This is Yuna, aka best girl.
This is Yuna, aka best girl
Out of the way, best Yuna outfit coming through.
This is Magic Knight, the cutest and best demon in the all the netherworld.
This is Nadja, the cutest demon in all of SMT
Get the FUCK out of my Yuna thread
Rikku is best.
She's so cute, bros.
was yuna voice acting bad? im not a native english speaker so i didnt see anything wrong with her
maybe some native english speaker saw something i dont know
Not terrible but probably on the bottom tier of all the V/A's in that game
It kind of lends to the shy church girl thing she had going though so I liked it either way
Her VA tried to match her acting to the character's lip movements, while every other VA just acted naturally and then Square edited the lips to match in post.
She sounds a lot better in every appearance after the original X. Honestly my favorite performance from her might be in KH2, even if she doesn't say much there.
Not a native English speaker but I can make the distinction between bad and good acting. FFX was mostly good acting, and the "bad" acting parts are just goofy. Not even including Tidus' laugh which was obviously sardonic in nature.
>dog faced halfling mutt
No thanks.
How does X/X-2 HD run on Switch? Playing it in bed sounds super comfy.
She's not even the best girl in her own game.
Play X-2 on Switch. X's port is a disgrace and must be emulated on PCSX2 and you fucking shut up about it.
The entirety of the art direction (as in, not limited the characters' faces) was raped, destroyed, and then raped again. It is an absolute crapshow.
I don't know why they were fairies in that but I honestly preferred Yuna and Rikku's KH2 outfits over their X-2 ones. Still cute without feeling, I don't know, trashy?
I would say the same.
I was under the impression FFX was one of the games Square didn't edit in post, hence the occasional sped up line.
What changed besides those 8 character models and the UI? Was it cropped for 16:9?
>I was under the impression FFX was one of the games Square didn't edit in post, hence the occasional sped up line.
I just know the story I've heard for years, it may be false. But what I do know is Yuna's acting improved dramatically every time she appeared after FFX, so either the actor took some serious lessons or there was more going on behind the scenes in X than just her having issues.
>What changed besides those 8 character models and the UI?
Lighting, shadows, carefully crafted details, and the face animations don't even fit the new models properly.
Meant to post this, but that webm is also a good scareoff.
A shame that modern Squeenix can't even preserve the good things they have from back when talented people still worked for them. I have no idea how people can be hyped for VII remake.
>and the face animations don't even fit the new models properly.
For a quick example of this.
>none of the FF subplots continued in KH3.
the mouse doesnt care about shitty japanese trope plots
They outsourced the FFX port to Chinese.
When did you first notice the heterochromia?
This is Rydia, aka the superior summoner.
It's funny Disney apparently had so much hand in KH3's development only to have the use of their properties this restricted. Or the development team didn't think Disney bosses were that important.
Dresses like a slut.
Ahhh, I forgot the lightning, yeah. They DID update some of the the terrain textures, I remember dumping the PC version and being taken aback at how high-res they were.
Which is why it took so long, I do remember that. The official reason being the PS2 was a kudzu and thus a pain to port from, which is probably true in the best case. I wonder why the main characters were so hard to work with, I would imagine it would be easier to just re-texture the existing ones.
If Yuna was (pretending to be) a pure church girl why did she show her back and sideboob?
I suspect Disney never thought of Kingdom Hearts as anything more than an odd side IP for the anime market, and that KH3 only got the focus it did because it had Frozen and Pixar and was finally on home console again riding over a decade's worth of hype. From what little I've heard about it in interviews Disney Japan apparently isn't that hard to work with.
came here to post this
She looks like she fucks dogs
I will forever be a Rikkufag. Legit my best Final Fantasy girl.
What was it about Tidus that Rikku and Yuna were both attracted to him? Was he actually as much of a chad as he pretended to be?
She does. I've seen it.
He was a Chad. Kept the group motivated enough to fight Sin without the Final Aeon, which was something that was balls to the wall crazy.
Too slutty. Yuna is for marrying.
>Too slutty.
It's more conservative than her gunner outfit.
She was too slutty in FFX-2 so anything she wore in that game was slutty.
I will never not be mad to them fucking this up. Not as bad as the Silent Hill HD version but for me, it's close.
Original Yuna or no Yuna.
