>Playing as a moralfag in games
Absolutely pathetic
Playing as a moralfag in games
>Basing your own morality based on fictional games
Egoism is a spook
op plays chaotic stupid guaranteed
I don't give a fuck what you think is pathetic.
I play moralfags because that's how I have fun.
t. stupid nigger abusing poorly constructed meme
>Understanding that implementing your own moral code into a video game is absurd
>enjoy it anyways
My morality is my own and not imposed. If I choose to be benevolent to others it's because it's my choice.
I'm only moral when they are cute, so I guess that's even less moral than purposefully being immoral
Not when the only alternative is to be a baby eating satan-hitler.
How is property not a spook?
Rational arguments only please.
The ego is the biggest fucking spook of them all.
>telling me what to do
Fuck off, spook.
This is the rational response anyways, existence itself is an absurdity.
>Rational arguments
The only problem is that most games dont let you be genuinely bad, just edgy, I want to be a baby-eating warlord goddamit.
this but unironically
Everyone in this thread is a fucking spook
Except me
Something is only a spook if it is:
1. An abstraction
2. It controls you instead of you controlling yourself
I can rape a woman without rape being a spook.
You're thinking of me as you read my post.
This means I'm a part of your mind.
You contain spookiness and so aren't a non-spook.
Everything is my property in the sense that I am all that exists to me. A spook is a false idea that distracts me from realizing my own ego. Thus I am unique and everything is technically mine, or might as well be. So you could say there is "no property" but my property.
You are a spook
Blessed thread.
>there is "no property" but my property.
And you are its proprietor (pbuh)
Should I give the Stranger a read or is it only worth reading if you're still in high school?
>tfw you want to be a shitter but the game's options paint you as a mary sue
>rolling anything other than chaotic neutral
this, most anons misuse the word to excuse being sociopathic.
Mercy is a privilege reserved for the mighty.
It's a good read senpai and pretty short.
but it's more challenging this way
Camus is good regardless in or out of primary schooling. Of course read only what you're really interested in, otherwise The Stranger is an enjoyable read.
okay :)
My escapist fantasy is one where I have full power to improve everyones lives and the potential to always make the kind choice.
Imagine being a moralitylet and choosing anything else except the path of the good protector.
I only have fun if I'm a moralfag in games
none of you are happy
I'd rather play the role of the karmic trickster, bringing disaster to those who deserve it.
That guy is a spook in general
Actually, I think my ability to be happy with very little could be a problem.
What's really fascinating about Yea Forums is that seemingly every board's culture spills here.
What games let me mercykill the whole world?
I'd argue that can fall under the umbrella.
If, for instance, you were to come across a town ruled by a murderous oppressive tyrant, I think we could both agree that justice would be swift, brutal, and hilarious.
Don't rub it in, it's not even 3 I don't wanna break out the booze yet.
Stirner have gradually become a meme over the course of severals years, there's nothing weird in people meming him outside of Yea Forums and /his/
>mfw stirner posting on Yea Forums
Just kill yourself you faggot
>playing to accelerate the destruction of the in-game world
Moralfagging in vidya means nothing when almost every game steers you in that direction anyway. It always pays off better in the long run through more XP or the best endings. I want to see a game where making moral choices actually involves sacrifices and the moral victory remains the only one.
Global warming
If I get rewarded for it, sure.
True, that it would be.
>How is property not a spook?
It is.
>Antagonizing potential allies for no obvious reason.
How stupid can one man be?
You own yourself since you are yourself. All other property derives from that. What you earn with yourself is therefore yours and what you accept through a mutual transaction is also yours.
>several years
Anons on Yea Forums were stirnerposting before /his/ was even a board.
chaotic neutral is the only fun alignment
I play as a moralfag because it's more fun.
Do not try to out-Stirner me. You can never out-Stirner me.
Are you me?
>You own yourself since you are yourself.
That's not a given, though.
Kek. This gon b gud.
lawful neutral is better
And why not? It's not exactly fair to be shafted your own self from the outset, given that nobody had a say in their own birth in the first place.
Max Stirner was a fucking faggot like all german philosophers.
Property would definitely fall under both of those definitions.
/biz/ please go
Stirner was a fictional character created by Engels to troll Marx.
but videogames is the only place where being a moralfag is actually rewarding
>You own yourself since you are yourself. All other property derives from that.
explain how the second sentence derives from the first because you're taking it as a given.
>talking shit about based Schopenhauer and Freddy N.
Fuck you.
>t. /r/philosophy
>passing on sweet power ups just for good boy points
Not necessarily.
I have a large anime collection. However, at any moment I could easily burn it all to ashes and feel nothing. It's fine to own things, so long as those things don't control your actions or thoughts.
What the fuck is even happening
What I always disliked is how they gate content behind (often immoral) choices to simulate consequence.
It's absolutely fucking retarded and shows how incompetent writers and developers in general are.
If I call the cab driver a nigger, at worst we'll have a fist fight or he'll kick me out the cab. It wouldn't suddenly prohibit me from traveling to half the fucking city nor accessing goods and services.
Also different people have different standards in morality and behavior. Some even prefer actions others despise which leads them to behave differently toward you. You don't get -10 likeability
and a passive debuff. Fuck off, game.
