I wanna be Watson

I wanna be Watson

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Her 3d model is cute as fuck.
Looks like the wokeness really didn't do any favors monetarily eh.

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This is the epitome of the SJW character.

A young girl who's quirky and who everyone loves, and she also frickin loves the sciences guys! Don't you underestimate her! She's super duper smart!

Yeah but she ain't ugly or a tranny so it's fine by me

>isn't brown or gay

Sometimes a mary sue is just a mary sue.

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>thinking the back story matters in arena game
how fucking low is your iq

Yeah her "trailer" was all about her father saying how smart and superior she is to him, that she is literally the most intelligent woman in the world. Mary-Sue warning.

What a qt3.14 French Aryan waifu.


>a father being proud of her daughter
>a girl following her father footsteps
what's wrong with it

user, you'd have a point if this was any other game besides Apex Legends. The characters in this game do not shut up for shit, and you know that all of that shitty quirkiness and faux intelect is going to seep through into the writing and voice acting

*hits pipe*

Whole chin and mouth area literally modeled after young Biel.

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Attached: Watson shad.jpg (476x448, 90K)


>Build walls

Attached: mango.jpg (295x407, 34K)

Can't wait for the porn

>a father being proud of her daughter

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>nordic french still existing in the future
how unrealistic

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There is literally no pleasing people

>wah theres too many niggers in my game
White woman
>waaahhhh she’s smart and pretty she’s sjw

finally an apex waifu


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this dumbass has a fucking 2b profile pick

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High IQ often indicates autism. After all, she was only praised for her intelligence and nothing else, as most high-functioning autists are

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she looks like someone put the distance between the eyes slider all the way to the right in character creator


sometimes it do be like that

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she cute

Attached: Watson shad 2.jpg (476x448, 93K)

I want to kiss Watson!

>actually going to resetrannera

I think we've blurred the line between possible mary sue and SJW. This is sad.

im already tracer

One of the few cases where the concept art looks worse than the actual character.

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Wattson is cute! CUTE!!

You will never be anything but yourself.