All the shitters saying it looks bad

>all the shitters saying it looks bad
>looks literally just like jedi academy which Yea Forums jerks off to constantly

fucking faggots

Attached: star-wars-jedi-fallen-order-600x597.png (600x597, 481K)

Jedi Academy came out 17 years ago, graphics have advanced since then.

both are bad. day 1 never purchase.

>yet another souls clone

Obvious EA shill.

you can slice through people in jedi academy and no
for the record, lightsabers aren't supposed to "have weight"

>just like academy
He is grounded and fucking slow, nothing like flippy Academy combat

looks nice, but I'm not falling for any EA shenanigans. I'll be watching this closely.

>showcased on casuals shitter difficulty
>all that hype about the guy playing being good despite almost dying on casual shitter difficulty

it's almost like academy was original and inspired when it came out 17 years ago compared to this generic trash. eat shit.

>Uncharted traversal with watered down Souls combat


mark hamill was instructed by george lucas to hold it as if it was very heavy

It looks nothing like jedi academy.


Academy did not have the over shoulder close up cinematic platforming shit.
KYS nigger
Also the game looks fine.

jedi academy is admittedly more linear and less difficult than the previous games in it's series, but it's absolutely nothing like this, it's a first/third person shooter with lightsaber combat as well, the maps are way more complicated and it's not just go point A to point B, bad bait.

>>looks literally just like jedi academy

Don't you fucking slander Jedi Academy like that

Attached: 5532408728_8142ae143c_z.jpg (563x587, 66K)

Can a disgruntled employee please shoot up EA or some shit, tired of seeing this fucking garbage just buy ads like a regular company stop fucking shilling

Maybe you can use your lightsaber to cut those trees down

Don't care about graphics, but the animations look weird as fuck, they look like they were mocaped and then accelerated in post, very visible on the stimpack animation. Fucking Force Unleashed had better looking animations.

>want to make an action game
>also want the animation to look really realistic

Pick only one man. The latency between input and movement is killer for this kind of game.

SW is a dead franchise. Disney is losing hundreds of millions and still hasn't made back the money from buying it from George.
With D&D signing on for a trilogy, its officially over.

It very well could be good, but anyone that buys an EA game on release is completely retarded. Wait a few months for honest reviews and then maybe pirate it.

>>looks literally just like jedi academy which Yea Forums jerks off to constantly
bold faced lie, and one that earns more ire than brownie points. try again shill-kun.

Attached: burn.png (97x206, 25K)