>you can flirt with Lara and ask her to be the adopted kid's mom
Makes all that trouble of keeping all the bounds alive worth it.
Pathologic thread.
Also Fuck the kins and fuck the gay ass tower
Most importantly Fuck Mark
>you can flirt with Lara and ask her to be the adopted kid's mom
Makes all that trouble of keeping all the bounds alive worth it.
Pathologic thread.
Also Fuck the kins and fuck the gay ass tower
Most importantly Fuck Mark
Other urls found in this thread:
You did hug her, right?
Surely you wouldn't leave her alone and uncomforted in her worst moment, right?
>tfw Lara died by day 8 or so, since I didn't have the time to check her district
is there a point in playing the original anymore?
In terms of story 2 is essentially a reboot of 1. Some of the same story beats but still a lot of differences as well. 1 also does a few things better than 2 honestly. 1 has much more dialogue for the characters due to most characters having unique dialogue on a daily basis even if there is no quest attached to them. In 2 charecters don't say shit unless there is a specific quest with them. 1 also has better music and in my opinion better art direction. Also 1 has playable Bachelor and Clara whereas in 2 you can only play as Haruspex right now.
Anyone try a maxed-out sliders run yet?
Just finished the game.
I haven't played the original one but are the bachelor and Changeling's route completely different from Haruspex?
Wouldn't it be boring since I already knew about the true nature of the plague?
Yes, for Bachelor's story. Clara's too, but it's kind of a hot mess.
Not gonna be any reasons once 2 gets all three characters though.
What day do kids start carrying schmowders?
They're considerably different in a lot of ways and worth doing for the new perspectives they offer. The "true" cause of and solution to the problem may even be different depending on who's looking at it. The bachelor, for instance, being a man of science, finds a scientific answer for the "true" nature of the plague.
That said the classic edition Bachelor route might be a little dry for someone who's played Haruspex in 2, since Bachelor was the somewhat intended first playthrough deal. He does deal in a lot different stuff than Haruspex though, Bachelor is all about the Polyhedron instead of the Kin and all that mystic steppe bulllshit.
>true nature of the plague
Only little girls carry it, from the start of the game
does Grace die if I force her to talk to my Dad?
I got lucky and got four of them on the first two days. Gotta' hit up those grocery stores for all the walnuts they got.
try it and find out, you absolute fucking monster.
No one has ever tried it. I wonder why.
>You can't save everyone on your first playthrou-
*dab on Rat prophet, Mark Immortell and sand plague*
6 deaths
Fuck you game for not allowing me to save Aglaya though
Does this have that obscure weird feel the original game gives off?
I always had terrible luck with this shit in the original, now I'm on day 4 of my second playthrough and have only seen 1 schmowder.
They're not wrong, you didn't save everyone :^)
Not really, but to be fair I stopped feeling it after the original Bachelor route and the Haruspex and the Changeling were pretty comfy to play as, so it may still be the same for new players
>Wouldn't it be boring since I already knew about the true nature of the plague?
I'm still trying to find some time to finish the last couple of days on my bachelor run in pathologic HD, but isn't the plague a result of nature getting extremely pissed off at an architect's idea of post-modern art and deciding to kill all of humanity in retaliation?
What the fuck is her problem?
Felt like it had the surreal jank magic back for me. Familiar but different I guess is the general idea.
user no that's somebody's joke shitpost, it's not actually true. well, maybe partially.
Some kids gave her a haircut when she was taking a nap.
>implying she's in any way wrong
Fuck off Changeling.
Turning the difficulty to the max it will go is the closest I can get to the experience described by the game journos who were whining about constantly needing food.
It's hard but if you game things right it seems just doable.
By the way, I know that you can do a jog when you're out of stamina by holding your fists out and holding the run button, but it seems like if you hold like A and W or D and W while looking diagonally you move just a bit faster, anyone else noticed this? Seems like I'm almost moving as fast as sprinting but without having to stop to recover stamina.
Diagonal running was noticeably faster in the original but when I tried it in this one it just defaulted me to walking speed, I didn't experiment with it much though.
How does Pathologic 2 feel compared to HD?
I haven't finished all of HD's routes and I might just do that before getting 2, but it feels like a chore to play in both a good and bad way.
I still like the OST of 1's better. 2 has some great tracks, but there's just something very mystic about the former's music.
End game spoiler:
At the end which one is the real one and which one is plague?
wouldn't the plague avator died along with other stappie magics?
When you sprint normally it doesn't seem any different. It's when you sprint with your fists out and do it that I notice the difference.
>getting Lara the water infects the Flank
>tracking down Stakh leads the Worms to him
These are just two I’ve noticed, I’m on day five
Actually, no. You kill all magic. What do you think are miracles supposed to be?
