It fucking sucks

>it fucking sucks

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Other urls found in this thread:

looks like God of War totally mediocre

It feeding seeds

looked generic as fuck
How can this be ”the biggest game of your career”
The söy hipster that was shouting all the time made me so fucking angry
God damn it i hate video games

It looks decent, but I'm not interested because Star Wars sucks and they're heavily referencing the Lucas and Disney prequels, both of which sucks major ass.

I really liked Titanfall 1 and 2, wish they'd make a third one.

looks fun to me, better than open world trash

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It looks okay, but it doesn't look too special.

Day One buy.
Only bitch ass Switcher Snakes are hating!

Combat looked great but the faces and environments look like shit as expected. Expect terrible writing as well

Do you think they changed the gameplay after seeing Sekiro? This feels so rough

>17 years later they still can't make better combat than the Jedi Knight games

Looked fantastic, are you retarded? It's basically The Force Unleashed 3 meets Sekiro. Game of the fucking year.

>It's another "cinematic" over the shoulder third person game with rpg elements and counter-based melee combat

second video game crash when

It fucking sneeds

Literally every Jedi Knight game is better than what this seems to be

>better than open world trash
That's true

It looks so fucking slow, a discount Sekiro

B-but its STAR WARS!!!!

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I wish I was into star wars to find this a little more entertanining than I am finding it

>0.05 has been deposited into your account

>another Empire setting

it's literally a reskin of GoW by EA.

basedboy shit

I thought it was going to be Titanfall movment + Jedi Outcast combat. Instead its Uncharted movement with Souls-lite combat. Really disappointed.

Can't wait for the crafting system bros and what about all those side quests? Totally awesome content bros can't wait to play another edition of every game made since 2014

People saying it looks like Sekiro have to be actual retards.

No, it looks good but maybe too easy. But if they don't fucked up with the story, is going to sell well.

fuck you, I like it.

How much is the mouse paying you

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It all got retconned and removed from existence by Disney, so no, there isn't

force unleashed was better

It looks incredibly average.

How long before EA is bankrupt? 2 years?

My biggest pet peeve is how there's no dismemberment. I don't need gore, but when a lightsaber slashes a trooper in two I except him to get cut into two pieces and not just fall over.

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It looks okay.

They described it as "faithful," which is a shot to the head of any Star Wars story in 2019.
Subversion is the only way to make this shit any good. Not surprised EA wouldn't let them get Titanfall 2 levels of crazy, bit I'm still disappointed.

yes very bland and not interesting at all.

why the lasers so slow

The combat is the same, it very clearly shows a posture break and execution system. Looks far better than Sekiro though.

Why are Switchers so hateful?

>tfw Raven Software is stuck forever doing cod maps instead of more Jedi Knight games

0.01 has been put into your account

lootboxes in fifa makes them billions
as long as lootboxes are still legal EA will be alive

>its another infinitychan racist fascist
I bet you dislike the Disney movies aswell


Even if the EU is gone, what's stopping them from trying new fucking plots and settings? There are thousands of years of history between Jedi and the Republic

Titanfall 2 was garbage and nothing was """"crazy"""" about it.

This. It's not like the wounds aren't instantly cauterized too

What was the game exactly like this but with crazy ragdoll physics?
Surely they'd feel obligated to make a game at LEAST as good as that one, right?

>Yea Forums complains about open world games
>Yea Forums complains about linear games
There’s no way to win with you guys

They already said as much when they first described the game.

Damn shame

Looked like star wars games from around 20 years ago.

If the levels were less set stages and more semi-open hubs then this might actually be a pretty cozy time.

>Looks far better than Sekiro though.

It looks fucking boring and it feels like there's some constant bullet time

any Star Wars product by Disney isnt Star Wars in my book

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you're being paid to post here

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>no dismemberment
>lightsaber having impact on hit like it's a fucking bat
>some of the animations look a bit janky (Respawn has always had a problem with this)
>needless dialogue
>combat looks really bland and way too easy (probably playing on easy mode)
>environments look washed out and have that "modern game trying to be able to run on base ps4 and xbox one" look
Anything I'm missing?

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Pretty much.

Looks fun.

>it has healthbars for anything better than a trooper

That's a shame that they went with that instead of just keeping it realistic. If my lightsaber goes through your limb it should be cut off. Not -50 hp.

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can't tell if this is 200 iq meta bait or a real shill

This was always my gripe with The Force Unleashed and the Jedi Knight games as well, but at least TFU 2 had it and Jedi Knight had console commands to add it on PC.

>why is this "conferenrce" so small compared to years past where they're on a massive stage with a big audience?

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>Respawn is making this game
So this is how Respawn ends, huh? After the flop that was Apex expect EA to shut down Respawn soon after this game launches.

Good games

The main thing I noticed was the character models are awful, especially the wookies, holy shit. Game looks kind of okay, I guess?

>Even if the EU is gone, what's stopping them from trying new fucking plots and settings?
Test audiences only liking the most generic and recognizable "Star Wars" things there are

How the fuck did it look so bad?!

I wasn't expecting much but holy fuck that game looks like trash

>its another Star Wars game where youre a rebel fighting against the empire

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Game looks bad but it being linear is an objectively good thing. Open world fags need to kill themselves immediately.

>let's make the most generic, derivative, piece of shit game we can think of
When will EA die already?

It feels very uninspired. The buddy droid literally looked like the fucking boy from god of war, the stamina bar under the boss health looked like it was ripped out of nioh, the climbing and general level design looked like almost all third party games ever. The time stopping shit and pulling things is ripped out of dead space. Like what makes the game unique?

Nothing says super powered force kung-fu monks like a stamina bar

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Might be worth getting on sale when it inevitably craters in price

>No dismemberment

>reeee freedom bad give me more cutscenes mommy

because it's not e3 its some budget cochella shit

did they explain how the combat system works? is it just an attack button or does it have actual directional attacks and different styles

Everything looks really rough, movement, combat, Normal Trooper AI acted dumb. Only thing I really liked was the Purge Trooper. Was this supposed to be alpha?

