>game with tonnes of variety in races and classes
>picks human warrior
Game with tonnes of variety in races and classes
Its gnome warlock for me
That's because I'm the hero. Everyone else is just support.
i appreciate people who play humans in mmos because they add necessary variety to the playerbase
People pick other races to be immersed. I'm simply not tired of being myself yet.
In that type of game, humans are usually the odd man out.
>warrior BAD
I don't see why.
i always pick the biggest race
I pick one with most attractive females, I'm so vulnerable to fapbait it's shameful.
more races means I have more targets when playing as human
People want to be able to relate to characters, they want human characters who remind them of themselves.
They want to see characters reacting in human ways to fantastical things.
They want to see human conflicts like relationships and learning to understand themselves and others.
>Be human with no special traits
>beat your ass anyway.
This. Sure the other fantasy races can beat the average human, but the best of man crushes the best of everyone else.
>not picking the better humans
Humans survive.
Where the elves would starve or die of temperature extremes, we survive.
Where the dwarves would stagnate and hide within their halls, we spread.
Where the orcs would collapse and fragment, we thrive.
lol fuck off manley tears
>not picking the ugly, hairy midgets
Who would?
Why are humans always seething about dwarves? Is it some kind of cope mechanism?
People that pick other races are usually the most boring people. It's the same as people thst get tattoos and piercings and think they're "deep"
Other races are not main character material
I think you'll find it's the manlets that seethe
>people who don't pick the most boring race are usually the most boring
great logic
rent free
It shows a lack of insecurity.
People who think humans are boring in fantasy settings are materialists self serving wimps who only want something to live for - usually committing suicide when they run out of things to consume ie soibois.
I prefer the summoner or time mage.
Is this an image for dwarves?
I'd rather be a dragon or a demon or something desu, humans are overrated.
if a game is boring as a human warrior it's bad game design
I'm sure you can google it and find out for yourself, this is a board for video games not a board for fixing your countries terrible education
Human characters give us the strongest thing to identify with. That's why 99% of stories are about humans. Humans are the default and for good reason. Calling that "dull" and wanting to "subvert" it just to be different makes it pretty clear you have no other options for making your story interesting.
Because we are neanderthal beasts. OOGA BOOGA ME SMASH YOU FACE WITH STONE AXE
Uh sweaty I pick human paladin.
People that pick green human noble savage isn't much better. Same with shorter tech-oriented humans
>not being human
>not enslaving all other races with your humanity
>not showing them you can get more depraved and beat other races in their own game cause of your humanity
>>picks human warrior
>Uses irl name
The only real choice
>game set in a nord land
>dragonborns were all nords
>gives you option to pick other races
I specifically like to play a regular warrior dude in order to shit on people's harry potter parade.
Yeah, your fucking magic missile is cute and all that, here's an axe in your skull faggot.