I can't believe Taya is about to get raped by a degenerate footfag
how the fuck do I get an infected brain it's always fail all the time
Better gameplay, more stressful/harrowing, more likeable characters but less conversations with them, your actions affect the town a considerable amount more, less memorable music except for a few stellar tracks that you probably won't even have time to enjoy, more emphasis on not having enough time to do everything. Prettier ladies and girls. Combat sucks but it's a better class of suck.
2 is easier to put yourself into, if that makes any sense.
Any cool newly discovered things yet?
Fuck do I need to try different organs? I’ve just gotten an infected liver so far. Also try using a fresh scalpel
Use a better scalpel. Do you have a menkhu finger yet or are you still using regular scalpel?
Yeah she really needs to watch out for Notkin.
Get a better cutting tool.
Or savescum.
I don't get it?
I thought the game hints that the one imposing as Changeling and made a deal with you is an actual avatar of the plague itselfwhich is why I am confused there is still two Changeling after all magic are killed
I am at an event where you choose to give Anna or steppe woman child from diseased house. Does this lead to something?
I just got it actually but I could fix it
One of them is explicitly dying, while the other one is living it up with the mistresses... and remembers the plague deal.
Do I get a notification if Rubin is save from the mob I'm supposed to distract because the icon on the map is still there even when they chased me to my lab
Yes, you do. Make sure you have all three following and don't go inside until it progresses. Tricky for a lot of people.
I got a notification after entering the house.
if you completely ignore his questline then the Kin never find his hideout and he survives
>in Haruspex route Eva is alive and well
You fuck up most things just by being there.
guess I'll have to waste a panacea on this thread
One of the game's themes is contradicting truths; you only know the truth of the world from Burakh's perspective
>pathalogic thread
>while E3 is on
You can't save this thread, snek manlet. Are you ready to die?
>release patch on Friday
>it apparently doesn't fix disappearing NPC on later days (not confirmed)
>breaks a quest on day 7
Fuck you Thanatos I have the power of poorly understood early 1910s medical science on my side.
Would it be possible to replace character model?
Is anyone on here even watching E3? Other than star wars (which wasnt good) everything was complete kusoge
The game is set in a fictional world, so it's not exactly 1910s. The coins have 1989 stamped on them, which might be an artist's mistake, but they have a wide range of (fictional) antibiotic pills which I'm pretty sure didn't exist until post-WW2 times, yet the soldiers still use bolt-action rifles.
Holy shit that day 3 bell event was really fucking eerie, a+ IPL
I talked to Rubin in the town hall and he acknowledged the meeting, will he come or do I need to go to Kain's place and talk to him again there?
There must be something wrong I'm doing because I punch one and they followed me all the way to the bar and I still get that Icon...
I know I know, it's jokes.
You can try and date the setting based off Bachelor listing off cures for certain diseases and when they were discovered, but there's not much point to it since the Town is clearly a non-defined jumble of all kinds of things. The kids don't know their history very well, most likely.
He says cholera was defeated 5 years ago, but that happened way before antibiotics
I had to load and try three or four times haha, not the best quest.
can you tell me exactly what did you do so it worked?
Sure, I hit one and ran away. Every few seconds I'd stop so that all three could almost catch up. I ran north past Fat Vlad's place and made it near the Town Hall district before it updated. Still stopping to let all three catch up.
so, let me get this straight: there's ABSOLUTELY no reward for keeping all the Bound ones alive (apart from being able to guarantee them a future)?
I'm not mad, but it kind of surprised me since the game requires a lot of investment to guarantee their safety, I can imagine this design choice would piss off plenty of people. But again, there's lots of "pointless" events in the game, like the bull, the lantern, the train summoning, maybe even the rat.
>the bull
None of it is pointless if the point is the experience during rather than just the ending. But yea, I mostly agree with the first part.
Where can I find Rubin on day 11?
lack of hair, devs I know you are here, give this character it's hair
>ask her to be the adopted kid's mom
She's really good at being a mom too
Around the station.
he's at the train station near the marker. don't be a dick with him.
was the ring a meme? I died 5 times but I don't understand how to use it. I've finished the game and tomorrow I want to kill definitively my save files by watching all the possible death dialogues
Bravo IPL
drain the blood first
>people in these threads say to not waste any money or anything else and just hoard
>people in these threads also say the bull's cost is a measly sum anyways and you should buy it
You guys are making this more and more sound like a hoarding sim
I'm at day 3 and I can't find any damn food, how are you all going on about on what I assume are harder days?
>Isidor dies before the game even starts
lmao gg ez
t. sand pest
Why IS Isidor on the character list?
Late days seem a bit rushed imo
It's not the same without his old shit eating grin.
Had to go for the bad endings on Day 11. I was infected and had no cure. Just slept until the ending quest showed up
I had thought this conversation was about the death mechanics, but thinking about it, it's probably foreshadowing for letting the three stooges wail on you.