Might be decent, reminds me of PS2 platformers.

what if dante had a lightsaber

You cant expect a modern game company to make a game where you play as space nazis

lootboxes and sport games make them billions, just beat the faggots who buy them every fucking year and EA die.

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This is why I don't care
I don't care about the empire at all
Give me some god damn more people and histories in the literal GALAXY that exists in this setting than the stuff we always see.

Gameplay looks fun to me

Shilling should be illegal and punishable with death


>mfw all reviews will start with "The Dark Souls of Star Wars games"

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It's like Souls/Sekiro

i like respawn and i think the game looks fun but i don't really give a shit about star wars


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Only Jedi Academy had censored dismemberment and yes you could turn it back on.

the guy looks like a fucking neanderthal, what is up with that underbite
>when you go for the generic young white male protagonist and cant even get that right

Disney is afraid of touching the prequels for some reason

I might get it when it's half price or less.

>>lightsaber having impact on hit like it's a fucking bat

I agree with the rest of your points, but he was 1 shotting normal troopers and two shotting the ones with the staffs.

It looks so fucking boring.

Because companies are realizing that having a big show at E3 is just a big waste of money. Pretty soon every company is just going to do a Nintendo style direct.

It looks worth a pirate at least.

apparently this game still has a few servers going

FIFA needs to revoke its license. Until then, EA will survive because of dumb soccerfags.

Shills are on high alert

why do you always use that picture? might as well use trip code at that point.

I'm actually positively surprised, the combat looks a lot like souls/sekiro and much less scripted than expected, I love that it's not simply whacking people with your lightsaber until their healthbar is gone

definitely a day one pirate from me

No, but I should expect something more than using the same tired empire vs rebels plot. Give me some ancient Jedi shit or something.

You have no idea what I'm talking about, so stop trying to act like you do
Animation impacts have nothing to do with how much damage he's doing to an enemy

I like the freeze/slowdown mechanic.

>FIFA needs to revoke its license.
>expecting one of the most bribed and corrupt organisations to do good shit
kek user

What you think made this game so special?

I still play it from time to time. I think it's definitely how freeform the saber fighting feels as well as the diverse attack options.

Prequels > Originals > All Disney shit


I liked it, I don't expect it to be nothing more than another Uncharted clone
All I care about is Jedi Knight vibes which I got
I really wish they won't fuck up the combat system

>tons of races in the Star Universe
>play as yet another straight, white Male
That's gonna be a a big fucking yikes from me.
Luke, Kyle, Dash, Anakin, Starkiller, and now this white supremacist.
It's all so tiring.

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Because whiny fucking nostalgiafags want more OT and fuck everything else. If it's not OT or after it might as well not exist.

Looks like your typical generic triple A western stars wars game. Except made 15 years ago.

>yfw EA is still alive only because third worlders and niggers brainlessly buy their football games

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Anyone else feel bad for the Stormtroopers? They gave them really sympathetic dialogue clips.

But think of the console players and check your mouse+keyboard privilege!

While I never liked nu-GOW combat it never looked as bad as this

Nothing will beat jedi outcast with the realistic sabre cheat with blood.

is kyle katarn in any of those guff comics they put out ?

Force Unleashed was inferior to Jedi Academy, this trash looks worse than Force Unleashed.

It looks fine. Take off your nostalgia glasses.

It allows them to fully control the message. See how the crowds is wholly positive about their products. Things like red shirt guy can never happen again.


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actually thought it looked alright, obviously keeping in the mind that the difficulty is far reduced

might be fun, and I fucking hate star wars

I'll be playing a real game instead

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Will the story be linear?

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It will be fun for 5 minutes

It's a real shame Respawn went for soulslike combat. I was hoping for a 1st person lightsaber combat game or something similar to JK. The are FPS devs after all.

It looks decent as is, these E3 demos are scripted as fuck and played by people who are bad at games, so I don't want to judge it too early.

Was there niggers?

>they cancelled amys game for this shit


There's a difference between a linear game, and "Hallway in to setpiece in to cutscene in to hallway" """""linear""""" game.

>Things like red shirt guy can never happen again.
huh? video?

>The Force Unleashed 3 meets Sekiro
Specially with that fucking slow ass combat
At least in the force unleashed you had fun slashing soldiers and you move faster

Thats shit lmao. Play jedi outcast when summer holidays start

Ooops, wrong game.

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>star wars has so many innovative and unique alien species

Dropped. Not even Jizz can save this game.

This. I wasn't even a hardcore EU fan, couldn't tell you wtf happened after the OT but FUCK Disney canon. It's absolute cancer and not my SW

Discordtranny get the fuck out

Go hang yourself
But dilate first
This guys made Blizzard lose millions of dollars with this simple question.

What fucking rock did you just crawl out from, retard?

>It's a real shame Respawn went for soulslike combat
I'll play it for that alone desu

unless they get banned from making sports games, they have a scrooge mcduck money vault from all the whales who buy that shit every year.

Honestly I see this game as a way of EA trying to win back a more "hardcore" crowd, whether it works or not is another issue.

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unironically not wrong but Yea Forums drones can't judge things anymore with how jaded they are.

It looks okay
I wish there was dismemberment like in the jedi knight games though

Why was it so SLOW? Is it a game for grandpas?

>Looks far better than Sekiro though.
Why are you so fucking contrarian

There appears to be a handful of combo routes with quickstep dodges and long rolls to evade. Besides throwing your lightsaber, using Force Push/Pull to grab stuff, and what seems like a handful of contextual parries, counterattacks and kill animations, that's about it for melee combat. Without seeing what those skill points go into, there's no telling if the melee options get to expand.
Can't really nail it down to one specific game, but you can loosely draw parallels to mechanics from Souls/Sekiro/Nioh/Bamham/AssCreed/Darksiders3/GodOfBoy/whatever.

>he wants fast meme
Go back to CoD

kys shill

It's for FIFAfags, first things to host asked to devs is to describe the game to soccer retards.

Extremley based

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Ah god damnit who is this guy again?
I've seen him, my god it's Taka from FFXV. Why did they choose him?

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People like you is the reason Rei exists, now keep consuming this fucking crap while the rest of us wait for ea to lose the fucking license


What's it about?

