Star Wars Uncharted: Dark Souls

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>No lightsaber burns on the environment as it touches walls/floors
>dismemberment looks to be for EPIC CINEMATIC KILLS only
Seems like an oversight considering how much flipping and dodging you're doing with it.

Looks more like Uncharted X Sekiro. mite be cool

zoomer retards simultaneously calling this a ripoff of dark souls, asscreed and sekiro in the chat was the only thing worse than that gameplay

Wrong, it's basically God of War 3: Jedi Edition.

Looks like a decent enough action romp. The amount of interruptions is annoying, I guess they're all hidden loading screens. Also this is probably one of those games you need to play on the highest difficulty to actually pay attention to the mechanics.

lookin pretty slick

Looks great. Been waiting on a good jedi game since Jedi academy.

Oh also doesn't look like you use guns at all

Looks way too clunky

Only complain is that it seems to easy, parry shots instakilling troopers is dumb.

>Lets make the force unleashed again only not as cool and lets also clone Uncharted but without the quality

looks like uncharted in terms of graphics and playstyle, but also where the fuck is the dismemberment? star wars fans getting cucked again

looks like a snoozefest

where were you when EA won E3?

E for everyone my friend :-)

Generic trash.

a jedi... this is what I trained for...

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The jedi looks so fucking stale and has no flourish to his moves. It looks like they gave a generic vidya character a lightsaber. Even the raven games built on the fucking quake engine gave the jedis sweet flips and saver moves, and that was 2004? The jedi outcast demo where you find the sith in the hangar and he just stands there mocking you until you close in had 1000x the style and atmosphere this thing does. The battles looked fucking sweet too. Press f to spit on EA.

i fucking hate soulsfags thinking dark souls invented this kind of gameplay

Jedi die no times.

There you are. I was wondering where did you go when you vanished from ign live chat user.

was he a baddie?

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>Jedi Knight games are still better

demons SOULS?


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It felt so dull to play and the animations didn't help quite a bit.
Compared to Uncharted the visuals are so ugly, and climbing sections seems really more a gimmick than anything else.
I mean, really, that was soooo fucking retarded to see done by a Jedi.
Also, the combat seems so bland, lacking any sort of impact feedback.


I can't. Pity me to had believed in this project. Another SW trash. See you in the Supermarket Recycle Bin for 10$

souls has always been known as baby's first game for a reason

gameplay would have been better with the frostbite engine, third person battlefront 2 style

Did I miss something?
It looks like the automatic blaster deflecting like in the old games.
They also had melee “parrying” clinches, etc, but it was all just attack timing and rng

Not that infantry was ever a challenge in Jedi Knight, they should add snipers and more troopers.

Unleashed was unironically better

I mean Slow was an ability in the KOTOR games
IIRC. Though using it on mechanisms seemed weird considering in older games you would just continue using the Force to hold it in place, adding tension by relying on you to keep holding that button so you don't kill yourself

>complains about stopping time when force speed and force stasis are both basically that
>doesn’t complain about the Jedi padawan communicating with the dead/reading a corpse’s memories

force speed + force stasis?
I mean it was already a thing in kotor and force speed had similar effect in academy.

>looks like uncharted in terms of graphics and playstyle

No it doesn't.

Holy fuck so many underage retards saying this it's ridiculous.

the fuck does it look like to you then?

Like yo mama.

There are hundreds of cool environments in star wars, why the fuck did they show it off with a boring uncharted jungle

For fucks sake in a game made 17 years ago you go to the slums of a city planet, the spires of coruscant, tatooine, a prison colony, and a planet of living shadows

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>like yo mama
>'holy fuck underage retards'


Looks soulless

Yeah, but they don't work like that...

Can't compare to sekiro, this isn't open at all there's no stealth. this is a linear action adventure experience I don't care for these anymore.

>showcasing a game that steals half its combat from Souls in the easiest setting
what the FUCK where they thinking?

Bounty hunter was so fucking good

doesn't it though?

Yo mama jokes are boomer as fuck now, grandpa

looks like generic garbage. It's like they took The Force Unleashed and threw in some cinematic Uncharted/ Nu-raider shit.

underaged retard

>Dumb running animation
>Cool wallrunning
>Nice one hit kills on grunts, whether by blaster deflect or normal slashes
>Stasis like power
>Nice blade on the lightsaber, and we can apparently customize it and level it up or something
Honestly? I could see myself buying this. Expected way worse.

>camera control taken from the player roughly every 90 seconds so you can take in the cinematic experience of opening a door

Like a mix of God of War (original trilogy) and MGR.
Uncharted didn't invent climbing, or being cinematic, or enemy banter. And obviously this game is not a third-person cover shooter with regenerating health, it's a melee-focused action game.