I didn't so much mean personal possessions (though it would still apply) as property rights as defined by the state.
>Baby's first philosopher
The whole notion of spooks doesn't seem to favor anything that "should" be.
Fairness isn't about objective reality, it's about its evaluation.
The problem is many games wherein there is a direct correlation between doing the "good" thing, and being rewarded with more content, and unique items. Doing otherwise cut content off.
A big example of this is Mass Effect , many of the renegade choices had negative consequences, rarely did a benevolent paragon choice back fire.
It's a little disingenuous because that benevolence is always shown to be rewarded and never taken advantage of.
Schopenhauer is cringe and Nietzsche fans are cringe
Yes, property rights are only yours as long as you have a knife in one hand and a gun in the other
Property is a poor translation, and it doesn't mean what we use it to mean in normal conversation.
It was a pun, like fucking everything in Stirner. Property as in "I own this" and also as in "toughness is a property of diamonds". That second meaning is what leads the the first. The world is a property of yourself, because you experience it through yourself. When you look at a child in pain, you also feel pained, and that is a property of yourself.
Basically, it's just a reformulation of the milennia-old "I own everything because I own nothing, and neither does anyone else".
>Thank you for saving our village. We will never forget your deeds.
>You’ve been a good friend to me, that means something to me.
>If it wasn’t for your actions, everyone would be dead. Thank you,
>Nobody else will know that it was you who saved us, but for what is worth... I will never forget your sacrifice.
>It’s been a crazy journey here boss, but I am honored to have been fighting alongside with you. I could not ask for a better death.
>Thank you my Lord
>Thank you captain
>This world is a brighter place with you in it.
Sometimes being a moralfag is it’s own reward in itself.
That's why faction-based systems are inherently superior to morality ones.
>It was a pun, like fucking everything in Stirner.
>puns in other language
Now that just ensures no discussion regarding the thing will ever go anywhere, unless every single thread about Stirner has someone explain this.
The majority of videogames work on a non nuanced morality where good is rewarded. The natural reciprocation of good will encourage it.
In real life there's a less tangible result of doing good so it doesn't translate as well. It's fun to moral fag in games as change as a result of actions is evident.
Elaborate please
Does not having to defend property preclude some amount of control over you? Real freedom would be not having the need to even do that because you have no delusions of property rights or "defending" your property.
I like playing as a hero because no one admires me in real life
In games you get rewarded for being a moralfag and it actually makes a positive impact, there's no reason not to
If you have factions then calling the cabbie a nigger will, for example, make cabbies dislike you but will make the KKK like you more.
So rather than -10 likeability you get -10 reputation points with one faction and +10 with another while remaining neutral with the rest.
It accounts for differences in opinion and individual ethics where a regular morality system wouldn't.
>mass effect was never good
cultured and truthpilled
property is a tremendously abstract concept.
unless you define it as literally "might is right" "if you can't take it it's mine" feudal kind of shit in which case property LAWS themselves are clearly a perversion of the concept and therefore, a spook
Oh I get it.
Now I understand what made Fallout New Vegas's morality system more engaging. Also, shit on me if you want, but I believe Dragon Age 2 did the per-character based approval/morality best this decade.
half of what stirner wrote was puns and the other half was him satirizing contemporary writers that no one reads or cares about anymore. The whole reason he even wrote the book was just to take the piss out of Hegel and Feuerbach
Yeah, per-character adds further granularity (and is therefore more realistic) but also makes it a lot harder to develop for unless you have certain general traits (like kindness, selfishness, lawfulness, etc.) which you can map actions and characters onto.
>certain general traits (like kindness, selfishness, lawfulness, etc.) which you can map actions and characters onto
Oh fuck now you're tapping into my dream RPG repressed desires. Fuck, I wish I had the budget and the connections, I swear I wouldn't disappoint. I want a wh40k RPG so fucking bad...
How do I into philosophy?
>Implying moralfags aren't the best and most interesting characters to play
If there's one character type I love to play, is the zealot fanatic so up his own morality that he can burn down a village to get an heretic and still call himself the good one.
start with the greeks
Was le funny spook cartoon man even a real person or was he and his entire philosophy a shitpost
start with the Greeks
>dialogue options drastically change the game’s world
He was a shitposter that trolled Marx so hard he write a response bigger than the entire Stirner works, and then he didnt even published it kek
just make shit up and call people dumb if they dare to say that it doesn't make sense
>Was le funny spook cartoon man even a real person
>or was he and his entire philosophy a shitpost
also yes
>trolled Marx
>leftypol adores him
start with the greeks
start with the Zhuangzi's inner chapters
end with the Zhuangzi's inner chapters
start greeks
Yeah? They're either Ancoms and Leftcoms who steal what parts of Stirner they think are interesting, or Stirnerites who steal what bits of Marx they think are interesting.
Philosophy is the most useless """science""" of them all.
Virtuous and Daopilled
greeky starty
How is rape being wrong not a spook?
How is incest being wrong not a spook?
How is murder being wrong not a spook?
Stirner is good
>t.German idealism faggot
use your brain. reading other people's philosophies just makes you an NPC
this thread is owned by the Yea Forums gang
pride is a spook, and so is "the self" (my self is not)
Start with Plato, then Marcus Aurelius. Then Bible, then Saint Augustine.