Why won't you allow Yuna to be who she wants to be? Why do you force her to be tied down by peoples' expectations?
because they already had a character named riku so they didn't want to make rikku an actual character too, so they just made them fairies and referred to them as a group
Yuna is shit like FFX
I like the idea of Yuna kinda letting loose after having been brought up to sacrifice herself her entire childhood but X-2 went too hard on "WOOOOO FREEDOM INDEPENDENCE GIRL POWAAAAA"
Yuna was more like the gentle soul who likes to help people, not some bounty hunter or whatever the plot of that mess was.
I'm sure we'll get some spinoff in some random platform that spends 50 hours explaining all of that.
>not some bounty hunter or whatever
Treasure hunters.
That's why I like her KH2 design. It looks good but its minor differences from the X-2 outfit keep it from being slutty.
What about X-2? Did they do anything to that?
Is this traditional Al Bhed party attire?
Like 20 hours into the game back in 2004.
What do you think her piss taste like ?
Quality of the stories they're from aside, what do we think of Tidus and Yuna's post-X-2 designs?
and i forgot my pic
I was mostly kidding about the X-2 outfit, it is good but I sort of see some other character in it, not Yuna, not the one who was willing to sacrifice herself, not the one who wanted to give Spira hope for peace, who talked to all the people in the villages, wanting to help them. I see some shy clutch who wants to do whatever.
Really, what does treasure hunting have to do with Yuna? Rikku, sure. Paine, aka not Lulu, who cares. But Yuna? Fuck no.
How does X-2 run on the switch?
Didn't Tidus lose his head?
She looks like a cosplayer, I think it's the shape of the head that looks off. He looks like he's trying to imitate Jecht. Which is weird considering part of FFX was him overcoming his need of having to live up to his father.
Tidus is fine. Yuna, however, looks like a different person.
I like both. Heard those stories are really fucking bad though.
This. Might come from being a foreigner that has not lived in doom and gloom all his life, but Tidus (and perhaps Wakka) is the only character that doesn't have mild depression.
>Heard those stories are really fucking bad though.
A girl claiming Auron's daughter appears (though to be fair no on believes her).
Tidus kicks a bomb thinking it's a blitzball and dies by getting his head blown off, but then Yuna learns that summoners can use pyreflies to make objects (the example is making a boat out of thin air) so uses that to brings Tidus back.
Tidus and Yuna break up and I don't think they go into detail why.
Sin returns, ruining the whole point of the first game.
The whole thing ends on a cliffhanger that was clearly setting up X-3 but it was o poorly received in both Japan and the west I doubt it'll happen.
Wakka kinda has at first due to the Besaid Aurochs losing all the time but he does try to look at the positive side of things.
>Tidus and Yuna break up and I don't think they go into detail why.
>Yuna is jealous of Tidus's friend Marphie, but soon tells him she doesn't care anymore, and has already got another person she likes. Tidus asks who it is, but Yuna tells him it's someone he doesn't know and leaves.
> When Tidus asks Lulu about Yuna's new love interest, Lulu says she thought Tidus would know Yuna better and tells him to find out himself.
Yuna's new bf probably doesn't actually exist and she's trying to make Tidus jealous since she's jealous.
No one here will believes Lulu is your mom.
Greetings, fellow Rikkufag.
I know anime and Japan in general usually have weirder stories than the west but good god, what the fuck. I fucking hate this sort of sequels that try to nullify the previous one just for the sake of redoing it all over again.
>This two characters getting together at the end was a big thing?
>Fuck that, the sequel starts with them broken up just so that they get back together again at the end.
>Defeating this big enemy was a huge and essential part of the story and message?
>Fuck that, he's back.
Because that's what I was hoping for when I finished FFX. For Sin to come back and the whole point of breaking the cycle was all for naught. Fuck this.
Rikku is cute but consider this: cousins threesome with Rikku AND Yuna?
Paine's not invited, she's ugly
It sounds awful, but to be honest FFX-2 was already bad enough that I mostly pretend it's non-canon, even if it was some good fun to play.
Rikku or "no, thanks".
Seriously, what was up with Paine? She was the most throwaway character. She was the fucking Poochie of the world.
I really, really liked X-2's backstory stuff with the Zanarkand/Bevelle war, and the exploration of Spira post-Yevon, but unfortunately most of the game was just filler and fanservice.
Unpopular opinion maybe but I prefer X's combat over X-2. X actually has my favorite combat of the entire series.
Man, I am so used to seeing Rikku as a 3D model that the little style differences took me a second. Clearly not a fanart peruser.
