What's the worst experience you've ever had with a Videogame?
What's the worst experience you've ever had with a Videogame?
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Morrowind doesn't deserve this bros
mini helicopter mission in vice city
VR missions.
A Stargate puzzle game on Gamegear
I didn't know it was a puzzle game when i bought it
Reaching the end of Demons's Souls and failing against the final boss multiple times only to realize that his level reducing ability was permanent.
Re-rolling Ironman starts in Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis IV. There are certain countries like Trebizond, Byzantium, Granada, etc. that you HAVE to get specific starting situations or you have literally no chance to succeed.
It's so monotonous and I wish you didn't have to be in Ironman for Achievements.
online multiplayer
PS4 crashing and me loosing all my data that I autistically failed to put on the cloud storage......it still hurts
You haven't played the MGS2 VR missions right? That ordeal is on a whole new level
God of War. Challenge of the Gods. That one where you have to ride that platform upwards while dealing withe the most annoying enemies in the game,
I can't think of one.
I've done a lot of fucked up shit in video games, but I've always enjoyed it.
trying to get F:NV to stop stuttering. I have all the fixes, got rid of NVSR since it doesn't work anymore, and tried literally every single variant of settings in the launcher. All still gives me stutters, especially when loading textures
I'll never see 60FPS FNV in my life, and I have a PC that can run 4 instances of VR games at max settings
Sounds like you're running out of vram
I thought it was funny. Get dabbed on, neckbeard
quick question, I usually have Yea Forums running in the background when playing F:NV (firefox). Could it be the problem? cause so far even without the firefox open it still stutters
Also, how the fuck am I running out of vram?
Same but with Oblivion. I can't get fucking mods to work on that fucking game.
fallout new vegas crashing 10 minutes after i started a new save.
When I almost got a fire cape in Runescape only to have the jad minions pile on me in the last second, this was just after the fight caves released in 2005
>taking a shit in public bathrooms
Only degenerate American pigs do this.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what the Boston Tea Party was about.
do you wear diapers?
any dream sequence in an RPG
I didn't like it.
No. I have a healthy diet unlike your american fatass and take shits every morning before I go out for work. I’ve literally never had to shit in a public restroom. The thought of it is super offputting.
Realizing after X-hours what a mindless and grindy waste of time Darkest Dungeon really is. It fools you into thinking that there's gameplau but there really isn't, except for the bare minimum of strategy (durr hit enemy). All the time put into the game felt completely wasted after that since I never really had fun, I was more playing it for the challenge it claimed to present (dude, it's so hard!)
A bit the same deal with the NuComs, but there it isn't that they are grindy, it's that they rely too much on randomness plus weird non-intuitive strategies (as an example: flanking the enemy is an actively bad strategy since you'll just activate more enemies, scouting is also bad, etc). They are ok games, but they were really frustrating to get into when you were used to trying to use "real" tactics
bought it at release and don't remember if it was 49.99 or 59.99 but either way it was the most I've ever wasted on such a piece of shit lying advertisement game
I dunno about worst but my first time playing Illbleed is pretty high up there.
No, he has a street
As a kid I didn't know where to go in the pyramid in Beyond the Beyond and the encounter rate/ samson's curse gave me legit ptsd for the rest of the day.
Turns out your just suppose to grab this one item then leave.
The entirety of Final Fantasy XV, but if we're just talking one specific occasion then Cat Call Tower in Okami.
>I have autism that makes me superior
Yikes dude
you're probably a manlet, normal sized people have to eat enough calories that causes another shit usually in the late afternoon.
Buying the collectors edition of Oblivion, thinking that it basically would be Morrowind, but bigger and better. Realized after a few hours that I basically had been lied to for years, all faith in the gaming industry and media died after that and I became a full time pirate.
Who the fuck cares about achievements?
I had this happen to me that the game wouldn't work no matter what.
Literally all i had to do was remove new vegas anti crash ironically (Seems to give trouble on win10?) I'm only 3 hours of gameplay but the game hasn't crashed.
However, when i hit escape all my options are greyed out and i can only access the MCM. Any ideas?
>*shaking uncontrollably* unlike you PIG DOG americans I'm deathly afraid of pooping anywhere that isn't my home
That makes zero sense, since larger peoples would have larger stomachs and intestines and thus take larger shits
how the fuck do you alt tab out of a bethshit game without crashing
Only recent one I can remember was Dark Souls 3. Looked like shit, played like shit, none of the tactics I had from DS1 carried over. Quit when I got to that fatass tree.
borderless windowed
Does guild drama count?
If not, losing hardcore characters in D2 is probably the worst I ever felt playing vidya
>Does guild drama count?
god I hate guild/clan cunts so much
no one ever had a sense humor
would always join one and like to mess around a bit with people and what would almost always happen is that I'd offend the one married uggo obese cunt that all of the guys in the Guild wanted to fuck and get kicked the same day as joining
>none of the tactics I had from DS1 carried over
Turtling? I don't know, DS3 had more aggressive options and they tried to put the good shields in later game, but I still hold if your good at 1 Souls game you should be good at the rest.
How is that autism?
