About to replay this, what am I in for?

About to replay this, what am I in for?

Attached: CoD2.jpg (616x353, 42K)

An easy game.

A fun game.

the downfall of the cod series with health regen instead of health packs on the ground

Great game. But inferior to the first+UO

United Offensive always stroked my curiosity. Is it worth playing?

a game from before the time when sprint and jetpacks were unheard of

when Call of Duty had campaigns that almost made sense

>health packs on the ground
That's a garbage healing system too

Fuck yes. It's basically a tighter version of 1's campaign.

How is it inferior?

Neat, will make sure to give it a go
What fun is there in hunting for health packs when you're at 5 HP and can't find any? Replay the level again and hope you don't fuck up?

OP here, are the xfire servers for mp still alive?

How many times has that actually happened to you.

The last good CoD game.

Not enough but regenerating health is a fail safe for that. Again, sitting in a corner for a few seconds > hunting for health packs HOPING the hit scan enemies don't kill you before you find one. Although this only applies for SP, fuck regenerating health in MP.

you should suffer for your mistakes
that makes the game fun

Setpieces. 1's levels and setups are godtier. To me, it almost feels like they blew the load too much for the first game and leaving the second one the lesser exciting ideas. That's why WaW is refreshing because finally we have a pacific campaign for a COD game, something they didn't done before.
Health regeneration is almost needed since MOH AA, because on that game enemies that you kill will drop healthpacks anyway. It's almost the same thing.

by being more boring and having worse weapon feel (pea shooter sounds)

By your logic frustrating and cheap is more fun than challenging and hard. Interesting.

nonsensical post

I'm gonna have to replay 1 as well it seems, I think I played it once or twice and that was it, whereas I know 2 inside and out or at least did back in the day.

How was it more boring?

Go for it. I still think that most COD's campaigns worth playing.

Aye, always liked the build ups the first two had towards big encounters and that Russia level where you are being swarmed by waves and waves of nazis in 2 is one of the fondest memories I have of the franchise.


>suffer for mistakes against hitscan weapons when you're locked in a static position for an entire level
I'm pretty sure Waters doesn't even give you a health pack if you're low on health on this level

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