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It was a parry mechanic. The miniboss even had a stamina bar under their lifebar that when drained let the player do a critical which is kinda like Nioh as well

that’s what she said

>No dismemberment
Automatically unrealistic shit, ruins the entire function and appeal of lightsabers


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Those jokes sucked a dinosaurus cock far back when my grandpa was an little shit.
Do i classify as boomer being 23 tho ?

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top kek yolo

I even liked (((Battlefront))) 2 but this looks boring af

>cool wallruning
Honestly looks like retard-proof designated wall running surface (tm), Jedi Academy had like 5 ways of traversing that area and you could just wall run anywhere.

boring ass mary sue

Greg Miller is such an insufferable shill. Every time he opens his mouth it feels like the most disingenuous bullshit that spews out, no matter WHAT he is cover.

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>sekiro and nioh invented stamina bars
Weeb cope, but yes the game looked like garbage. Unsurprisingly.

>3rd person cinematic game with a companion
Western games are so shit LMAO

Show me a recent game that handles stamina the same way. And I ask for recent because triple AAA mainstream is always copying what's trendy

I was expecting some pretty generic Uncharted clone, but this looks so fucking bad it ruined my day. Guess I'll replay Outcast.

The newest God of War, which predates Sekiro by a year.

Looks really cool though.


I'm liking what I saw, But I'm disappointed by the glaring downgrade in the visuals.

God of War's doesn't work by parrying though

Open wide for this load of weeb shit.

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>It felt so dull to play
How did you get to play it?

>moving the goalposts
Parrying exists in a metric shitton of games so I shouldn't even need to list them.
If you really need an action example there's MGR.
If you really think that Fallen Order ripped off Sekiro WHEN SEKIRO LITERALLY RELEASED IN MARCH 2019, I can't help you. You can't make a game in 3 months, at least not an AAA game.

>moving the goalposts
I said "handles stamina the same way" not just has stamina. And yes I do think that Sekiro took inspiration from MGR like it took inspiration from Nioh

>enemies waiting in line
>Uncharted climbing
>mini bosses deal chip damage
Here's your Sekiro easy mode bro.

>Games have genres
Holy shit OP, you just blew my mind

What do you mean? They took the black guy out.

I'm giving EA and big fat F

Jokes aside, It looks less-detailed.

I called it being a Souls clone way back when it was announced as an “action RPG”, which pretty much just means Souls clone these days

New tales looks like kino. Poor try fag

>gets fucking destroyed by Desann
>gary stu

>opens wide anyways

Souls games are just describing narrow halls filled with hard-hitting enemies and clunky physics.
Hardly Action RPG.

Looks fun. Day 1 buy for me. I liked Force Unleashed and this looks similar to that.

Are you literally fucking retarded? Force speed literally just makes you run or attack faster, just speed enhancements and force stasis only works on living beings, not fucking stopping time itself.

Looks good, i'm excited for it

Nah, it's Uncharted of War: Fallen Order.

I fucking wish, instead it's God of War: But Star Wars

Too be fair about the burns on the environment it is a alpha.

>Prince of War: Uncharted Order

Enemies need to be more aggressive
Enemies need to deal more damage

The mini-boss with the staff dealt almost no damage to the player.

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Why do zoomer keeps calling it a soul clone? It look like an average action game. Has this place became journo-tier ?

Just watching the footage now.
>All those stormtroopers at the other end of the hall standing and waiting while the MC runs up, going one at a time to fight a fucking Jedi who takes them out with one swing
What were they thinking showing that?

The point is perspective though. If you're moving fast, everyone is moving slow. It's super speed, the game just uses the perspective of everyone else slowing down instead of you moving faster.

If you seriously can't comprehend that then you're either a brainlet or 10 years old.

The amount of damage he was doing is pitiful.

In what way is it like a Souls game

Blade of darkness

Holy fuck why are the faces SO BAD. This would have had 3 times the budget of any RE engine game and the faces and facial animations look fucking garbage.

I kinda expected it to be cinematic garbage made for console toddlers, but I really hoped it would be a new contender to the Jedi Knight games. It seems Star Wars will never catch a break with Disney holding the leash.. Fuck this gay timeline.

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What is Putin doing there?

It needs to be as basic and easy as possible, otherwise the general zoomer/console user won't buy and complete it.

>God of War 3: Jedi Edition.
lol no way, it even has the reticle and camera perspective from the souls game while GoWIII was almost fully an arena spectacle action with combos, crowd control and aerial game

and Rune before it, but the most refined implementation is still DeS

sorry master sidious..... but I must go all in... just one last time...

Holy shit talk about by the numbers combat and level design.

Combat is too easy.