Is it open world? Do you create your own character? Are there dialogue/RPG options?

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sounds exactly like sekiro desu

Always do.

>those graphics

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literally looks like uncharted with lightsabers or a more cinematic and less gameplay focused outcast/jedi academy fucking YAWN

It still baffles me how retards like you are on this board despite everyone posting the info about it when it was first revealed

generic 3rd person linear action game with lightsaber combat similar to Souls games, doesn't look bad

The stormtroopers literally do nothin wrong
Theyre just normal soldiers doing their job

From what we've seen: very linear, no character creation, no dialogue options.

that shit looked so incredibly boring it was unreal.

>doesn't look bad

The combat itself looks bland as fuck

disney will not touch the SEU with a 10ft pole

>prince of persia but replace sand powers with force powers

I flipped through the whole thing, not much new except they reiterated its Metroid style exploration where you get powers and can go back to earlier areas to access new areas and they looked at games like Metroid Prime and Dark Souls to design a world that people could explore

Thats a disappointment.

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Movement, saber combat and great force powers

Jedi Outcast pulled the same thing, and it has Stormtroopers who might lift their hands up to surrender if they lose their weapon.

boring slow hack and slash with focus on story
lightsabers work like glowing sticks
memey dialogue
extremely linear and boring level design
hold a button to deflect all shots fired at you

looks shit

>that shit looked so incredibly boring it was source engine

>limbs and body don't get cut off or split in half

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>that Chad Jar Jar

Fucking kek.

Seethe elsewhere faggot. The OT is the most overrated trilogy in existence.

Really doesn't look good but the thing that bothers me the most is that it seems like Disney is heavily involved. From LE QT ROBOT^^ to all the REMEMBER THIS shit it's pretty apparent.

I don't mind it being a straight white male character, I just want it to be an actual character with a good story and good gameplay. Story and character wise it seems super generic star wars stuff. Empire bad, some downtrodden orphan hero with no personality besides good, fight the baddies with the Force (mostly just your lightsaber). All generic so far, it can use those generic tropes but give me some interesting stuff please.

Gameplay I haven't seen at all so far.

It looks really cool. Meaning it'll get downgraded, be extremely linear, and total 2 hours of gameplay.

>star wars in 2019
Well, yes, it does.

Because they are unpopular, and only Zoomers like them. And only ironically too.

I like the robot boi and the game is really pretty.

fuck you guys

Outcast had dismemberment on consoles, just watered down slightly.

Hey ho i literally took a screencap of a youtube video. Your doom saying has nothing to do with the fact they picked the same face/voice actor as Taka the bean lover from FFXV, why this guy? So weird.

yea I agree, Souls combat is bland
but if the feeling of lightsaber combat will be decent then it'll be good enough for me


Fuck off disneycuck

It's gonna be a decent action romp like God of War 3. Same director.
It's basically a nicer looking PS3 game.

the fact that it's not another TFU already makes it interesting, I like that there seems to be a dueling/posture break system and regular troopers die from one lightsaber hit like they should, that aspect reminds me of the old jedi knight games along with the slowdown, I just wish there was more dismemberment

This combat is arguably worse than standard souls combat from how shallow and slow it looks

Fallen Order? I would rather say: Fallen Pre-Order.

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In what way is this even close to Sekiro?
If anything it’s more TFA 1 meets Uncharted but with less combat ability opitions and more movieshit with BRAVE POC REBEL FIGHTERS that nobody gives a fuck about.


The only thing I was hoping for was the combat to be like Jedi Outcast and it was instead generic Force Unleashed crap

>“He comes in contact with a mysterious lady, a former Jedi Knight named Cere (played by Debra Wilson) who thinks she has a shot at restoring the Jedi Order,” Asmussen says. “Cal is skeptical of the mission, and unsure of the Jedi Order, but he believes in survival. She makes a pact with him: ‘If you help me out, I’ll help you finish your Jedi training.’ For him, that’s incredibly enticing, since he needs all the tools he can to survive.”
This is a Jedi in the current year.

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>How can this be ”the biggest game of your career”
Most people don't actually work on great games ever in their lives. Shocking I know.

>I like that there seems to be a dueling/posture break system

So it's discount Sekiro?

even Force Unleashed looks better than this

>Actually thinking the Prequels are remotely close to being as good as the originals, let alone better
Your contrarianism has gone too far.

That kind of overly done linearity is still preferable to open world trash, IMO, but with that said, I'd expect the environments to be bigger than you think. Look at Titanfall 1 and 2.

>Purge Troopers are jobbers

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why places like that exist? same fucking joke over and over again until the fucking Sun explode.

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>i like the robot boi
Is especilally designed for effemenite faggots like you
Swallow more Disney cum

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>R1 characters out of all people are the ones doing cameos

>Crying about niggers again
Get over it, /pol/cuck

western devs are better off copying from based japs when making action vidya

Is this Uncharted meets God of War?

It would be better if you couldn't survive a vibroblade cutting you in half 5 times in a row. I actually really like how you cut through stormtroopers like butter, but that also makes it feel really weird when you slice through the elite trooper and he doesn't die, or when the elite trooper slices through you (and you're wearing NO ARMOR) and you don't die. I think it would be super cool if the lightsabers and vibroblades were realistically deadly and you could not afford to get hit.

>no idols
>no posture
>no grapple
>close shoulder camera

whoa this looks like sekiro

do they have to intentionally make the uglist fucking ape creatures they can? why cant they be cute like that chick from Fable 3

>entire level is completely static
>no physics objects aside from ragdolls to fuck around with using force powers
>not even fucking barrels or crates to chuck around
What happened to physics in games? It feels so lifeless.

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He says while reposting the same gif over and over again until the fucking sun explodes


You're killing me with these awful comparisons.
I knew Yea Forums had already turned into an underage trashfire but I don't need to be reminded every five seconds.
Kill yourselves all of you, I don't want to share the same board as people whose only knowledge of action games is "MUH DARK SOULS".

>That kind of overly done linearity is still preferable to open world trash
Not really, no.