You got it right that I’m a manlet lol. I’m 5’4 128 lbs. But I’m gay and have a tall boyfriend so height doesn’t matter for me. I probably have more sex than you.
And yes, I eat at most 1600 calories a day. And who cares. Eating is fucking nasty anyways.
It’s more of a disgust thing than a scary thing.
>I’m 5’4 128 lbs. But I’m gay
You’re fucking pathetic.
>a literal homo fairy faggot manlet limey twink bastard who takes it up the ass every night and eats like a fucking mouse
>scared to shit in bathrooms
It makes sense that you find it disgusting to shit in bathrooms. It's scary and foreign to a little bitch who leaks liquid shit out of his prolapsed anus.
Not him, but there's nothing more pathethic than trying to bully random strangers over physical appearances that they can't help.
Have sex or whatever.
Actually I’m pretty masc. Everyone always thinks I’m straight.
Second half of Dark Souls 1 is filled with bullshit, still love the game though.
Playing Dark Souls II at all
Recently? Picked up Nu Dawn rather then restart 5 again and it's every bit as bad as I knew it would be months back.
I prefer to not shit in public restrooms but will if I have to. Pretty sure holding shit in is unhealthy.
But I 100% refuse to shit at my new job, its construction and the portopotties or whatever they're called are so fucking nasty.
I'll still piss in them though.
Playing through the majority of superstar saga and then accidentally loading a savestate at the start of the game.
>5'4 and only 128 lbs
loosely lost your data?
you broke the game, it has nothing to do with anti-crash it works fine on Win10, the problem is the stutter remover. reinstall the game and run the game before you install any mods,
reinstall the game
here's a guide for mods if you are a braainlet
Fallout new vegas crashed and also completely killed my 360 when I was maybe an hour into the game. A pretty shitty combo
Use cheat engine for the first war with the Ottomans and then turn it off. You'll still get achievements. Sure, it's cheating but what you are doing is costing you literal days of your life.
Imagine what?
Game works perfect no crashing, no stutters, nothing. Only problem is if i hit Escape, the save, load, options, quit game etc are greyed out, i.e can't acces them.
I can tell you’re an insufferable cunt.
found the fix in seconds
download the update file from here
That was fucking easy, what the hell are you talking about? Just kill the guards beforehand then pick up the first bomb to start the timer.
wew lad. I should use jewgle before coming here for help if my fails
Have sex.
league of legends
also eliza in skullgirs and hell bullshit fucking command grab FUCK OFF YOU SKANK
My friend got me Supreme Commander Forged Alliance and roped me into playing with him. He has like 1k hours on the game and i have no real experience with unit-spam RTS so he would consistently just completely kick my ass and make me feel wholly useless when we would do """co-op""" while being smug the whole time. He still tries getting me to play but I just flat out refuse.
Sir the alpha shits where he pleases.
the later half of witcher 3 honestly
i dont see how people can praise it for being the best game ever made, its just a chore to play
though that one part at the end where you travel through different diemensions was pretty cool, the snowy apocalypse was the best diemension and finding the notes of everyone being hopesless was neat, i wish the game was more like that
Playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown on higher difficulty, watching your squaddies get critically wounded by one hit, then you are unable to reach them because your other squaddies are pinned down by suppressive fire, then next round they die and your remaining squaddies get wiped out because one in heavy cover got crit hit and the other one panicked like a fucking retard and shot my other squaddie. Snipers with high aim still missing their target even with height advantage because "hard" means shitty penalties on RNG. Also fuck the camera in that game, fuck it to hell.
>he doesn't assert his dominance at his new job by shitting so loudly everyone can hear
>he doesn't announce he's going to create a brown Hawaii from his ass volcano in the local shitter
i actually played enough fallout 76 to beat the main storyline, everything short of launching a nuke, a process which i found so painfully tedious i did not even bother. i think if i ever met anyone who confessed to working on this game i might have to fuck with them on a deeply personal level. i feel like writing everyone involved and telling them to quit the industry. i know i could have put it down at any time but i still hate them.
I once brapped so loud in the bathroom in school I only got out of there when everyone went back to class.
pretty self explanatory
>uncharted 4
I didn't expect it to be godlike but I enjoyed the previous titles for being a campy little romp, instead it gave me the most pretentious game I have ever played
this is my own fault, I didn't get a proper PC until around the time that game was coming out, was a craptop fag till I made my own money, so I was all excited hoping I would get my own legacy shooter since I missed out on vintage unreal/quake/battlefield/etc. I got what was coming to me
Republic - The Revolution
The last game I was ever hyped for. It sounded so fucking good and looked great.
Then it turned out that you had to spend 95% of your time looking at pie-charts, repeating the same actions over and over again. I cannot understand how the devs could look at this and think "yeah, this is entertaining".
Everyone has that one game that killed their ability to be hyped for new games, that one game they remember whenever they start looking forward to something new. This was mine.
waiting for a CTS to drop for over half a year on nost and when it finally dropped it was during the 1 raid i ever missed due to a power outage, so i slammed my chair down, got in my car and drove down the highway at 80mph at night during the worst snowstorm of the season with ice all over the road
miracle im alive desu