>I kinda expected it to be cinematic garbage


>thinking this looks remotely close to jedi knight precision saber combat
this is another shovelware game like TFU

Why is it so trendy to make games with no actual mechanics now? You have your fake "varied" gameplay with setpieces that you practically press a button on to interact with in a fixed way (stop this fan with force power, run along this wall, climb this wall) and then even the combat is mediocre looking epic cinematic shit

Even something like dead space did it far better with the stasis/ kinesis systems and how they intuitively worked with the environmental puzzles. Dont even get me started on something like prince of persia when it comes to this downie "mobility". Id rather see a game do one or two things really well instead of this cookie cutter AAA asset flip with a star wars skin

t.Angry shill

journos complain when they play a game that has a learning curve of more than 5 minutes

Summed this up so well.

no, it seems like Jedi Knight canned saber combat, vs. Jedi Outcast "precision" saber combat

>The Force Unleashed 3
after I learned it was OT era my standards were already low and yet somehow I come away completely unimpressed. Sorry Respawn, better luck next time.

nigga i ain't planning on buying this thing, but you are fucking retarded for pulling the "heh. Movie" card. DUH.

All new Star Wars material looks exactly the same.

>Sekiro brainlet edition

The actor is good, also is gay. How come whenever there is a white protag he is gay?

>muh EU

How come it's less detailed and has worse physics than Force unleashed, which came out at the start of the previous console generation?

His running animation bothers me

Looks like shit. Jedi Outcast is nearly two decades old and outdid this game in r ery department except graphics

>uncharted/nu-tomb raider gameplay mixed with nu-god of war combat (dumbed down version of souls games combat)

yet it looks outdated, slow and boring, even compared to those 3 games it's ripping off

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t. Angrier nigger shill
Kotor 1 and 2, Jedi outkast and academy where SW games and didnt need all of the setpiece bullshit in this game. Kys nigger

It's the only way a white guy can still have enough minority points.

This game looks like shit but it'll be mega successful because it's Star Wars.

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>ever not gay

>prince of persia
Imagine if WW was released today

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>successful because it's Star Wars
not anymore, Solo flopped, TLJ had disappointing box office whereas Marvel capeshit remains succesfull
it's not a tendency anymore

>Animations look terrible
>EVERYTHING lacks impact, even the sound design. The sound for turning on and off the saber is pathetic
>The lightsaber also looks off and no dismemberment makes it seem like a baseball bat
>Saber doesn't interact and leave marks on the enviroment. Fucking Jedi Knight did that in 90's.

It looks like they ripped off The Surge or something. Terrible stuff

real talk Battlefront 2 looks superior to this shit, looks better because of the Dice engine, and is faster, better lightsaber combat

>Wrong, it's basically God of War 3: Jedi Edition.
except it's doesn't look anything like God of War but yes like a son of Uncharted and Dark Souls

>run successful 30-year old franchise that prints money into the ground in just 5 years

Combat system looks like they aimed at Dark Souls and accidently hit The Surge or Knights of the Fallen. Everything is floaty and lacks impact.

Let's not kid ourselves. This garbage is a blend of Uncharted, nu-Raider, and God of Soi - all trash games that sold big time. This game is going to print money.

this 100% stolen combat and enemies (number of said enemies in a arena and the way they behave) from nu-god of war tho, just the lightsaber instead of the axe and some jedi powers mixed in

>muh movies
The only film that was ever worth anything was Empire, without 'muh EU' this franchise wouldn't be worth shit and because of the romanticizing of the movies we are close to rounding out a movie trilogy of rehash. And because of the movies no one is ever really gone, so I personally cannot wait for the spin off miniseries on Disney+ about Biggs Darklighter. Fuck off faggot.

You might actually be retarded
Also Demon's Souls. Sekiro has no stamina system, by the way.

Not him, but plenty of SW games in the past didnt have this cinematic generic bullshit formula. God I wish consoles just crashed and burned with the ps3 and xbox360 - vidya would have been so much better nowadays.

I like hoiw "gamey" it is. It's not trying to be full on cinematic garbage, which is nice.
But they need to fix the animations for basically everything.

It'd be a match made in heaven if they let Platinum develop a Jedi Knight sequel, instead we get this braindead glorified QTE crap from a no name studio.

No it wouldn't, it would not exist.

play jedi academy and outcast

have you even played the Jedi Knight games? they're not about ebin juggle 1000-hit combos like Platinum games

>white, gay, male
finally a protag I can self-insert as

>Everything is floaty and lacks impact.
So they did get Dark Souls. Dark Souls 2.

