No Sony

>no Sony

whats the point???

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>implying Sony themselves are ever worth mentioning
Microsoft and maybe Nintendo will get all the announcements Sony would have had, them not being there means nothing.

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QUICXK i need a stream with funny comments to watch

Microsoft and Nintendo never have a good show

Nintendo always has the best show because they're the only one with games.

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Hello darkness my old friend....

Sony is pathetic

Sony brings nothing to E3 these days except the same moviegame 3rd person trash. It's a better show overall without them and MS gets the multiplat trailers instead.

>you'll never go back to the golden days of Playstation
feels bad man

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Did you already forget the disaster that was last year's Sony E3 show?

I loved Sony's bizarre shitshow last year.

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>tfw kids games are unironcially the most fun games

They were fucking awful last year. Unironically one of the worst presentations in E3 history. Not just Sony's worst, one of -the- worst.
We're missing nothing from Sony not being at E3, and this E3 remains really promising.

It's true. None of that realism and left wing propaganda bullshit shoved down your throat. Video games are meant to be an escape.

>ff7 info coming from square
>banjo goods from MS aand or Nintendo

I'm not missing a thing desu

>no movie games

>no movie games
I'd rather take shitty microsoft games over film school project games

Square Enix snagged Sony's timeslot the moment they left it vacant, and they've got a decent presence on the floor space too. Sony are literally irrelevant. Not even Death Stranding is exclusive.

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>Nintendo has 2 huge sections on the show floor
>Microsoft and Sony have none
Am I seeing this correctly?

Yeah whatever will we do without some hipster faggot playing the banjo and some old ass weeb playing a gay chink flute? I sure will miss the 3 games (movies) they would have shown off. Lol.

Comfytheatre is the point

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Can't you at least post Nintendo? Xbitches aren't even worth making fun of.

Why does Epic Games need that large of an area when they literally have one game, and I doubt people care to play FortNite at E3.

>Microsoft has the multiplats
>Nintendo has the first party reveals
>square has ff7r,KH3 dlc,DQ,capeshit
Sony literally had nothing to show except for maybe the PS5

You are.
>So why the omission? Instead, its events will all take place about a five minute walk from the convention center at the company’s own Microsoft Theater and the Xbox Plaza at LA Live.
Supposedly, if we are to believe Microsoft at the very least, they're betting big on the conference itself. But I don't think they'll have many booths to play games and have no floor space at E3 itself.

>tfw want Sony to announce the PS5 with literally no games.
I just want to laugh.

Sony and Microsoft are both trying to avoid what happened to Blizzard at BlizzCon by not having an open presentation.

Nah, Nintendo almost always has the best outside of 2015. MS was almost the best last Year. Sony has been shit for years now, and last year was the worst of all.

Microsoft has its own conference in a their theater nearby, Sony is not going to be at E3.

Nintendo shows are always the best because they have fun

They're sponsoring the PC Gaming Show. Sadly.
But they probably want the floor space to show off the stuff to be revealed there.

>oh no, where are my interactive movies?

I thought people were joking when they said Sony wasn't going to be there.

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Sony announced back in November? that they weren't going to be at E3 2019. Every game-related site reported on it. Where have you been?

I don't look at any gaming sites other than Yea Forums. Just assumed you retards were memeing.