I mean looking at the gameplay itself just copying something good poorly isn't the greatest idea

fucking nazi fuck off

I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed. Truthfully the most generic star wars game imaginable.

It actually looks worse.

I won't even give you this (You).

What does it mean to use job as a verb?

>opens map
>3d map appears as a hologram beamed in front of me
>oh its a straight line

yeah I get it you hate the game already

I just watched it.
Art direction wise? Beautiful. Example: the scene where he looks at the firefight going on from a distance and the way it lights up with red and blue blasterfire is perfect.

Everything else looked generic and, frankly, boring. This is a game that would benefit immensely from some charismatic characters talking while you're essentially just walking through a corridor killing braindead AI, but instead you get the most boring protag in history.
They're too scared to stay in-canon within star wars to let them have any actual fun. They don't want to repeat the pants-on-head retardedness of force unleashed. but that game owned up to it and took advantage of the wacky edginess and went all out. This game looks like its holding back and it suffers for it.
Like every other new piece of star wars media, they're just trying too hard to be authentic. It's so afraid to try something new
and stand out that it just comes off as bland trash.

It's just too fucking safe and boring like almost everything else from the new star wars.

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the inspiration is fucking obvious though, brainlet

That fucking light saber is like a bat it doesn't cut shit.

I don't hate it but I wasn't wowed by the gameplay, it's just looked like basic tomb raider and uncharted traversal mixed with a simplified Zelda or dark souls melee combat. The only real highlight is the star wars skins but that's about it. It looks competent but safe.
Also the fights are too short(perhaps it's set on easy in the demo) and not enough enemies between fights. They kept stressing that it was 3 hours in played by an expert player, but that's pretty much your average player 5 hours in, so it's not really saying much.
I wish there weren't so many interruptions between fights, the graphics are gorgeous, and story bits are nice but I want to focus less on scripted events and forced vista shots, sprinkled with shallow climbing and spread them apart some more so we can have more combat, and the scripted stuff and story aren't as frequent and interrupt the flow. In that 15 min demo the player gained 2 skill points, again maybe it's because it's on easy but it all just feels to close to each other.

>Souls-type third person combat
>Red unblockables
>Situation where it looks like parries are used
Yeah it's discount Sekiro

It just looks like a shitty "The Force Unleashed" without the cool stormtrooper physics.

What a waste.

it was far from pretty, lots of grey and brown and the models themselves look quite dated too

Only Japs are allowed to make cute black women nowadays.

It was made with love

how can you know it's bad when you haven't played it?
inb4 shill

This, that's all these retards play and think that's what all action games are.
You clearly haven't played any other action games in your life soulsfag.

Fuck off faggot

It looks fun but the empire soldiers are really fucking slow


sorry, next time I'll pretend that Souls games don't exist and obvious Souls inspiration in Fallen Order don't exist either
also, the enemy locking system is literally ripped off, the camera works exacly the same way

sekiro didnt invent any of those things you retard

You could replace the lightsaber with a sword and it wouldnt make any difference.

>giving a shit about Star Wars post Disney buyout & EA deal

it simply doesn't exist, if it doesnt have lucasarts interactive on it.

i ain't fucking playing it.

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>I like the robot boi and the game is really pretty.

>fuck you guys

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>everyone that likes things k don't is a shill, the thread

>played by Debra Wilson
Wait the MAD TV Debra Wilson?
I’m now slightly interested.

Unless you're a Japanese developer

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I think the models lighting is what made them look so weird, and it doesn't help that one of them was a real fucking person.

The environment does look really nice, obviously hard to tell from a compressed youtube video.

He’s not crying about niggers, he’s referring to the Jedi padawan only not giving a shit about the order and only rolling with it for personal power and survival, you nigger tranny

>no dismemberment

>Art direction wise? Beautiful.
>Everything else looked generic and, frankly, boring.
This has been the Sony mantra for the past 5 years.
I don't like this trend.

>no arkham battle system

>it's too fucking safe

This was what I was afraid of. No taking chances and exploring more of what the Galaxy has to offer. It's a fucking shame.

it's not like the action genre is rich in various combat systems, it's all a handful of japanese games since the early 2000's

I don't even like starwars or want this game you fucking dipshits.

Job is always a verb in this context, not a noun. Lurk moar, newfag

Demons Souls invented enemy lock-on

Saw is the only person actively trying to undermine the Empire between ROTS and ANH. The Rebel "Alliance" is stuck with self-politics keeping them from actively fucking up the Empire like Saw does, until Luke comes along and kills millions.


I just want a decent star wars game
It's been over a decade now

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being open-world or linear has nothing to do with why this looks like uninspired trash

Gotta keep that rating down.

Dude the OT is just a bunch of dumb fun films. I grew up with them, I love them, but they are overrated and very simplistic. The characters are not deep or complex, neither is the plot for the most part. The art and setting are the best parts, the story is just a hero's journey which is literally a brainlet tier storytelling device anyone can do.

The PT meanwhile has the hero's downfall which is way less done, so it felt much more fresh. The characters were more complex and nuanced, and weren't just likable stock tropes anymore, Lucas risked making some of his characters unlikable so they'd have more depth to them. The story was on a much grander scale, that too me, even having seen the PT years and years after the OT, feels much more memorable to me. When I think of Star Wars story now, I actually default to thinking of Anakin's downfall and Sheev's scheming, before I think of Luke's Rise and Anakins Redemption. The PT has the better story by far. And as with the setting and art, PT wins hands down no contest. The PT was basically "McDonalds Arthouse" made by a Vulgar Auteur. The OT is just a blockbuster (the original blockbuster really) where creative control was slightly more distributed and towards the end became about selling toys.

There is no inspiration.
You're fucking stupid.
Dark Souls did not invent 3D melee combat.
It didn't invent lock-on.
It didn't invent low camera angles.
etc etc etc

this game is essentially a dark souls but without the difficulty

looks like a very safe investment that will definitely turn a profit and get good metacritic scores and a GotY nomination, doesn't seem to be doing anything interesting at all and at face value it seems to be way more shallow than older games that did this type of game better

So instead of bamham combat it's mediocre and exceedingly slow souls-type combat

Is that supposed to be better

>Please for the love of God can the gaming industry just pick a different nigger to put in every single fucking game to show us how woke they are. There are plenty of hot ones. How about the one from GoT.