I hate how obvious it is that theey're ripping off of Uncharted and nuTomb Raider. Remove all the shitty automated climbing sections.

the EU is overrated fanfiction, as soon as I learned they made a stupid concept such as supernova i checked out, it was good for an MMO concept but they ruined even that, you had your chance, tough break

Why do all modern games go for the photorealistic cinematic experience? It looks cool in the trailer but once you're in game the mechanics expose themselves as shallow.

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When EA showed that its an """alpha""" you JUST know that the end product won't be the same and it will be far worse

> It's not trying to be full on cinematic garbage
did you watch the gameplay?

Might be worth having some fags LP running while I play darkest dungeon

Uncharted storytelling and dark souls gameplay seem like a pretty fucking dope combination.
Too bad the setting is basedboy-tier

>I personally cannot wait for the spin off miniseries on Disney+ about Biggs Darklighter
I personally can't wait either for a show that some retarded director will use as an thinly veiled outlet for his/her heavily laden left-wing propaganda echochamber.

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Rather it not existing than this fucked up timeline where everything (even down to the fucking story) is casualized beyond redemption.

>I will make you HURT

>dude platinum lmao

Yeah.. The combat seems to have a lot of thought put into it and looks pretty fun, even if it's a straight up rip-off. Too bad all the animations suck

tfw no Vosa gf to style on Ventressfags

I can comprehend that but they literally don't stop time or fuck with time itself at all if you really know what time actually means. The game makes you think they're fucking with time but you're just really fast and have special abilities.

only JKA had dismemberment and that was only after putting in console commands/mods.

>thought put into it
>attacked by a giant spider
>very little damage
>dodge and immedietly go into a ohk cinematic animation
Sure consolepleb, the combat is really deep lol

Looks good. Not amazing, but competent.

I saw almost 0 verticality in the trailer

The game looks fine, nothing groundbreaking. That said i couldnt care less, the star wars movies have killed any joy i had left for SW.

Based and Katarnpilled


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Why do stormtroopers keep shooting at Jedi when they just deflect their shots?

People underestimate just how many zoomers haven't actually played any videogames made before the PS3/360 generation. In a couple of years, you'll be seeing a lot of younger zoomers who will have had their start with the PS4/X1 generation and have never played any games made prior to that generation.

And even though I said zoomers, I reckon there are a lot of older people who have just gotten into gaming right now and also have never played any games prior to the current generation. Remember: gaming is constantly becoming more and more mainstream and hip. A lot of people who 5-6 years ago would have never even considered getting into videogames are now getting into them.

Since we are mentioning Dark Souls, think similarly of all the people in the coming year who will play Elden Ring because they are George RR Martin fans. They may have never even heard of Dark Souls or From Software before, but because they want to consume any media made by GRRM, they will buy a console/PC to play Elden Ring.

Did this stop every other star wars game throughout 1995-2006 from having good gameplay?

The reveal trailer looked better then this shit.

instead of this gay shitty game what star wars games should i play

This is objectively false you dunce. I did a fresh install of JO last year and there was plenty of dismemberment. That was one of the advertised features

Cute robot. There were a couple of gameplay "nods" at the jedi knight series which is pretty cool and the combat looked alright if a bit simple.

it's okay but it could be way better if it was a little bit less cinematic and linear
I hope that they showed only the first level which is intended to be way more cinematic and linear and the rest of the game will be more metroidvania-like open
why would they put the 3D map then?

Right? Oot’s z targeting had it first.

Is it because everyone is raised by two gay dads these days?

onions wars

>dumbed down Sekiro for retards
So... this is the power of Respawn...

Sekiro is already a dumbed down version of Ninja Gaiden with a hookrope.
So what does that make From Software besides lazy?

Being a mary sue is literally the point of every video game story ever.

>be a company focused on making FPS
>get told to make an adventure action game
EA's retardation never cease to surprise me
Page 81 of CGW's review
"And if [Stormtroopers] are unlucky enough to meet your lightsaber, they can get their limbs sliced straight off"

It's really sad. But I think I'm finally starting to come to terms with leaving this hobby. It just hurts to see shit devolve and regress so much from back then.

this game is going to be shit, isn't it?

the game`play shown most likely is on easy mode

>walk for 30 seconds
>cut scene
>walk for 45 seconds
>mini cutscene showing tie fighters fly overhead
>walk for 30 seconds
>mini cutscene
>walk for a minute
>combat segment
>walk for a minute
>cut scene

Yup. Sure is uncharted all right

No. Play a good rpg one day.
Watch the consolebabies clap.

We could have had Bounty Hunter 2.0
Fuck man.
Gonna go and see if this game emulates well.

>the slums of a city planet
Uh akshually it was a space station

You also forgot based Malastare. Fuck me, what a great game. Excellent story to, should never have been de-canonized.

Please tell me it's possible to emulate this shit? I heard PS2 emulation is pretty choppy.

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