Does the conversation change if you just take it like a woman?
It's about trading up.
Buy lockpicks, trade for food with cops.
Buy nuts, trade with kids for eggs.
Later food is even less of an issue because you get free fund shit.
200 for bull is nothing. You will need thousands for cloth and upgrades.
Again, later you will get more money opportunities as more content opens up.
>cops beat diseased dude to death
>open him up for diseased organs
>reputation drops, cops beat my ass now
Hello? What's up with this morality system?
Well it worked after two hours... What I did was hit one then run directly south towards the other docks.
One kin stopped following me, then the other one also stopped, when the third was alone I hit him once and got the notification that Rubin escaped. The kin didn't stop being hostile so I killed all of them because they stood there after they lost me
>that music when you get living blood, and then again when you make serum
Fuck Clara, fuck Changeling and fuck Bachelor.
>bar is called Reputation
>NPCs repeatedly explain cutting bodies is a no-no in this town
>durrrrr hurrrrr why dis game think me evil?
PROTIP: If you actually do your job as a doctor before dissecting people, people won't immediately attack you. Moron.
>buy lockpicks
Or just beat up hobos.
By the way, should I be trading with stuff like jewelry and watches, or selling them to shops? They seem like the only things with a decent sell price.
Could you make some examples? I've read this complaint frequently but apart from the military desertion which doesn't seem to be reflected anywhere except the dialogues everything else seems fine.
Day 11 was pretty convincing, i almost run out of time
> If you actually do your job as a doctor before dissecting people
What do you mean user
You mean increase your rep first or is there a procedure so you dont take a rep drop during cutting
not gonna make it
Not him but Grief died so I missed all Aglaya content, Maria died so I missed all her content and the Temirtary questline never started for me
From Day 7 to Day 11 I basically had 0 sidequests except the Lara wants to shoot Block one
I even drank twyrine each deay and I only got the locations of child caches
If i remember correctly clocks are pretty valuable at the dead shop, but otherwise there aren't lot of people to trade them, so you can safely sell them
>Grief died Day 5 for me
Stop being so vague for once Clara, you bald goblin
>I missed all Aglaya content
All what?
where's /our translator/ when we need her?
I only came to say thank you for putting the game name into the thread title field. I'll be able to find these threads later when I finish the game and read the stuff you've written.
You can talk with her on most days if Grief is alive
Alpyna is a retard who should kill herself, in 1 you talked to her during every single day for main quest related stuff and now she only talks for minor stuff
Also if she seriously believes the romance was a last minute decision in 2 she deserves to be fired
>can't even organize inventory or brew tinctures without starving
I would have really liked if there was somewhere, anywhere in the town where you could just sit for a moment catching a breath.
They should have at least stopped the hunger and exhaustion meter at night in the theater
How minor are these Grief conversations, then?
but user, think of the COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS
I did the same lol, but 90% of posts are just gameplay and quest-related questions. I hope in few weeks we will be able to talk about the game overall.
Yes the difficulty slider is out!
>how can people protect themselves from the infection? youre a doctor, you should know
way to ruin the excellent comfy atmosphere, brat
Time stops when you're in your own inventory, just not the loot menu. You just got to plan what stuff you're going to store and shove them into a closet as fast as possible.
>You can talk with her on most days if Grief is alive
Aglaya redpills Grief about the fact that everyone is a doll and he breaks down and abandons the crime life
Her conversations aren't that important or interesting but she barely has any dialoge so every sentence is worth reading
>That peak comfy
Get that shit outta here comrade. It's pretty comfy though.
>implying nightime steppe herb gathering trips aren't the peak of comfy
Does anyone know the conditions for getting an actual ending? I saved all the children and made pancea but still got pic related. Is it because I made the deal with the traveler or is there a line I missed?
>Is it because I made the deal with the traveler
the ultimate consequence.
>Is it because I made the deal with the traveler or is there a line I missed?
He did say you'd lose something dear.
>thinking you could get something for nothing
Only death can pay for lie.
Yeah figured as much, it's quite a nice fuck you, not only all the stats drain/fill faster but you also don't get an ending. The deal is basically "make the game harder with no positive outcome" .
The deal makes the bars fill faster?
Is that moment scripted?
I also found a fuckton of muggers in that spot during the last few days
Yeah, noticeably too.
I don't know, I thought my game was glitching out. Last 3 days there were mugers everywhere and tons of them. Usually was chased by 2 throughout most of the areas. I don't know about Eng V/O but Russian one occasionally bugs out and loops their stock line "turje turje turje".
So... what's the right combination for the panacea? Or is it random?
You get to brew one on Day 6
Basically, special Living Blood and any tincture(+ maybe?)
Ah gotcha.
I should have gone to the village on the night of the bull sacrifice and got it early.
Make sure to bring lots of food and water, the source for it is "marathon run" away.