys

Grinding for skills. A lot.

Is Hard West worth 10 euros? Is on sale atm.

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is there any games like megaman battle network?

But why does this make you sperg out?


Portability :)

Just finished this last night. Planning on starting the sequel here shortly.

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Redpill me on Ultra Street Fighter II, I might get it for 20 bucks.

I regret buying my Switch and if Animal Crossing doesnt look promising I'm selling this piece of shit.

It's the occations you use a hanndheld or a console/PC.
I can hardly imagine a person wasting two hours playing Stardew Valley straight on a stationary machine. But it's perfect to play when you ride a bus or take a shit.
Same goes for pretty much every simplistic indie game. Like Into the Breach or Iconoclasts, those are just feel to simple to play on PC - I'd rather play some RTS or something.

It's basically an X-com clone.

I heard mixed reviews about it. I pirated it in pc and deleted it an hour in. Not sure if they added anything or changed anything for the switch release

Open Morrowind

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just bought a switch today what hidden gems should i play bois

Steamworld dig 1 and 2
Katana zero
Golf story
Mario rabbids

>he doesn't know

>paying to hack your switch when all you need is a paper clip
Wew lad.

what's your theme user ?