But what the fuck does it mean?

The two most based posts in the thread

I think this is where it lost me

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We're in the dark times of the EA monopoly.

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I didn't say that you brainlet
again, compare how camera behaves while on lock on, compare the roll system, parries, attacks
it's quite obvious

>heavily referencing the Lucas and Disney prequels, both of which sucks major ass
I only watch movies with ugly minorities and penisless SJWs whacking stormtroopers on the head with sticks lol fuck white men lol

We're here just to suffer user.

ok then, what sort of games do you think fallen order drew inspiration from? surely the way the camera behaves, the combat pacing, dodging system etc is all just a coincidence and not at all influenced by souls

The Prequels were unironically better than Nu-Wars

It's like the Universal Century of Gundam. They'll always go back to it.

Yeah but there's also that robot there in the end

I was not impressed either.

Are EA literally trying to make a Sony exclusive here? I mean think about it.

>Sony exclusive games sell millions of units
>Sony gets alot of goodwill from fans for "saving single player games"
>EA's reputation in the dumpster for years
>Suddenly comes out with this

It's got the same behind the character third person camera, the climbing segments, QTEs and it looks pretty cutscene/story heavy.

They may as well just called this game GoW: Lightsaber Edition.

It means lurk moar

Extremley based and prequelpilled

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The Jedi Knight games had dismemberment and were tamely rated. It's not like there was any blood flying out of those cauterized wounds.

So this is what you boomers like?
Corridors and cutescenes ?

Open world meme > corridors meme

There was one shot where a trooper gets his waist split open, but it was the safe kind of lightsaber wound.

even if the gameplay was amazing I wouldn´t get much enjoyment out of it.
since it is a modern star wars game made by dice the story is going to be full of sjw/feminist moments about how much white men suck and women "slay"

the ultimate contrarian position
I bet you think Batman v Superman is a masterpiece

I personally don't like these realistic looking modern AAA games that play like interactive cinematics (as in easy mode). I guess that's why I'm mostly a retro gamer.

I love Star Wars, but not so much lately. I'm not really that hyped for this after all now.

Dark Souls is just OoT with more challenge. The took something old and presented it in a new way.

How is the lightsaber combat?
Is it good, or trash like force unleashed?

not even worth pirating lole

It was just a burn decal, not actual model splitting or deformation

Outcast was rated T for Teen

>shit acting
>awful CGI
>lots of plotholes
>let's pretend that prequels were good because muh politics wow so deep

Neither of those are inherently good you double digit IQ smooth-brained cumsock


ur a fucking retard you fat peice of shit go dunk yourself in onions and absorb disneys cum through your bug man exoskeleton you fucking faggot retard dumbass you probably kiss girls faggot

It's not K2, though. Even in RO we saw that he wasn't the only model in use. nucanon has them all over the place in Imperial installations.

most likely it was played on easy for the stage. and it's also probably an early mission or even a vertical slice.

>generic protagonist played by the gay joker from the shitty gotham tv show
>rogue one references
>babbymode dark souls combat
>scan everything meme
>literally on kashyyyk which was the first level of force unleashed 1
>"original" new trooper is just a grievous bodyguard in human form
>light side only

Good for you user

>Sony exclusive games sell millions of units
Son exclusives don’t even sell that well, and they definitely don’t sell well enough for EA to copy them when literally no sony exclusive sold as much as ONE fifa sold on PS4 alone.
>Sony gets alot of goodwill from fans for "saving single player games"

le angry gamer.

Grow up.

It's Dark Souls except you can Force slow, push and grab people so far.

I think capeshit is shit.

what an original and insightful post

that's what I thought

way better than force unleashed
but still inferior to jedi academy

this looks even more boring than eve onlizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


there were no lightsaber enemies shown so it's hard to say.

lightsaber impact looks too heavy. like being hit with an iron club. dont like that

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>How is the lightsaber combat?

Looks like slower and worse souls combat

unironically your average capeshit flick has 100x better writing than any prequel

You know damn well it wouldn't fly with today's standards where vidya is a sanitized safespace.

You should know that Yea Forums fucking hates video games.

not even him but your are a mong games like OOT had lock on combat like this. You are a fucking zoomy retard ADHD riddled mongoloid cow tit sucker

There were literally 0 plotholes u were just too dumb to understand it
The OT fairytale story is more your style


>wish we had high ground

>imagine being this wrong

it doesnt look that bad cant compare to others SW since i never play them still its the generic linear experience we have these days, better wait to see it on release

those jugs aren't

This game has:

>double jump
>grappling hook
>wall running

>still boring af

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>le bugman manlet capeshit lover

yes, I'm certain the fallen order devs drew inspiration from OoT and completely overlooked dark souls and sekiro


Oh you're one of those types

no, I grew up having watched the OT released in theater in 1997, then grew up seeing the Prequels. All better than nu-Disney wars trash.

>Movement, saber combat and great force powers
You weren't a fucking superhero either. I hate how they turned jedis into that shit after Clone Wars. Before that all Star Wars lightsaber stuff was just fencing.

Really clunky, like he's swinging a bat. Also the blade itself looked like shit.

P-Please buy our game Prequelchads...

Like swinging a fucking baseball bat

All the acting was good though, especially Hayden's. I bet you think it was bad though because you don't understand his character.


No just bad composting on Ep 2 because it was literally the first digital film ever fucking made and it had never been done before. Ep 1 and 2 were literally pioneer films in terms of tech. Regardless lots of the sets were miniatures or real sets with props and just a few blue/green screens here and there. Also it was early 2000's, compare the PT CGI to other films CGI at the time like the Mummy or the early Harry Potter films. Then remember the amount of effects shots in each.


Literally none. You are just brainless.

>I grew up having watched the OT released in theater in 1997

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Yeah, why having force jump when you can have amazing double jump?

name one recent game with dismemberment rated for teen

nah not really. OoT has a lot more emphasis on (bad) puzzles and the combat is never as involved as Souls

So 12 hours (if we're lucky) of beating dumb ai with a glowing stick. Why is this so hard for them? No one wants a game like this.