I haven't seen all of X-2 and it makes me not want to finish, but conceptually, it made more sense to me when I realized that with Yevon being in a bad way and her being in a bad way with Yevon, her immediate options were Besaid or Cid's family- and Cid's family is both the side she never got know and the one traveling Spira and doing things. So it makes some sense that she might go with them for a while and get some silly clothes along the way, since Al-Bhed are Tetsuya Nomura desert rats drawn to them. There is an underlying question of what the successful self-sacrificing Chosen One does afterward, do the just start living "for themselves" the way everyone else does? But X seemed pretty clear that Yuna was making her contribution and deserved whatever life she got afterward. I think X-2 sort of talks around that somewhere.
I would never have taken Yuna down the long hair road. You can still see the outline of her short bangs and her eyes save her from Nomura sameface, but I kind of equated the hair with her as much as the eyes. Bandanna Tidus is nice, he doesn't present the same way Jecht does, more like a Locke ala .
I guess Lulu was too different thematically from what the Gullwings were going with to be included so they needed someone new.
I never got why people like the ATB combat. So often would I get my chance to attack only for the game to decide "fuck you, it's the enemies turn." The actual turn based combat of FFX is my favorite. I actually get to plan instead of smashing through a menu as fast as possible.
I want Yuna to kick me in the balls and make fun of me.
I don't know, maybe I'm just a faggot, but while most of the novel was bad I genuinely liked the stuff it said about the Zanarkand and Bevelle war. Things like this:
>There was once a mechanic called Alb who created a race called Bedohls, humans who could not use magic but excelled at wielding machina, and used them to combat a Zanarkandian mage. Their weapons were so powerful they were kept under surveillance at all times. It's speculated that their power might have been the catalyst for the Machina War. After the Yevon religion was established, the Bedohls were blamed for the emergence of Sin and executed in numbers, thereby casting them out of society. The surviving Bedohls were later renamed the Al Bhed, a corrupted mesh of their original name and their creator's name.
>As told in Final Fantasy X-2.5 ~Eien no DaishÅ~, summoners used to live on Besaid Island during the time of the Machina War, where they were trained to fight against Zanarkand while living a life of suppression regardless of their own desires. Bedore was the old name for the Al Bhed race, who were treated as the lowest class in society and worked in factories manufacturing weaponry and machines and were sometimes blamed for worsening the war. "Fake Bedore" were robotic Bedore created to help fight the war. They wore yellow suits and goggles, wielded long wire-like whips and were weak, lacking any battle prowess or agility. One day mages and assassins from Zanarkand invaded Besaid, carrying bombs that resembled blitzballs to eliminate the summoners.
Back in the day, I must've spent some 10 hours playing X-2 before realizing that Paine wasn't just Lulu through anime plot bullshit. I don't even remember her story. Yuna and Rikku are cousins and have the FFX plot spent together. Paine just kinda shows up in X-2 and everyone pretends like she was always there. It's so fucking retarded. Why not have her be part of Lulu's family at least, something to at least connect her to the rest of the cast/world.
>There is an underlying question of what the successful self-sacrificing Chosen One does afterward, do the just start living "for themselves" the way everyone else does
This was interesting but ends up being wasted with both fanservice and some retarded plot of the Machina and notTidus but it's sort of Tidus. It gets really retarded towards the end.
I've replayed FFX several times over, X-2 I'm always starting then stopping a few hours in. The whole things ends up pissing me off.
>carrying bombs that resembled blitzballs to eliminate the summoners.
This is where you know the good part has ended. The overall lore of Spira is pretty cool. When I first played FFX I remember thinking it was one of the first games I played where the world felt fleshed out. Things weren't just thrown in at random or because they looked cool, there was an inner logic between everything.
>Replaying game with Expert sphere grid on
>Just move Yuna to Lulu's section and teach her the high level stuff
>she gets more Magic boost nodes than Lulu so branching back and forth lets her do way more damage than Lulu
>Never have to waste time summoning a thing
Anyone else do this?
In general, summoning is useless anyway. Unless you whip up Yojimbo of course. You either take Yuna through the Black Magic/Lulu section or just box her.
I still haven't tried leaving the obvious paths outside of endgame situation. I should try it during some new playthrough. Also
>First time playing
>Yuna's only useful for summons and heals
>Get Holy
>Obliterates everyone
>Didn't Tidus lose his head?
Post the gif. You know the one.
I really liked both, X-2 was fast and enjoyable but X is among my favorite FFs gameplay-wise too. Good taste.
First time I saw this gif, I didn't even understand what it was referencing. It took a couple of years before I realized what it was about.
You and me, my man.
>treasure hunters
ok locke