Caspshit is written to be instantly likable for those with low IQ and no taste whatsever.

Likable does not mean good writing.

>b-but he was SUPPOSED to act like he's not even a real person!

Looks shit

I wanted to see him do shit like jump into the air, THEN force pull a vine or something to swing off it. The fact that you just stand still, pull a vine at you, then run with it and swing is so fucking lame. And the wall running being locked to only certain special walls is terrible as well.

Man they're trying hard to win the prequel crowd back. That first trailer had some Clone shit in it too so I expect more stuff like this.

Looks like Sekiro mechanically. High damage output, most enemies die easily, so no baseball bat sabers, but no straight up dismemberment so far.

>MFW E3 is off to a great start
Only the Harry Potter game can save us now

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Not that guy but
>not seeing the OT remasters hit theaters in 97'

Probably all of 30 people saw it back then

Once again, we continue to find more examples that show how bad the Empire really was at exterminating all the Jedi.

>skilled jedi hunters
>can't do more than a healthy jog

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Show me the cute Fable 3 black chick

The Special Edition of A new Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi in Theaters when it came out in 1997.
I'm 28.

>it's just like dark souls!
kill yourselves

97 was the 20th anniversary remaster

nigger, you are fucking stupid, i bet you think you are so smart repeating the same garbage over again without a clear understanding of high IQ vydia such as myself. Dark souls isint the only fucking action game that does this, its been done before by countless games. Get a brain transplant.

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at least he's white.

Remember that the 1999 Mummy and the Harry Potter movies all had practical effects out the ass, more than their respective amounts of CGI. The opposite is true for the Prequels.

>No plotholes
That doesn't mean the writing isn't garbage.

I was disappointed by the lack of dismemberment. It's especially bad when fighting the big spider creatures. The voice actor for the black guy was pretty terrible too. The platforming was so simple I can't even really call it that. Getting the character to get to a certain point and then have the droid hop off his back and hack the console or whatever got stale pretty quickly. Also when he's in the corridor with stormtroopers at the end of it you can clearly see the stormtroopers have the exact same shooting animation and do a weird pause, standing stock-still, in between their three shots.

>No dismemberment
>Sabers are glowy bats
>Combos look like he never held a saber before
>Force attacks seem like everything is on rails
>Literally effortlessly blasts apart a door, but a storm trooper can resist a force pull
I miss the mountain dew anons

The problem is that it looks like it's only on scripted platforming sequences, being able to do that mid battle for movement would be better, not like I care either way though

But they both have simple combat systems based around locking on with the ability to strafe, dodge and block enemy attacks. Souls definitely expanded on Zelda combat, since as you said it was a secondary mechanic, but the ground work is there in both games.

>meme´d some terrible movies so bad that people now belive they are good
Rian Johnson shit is much worse than the prequels but fuck they arent any that good

I want everyone to focus on the guy on the right. especially at 0:06.

you're the autist if you can't see how dark souls literally defined the modern action genre and how every other dev tries to emulate their formula

>He doesn't know how to g_saberrealsticcombat 1

Stop giving these fucks money. Star Wars is dead, bury it.

without the clones, who were literally engineered with the goal of killing Jedi in mind, the Empire can't do shit against force sensitives. That's why it's up to the Inquisitors and Vader to do it.

>We looked at the structure of Metroid Prime closely,” says Stig Asmussen, Jedi: Fallen Order’s director. “Early on, I looked at the cadence of getting upgrades in Metorid and we mapped that out. Ours in Jedi: Fallen Order is nothing like that, but it was a good exercise to go through. I think [Jedi: Fallen Order’s approach] will feel fresh; it’s not exactly like Metroidvania. We also looked at games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls that have the same types of methodology. We studied those games and they inspired us to find an experience that works well for our game.”

All this research for a straight lined map.

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Hopefully the slow mo is intended as a crutch like witch time in Bayoneta and not central to the combat like witch time in Bayoneta 2

Those are scrubs with melee batons user,.

EA's conference is always shit. Honestly Star Wars looks better than 80% of the stuff they normally show which are just Sports, Racing Games and Mediocre Lootbox Filled FPS.

Everyone knows Microsoft's conference is where E3 really begins.


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>assblasted at the mere mention of souls
makes sense

Would you call KotOR I or II open world or Jedi Academy? Cause those are the kinds of games these guys should be striving to emulate.

This gameplay looks so generic and boring, with retarded AI too. Nothing was really interesting. It's basically an interactive movie. God, this trend is just to get normies, I swear. Normies don't like having to think or make choices or be challenged after all.

I think it's cool that it doesn't have a minimap

Even though they added some stupid shit, it was fun getting to see them in widescreen in the theater instead of on tape.

>EA game
>SW related
>Excepting anything better then absolute mediocrity


>ass blasted at the mere mention that a game isint soulslike
makes sense

>dark souls
OoT is more of an action game
>inb4 the euphemism for rpg-lites that let you control your actions rather than rolling dice means a game is an action game

>minimap for a linear game

they literally stated that in the game informer interview retard. The issue is other devs implementing the combat halfassed.

You don't need one. Literally just walk forward.

>Generic third person action game with stiff traversal and all
why respawn

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He literally was. Not only did he have to put on an accent (that's not his real voice in the films), he also had to emulate James Earl Jones vocal cadence. He also had to play someone who was emotionally suppressed and on the breaking point, and also sexually frustrated and with no outlet. He was raised to be a celibate monk, but while all the others from his cast were raised from infancy, he joined late at age 10 and had a taste of normal life and upbringing beforehand, he was too old, Mace was right. He couldn't adjust. He had that taste of real living, of emotions, of love (for his mum), or lust (for Padme, the angel) of hate (for Greedo who accused him of cheating in the podrace) before, and he suddenly had to forget all this or he would be expelled, yet he was also apparently the chosen one so he had so much to live up too, and expectations put on him. He was an extremely conflicted character. Hayden Christiansen is an excellent actor, just look at his body language, and subtle facial expressions in ROTS in particular.

The only problem was in composting since TPM and AOTC literally pioneered these methods of film making. So compared to later films which perfected it, based of the experiences of making the PT, some of the PT looks bad, particularly AOTC because it also being the first ever digital film. Almost all sets, props etc were all real practical effects.

Fun fact, the sequels are actually almost all greenscreen. Way more so that the prequels. Go look at set pictures of Jakku compared to set pictures of Geonosis. Geonosis is a fully constucted minature with actual sand and modeled hives and all that shit. Jakku is a fucking greenroom with a ship prop and a few boxes laying around.

>Ours in Jedi: Fallen Order is nothing like that
It fucking shows.
What's the point of studying concept if not to apply then and instead shit the bed with your own OC garbage

Seethe more

>linear game
>mini map
how smooth is your brain, amigo?

>literally engineered with the goal of killing Jedi in mind
Yeah, remember how great Jango was at killing Jedi? When he instantly blew his cover after meeting Obi-Wan, then in their battle instantly expended/wasted all his gadgets and tools, then still couldn't take out a single jedi starfighter despite having the superior ship and bombs capable of blowing up an entire asteroid field. And that time he got rekt by Mace Windu in three seconds. And that time he was hired to assassinate a no-name senator and sent a second assassin to do it. But he did kill that one dinosaur reptile man Jedi, so technically you're correct in a sense.

Let's not forget how great Boba Fett was during his encounter with Luke on Jabba's skiffs.

do you think modern war is based off of call of duty retard

this, if it has a Hard mode it'll be fine

>our game will feel fresh since it’s not a metroidvania
Shit, what year is it?

There will probably be more open areas later, otherwise they would not have bothered with the holomap

Based prequelchad

I guess we are never getting a decent SW game now, huh

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I'm glad Respawnfags got blown the fuck out.
Titanfall was painfully average and they never did a single good game unless you're a console kiddies with no standards.

>Fun fact, the sequels are actually almost all greenscreen.
Yes, and? They're garbage too.
There's only two good Star Wars movies, and they're just okay. Jedi and everything after is terrible.

Read this part brainlet

>The took something old and presented it in a new way.

Which is absolutely true. Dark Souls lock on is literally an evolved form of Z targetting, get fucked.

It just looks incredibly mediocre to me.

>The game's prologue is set in the Jedi Temple during Order 66 complete with clones voiced by Temuera Morrison

Attached: ooooooooooo.jpg (480x534, 18K)

go post more hilarious memes lol

>remember how great Jango was at killing Jedi?
remember how Jango aged at twice the rate as a normal human and went through literally a decade of combat training every single day? oh that's right, he didn't. the clones took the base Jango and modded it to be better.

I actually don't think it looks that bad. Much better than I was expecting to be honest.

If the full game has deeper combat and actually challenging, well-designed enemies and bosses, I might actually buy.

why do you need a map when there aren't any choices to make besides forward and backward?

>Dark Souls lock on is literally an evolved form of Z targetting
Something Zelda still has problems with to this day. They didn't learn shit.

nearly all the Jedi that survived order 66 were off-world from Coruscant when it happened. The only survivor in the Temple so far was the librarian. Kal's Order 66 prologue will be on some random planet battlefield.

>this cat shit is tasty. at least its not dog shit
kys you pathetic shill

Is there any footage of lightsaber vs lightsaber combat?

After all these years Jedi Academy is still the only game that gave me that thrill.

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The fetts are a joke we know

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its made for faggots like you real chads play hello kitty

>Game looks like absolute shit
>"Gamers" everywhere say it looks incredible
Fucking why

>ROTJ is bad
>it's a Star Wars Duologist fag

Why didn't you say so from the beginning so I could have just ignored your faggot post. Literally the worst part of the fanbase.

>target locking

Jedi: Fallen Order looks great. I don't think it's gonna shake anything up game design wise, or like, evolve the genre its in, but it is taking a ton of great gameplay elements from already awesome games(God of War, FromSoft), and I think for a Star Wars game, that's enough.
We don't need anything revolutionary from Star Wars for it to be great. We just need a game that doesn't suck.

>Metroid Prime
>one of the least Metroidvainia game in the franchise
Wew lad. No wondder they went full corridor shooter when they think Metroid Prime is open.

Good lord...

Obi Wan isnt some punk rando Jedi dude, hes actually extremely skilled, keep in mind he defeated Anakin who was known as an amazing duelist. It would be stupid as fuck for even Jango Fett to kill Obi.

>Boba Fett was during his encounter with Luke on Jabba's skiffs.

He isnt a clone though? Why bring him up?

Peak example how far behind the western industry is, catching to fucking early 2000 Japanese games

Ha, ye're a queer fellow

P-please Respawn...

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It looks fun.

>If the full game has deeper combat and actually challenging, well-designed enemies and bosses
It's a western-made melee action game. What you saw today is what you'll get.

Remember how the "effectiveness" of the clones as jedi killers involved such masterful techniques as shooting people in the back and jedi master Ki Adi Mundi standing still on a bridge like a retard for 10 seconds watching as the clones formed a firing line?
This could've been accomplished by droids.

Because gaming is dead

The interview fyi

Not yet, too early to blow their load on the showing the Inquisitor in action.

jedi academy 2 duel servers are some of the comfiest places on the internet.

I've already chosen to completely boycott Disney some time ago so it's already garbage bin crap to me. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change that, and I've already told all my friend to avoid all their media.

The problem is the combat looks dull. The enemies in the game footage barely attacked, and either just stood there or ran at the jedi just to become fodder. One of the enemies seriously just taunted the player, no attacking, no defensive stance, nothing. The fucking stormtrooper just taunted and then proceeded to get lightsabered. I'm so tired of braindead A.I. The move repertoire might be impressive too but the combat doesn't really look flashy at all or stylish.

I don't know what's going on with E.A. this generation but holy shit this reminds me of something we'd get last generation.

It's not Jedi Outcast. That's all you need to know.

it's a competently made star wars linear single player game, it's perfect for the modern gaymer that anxiously awaits every new overhyped AAA release and forgets about it a week later

>MC is a youngling who manages to survive Anakin's slaughter and is hellbent on a mission of vengeance.

Is Avellone writing this game? I feel like I heard that somewhere but dunno how deep his involvement is.

Looks like GOTY to me.

That's a funny way of saying everything original by Disney sucks.

You're replying to eight people, all of which probably played numerous modern FromSoft titles, who all agree that there is objectively a Soulslike approach, pacing, and camera to the combat system.

It looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, faggot, and the devs even implied they took inspirating from numerous sources, including Dark Souls. This shit ain't up for debate.

God the protagonist is ugly as fuck, he has a huge underbite, looks like a caveman.

I can't even look at this slow combat anymore, after I have played Sekiro.

>known as an amazing duelist
>gets his ass rekt (along with obi-wan) by dooku
Now tell me how in the Palpatine book it's stated that Dooku was the greatest duelist of all time somehow but never passed those skills on to Qui-Gon who got rekt by some 22 year old zabrak nobody that obi-wan then killed

And Boba Fett is a clone, an actual clone. Unlike the troopers who were genetically modified clones, so technically not clones at all since they weren't the same.

>no stealth mechanics
no thanks

The stormtroopers with blasters just kind of stand there too. They don't move around very organically during the battle, and it seems like the number of shots they fire per volley is limited to keep the difficulty down.

>MAD TV Debra Wilson
No fucking wonder I thought she looked familiar in Wolfenstein.

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>all my friend

There should be like 10 enemies in that room at least, and they should all be moving faster

Let me be the shill's advocate here and say that yes, they probably did just copy God of War 2018 because of themes and shit; the guy was just a padawan who never completed anything when 66 happened, and he survived because he's not a stagnant old fart like those jedi. But what I'm wondering is... why? There's got to be a better combat system to give you a feel that
(a) your character is a newfag who's rusty at whatever it is that he learned years ago
(b) combat is enjoyable and not repetitive

Why are prequel defenders so fucking autistic? They're bad movies. Accept it.

The prequels are high teir art, only 300+ iq individuals understand this tho

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No dismemberment in TFU was disappointing at the time, but then I got over it because I liked creating chains of enemies holding hands while being pulled about in the air

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Son, I'm a big fan of melee-oriented games and a huge CUHRAYZEE faggot. I've beaten DMC3 on DMD and am definitely better at action games than most people on this board. This game looks like a step up from most Western melee-focused games. It could've been much worse. At least it's not Arkhamshit like it looked like it was going to be.

I hope not.

>Would you call KotOR I or II open world or Jedi Academy?
Absolutely not, no.

I don't understand why scout troopers don't have sidearms in this game.

>It's a western-made melee action game. What you saw today is what you'll get.

As much as Yea Forums pretends it's bad, GoW 2018 ended being way better than it looked at e3 where it was a literal walking simulator retards meme it to be.

Honestly e3 demos are pretty trash at showing off how a game will actually play. Either they set overly high expectations, or they underwhelm the fuck out of everyone.


fuck off, kill bill was good

His lightsaber is facing the wrong way again, just like The Force Unleashed. PLEASE don't do that shit. If that's in the game, then I'm not getting it.

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>absolutely no games based on the new trilogy
>no games that take place in the time of the new trilogy
Remember all the fucking games we got from the prequel trilogy? Holy shit even EA knows the new movies are complete shit.

Enemies deal so little damage. They should increase the difficulty

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>Dark Souls lock on is literally an evolved form of Z targetting, get fucked.
It'd argue it's an inferior adaptation of it, since the lock-on system in FromSoft games has always been clumsy as fuck, but most melee-focused games with a lock-on system tend to mimic Z-targeting to some degree.

Good? Sure. High art? No.

I dunno, force powers look fun. The AI just needs to be more reactive.

>Skill point acquired
Why does everything has to be an "RPG" now?

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Why don't you just accept you have bad taste and genuflect to us prequelchads from now on by default in every Star Wars argument?

Boba Fett is a clone though, his aging was just slowed so Jango could have a "son"

They should make the enemies not retarded; that should up the difficulty at least a little bit.

Spotted the redditor

Force Unleashed 2 added it in and it seems kinda underwhelming for some reason. I guess dismemberment seems kinda underwhelming when those are clean cuts with no blood at all.

Poor man's Lady Snowblood or the Vengeance trilogy.

There needs to be more picking up stuff and throwing it at enemies.

Weird. Looks like he is trying to interact with some wall monitor.

This image legitimately makes me angry.

this fucking based

Just from that description alone I can already tell she fell to the dark side and will be an antagonist later in the game. She literally sounds like the "extremist ally ends up betraying you and becoming as bad as the villains" trope.

Holy fucking based

GoW 2018 was still far from a great game though.

His aging wasn't slowed, it was normal. The troopers' aging was sped up. Whether this is the standard for Kamino-made clones or not I don't know, that wasn't stated in the movie.

Why don't you dilate some more?

killing younglins

>Oh wow that alpha footage looked really rough but at least they'll have a few years to polish it u-
>release November 15th 2019
another one in the trash

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Low iq OT boomer

>Nufront 2 hasn't had a shred of Sequel content since launch
>Clone Wars update after Clone Wars update
Prequelbros just keep winning

Well they were right, it's just force unleashed without the cool shit

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You don't understand user, anything popular is automatically bad. This is true for all mediums.

why can't the jedi just kill people from a distance using the force?
wouldn't it just be easier to just start snapping necks using the force so you don't have to engage in combat?

why couldn't anything be written well in star wars?

Empire>RotS>New Hope>RotJ>Phantom>>>>>AotC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nuWars

not denying the quality of the game but you realize pretty much ALL gameplay publicly shown is always in an alpha stage?

Because Disney want to nostalgia wank the OT as much as possible. Honestly I'd be more receptive to this game if they tried to set it in a new time period, pre clone wars. OT is overdone.

Oh shit nobody couldve seen this coming.

Attached: 593DC9B3-F49C-4C16-8983-2B252C317862.jpg (1334x750, 82K)

Good image.

the force isn't unlimited power